My Mech Queen

Chapter 294

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In the conference hall, the atmosphere was slightly depressed.

The officers of the fleet looked facially towards the commander-in-chief Colonel Qi Yanyan of the fleet at the conference table. Naturally, the Imperial Military Command’s emergency orders could not be discounted. As for how to implement it, I would eventually want Qi Yanyan’s meaning.

Faced with the eyes of everyone, Qi Yanyan was somewhat gloomy, but she still barely remained calm. She knew what everyone was worried about. The ghost fleet no longer seemed to be a soft persimmon that the minesweeper fleet arbitrarily grabbed, a combined fleet of more than 100 ghost battleships. Fully possess the strength of a head-to-head battle with the minesweeper fleet.

Qi Yanyan took a light breath and said slightly: “This sneak attack of the ghost fleet is indeed a bit surprising. Even a fleet of more than 100 battleships has carried out a sneak attack, but you should also believe in the minesweeper fleet. Strength, do n’t forget that the ghost fleet is composed of small and medium-sized warships. We still have many advantages in battle strength. In addition, although the ghost fleet has achieved great success in this sneak attack, but In the battle with the escort warships, many warships were also damaged. I think the number of their warships should not be up and down. We also dispatched another 2 fleets of more than 100 warships to the target area. … “

Qi Yanyan gave a brief account of the current basic situation, and also briefly analyzed it. Although the attack of the ghost fleet made everyone a bit completely unprepared, but their area is the hinterland of the Eastern Region of the Empire after all, and the initiative is still firmly in place. In the hands of the empire, they are still the party with an absolute advantage.

After a short period of consternation, the high level of the fleet also quickly had a clear understanding. Although the imperial army command was a little urgent, the problem was relatively small compared to the minesweeping fleet. The combat plan should still be able to save as much as possible in the region. After all, this sneak attack occurred in the area swept by the minesweeper fleet, and it still has some responsibilities. Now, only as many ghost alliances as possible can be eliminated by the Galaxy Alliance. Make up for it.

Subsequently, the meeting began a detailed discussion on the next specific action plan, and Chief-In-Charge of various aspects also frequently expressed opinions.

Two hours later, the temporary emergency meeting was declared closed, and they also finalized the next urgent action plan of the minesweeper fleet-immediately went to the target area of ​​the emergency command of the military department, and launched the sweep and attack on the ghost fleet.

The senior officers of the fleet have hurriedly left the Conference Hall and returned to their warships to begin specific deployment in accordance with the relevant content of the parliament. At this time, the minesweeper fleet is not far from the target space area. It only has a voyage of more than 2 days and must be mobilized urgently. , Rapid deployment.

Qi Yanyan was the last to walk out of the Conference Hall, his complexion was still slightly gloomy, along with his staff officer Rosen and adjutant Ruen.

Rosen and Ruen followed the Yan Yan 2 with solemn faces.

“Lord Staff Officer, what is the current logistics of the fleet?”

Qi Yanyan asked while walking, she was still confident in the battle strength of the fleet, but she was still a little worried about the logistics. Before he considered stopping the sweeping, the main reason was that the supply of the fleet was almost consumed, from the last time Muen Xing ’s supply fleet continued to sweep through space for more than 2 months. Not at all for any supply, no matter whether it was combat supplies or daily supplies, most of them should have been consumed. Now the entire fleet has to press non-stop. The military department urgently ordered non-stop to go to the area to fight. She was really worried about the lack of supply behind the logistics. Usually, these logistics and other things were left to the staff officer Rosen.

Rosen immediately replied: “Report to the sir, the current logistics materials of the fleet can also support for a period of time, about ten to five days.”

Qi Yanyan did not show any surprises. Everything was still what she expected. It should be enough to support the minesweeper fleet to fight in the current area for a period of time. The whole content is carefully sorted out, and I need to see if there are any flaws. “

Lieutenant Ron immediately replied: “Yes, sir.”

Soon, the backs of the 3 people disappeared in a hurry in the corridor.

Two hours later, the minesweeper fleet deviated from the originally designed orbital route and turned to the target area of ​​the Ministry of Emergency Command.

Along the way, the minesweeper fleet did not deliberately investigate the ghost alliance of the Galaxy Alliance in the vicinity of the route, but sailed to the target area at full speed.

In addition to a small number of high-ranking officers of the fleet, the other fleet personnel did not know the direction of the fleet’s sudden change, but they were busy with their responsibilities in an orderly manner.

Fang Shi also did not know that the minesweeper fleet had suddenly changed course. Although he was a lieutenant colonel and was considered a senior rank in the fleet, the rank of lieutenant colonel was a little special, and the mechanics team he was responsible for was only one for the entire battleship. Very small section, it is simply not qualified to touch the real high-level resolution level of the battleship, and some related information will naturally not be known to him.

Within 2 days of the fleet sailing at full speed, Fang Shi clearly felt something strange-the mechanics seemed to have become more relaxed all at once. The fleet has not been fighting for several days in a row, so the maintenance team basically only has some simple Mecha detection tasks, which is relatively easy. And he can occasionally spare some time to go to the aircraft warfare simulation room for activity 2 8. Before being busy for more than a month, he simply didn’t have much time for the aircraft warfare simulation training, so this level is still the same, from the 1-star machine The division level is still a distance away.

However, the relaxed days of the machine repair team soon ended, and the fleet suddenly declared a state of emergency operation. Fang Shi still knows a bit about emergency operations. The fleet will only declare emergency operations when facing large-scale or major battles. Small-scale operations in the previous sweeping process have never declared emergency operations.

Immediately after being notified, Fang Shi felt a little tight in his heart, immediately notified the team leaders and asked them to prepare for a positive response, and he summoned all the thirteenth team members to give a brief explanation, and then the team members followed Preparations for their respective tasks were carried out.

The minesweeper fleet arrived at the target area on the 3rd day of the route change and immediately declared a state of emergency. Shortly afterwards, the fleet ’s reconnaissance ship discovered the ghost fleet, not a large unit of the ghost fleet, but a small one. Unit, a small fleet consisting of ten or eight battleships.

Qi Yanyan, commander-in-chief of the fleet who received the information of the ghost fleet, immediately issued an offensive order. For the minesweeper fleet, 8 or 1 warships can definitely be regarded as a big fat. The fleet can be crushed according to this number and strong firepower, but There is a good chance to destroy the ghost fleet.

As a result, the entire minesweeper fleet quickly surrounded the fleet of ten or eight ghost warships with siege.

Soon, the minesweeper fleet discovered the ghost fleet that was traveling casually in space.

Qi Yanyan without the slightest hesitation issued an order to attack the entire ship.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

After a fierce round of artillery fire from the minesweeper fleet, the four ghost warships closest to the fleet were instantly fired into horse honeycombs, which turned into countless space debris in a burst of violent explosion.

The ghost fleet that suffered a round of powerful attacks seemed to be reflected somewhat slowly. The remaining ten or four ghost fleets were immediately divided into 4 teams and fled quickly in 2 different directions.

Facing the ghost fleet that evacuated rapidly in two directions, the chief commander of the minesweeping fleet No. 2 flagship commander, Yanyan eyebrows slightly frowned, if she had encountered this in the past, she would choose to chase it without the slightest hesitation, but Now a slight hesitation appeared in her heart. If the fleet is chasing separately, it means that the minesweeper fleet is divided into two, and the strength will be dispersed. And she vaguely feels that this attack seems to be too smooth. Most of the past encounters with the ghost fleet often do not wait for the sweeping fleet to launch an attack. Has already begun to escape, and this time the response of the ghost fleet is slightly slow. Is it really that the ghost fleet only waits until it is attacked to find the minesweeper fleet?

“Sir, Lieutenant Colonel Tang Yuanqing, commander of the No. 3 battleship, requested a separate pursuit.”

When Qi Yanyan hesitated slightly, the person in charge of communication immediately conveyed a request from Battleship 3.

“Am I being too careful!”

After a brief silence, Qi Yanyan took a deep breath lightly, with both eyes flashing a trace of firmness, opened the mouth and said: “Pass my order, the 3rd battle formation will pursue the ghost warship in the northeast direction with all its strength. After an hour, no matter The result must be merged with the home team. The home team pursues the ghost warship in the south-east direction. “

“Yes, sir.”

The person responsible for communicating the order was immediately complied, and the command of chief commander Qi Yanyan was quickly passed out.

The minesweeper fleet consists of 3 battle formations, each led by 3 large battleships, each battle formation consists of more than 30 battleships, of which the 3rd battle formation is headed by Tang Yuanqing ’s No. 3 battleship, and the highest commander is also It was Tang Yuanqing.

Soon, Qi Yanyan’s order was conveyed, and the fast-moving minesweeper fleet quickly flew out of 2 teams, one of which was the third battle formation led by Tang Yuanqing’s No. 3 battleship. More than 3 warships of the 3rd combat formation diverged from the fleet and quickly chased 30 ghost warships fleeing northeast, while the home fleet of the 6st and 2nd combat formations were 8 ghosts toward the south-east direction The battleship chased past.

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