My Mech Queen

Chapter 295

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The miners of the minesweeper fleet went straight to the northeast and the south-east direction, and the distance between the two teams was further and further away. They quickly disappeared from each other’s field of vision, and only communicated with each other through communication equipment.

At the same time, in a dark space area not far from the 2 minesweeping fleets, more than 100 densely packed gray-black ghost battleships were standing quietly, as if waiting for something.

In the command cabin of one of the medium-sized ghost warships, a bald-headed middle-aged man is sitting comfortably on the large command seat, shaking a peculiar transparent wine glass in the right hand.

What is shaking in the wine glass is a scarlet liquid, extremely bright.

The bald-headed middle-aged man is the culprit of the highest commander of the ghost base. He is wearing a flying dragon robe that is only eligible for wearing by the generals of the Galaxy Alliance. Slicking the scarlet liquid in the wine glass.

On a seat not far from the punishment, the left with gold-rimmed glasses sat quietly, and his face was quite calm, but there were some excitement in his eyes from time to time.

Suddenly, the person in charge of communication and communication reported: “Reporter, the enemy fleet has been divided into 2 teams to pursue. Among them, the team pursuing the No. 1 target has more than 60 warships and 2 large warships. No. 2 ambush area; the other team is chasing the No. 30 target, has more than 2 warships, has a large warship, is sailing towards the planned No. 1 ambush area. “


The knife-like glance in the criminal’s single eye flashed slightly, and the smile at the corner of his mouth instantly became thicker, and at the same time he said excitedly, “Oh, finally got hooked!”

Zuo Ning, who was not far away, stretched out his right hand, forefinger lightly supported the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and the excitement in his eyes was instantly more wanton, faint smiled and said: “Congratulations Major-General, this time we want to be good The lesson fleet of the Star Empire is taught. “

The prisoner said with a smile: “Yes, this is a great opportunity. But my goal is not a simple lesson, I want to eat it all.”

Zuo Ning did not refute anything. Since the enemy fleet has been separated, the ghost fleet has already grasped the absolute initiative. As for all the eating, you need to add some luck components. After all, the other party has a large battleship, and its strength is still not to be underestimated. .

Soon, the prisoner issued the latest combat command, “Pass me, and after ten minutes, the first fleet departed at full speed and went to ambush zone 2 to wipe out all the imperial warships. In addition, it ordered the second fleet to support the enemy no matter what the cost. Home Fleet. “

The person in charge of the order immediately responded: “Yes, sir.”

Ten minutes later, more than 100 warships floating quietly moved up quickly, forming a net-like formation and flying away in a certain direction.

In the command and control cabin of No. 3 main battleship No. 3 of the Minesweeper Fleet, the highest commander of the formation, Tang Yuanqing, sat on the main command seat, staring at the three ghost warships in the light screen in front of him Obviously confident, in the ten-minute chase, the third battle formation killed three ghost warships unharmed, leaving only the last three ghost warships. Based on the current situation, the battle can be easily ended within an hour.

“Reporter, the second round Mecha and the fighter are ready.”

In the command and control cabin, a relevant Chief-In-Charge staff and student reported clearly.

Tang Yuanqing hearing this, with a chuckle, said: “Very good, one minute after the attack.”

The worker in charge of the order immediately replied: “Yes, sir.”

One minute later, Mecha and a fighter jet quickly flew out of the battleships behind the third battle formation behind the ghost fleet, rushing towards the ghost battleship as if the same wasp.

Soon, the Mecha group and the fighter group arrived near the three ghost warships, and the storm-like attack leaned toward the three ghost warships.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

The explosion lay like a firecracker.

The 3 ghost warships seem to not at all mean to fight back, and have opened the battleship’s energy shield to resist the rainstorm attack.

In the command and control cabin of the No. 3 main ship, the young man sitting on the deputy command seat not far from Tang Yuanqing looked at the battle picture in the light screen in front of him, brows slightly wrinkle, and said with some doubt: “Sir, these ghosts The warships seem to be a little different from the warships we usually see. Their speeds seem to be much faster, and these ghost warships do not have any resistance. They are just blind defense against our attacks, and I see them. Defensive capabilities also seem to have improved a lot. “

Tang Yuanqing in the main command seat has actually noticed these slightly abnormal situations, but he doesn’t care much. As long as he quickly resolves the other party, everything will end.

Concerning the deputy commander’s doubts, Tang Yuanqing indifferently replied: “No matter what is abnormal, we can solve them as quickly as possible.”

The deputy commander hearing this did not question anything, but was lightly nodded. He just raised doubts, and it is indeed the most important task to quickly resolve the other party.

After a few minutes, a violent explosion exploded, and the energy shields of 3 of the 2 ghost warships were shattered by the storm-like attack, and a series of explosions sounded on the rear ship.

In a violent explosion like fireworks, the two ghost warships quickly turned into countless flying flames and debris.

The last ghost warship continued to sail fast forward, and the faces of the command and control cabin in the ship had become extremely ugly, and they knew that the critical moment of life and death was now reached. This time their mission was to lure, and the battleships they were in were specially modified. They also knew that the mission was extremely dangerous. Although they had some preparations for death, they were still in their hearts at this moment of life and death. There are many ups and downs.

“Damn, we have entered the ambush zone. Why haven’t they appeared yet?”

The young commander sitting in the command seat yelled a little violently in his mouth, but his heart was quite complicated, with despair, anger, and some expectations …

A crew member said bluntly: “Sir, are we really going to die here?”

The energy shield of the battleship is already less than 5%. The Mecha and fighters of the empire will launch a round of attacks a little bit. I am afraid that the battleship will be transformed into dust in space like several other battleships.

It was at this moment that one of the personnel responsible for monitoring shouted in surprise: “Sir, I … our fleet has appeared!”

Everyone in the command and control cabin heard the sound, and the mortal faces suddenly had a little surprise. They looked towards the large light screen in front of the command and control cabin. Sure enough, they saw dozens of black dots flying fast towards them. There was also a glimmer of hope in everyone’s eyes.

When the Mecha Group and the Pilot Group of the 3rd Combat Formation were about to make a final combined attack on the remaining ghost ships, many pilots ’actions suddenly stopped suddenly, and they suddenly saw a 40- With 50 black spots, they have dealt with the ghost fleet many times. At a glance, they can easily judge that the black spots are just ghost ships, and they can’t help but be shocked.

In a blink of an eye, more than 40 ghost warships have completely exposed their bodies, and then an attack of arrow rain bursts from those ghost warships. The target is the Mecha group and the fighter group.

“Explode, explode, explode …”

In an instant, many fighter planes and Mecha were hit by energy guns, missiles and other weapons, and immediately burst into flowers in space.

At the same time, the mixed formation of Mecha and fighters of 100 to 1000 in the ghost battleship was densely packed and flowed into the 3rd combat formation like a storm.

In the command and control cabin of the main ship in the 3rd combat formation, Tang Yuanqing and the others were waiting to witness the demise of the last ghost warship, but found that the light screen exploded almost instantly in the light screen, and their faces changed suddenly.

Tang Yuanqing’s self-confident face seemed to have eaten a dead fly in an instant. He knew that the full-screen explosion was not fireworks, but Mecha and fighters that exploded by his own side. Tao: “What’s the situation?”

The person in charge of the surveillance replied with a panicked face: “Sir … sir, in front … There are more than 40 ghost warships in front of us, which are rushing towards us.”

“What!” Tang Yuanqing’s complexion changed again, and there was a hint of gloom on his face. At this time, he naturally judged that his own fleet was most likely suffering from the calculation of the enemy warship. The decoy only sank into his heart, but after a brief surprise, he quickly responded and yelled, “What is the specific number of enemy battleships?”

The person in charge of machine control immediately replied: “Reporter, a total of 45 warships, including 8 medium-sized warships and 20 small warships.”

Tang Yuanqing was slightly nodded, and quickly issued a combat command, “Pass me order, the 3rd combat formation was an anti-V Defensive Array type, the main ship was deployed as an axis point in turn, the strongest firepower was deployed, and the main guns of each warship were all locked into the enemy. The medium-sized ghost warship in front of the fleet will strike me as soon as the target enters the range of attack. In addition, the second round fighter and Mecha are withdrawn, and the third round Mecha and the fighter are ready to stand by, ready to go out and fight at any time … “

One after another urgent order is immediately transmitted from the command and control cabin of the main ship.

In the face of a fleet of more than 40 ghost warships that appeared suddenly, Tang Yuanqing was really shocked, but his long-term fleet commanding experience calmed him down quickly. Although the ghost fleet has some quantitative advantages, it has large battleships and long-term cooperation. The third battle formation of combat experience may not have the power of one battle.

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