My Mech Queen

Chapter 325

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(Thanks to the monthly ticket of Longfei 200 students!)

When Fang Shi woke up again, he found himself lying on a comfortable bed, shaking his aching head, recalling what happened last night, he felt a little helpless in his heart. Yiyi said a lot of things in a confused way. Although he can’t fully remember what he said, he still remembers that the topics of the two people are almost all related to Qi Yanyan. During the period, he gave tit for tat several times.

“Looking at Hua Chenyi seems to be drunk, and seeing his words can be regarded as an infatuation for Yanyan. I am afraid that there will be more powerful competitors in the future.” Fang Shi is still confident in Qi Yanyan, but He still realized a lot of problems in the confused communication with Hua Chenyi. His understanding of Qi Yanyan is far inferior to that of Hua Chenyi. I am afraid that he will have to work harder in this respect.

After simply sorting out some confused thoughts in his head, Fang Shi got up and looked at the time. His face became a little ugly. He fell asleep for fifteen-sixteen hours for this night, it was already 2nd day It’s noon.

“Oh! It’s really a drinking accident. Yesterday I promised that Yanyan will go to see her this morning. Now it seems that I have missed my appointment. I have to go to the remedy this afternoon.”

After getting up, Fang Shi looked at the room in 4 places. It was similar to the original one on the Minesweeper Fleet No. 2 battleship. It was a simple suite with complete items for daily life. The toothbrush and towels were brand new.

Afterwards, Fang Shi found a message on his communication device, which was reserved by Li Lili, the main meaning was that the suite he was staying in was arranged according to military standards. He would stay here in the future. He can also mention any other requirements, the ship will try to arrange.

Fang Shi has no requirements for the bad environment of living. This suite can completely satisfy him, and it is also in the Star Domain aircraft carrier, so it is much more convenient for him to see Qi Yanyan.

After simply finishing, Fang Shi went into the bathroom, still carrying a light drink, and he was ready to take a bath before heading to the medical department.

At the same time, in an elegant room inside the aircraft carrier, Hua Chenyi put on his major general ’s uniform and was facing the mirror, dashing eyebrows twitched slightly, and he did not expect that he would lose that self last night. control, he was drunk with that Fang Shi. In fact, he rarely touched alcohol unless he encountered some special occasions, such as banquets, evening parties, etc., and every time he tried his best to control, he simply walked with others. Just walked through the field, because he had a poor drink, he would drink a few more and it would be on top, but last night he could n’t control a fight with that Fang Shi.

“I can’t think of that Fang Shi’s drink volume is worse than mine, and he drank in front of me.”

Recalling the result of last night’s liquor fight, Hua Chenyi couldn’t help but reveal some satisfaction expression, and then continued to carefully organize his military uniform.

“dong, dong, dong ……”

Suddenly, a slight rush of knocking came.

Hua Chenyi not at all hurried to open the door, but waited until the military uniforms were sorted out before opening the door at a moderate pace.

Standing outside the room was a young man in a lieutenant’s military uniform, about 23-24 years old, quite delicate and pretty handsome, and the five officials were somewhat similar to Hua Chenyi.

The young lieutenant looked at Hua Chenyi, not at all, in the slightest sight of the restraint of the chief, but a faint smile. In his mouth, he said with a ridiculous tone: “Flower Great General, it is not necessary to open a door For so long, would n’t it be good to leave me out for so long? ”

Facing the ridiculous words of the young lieutenant, Hua Chenyi did not all show displeasure, but just casually said, “Come in.”

The young lieutenant had no choice but strode out of the room, and then sat down carefree, eyes fixed on Hua Chenyi, and carefully examined Hua Chenyi.

Hua Chenyi glanced at the young lieutenant and asked, “Why? Is there anything to do with me?”

The young lieutenant snorted lightly: “Is it okay if I can’t look at it? We are biological brothers, when I should care, as a younger brother, do I still care about it.”

Hua Chenyi looked disapproving and said, “No, you better care about your own affairs. Old fogey’s eyes can keep staring at you. If you don’t perform well, be careful and go back and be beaten.”

The young lieutenant lightly said with a smile: “hehe, old fogey has no time to spare me. The fighting in the front zone of the Eastern Region is enough for him to work hard.”

Hua Chenyi shook the head a little helplessly.

The young lieutenant lifted his 2 legs, revealing a state of enjoyment, and said slowly: “Anyway, I am not interested in military positions. With you there, there are not many more than me, and there are many less than me, if not old. I was forced by fogey, and I was lazy to get the fleet afloat. By the way, you do n’t notify me of such a big thing, Sister Yanyan, which made me preparing to fight desperately with the Galaxy Ghost Fleet. “

Hua Chenyi replied: “Yanyan just woke up in these 2 days and hasn’t had time to tell you.”

“Is it?” The young lieutenant showed some questioning eyes and paused for a few moments before asking curiously, “I heard you got drunk last night?”

Hua Chenyi frowned slightly, and said, “How do you know?”

The young lieutenant laughed proudly and said: “The lily lieutenant who met you just now asked a few words, hehe, shouldn’t you borrow wine to relax?”

Hua Chenyi’s eyes narrowed slightly and said: This seems to have nothing to do with you. “

“Isn’t it good to express your concern as your pro-younger brother?” The young lieutenant said: “Okay, actually I have inquired clearly with Lily Lieutenant. If there is no wrong guess, something seems to be wrong between you and Sister Yanyan , Ha ha, it seems that I have more experience than you in this respect, otherwise I can help you, let your opponent quit gracefully, how? “

Hua Chenyi quickly refused: “I don’t need you to worry about my affairs.”

The young lieutenant looked at Hua Chenyi’s hook the head and said, “Hehe, I would like to meet your rival for a while, yes, I will go to the medical department later to help you explore the tone of Sister Yanyan , To see if you still have a chance. “


Soon after, the young lieutenant left the room and went straight to the medical department.

In a super nursing room in the medical department, Qi Yanyan was half leaning on the bed, Liu Mei’s eyebrows were slightly tight, and she seemed to be concentrating and thinking about something, but her within two eyes, like stars, showed some concerns.

Indeed, Qi Yanyan was a little worried in her heart. It was noon at this time, but Fang Shi had not yet appeared. Although yesterday she was quite cautiously hiding her emotions towards Fang Shi in front of Hua Chenyi, but she knew that Hua Chen It is very likely that Yixian’s thoughts have discovered that she did not tell Huachen Yiming, on the one hand, because it came too suddenly, she felt that she should find an appropriate time and an appropriate occasion to speak out; On the other hand, she was worried that her special relationship with Fang Shi would be suddenly over-excited, causing Hua Chenyi to make any unfavorable actions against Fang Shi.

He knew Hua Chenyi since childhood, and although Qi Yanyan knew him quite well, she still didn’t have complete assurance in some aspects, so she still had some uneasiness in her heart.

“Hey, hey…”

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted Qi Yanyan’s thoughts.

Soon, a young lieutenant walked slowly into the ward, with a bright smile on his face, and a few messy flowers in his hand.

The color of the flowers is very fresh, it seems to have just been picked.

Seeing the coming person, Qi Yanyan showed some surprises on his face, and said with a little surprise: “Jiang Yu, I didn’t expect you to be in the 6th Hybrid Fleet.”

The comer is Hua Chenyi ’s younger brother, Hua Family ’s Second Young Master Hua Jiangyu.

Hua Jiangyu chuckled and said: “It’s not old fogey, or I won’t want to come to this fleet to suffer, Sister Yanyan, this flower is for you, beautiful!”

Qi Yanyan looked at the flowers in Huajiang Yu’s hands and wondered: “What are these flowers?”

Hua Jiangyu said somewhat sorry: “Just pulled it out outside, Sister Yanyan, don’t dislike it.”

Qi Yanyan shook the head somewhat helplessly.

Hua Jiangyu put the flowers aside, then sat down on the seat beside the bed, and asked with concern: “Sister Yanyan, are you in good health?”

Qi Yanyan replied: “It doesn’t matter, the doctor said that he can recover after a period of rest.”

Hua Jiangyu gently nodded and said, “Oh, that’s good, so I can rest assured that I only learned about your business today when I arrived at this flagship.

Halfway through the talk, the Huajiang rain stopped.

Qi Yanyan knows the meaning of Huajiang Yu. He must think that she is dead. I believe that anyone who gets the news will have a similar judgment.

Paused, Hua Jiangyu continued: “I just got the news that the minesweeper fleet was almost completely overwhelmed by the army. I can’t believe it. Fortunately, you are finally safe. Otherwise, my big brother may really be in pain.”

While speaking, Yu Guangyu’s double-eyed Yu Guang carefully looked at Qi Yanyan’s expression.

Qi Yanyan’s expression was very calm, not at all fluctuating at all.

Hua Jiangyu secretly shook the head, it seems that this time his big brother really encountered a crisis, but he still slightly calmly said, “Yes, Sister Yanyan, I heard that you rescued you this time Lieutenant Colonel, haha, I must thank him very much. “

Qi Yanyan said, “No, your big brother invited him last night.”

“Is it?” Hua Jiang Yu pretended to have some accidents, paused, and continued: “Oh, it seems that my big brother was very happy last night. Listening to his adjutant, he was extremely rare and drunk yesterday. It does n’t seem to wake up until noon. “

“Was drunk?”

Qi Yanyan had a trace of accidents on her face, and she still knows Hua Chenyi very well. The other party’s alcohol is very poor, and she rarely gets drunk, and she tries to control it every time. How come she suddenly get drunk?

(Brain hole, only one chapter, make up tomorrow, forgive me!)

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