My Mech Queen

Chapter 326

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Hua Jiangyu was nodded and said affirmatively: “Yeah. To be honest, I really want to see what he looks like when he is drunk. Unfortunately, there has never been such an opportunity. According to his deputy, he was finally carried back.”

Qi Yanyan was slightly surprised. If Hua Jiangyu said she was really surprised, but compared to Hua Chenyi, she was more worried about Fang Shi at this time.

“Will Fang Shi be intoxicated too? It seems that he also has a bad drink.”

Qi Yanyan thought a little nervously. She used to have dinner with Fang Shi when she was in the city of Muen Xing, and she also ordered a bottle of red wine. Fang Shi seemed to be slightly red when she drank a few glasses.

“Oh!” Although Qi Yanyan had some conjectures in her mind, she still appeared quite calm on the surface. She whispered and asked, “How is he doing now?”

Hua Jiang Yu has been carefully watching Qi Yanyan’s expression with the afterglow of both eyes. Although Qi Yanyan’s expression has always remained calm, he still caught something from the fleeting worry light of the fleeting eyes in the other party’s eyes, but He wasn’t sure if that worry was because of his big brother Hua Chenyi.

Take a deep breath lightly, Hua Jiangyu was replied: “I just came from him, it’s okay to see his mental state, but I vaguely feel his mood does not seem to be very good, I don’t know if it is because I am worried about the fleet Things, yes, Sister Yanyan, I asked a question, and I hope you do n’t mind too much. “

Qi Yanyan was slightly stunned and said doubtfully: “Ask, what’s the problem?”

Hua Jiangyu looked slightly dignified and asked, “Sister Yanyan, did something unpleasant happen between you and my big brother? I remember that the family of the two parties seemed to have started negotiating your marriage about half a year ago. I am afraid that you are already my sister-in-law. “

Qi Yanyan hearing this, her calm face changed slightly. Although Hua Jiangyu ’s question was relatively euphemistic, she still knew what the other party meant. She knew that the question always had to be faced. I only saw her taking a deep breath, and then The expression said seriously: “Jiang Yu, even you have asked such a question, it seems that Chen Yi’s heart should have been clear, then I will not hide anything. When Chen Yi proposed his wishes, I did not at all agree There was no disapproval, just let him give me more time to consider. At that time, maybe there was some possibility between him and me, but now I have a clear answer, because the man who really walked into my heart is not him. “

Hua Jiangyu scratched his head, his face slightly stunned, he did not expect Qi Yanyan to make such an answer-very positive rejection, it seems that his big brother really had no chance, and he couldn’t help but feel a little helpless, his face Then she barely smiled and said: “Oh, it seems that Yanyan has a clear and affirmative answer in her heart. I don’t know which lucky person can walk into your heart. I have a chance to introduce me to know , I also learn from him. “

“Hey, hey…”

Just then, a lightly knock on the door came.

Soon, a young man wearing a military uniform of the Imperial Lieutenant walked in slowly, a seemingly ordinary face on his slightly thin cheeks, but the angular cheeks showed a strong perseverance, Like a stubborn stone.

It was Fang Shi who entered the ward.

Hua Jiangyu, who was sitting in the seat beside the bed, looked up subconsciously and glanced at the person who came in. When his gaze stayed on the other person’s face, his expression was momentarily stagnation. Some strange faces have not been seen for 2 years. It is an unforgettable memory at Qin Garden College. The scenes of the ruffian team quickly surged in his mind.

“Boss … Boss, are you?”

Some of Hua Jiangyu couldn’t believe his eyes. He didn’t expect to meet his former boss again here. Perhaps he was used to it. Before seeing Fang Shi’s first glance, he shouted subconsciously.

Entering the ward, Fang Shi immediately looked at Qi Yanyan, but he didn’t notice the Huajiang rain sitting beside him. He didn’t subconsciously put his gaze on the other person’s body until he lightly screamed. That familiar face, although Huajiang Yu in a military uniform has undergone a lot of changes compared to more than two years ago, he almost recognized the other person at a glance, and his face was a bit more surprised. Yesterday when Qi Yanyan talked to him about Huachenyi’s background in Guan Family, he subconsciously thought of Huajiang Yu. If you remember correctly, Huajiang Yu is also a child of Hua Family, and it seems that the other party’s opponent in Hua Family The position is not low, he also guessed the relationship between Hua Jiangyu and Hua Chenyi by the way, but he didn’t expect to encounter Hua Jiangyu here today, which really surprised him.

“Jiang Yu, it’s you!”

After a moment of surprise, Fang Shi reacted quickly, and also yelled in surprise.

After getting affirmative answers from Fang Shi, Hua Jiangyu naturally knew that he did not at all recognize the wrong person. The person in front of him was the former boss Fang Shi. When he saw him immediately hehe laughed and said with excitement: “Boss, long time no see! “

Fang Shi was also laughed and said, “Well, it’s been almost 2 years.”

Qi Yanyan, who was leaning on the hospital bed, looked at the words and deeds between Fang Shi and Hua Jiangyu, revealing a slight shock. From the words and expressions of the two, the two not only knew each other, but the relationship seemed to be very good. It was far beyond her expectations.

“It turns out that you two already knew each other!”

Qi Yanyan said a little happily, before he was still considering whether to tell the person who walked into her heart to Huajiang Yu, her understanding of Huajiang Yu was still less than that of Hua Chenyi. Careful consideration, and now Fang Shi’s relationship with Huajiang Yu has slightly dispelled some of the concerns in her mind.

Hua Jiangyu said with a smile: “Of course I met. When I was exiled to Nanzhou Star by old fogey, it was at Qin Garden College in Snow City. At that time, the boss happened to be Qin Garden College’s attendant. We formed Qin Garden together. College’s famous team of ruffians … “

As soon as Hua Jiangyu opened his mouth, he looked like a surging river. He seemed unable to hear it. The main content of his words was about the ruffian team. These seemed to be beautiful and memorable memories in his mind.

For more than ten minutes, Huajiang Yu barely stopped.

Qi Yanyan listened carefully. Through Hua Jiangyu’s story, she had a preliminary judgment on the relationship between Fang Shi and Huajiang Yu. The relationship between the two people seemed to be much deeper than she expected.

Seeing Hua Jiangyu again, Fang Shi also felt a lot of emotions in his heart, recalling the memories at Qin Garden College that were still there in his memory, just like yesterday. To be honest, when he actually entered Qinyuan, besides Ye Xiangyi, Huajiang Yu was the first friend to meet in Academy. It was just 5 years after the didn’t expect, he slowly walked from the green. As he matured, the same happened to Hua Jiang Yu. Looking at his current military uniform, he and Qin Garden College were able to judge two people, but the love between the two still seemed to be the same.

Huajiang Yutao didn’t tell Danger Land that he had finished talking about some things with Fang Shi, but then he looked at Fang Shi with a smile and asked, “Boss, what is your relationship with Sister Yanyan?”

Fang Shi looked slightly correct and replied: “Colonel Qi is my sir.”

At this time, Fang Shi wouldn’t say anything indiscriminately. Although he was very familiar with Huajiang Yu, his affairs with Qi Yanyan didn’t seem to be random. After all, Qi Yanyan was a colonel of the Imperial Army.

“Really?” Hua Jiangyu first looked at Fang Shi, and then looked at Qi Yanyan on the hospital bed with Yu Guang. In his consciousness, he still noticed some strange things. The boss in front of him seemed to have the same eyes and words Unlike the relationship between superiors and subordinates, there is naturally a conjecture in my mind, “Yes, boss, will the lieutenant colonel who rescued Yanyan from the minesweeper fleet be you?”

Fang Shi has nothing to hide, slightly nodded, after all, this kind of thing will be clear if you check it randomly, simply there is no need to hide anything.

Hua Jiangyu got a positive answer slightly with a smile: “hehe, I planned to thank the lieutenant colonel before. I didn’t think it was the boss. Tsk tsk, tell me about your gorgeous The process of hero saving the beauty. “

Qi Yanyan, who was half lying on the bed, could not help but slightly reveal some helpless expressions.

Fang Shi glanced at Qi Yanyan and said, “The next time we have the opportunity to speak in private, we will talk a little bit from beginning to end. I am afraid it will affect Colonel Qi’s rest.”

Hua Jiang Yu was very nodded in agreement, saying, “It is true that Sister Yanyan needs a lot of rest so that he can recover more quickly. Hehe, we are communicating in private, I still have some questions to ask you. “

Fang Shi said slightly doubtfully: “Question?”

Hua Jiangyu was quickly nodded and secretly made strange eyes.

Fang Shi felt a little unfathomable mystery.

Hua Jiangyu laughed, but didn’t say much, but got up slightly and said, “Okay, I have some things to go first, so you don’t disturb the boss. You report the situation to Sister Yanyan. By the way, your communication number is How much, I still have a lot of time at night, I will go find you. “

Fang Shi whispered and reported the number of the communication equipment to Huajiang Yu.

Hua Jiangyu made a note, said goodbye to Qi Yanyan, and then quickly left the ward.

In the room, only Fang Shi and Qi Yanyan were left.

Qi Yanyan glanced at Side Fang Shi slightly and asked, “Are you drunk last night?”

“Ah ?!” Fang Shi stunned slightly, then nodded a little awkwardly.

Qi Yanyan was not surprised. Through the information disclosed by Hua Jiangyu and Fang Shi did not appear in the morning, in fact, she already had some guesses in her mind.

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