My Mech Queen

Chapter 286

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Facing the fallen companion, the pilot in the control cabin of the MAX shield Mecha was slightly ugly, and there was some confusion in his heart. Looking at the Mecha phantom 001 model in the light screen in front of him, he has no confidence in defeating the other party. He is just a one-star pilot. At this time, he can judge that he is driving the phantom 001 model Mecha’s chief mechanic Fang Shi’s mechanical control strength has far exceeded them, even the companion of the strength of the 4-star pilot is easily defeated, and his trifling one-star pilot’s strength level is simply unable to resist. However, he did not dare to give up, because Xu Star Sea has not yet spoken, he must continue to fight, otherwise the end is likely to be death.

The gray Mecha standing in the distance still stood quietly, and Xu Star Sea in the Mecha control cabin showed a slight surprise on his face. Fang Shi did give him a lot of surprises. He could not think of it in just two minutes. Has defeated 3 Mecha, if he wants to get such a result with a enemy of 4 in a short period of time, it is definitely a difficult thing, unless you can add the element of luck.

At this time, Xu Star Sea has a relatively positive judgment on Fang Shi’s machine control strength, even if he may not be able to defeat the opponent, if Fang Shi attacks him, the final result is very likely. Directly press the control buttons of the bombs installed everywhere in the Mecha library. This is obviously not the result he wants to see. What he needs is more deaths and more damage to prove the value of his life.

After defeating the second War Wolf ZM model Mecha, the Phantom 2 model Mecha’s movement did not stay at all, the figure flashed slightly, quickly adjusted the direction, and quickly raised the Gauss gun in his hand, facing the last one. The Mecha, a model of Kendun MAX, launched an attack.

“Zoo, Zuo, Zuo …”

One after another green’s small beam of light shot like a raindrop at the MAX shield Mecha.

The mechanics driving the Max Shield MAX model Mecha responded fairly quickly. Immediately, the defensive shield was turned on. The green small beam of light lasing like raindrops was blocked by the defensive shield.

The defensive shield is the standard configuration of the defensive Mecha. His defensive ability is several times stronger than that of the energy shield. It is not a simple matter to easily break its defense.

More than 20 shots were fired in a row, and the MAX shield Mecha of the MAX shield is still solid, and it seems to have been hurt. At the same time, the Mecha mechanic driving the MAX shield Max model seems to have completely abandoned the attack and defended with all his strength.

“Nana, use close combat to quickly end the battle.”

Fang Shi looked intently at the light screen in front of him, frowning slightly. He only had more than 5 minutes of time left. If this Mecca MAX model Mecha chooses this completely shrinking style of play, then he must get rid of him. All defenses, if simple long-range weapons want to break all the defenses of MAXMecha, is obviously not an easy task, and it must take a lot of time. Now he does not at all waste time, he must solve the other party as soon as possible, and melee is undoubtedly a good solution, which can save as much time as possible.

Nana replied softly: “Okay, big brother.”

After that, the Gaussian gun of the Mecha phantom 001 Mecha’s robot suddenly closed, and at the same time a red light beam erupted from the laser cannon near the shoulder, flashing toward the MAX shield Mecha not far away.


The red beam was centered on the MAX shield Mecha’s defensive shield and made a dull loud noise.

A mechanic who was driving the MAX shield Mecha facial expression grave. Before the phantom 001 model Mecha had a continuous shot of a Gaussian gun, his defensive shield energy had consumed nearly 40%. He was surprised, so I was afraid that it would consume such speed. The first defensive shield can be broken in less than one minute. Now the other party is attacked by a seemingly amazing laser cannon. The laser cannon is much stronger than the formal power of the Gaussian gun, and he is subconsciously more nervous.

After an instant of contact, the mechanic driving the MAX shield Mecha was sighed slightly in relief. This seemingly formidable power laser gun actually consumed only 10% of the energy of the defensive shield, which was relatively easy to resist. Down.

However, in the next moment, the mechanic ’s expression was momentarily stagnant. At the moment of a slight relaxation, a silver white silhouette flashed in front of the MAX model Mecha he was driving, followed by a swift mechanical fist. He slammed into his Mecha.


A huge mechanical fist slammed into the MAX shield Mecha’s defensive shield and made a bang.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

Then, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th …

In a very short time, Mecha 001 model Mecha has already launched multiple fist attacks, and in the 7th punch, it directly smashed the first defensive shield of MAX model Mecha.

The first defense shield is the strongest defense of the MAX model Mecha, and the defense behind is much weaker.

“Boom, boom …”

The fist shadow is shrouded, and the MAX shield Mecha’s defensive shield is like a paper paste. It is very open and the 2nd and 3rd defensive shields are broken.

The mechanic who was driving the MAX shield Mecha was slightly pale. He didn’t expect the Mirage 001 Mecha to use such a fierce attack method, almost blinking, and his Mecha had basically lost his defensive ability.

Xu Star Sea on the pilot ’s seat looked at the screen in front of him, and his face showed some surprise again. It really did n’t happen that the Mecha 001 model Mecha would use close combat melee fighting Fang Shi. The effect is quite obvious. The seemingly powerful defense shield MAX model Mecha was broken 3 defense shields in extreme times.

In addition to being shocked, Xu Star Sea also had some fears in his mind. The combat capability of the Mirage 001 Mecha has exceeded his expectations.

Very powerful, very fierce!

When the MAXMecha was about to be defeated, Xu Star Sea suddenly flashed a cold glow in his eyes, a slight sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, and quickly pressed one of the many buttons beside him, murmured in his mouth: “go to hell!”

Phantom 001 model Mecha’s attack is like a hot knife through butter, after breaking 3 defensive shields, the mechanical fist does not stay at all, and directly blasts at the innermost energy shield of MAX shield Mecha, as long as the energy is broken The shield can quickly defeat the opponent.

“Boom, boom …”

After a series of punches, the shield of MAX shield Mecha’s energy shield flickered. Obviously, there were already strikes that could not withstand the strong external force. A pair seemed to be broken immediately.


Counting fists in a row, the huge mechanical fist of the Mirage 001 Mecha finally broke the energy shield of the MAX shield Mecha.

The milk-white energy shield eventually turned into a faint crystal light and disappeared.


At the moment the Mecha energy shield of the MAX shield MAX model was shattered, the entire Mecha was severely deformed, which quickly triggered a violent explosion.

A huge explosion sounded through the entire Mecha library in an instant.

The bursting flame and the gray smoke almost enveloped the surrounding radius of nearly ten meters, and the Phantom 001 model Mecha was almost engulfed in an instant.

It was Mecha, the MAX model of Kendun, that exploded.

Looking at the huge explosion in the light screen in front of him, Xu Star Sea narrowed his eyes slightly, and the sneer in the corner of his mouth seemed stronger. The Big Bang MAX model Mecha’s big bang was not made by the Mirage 001 model Mecha, but by him. Previously, he installed a bomb in a key part of the MAX shield Mecha. Just at the moment, he chose the corresponding remote control detonation button without the slightest hesitation.

The purpose of Xu Star Sea is also very simple, because the phantom 001 model Mecha is too strong, it is likely to affect the results of his arrangement, so he has moved to eliminate the idea of ​​the other party as soon as possible, and chose the close combat phantom 001 model Mecha Undoubtedly gave him an excellent opportunity. Just at the moment when the shield of Max Shield MAX model Mecha broke, he pressed the detonation button without the slightest hesitation.

“en? !”

The smile in the corner of Xu Star Sea’s mouth only maintained the blink of an eye, and then evolved into a surprise, and his eyes were staring at the light screen in front of him. Just in the moment, a silver white silhouette was Suddenly burst out from the big bang.

silver white silhouette is exactly Mecha phantom 001 model.

Phantom 001 model Mecha has a light milk-white energy shield outside the fuselage. Its silver is much lighter than when it was first exhibited. Obviously, a lot of shield energy has been consumed in the big explosion just now. .

Fang Shi’s face was a little bit dull. At the moment, if it wasn’t for Nana’s fast enough reaction speed, the energy shield of the Mirage 001 model Mecha was turned on, and he quickly made a retreat. The Mecha phantom 001 model, even if it is not destroyed, will be hit hard, which is extremely dangerous.

After a short accident, Fang Shi quickly realized what he was looking at, and looked towards the gray Mecha who had been watching the battle not far away. Just now, he can clearly judge that the Mirage 001 model Mecha only smashed the last layer of the energy shield of the MAX shield Mecha, and has not yet attacked the Mecha body, and even if the Mirage 001 model Mecha’s mechanical fist hit the target The fuselage should also be impossible to cause such a violent big explosion. Reminiscent of what Xu Star Sea said before, he immediately suspected that the big blast camp just had nothing to do with the mechanics in the control cabin of Mecha, but was related to Xu Star Sea. It was he who made the big bang just now.

Thinking of Xu Star Sea making Mecha Self-destruction, Fang Shi felt even more sullen. This was not the result he wanted to see. Just now, he had beaten the most powerful MAX model Mecha, which would not hurt Mecha. The mechanic in the control cabin.

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