My Mech Queen

Chapter 361

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After more than half an hour of low-altitude full-speed voyage, the Battle Princess Mecha battalion finally arrived at the area where the 2nd Mecha troop sent out for help, but the area not at all saw the silhouette of the 2nd Mecha troop and the alliance Mecha, only the snow remained After seeing numerous Mecha stumps and debris, many of them broke up with gray and black smoke. Apparently, a fairly fierce battle took place in this area not long ago.

Fang Shi glanced at the ground below. He roughly estimated that there should be more than 1000 Mecha remaining in the snow, but most of Mecha ’s remains are Imperial Mecha. If there is no wrong guess, the battle in this area was cleared. The 2nd Mecha unit should have suffered a lot.

Battle Princess Mecha only stayed in the area for a while, then moved towards a certain direction and quickly chased away. The chasing direction is exactly the direction of the 2nd Mecha troops of the Qing squadrons retreating while fighting. In fact, this direction is easy to recognize. Just look at the Mecha debris left in the ground below.

Looking at the scattered Mecha fragments all the way, Fang Shi looked slightly dignified, only chased for more than ten minutes, there were many Mecha fragments on the way, plus the more than 1000 Mecha fragments that started the battle, there were almost 1500 Mecha fragments. Fragmentation, and the number of the Mecha Empire is obviously too much, so it seems that the 2nd Mecha Army of the Qing Dynasty has been scarce.

In the Mecha control unit of the Battle Princess battalion Mecha, the Qin Tianyue looks slightly dignified in the phantom 002 model Mecha control cabin in front of her. Just a short time ago, she received the latest news from the 3rd Mecha unit of the Qing Dynasty-3rd. The Mecha forces encountered the Alliance elite Mecha forces on the way to support. They suffered heavy losses and were unable to continue to support. They were fighting and retreating, and withdrew to the nearest imperial military base.

“It seems that I really underestimated the Mecha forces of the Alliance. At first, I came to take down the Mawei, and even the elite Mecha forces of the Alliance appeared, which was considered to be hard bones.”

Facing the current rather unfavorable situation, Qin Tianyue didn’t retreat at all in the eyes, or that she had enough confidence in the Battle Princess Mecha camp.

A few minutes later, a large amount of densely packed dots appeared in the sky in front of most of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion. It was the Union Mecha forces that chased the 2nd Mecha troops.

Looking at the densely packed appearing in the front, there are almost 3000 points. Qin Tianyue’s eyes flashed slightly, with a cold and severe tone, saying: “All pilots in the Battle Princess Mecha battalion listen to the order, with the company as the unit. Form a full-scale attack formation, and give me as much as possible to eliminate the alliance Mecha troops in front. “

Soon, the Battle Princess Mecha battalion was divided into 5, as if 5 swords were pointed at the Alliance Mecha troops in front, it seemed quite tidy.

Ten accompanying mechanics of the 5th team, such as Fang Shi, followed behind the 5th company.

“Leader Fang, during the war, you don’t have to go, just stay in the back, the 20 pilots will protect your safety.” Captain Qiurou’s slightly cold voice from the fifth company was heard in the voice system.

Fang Shi heard that he was a little helpless. In fact, he wanted to participate in the battle, but he knew that the entourage mechanic had his own responsibilities, and he is not alone and there are nine entourage mechanics who need to take care of it, which is not good. Rush up with the 9th company.

“Okay, Autumn Captain.” Fang Shi still replied very seriously.

Fang Shi’s words fell, and over 5 Mechas of the 300th Company of the Battle Princess Battalion in front of them suddenly accelerated, and the whole company maintained a neat formation like a sword, slamming toward the Mecha forces of the alliance.

At the same time, the other four sites of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion also rushed towards the Alliance Mecha forces. The five companies seemed to rush on the same parallel line. From a distance, they still have a quite imposing manner.

Looking at Mecha who went to the Battle Princess Mecha camp quickly, Fang Shi did not have much to worry about. Although the number of Battle Princess Mecha camps was only about half of the other party, Battle Princess Mecha camp was an Imperial ace pilot. Except for a few newly added pilots who are 3 star pilots, the other pilots are all mid-to-high-end pilots with 4 or more stars, but they are not comparable to those of ordinary pilots, like 7-star high-end pilots. Under such combat conditions, a pilot can deal with more than a dozen or even dozens of low-level star pilots, not to mention the ten-star title pilots like Su Shi’er, whose powerful strength is simply those low and medium. Rank star pilots can compare. The Alliance Mecha forces might pose some threats to the Battle Princess Mecha battalion. I am afraid that they can only rely on fire volley. I believe that the powerful strength of the battleship Mecha battalion should have a response strategy, and it will not give the other party the opportunity to easily count 1000 volleys.

In the blink of an eye, the 5 companies of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion are all close to the league Mecha.

Alliance Mecha’s response was not slow. In fact, when the Battle Princess Mecha battalion appeared a little silhouette behind them, they had already discovered and had already begun to prepare countermeasures. They stopped chasing and turned to the rear fighter Mecha battalion.

When the Battle Princess Mecha battalion was almost at its best range, the five neat companies suddenly spread out like a swarm, and then shot like an arrow toward the Alliance Mecha troops.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

Soon, the two sides launched a fierce attack at the same time, and also opened the energy shield.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

Bursts exploded through the sky almost instantaneously, and the sky seemed to burst into flowers instantly. The bursting Mecha could be seen everywhere in the air, and flames, smoke, etc. suddenly appeared.

The attack of the Alliance Mecha troops seems fierce, but the powerful control of the pilots in the Battle Princess Mecha battalion is really awkward, but there are still some scattered Mecha in the Battle Princess Mecha battalion. The attacked Mecha also appeared to be destroyed or severely damaged. However, relative to the loss of the Mecha in the Alliance, the loss of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion seems to be nothing.

After a fierce attack on the Battle Princess Mecha battalion, the 2 Mecha at the forefront of the Alliance Mecha troops exploded almost instantly, and one Mecha fell to be dismembered in a violent explosion with a billowing smoke The bustle fell to the ground, and the scene was really spectacular and chaotic.

The pilots in the Mecha of the Alliance saw the result of the confrontation between the two sides, and they all showed a shock. 2,000-3,000 rapid attacks only damaged dozens of Mechas of the other side, while their own side lost 2 300 Mecha at once. This result makes them really difficult to accept. However, many of the old pilots who have had multiple combat experience immediately realized a very serious problem-they faced Mecha forces that are not ordinary empire, but most likely empire ace Mecha troops.

Realizing that the impending Mecha forces rushed out are most likely to be the ace Mecha forces, many people immediately showed resignation and fear in their hearts because they knew the strong strength gap between the ordinary Mecha and the ace Mecha forces.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

The battle was not at all because of the shock of the Alliance pilots. The attack of the Mecha of the Battle Princess Mecha continued to continuously launch a rapid attack on the Alliance Mecha forces. At the same time, their distance was also quickly approaching the Alliance Mecha forces. .

At this time, the 2nd Mecha forces of the Qing Dynasty, which had been pursued by the alliance on the other side, seemed to have been reflected, and they stopped retreating one after another.

Soon, one after another attack was like a rainstorm pear attacked against the Mecha of the Alliance. Although the number of Mechas of the 2nd Mecha Army in the Qing Dynasty was only 4, there were no Mechas with them. The countless anger in the bottom of my heart, the cathartic attack still appears full of imposing manner and somewhat crazy.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

One after another attack seemed like howling wind and torrential rain slammed towards the Alliance Mecha forces.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

The battle between the two sides seemed to be heated in an instant. The explosion in the sky was ambushing, and it seemed that it could not be stopped at all. The bursting flame was almost can be seen everywhere in the air, and each Mecha fell to the ground with the smoke. , Innumerable fragments hit the ground like hail from the air.

In the Battle Princess Mecha battalion, Mecha and Alliance Mecha troops are getting closer.

In the end, more than 1000 Alliance Mechas rushed directly into the Alliance Mecha forces and began to quickly destroy one Alliance Mecha in the densely packed Alliance Mecha group.

The Alliance Mecha forces gradually became chaotic in the powerful and unmatched fierce attacks of the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion. At this time, more Alliance pilots have realized that the Imperial Mecha forces they are facing are not ordinary Mecha forces. It is a very powerful ace Mecha battalion, and in the face of their own Mecha forces, the enemy Mecha forces are constantly being eroded and dismantled. Their originally few remaining fighting fighters have completely collapsed, and many of them are already not in the chaos. Command the command, each driving Mecha away from those powerful empire Mecha, and quickly fled towards all around.

“Explode, explode, explode …”

The surging explosion continued for a while, and Mecha had a violent explosion in the air, which was then turned into a burst of flames and countless fragments under the ground that can be called Mecha burial ground.

Standing in a Mecha on the edge of the battlefield, Fang Shi looked intently at the chaotic and fierce battle scenes in front of the light screen. His face was a little surprised. This Battle Princess Mecha camp is not a loss. It is an imperial ace Mecha camp. Its strength is so powerful, fighting. In less than ten minutes, the Alliance Mecha 3000 Mecha had already been defeated by the Battle Princess Mecha battalion, and in such a short period of time, nearly half of the Alliance Mecha had been shot down.

Fang Shi felt a little emotion in his heart. This was the first time Mecha battle battle scene of this scale with his own eyes. Although he had seen a few similar pictures in the propaganda film of the imperial government, the feeling with his own eyes was 2 A completely different feeling. He felt that the blood within the body was boiling gradually. Looking at the scene of fierce battle, he also wanted to drive Mecha into the Mecha group of the alliance and enjoy the battle. However, he knows that as the true duties of the accompanying mechanics, their most important task is not to kill the four parties, but to deal with all aspects of the mechanics after the battle. Such a large-scale battle, there must be a lot of Mecha.

“It seems that this battle is coming to an end soon!”

A moment later, Fang Shi still had some judgment in his mind. The battle between Battle Princess Mecha Battalion and the Alliance Mecha troops was nearing its end. The Alliance Mecha troops had no resistance at all in front of the invincible strength of the 5th company of Mecha Battalion, the fighter aircraft. Mecha has begun to take the initiative to leave the battlefield and flee towards all around.

Sure enough, the explosion in the sky seemed to stop soon, the continuous explosion has become a little sporadic, and the number of Alliance Mechas is also continuously small.

In the end, the battle almost ended with the Battle Princess Mecha battalion winning.

In the sky, there is no Alliance Mecha silhouette anymore. Obviously it has been cleaned up by the Battle Princess Mecha battalion, leaving only the Imperial Mecha, and so only about 20 minutes of battle, the Alliance Mecha that has been eliminated has reached more than 2000, the most popular. Escape is only trifling a few 100 Mecha.

Countless large and small Mecha debris on the ground below the battlefield have completely covered up the original white snowfield. Mecha remains and debris in many places have become convex, and the area seems to be a garbage dump.

In the countless Mecha debris dumps, there are also some incomplete scorched black bodies, and they become the ultimate victims of the battle.

The Battle Princess Mecha battalion and the 2nd Mecha troops of the Qing Dynasty all landed in the air below the ground, many of them were searching, and then some corpses were found separately. From the incomplete information, it can be confirmed that they are The identity of the Empire.

The Battle Princess Mecha Camp won the final victory, but it also cost more than 100 Mechas. More than 100 Mechas means more than 100 lives, which means that the Battle Princess Mecha Camp has more than 100 pilots. .

War is extremely cruel, and no one can refute it.

All the pilots of the Battle Princess Mecha Battalion use their Mecha to pay the most solemn tribute to those dead lives.

Fang Shi also sent his tribute, and he felt a little emotion in his heart. He followed the Battle Princess Mecha camp all the way. He also fully felt the cruel death shadow of Dongda to the front line defense zone, whether it was ordinary soldiers or the ace Mecha camp. Division, they are always facing death threats. In a brief battle, nearly 10% of the Battle Princess Mecha battalion will die forever.

However, there is a little bit of anxiety and worry in his heart, not for himself, but for Ye Xiangyi. In this special case, he is not good at taking the initiative and has no chance to inquire about Ye Xiangyi. He knows Ye Xiangyi is very likely to be a member of those battles just now. He can only pray silently from the bottom of his heart that there is no her among those who have passed away. She is still alive and will live to the end.

Soon, Fang Shi and other accompanying mechanics began to get busy quickly. After a fierce battle, the number of Mechas injured was quite large, and they had to conduct quick detection and treatment as soon as possible.

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