My Mech Queen

Chapter 362

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After some fierce battle, the Battle Princess Mecha battalion almost crushed the Alliance Mecha forces with absolute advantage, but for this reason, the Battle Princess Mecha battalion also paid a lot of money. In addition to more than 100 destroyed Mecha, there are more than 200 Taiwan Mecha suffered various degrees of damage. In addition, the 2nd Mecha troops of the Qing Dynasty also had a lot of damaged Mecha, and these tasks naturally fell to Fang Shi and other accompanying mechanics.

Of course, the repair of the damaged Mecha still follows certain rules and order. Fang Shi and ten other members of the 5th squad’s primary mission goal are Mecha in the 5th Company of the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion.

The 5th Company of the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion was destroyed 35 Mecha in the fierce battle just now, there are 47 Mecha hit. Fang Shi immediately divided the ten members of the 5th accompanying mechanical repair team into 5 groups, and each group of 2 people began a preliminary test on the damaged Mecha of the 5th company to determine the specific degree of damage to Mecha.

According to the standard of mechanical repair, the degree of injury of Mecha can be roughly divided into mild trauma, moderate trauma and severe trauma. The moderate trauma and severe trauma are basically unable to recover compared with the simple machine repair tools accompanying the mechanic. Therefore, it was detected that the injured Mecha was moderately traumatized and severely traumatized. Fang Shi and other accompanying mechanics will not repair it, and will arrange it directly to the repair base of the military base for repair. As for the mildly traumatized Mecha, the accompanying mechanic can barely repair it, but not all mildly injured Mecha accompanying mechanics can repair it. There are some problems. Although Mecha belongs to the mildly invasive degree, the repair requires special The repair tools here are generally large in size, and there is no way for mechanics to carry them with them, so this kind of Mecha also had to be sent to the military gate repair garage of the military base for repair. In general, the accompanying mechanics can only repair about 70% of the slightly damaged Mecha, and the rest of Mecha will be sent back to the special Mecha repair garage of the military base for repair.

In response to the 5 damaged Mecha of the 47th Company of the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion, Fang Shi and ten other team members of the 5th entourage mechanic team quickly became busy and began to overhaul one Mecha after another.

After preliminary inspection, the 5th entourage team of mechanics identified 47 damaged Mechas, 2 medium and severely damaged Mechas, 5 lightly damaged Mechas, 20 lightly wounded Mechas, 3 lightly wounded Mechas, of which lightly wounded Mechas Under their current conditions, only 7 or 1 units can be repaired, and the remaining 1 lightly-built Mechas need to use other special machine repair tools, and need to be sent back to the special machine repair warehouse of the military base for repair.

To determine the relevant results, Fang Shi and other ten members of the 5th accompanying mechanical repair team did not idle at all, but quickly started Mecha maintenance.

At the same time, the remaining intact Mecha of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion made some emergency adjustments after a short break, and immediately prepared to launch operations to support the 3rd Mecha Army.

Before departure, the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion Commander summoned more than ten high-level decision-making pilots in the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion, five company captains and five Vice Captains, and a deputy battalion commander.

Qin Tianyue looked quite dignified. She got the relevant information from the 3rd Mecha army again more than ten minutes ago-the 3rd Mecha army was completely defeated and suffered heavy losses. Most of the Empire Mecha was destroyed by the Empire elite Mecha troops, a small part The 3rd Mecha unit has already dispersed and fled.

Qin Tianyue glanced at more than a dozen people at the top of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion and said seriously: “Although the previous battle wiped out more than 1000 Mecha in the Alliance, the real main force of the Alliance Mecha is not them, and it is more powerful and dangerous. Enemy is waiting for us. “

Regarding the news about the 3rd Mecha Army of Qing Dynasty, Qin Tianyue not at all told anyone, and the more powerful and threatening enemy in her mouth pointed to the Alliance Elite Mecha from the 3rd Mecha Army of Qing Dynasty. force. Alliance elite Mecha troops are the same as the Mecha battalions of the imperial ace Mecha battalion. Through the information sent to her by the 3rd Mecha army, the other party seems to have about 1000 50 Mechas, but after the battle with the 3rd Mecha troops, it was almost 1300. Mecha. Although the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion still has 1000 5 intact Mechas, it still occupies a small number of advantages. However, this kind of mechanical control level battle can be completely different from that of the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion. The Battle Princess Mecha battalion may face major casualties. After all, the strength of the two sides is evenly matched, and the risk of fighting is naturally high.

“Boss, there are more powerful and dangerous enemies? According to the news from the improvement of the Lambo Star military base, the Alliance Mecha troops seem to be about 5000. We just destroyed more than 2000 Mechas in the Battle Princess Mecha battalion in World War I. Before that, the Snow Valley wiped out a few 100 Mechas and the 5 Mecha Allied Mechas eliminated by the 100th Mecha Army. Now it has almost eliminated more than 3000 Mecha Allied Mechas. It should be considered that most of them have been eliminated. Can Mecha in 2000 pose a threat to us? “The 2nd company Captain asked slightly puzzled. In her opinion, a fierce battle not long ago should have locked the victory of the Qing Mecha forces against the alliance Mecha forces, and At this time, Qin Tianyue’s words made him a little puzzled, but she knew that since the old Qin Tianyue had said this, there was naturally a reason. Although Qin Tianyue’s eyes looked towards, although there were doubts, she was more waiting for the boss. Qin Tianyue’s answer.

Qin Tianyue looked at the 2nd company Captain and said with a solemn tone: “I recently got the latest news from the Qing 3rd Mecha unit. The 3rd Mecha unit encountered the Alliance Mecha unit and more than 1000 Mecha have been eliminated. The situation has now collapsed. “

Battle Princess Mecha’s senior staff’s face changed suddenly. The 3rd Mecha Corps of Qing Dynasty can have 6 companies with more than 2000 people. It is the largest number of Mecha among the 3 Qingchao troops. It has already been defeated by the Mecha of the Alliance. It really made them a little surprised, and some speculations in their hearts, did they encounter the sneak attack of the Mecha of the alliance? Or during the battle, the 3rd Mecha forces made a fatal mistake?

Captain of the 2nd Company said a little bit in disbelief: “Boss, does it mean that the information given by the Rambo Star Ground Base is wrong, the enemy is not only about 5000 Mecha, but more, capable of destroying nearly 3 of the 2000rd Mecha Force? Mecha, the opponent may have an overwhelming advantage in number. “

Qin Tianyue shook the head slightly.

The first company Captain Su Shi’er looking thoughtful said: “Does the Alliance Mecha troops have elite Mecha troops.”

Qin Tianyue gently nodded, took a breath, and said: “The 3rd Mecha troops of Qing Dynasty suffered from only about 1500 units of Mecha in the Alliance, and the Alliance Mecha only lost less than 200 units of Mecha under continuous battle, according to According to the judgment of Xu Houcai, the highest commander of the 3rd Mecha unit, the opponent should be the elite Mecha unit of the alliance. He is an 8th-level high-star pilot and judges that It shouldn’t be wrong. “

Everyone around Qin Tianyue got an affirmative answer. Their faces could not help but changed slightly. They knew what the imperial elite troops meant. The opponents were likely to be pilots of similar strength to them. Once the two sides fought, Battle The Princess Mecha battalion may have serious casualties, which they do not want to see, but at this time they have to make any choices. The main goal of this clearing mission is to eliminate the alliance Mecha forces.

The fifth company Captain Qiurou mood grave said, “Boss, what should we do next?”

Qin Tianyue said unchanged: “The purpose of our clearing mission this time is to eliminate the alliance Mecha troops. Even if the opponent is an imperial Mecha army, we must also face it. We still have some advantages in terms of the number of Mechas. According to the news from the troops, there are still about 3 Mecha troops in the alliance. We still have a great chance of defeating the other party. However, since the other party is the elite Mecha unit of the alliance, the machine control strength should be good. When the time comes, some may be Indispensable casualties, but no matter what, we must face it. In my plan, the remaining 1300th Mecha troops escorted the damaged Mecha back to Mecha, and our remaining Mecha troops immediately rushed to the 5rd Mecha army. Not many Mecha, the elite of the alliance, solved the opponent … “

The meeting of more than a dozen people at the top of the Battle Princess Mecha camp was not long, and there were more than ten minutes before and after. In this short period of more than ten minutes, more than ten people have also discussed and formulated the next specific details of the Battle Princess Mecha camp. Combat plan.

Soon, more than ten people of Qin Tianyue spread out and began to prepare urgently.

The damaged Mecha was gone, and after some quick repairs, Fang Shi and the two accompanying mechanics finally completed a lightly damaged Mecha. When he was about to start the repair of the next damaged Mecha, the 2th Company Captain Autumn Rou walked quickly before him,

“Leader Fang, the situation has changed a little. According to the temporary command of the battalion commander, Mecha and 50 mechanics will be escorted to the nearest military base at the 5th Mecha army. Your 5th accompanying mechanic repair team will be there. Among them. “Qiurou said quickly.

Fang Shi hearing this slightly stunned, asked slightly puzzled: “Then you?”

Qiu Rou did not conceal anything, saying: “The 3rd Mecha Army of Qing Dynasty was attacked by the Mecha of the Alliance, and we must rush to support it immediately.”

Fang Shi looked slightly surprised, and said in surprise: “The 3rd Mecha Army of Qing Dynasty was also attacked?”

Hearing this news, Fang Shi was indeed quite surprised. Previously, the 2nd Mecha unit was attacked, and now the 3rd Mecha unit was attacked by the Alliance Mecha unit. Before adding the battle in Daxuegu, he always felt Strangely, I feel that the Qing army always seems to be in a passive situation. This time the squadrons, but the coalition Mecha, who had squashed the region, should have taken the initiative, but now it seems to be the opposite.

Qiu Rou gently nodded and said, “Well, things are a bit urgent.”

Fang Shi took a breath and said seriously: “Oh, then you more careful.”

Qiu Rou looked at Fang Shi and said, “Thank you.”

After that, Qiu Rou turned around and walked away quickly.

Fang Shi shook the head a little helplessly, it seems that this battle has stopped for a while, this Battle Princess Mecha battalion has just ended a fierce battle, and has to rush to another battle, only hope they can reduce casualties as much as possible , Return safely.

Soon, the intact Mecha of Battle Princess Mecha once again took off, forming a strict flight array, and quickly flew in a certain direction. On the ground are Mecha, the remaining 30 entourage mechanics and more than 200 Battle Princess Mecha Battalions, as well as the 2nd Mecha Forces. After a series of battles, there were nearly 2 Mecha units intact in the 400nd Mecha Army, and dozens of Mecha units were damaged.

Looking at the silhouette of the declining Battle Princess Mecha battalion, Fang Shi still felt a little nervous in his heart, silently hoping that they would win and return safely.

After a short stop in Yuanwang, Fang Shi quickly joined again to repair the remaining Mecha of the 5th Company who suffered light damage.

The 2nd Mecha troops of Qing Dynasty did not rush to leave, but planned to stay for an hour or so to wait for the entourage mechanics to deal with those lightly damaged Mecha and then set off, and sent some Mecha to alert the surroundings to defend against the Mecha sneak attack of the alliance, although This kind of probability is not great now, but it is necessary to warn them to insist on doing well.

The handling of Genie Mecha is relatively simple. Generally, 2 or 3 mechanics can complete the repair of those Genie Mecha in only a dozen minutes. Of course, some of them require more time.

Half an hour later, Fang Shi and ten accompanying machine repair teams completed the 5 lightly-built Mecha of the 3th company. Fortunately, they did not all encounter some machine repair problems that took more time.

Seeing that the other team’s entourage mechanics are still busy in the mechanics work, Fang Shi immediately let everyone join the other entourage mechanics team to help, and solve as many Mecha problems as possible within an hour.

Fang Shi and 2 other members of the 5th team entered the 2nd accompanying machine repair team.

The second accompanying machine repair team Captain quickly arranged a lightly wounded Mecha for Fang Shi 2, and explained Fang Shi’s problems to Mecha.

The problem is not big, but it may take longer to repair.

Fang Shi made a preliminary estimate. If he and the two accompanying mechanics work together, it is estimated that it will take about 2 minutes.

Next to that Mecha was a 23-24 years old girl with a rather depressed face, short ears and a delicate and pretty face, but it was quite cute.

The short-haired girl was the pilot that the Mecha belonged to. Seeing that the Battle Princess Mecha battalion had left, she was indeed a bit lost and depressed.

Seeing Fang Shi 3 and the mechanic accompanying him in front of Mecha, the short-haired girl immediately had a little smile on her face and quickly stood up, thinking that it was finally her Mecha’s turn.

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