My Mech Queen

Chapter 285

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In the control cabin of the Mirage 001 model Mecha, Fang Shi on the pilot ’s seat was slightly dignified. His eyes were fixed on the gray Mecha driven by Xu Star Sea in the light screen in front of him, slowly preaching: How about taking those hostages and let me be your hostages? “

“You?” Xu Xinghai chuckled and said, “Fang Zongchang, are you kidding me? Now that you are in the Mecha library, isn’t it my hostage? The trading foundation you mentioned doesn’t exist, Tell me how to deal with you? “

Fang Shi didn’t change his face and said at a moderate pace: “Team Xu, you can’t overestimate yourself. In my consciousness, at least now I am not your hostage.”

Xu Star Sea’s eyes narrowed slightly, and faint smiled and said, “Is it? It seems that President Fang is very confident, then let me see your strength. If you can defeat them, I can consider it. Deal with you. “

Fang Shi knew that Xu Star Sea’s mouth refers to the other 4 Mechas all around in the hall. He was not surprised. After all, Impossible made Xu Star Sea believe his strength through a simple sentence. This battle is the best. There was no hesitation in choosing, and he quickly replied: “Okay, let them four together.”

At this time, it was only more than 8 minutes since Tang Yuanqing gave half an hour, and Fang Shi did not want to waste too much time on the aircraft battle.

“4 together?”

Xu Star Sea was slightly surprised, with a little surprise in his heart, lightly said with a smile: “It seems that President Fang is very confident in his mechanical control strength. Although all four of them are just mechanics, their mechanical control strength is not low. Are all star pilots, and there is also a 4 star pilot, are you sure you want them to go together? “

Fang Shi not at all hesitated a moment and said affirmatively: “OK.”

Xu Star Sea’s eyes flashed slightly. After he said the strength of 4 Mechas, the other party still resolutely chose the challenge. If not playing the pig to eat the tiger, it means that Fang Shi really has some strength. Can’t help but have more strange things, “Since this is the case, then I will fulfill you.”

When finished, the gray Mecha controlled by Xu Star Sea immediately backed off a distance, and then yelled, “No. 2, No. 5, No. 7, No. 1, it’s time for your performance.”

The four Mechas in the hall all around moved slightly, closer to the Mecha of the Mirage 4 model.

Fang Shi in the control cabin of Mecha glanced at 4 Mechas, but quickly distinguished their Mecha models. They were 2 Mecha models of War Wolf ZM model, 5 Mecha of Gray Eagle DI001 model and Mecha of MAX shield Max model. Although the Mecha of the Phantom 1 model occupies many advantages in performance, the advantages of the Phantom Mecha in such a small space as the Mecha library can almost be ignored. This is not space warfare.

“let’s start!”

Xu Star Sea looked like a play, and the gray Mecha under his control had just stopped, and he immediately announced the start.

The four Mecha pilots surrounding the Mecha 001 model Mecha heard the order, not at all hesitated, almost immediately launched an attack on the target, at this time they were bombed by Xu Star Sea on their body and inside Mecha, although I was very unhappy to obey the other party’s orders, but their lives were in the hands of Xu Star Sea. Not long ago, there were 4 companions of the 2nd machine repair group Ying He who had raised hesitations and doubts and was directly blown into pieces by Xu Star Sea. Now they can only obediently listen to each other ’s orders, otherwise the next moment will most likely be lost life.

“Zoo, Zuo, Zuo …”

Attacks such as streamline bombs and lasers roared out of the four Mechas almost instantaneously and screamed toward the Mecha 4 model Mecha. The imposing manner looked quite fierce.

In the face of attacks from four directions, Mecha 4 model Mecha seems to have been prepared for a long time, and it quickly escaped 001 of the attacks. At the same time, a milky energy shield appeared on the fuselage to resist Another attack.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

A burst of rumbling sound immediately resounded in the Mecha library.

In fact, under the control of Nana, Mirage 001 model Mecha has the opportunity to avoid the attacks of 4 Mechas. Simply does not need to open the energy shield, and this is done because Fang Shi specifically let Nana suppress the 6 star pilot. Level.

After a round of attack, Mecha phantom 001 model consumed 20% 3 of the shield energy, so the result was still expected by Fang Shi.

At the same time as the attack, Mecha phantom 001 model also launched an attack. The Gaussian in the mechanical right hand had already opened before the dodge action. During the series of dodge actions, the Gaussian gun fired several green light beams one after another.

The objectives of several small green beams were the same, all shot at the Grey Eagle DI5 Mecha, and all of them hit each other accurately.

The pilot who controlled the DI5 model Mecha responded fast enough, almost immediately opened the energy shield, and tried to resolve the Gaussian spear attack, but the pilot was not at all the slightest joy and happiness, because only a few simple The gun had already made his energy shield 40% 2, and he couldn’t help but feel slightly horrified. As a mechanic, he certainly knows why this is, the other party ’s attack should be on the same node of the energy shield, otherwise such a large consumption of impossible appears, which shows that the other party ’s machine control strength is very strong, at least one intermediate Mechanic. After realizing that Fang Shi is at least a mid-level mechanic, he is almost subconsciously a little bit hesitant. He is only a 2 star pilot. Although he has some advantages in number, he knows that both sides are huge. The strength gap does not seem to be compensated by a simple quantitative advantage.

Xu Star Sea, who was watching from a distance, looked at the impending scene of the battle, a slight dignity flashed on his face, judging from the series of dodge actions and attacking actions of the Mirage 001 model Mecha, he almost instantly realized that he was driving Mecha’s Fang Shi machine. The control strength should be at the level of 6-star pilot, or even higher, because he also has the strength of 6-star pilot. For a long time, he hides a lot of strengths that only he himself knows. Having the strength of a 6-star pilot is one of them. In addition, his level of machine repair is not an apparently middle-level mechanic, in fact, his true The strength has reached the level of senior mechanic, otherwise the subtleties of Mecha machine control are impossible as perfect. If it is not caused by the sudden occurance this time, he believes that he can at least hide for a while.

In the center of the hall, the battle of 5 Mechas continued.

Facing the round after round of attacks by 4 Mechas, the Mecha phantom 001 model seems to be a little difficult, but it is still quite relaxed. The attack of the other 4 Mechas is a little bit confusing, not at all forms a more combined attack. Obviously, several mechanics are basically separate exercises when training Mecha control, not at all for team training. Fang Shi understands this point very well. A few people are just mechanics, not professional mechanics. The main time and energy are still devoted to mechanics.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

A blast exploded continuously in the Mecha library, and the ground shivered slightly even without the ground.

Phantom 001 model Mecha kept flashing for evasive action, and his attack did not stop at all. Its first target was still the Mecha of the gray eagle DI5 model. During the tens of seconds of continued combat, Phantom Mecha The Gaussian gun in his right hand has fired more than a dozen shots in a row.


In the fourth round of the Gaussian gun shooting, the green light beam that lased finally broke the energy shield of the gray eagle DI4 model Mecha.

At the same time, a red beam of light from the laser muzzle of the Mirage 001 Mecha blasted towards the gray eagle DI5 model with a lightning speed.

With the sound of “hong”, the red light beam in the laser gun accurately hit the target and made a bang.

However, the red beam not at all hit the key part of the Mecha Grey DI5 model Mecha, but just remembered at the right mechanical arm near the shoulder, not because it was a mistake, but Fang Shi deliberately show mercy, after all, they are not real The enemies are only forcibly controlled by Xu Star Sea. They are also members of the mechanic group.

After a bang, the right mechanical arm of the Greyhawk DI5 Mecha was destroyed, and the weapon attached to the right shoulder attachment was basically useless. However, the movement of Mecha 001 model Mecha did not stop at all. The Gaussian gun in the hand immediately fired several shots, hitting the important link between the mechanical leg and arm of the Gray Eagle DI5 model Mecha.

With a few slight bangs, Mecha, the Grey Eagle DI5 model, collapsed weakly.

After solving a Mecha, the pressure of the Mecha phantom 001 model has been reduced a lot, and it has more room to play, and the attack has been significantly accelerated.

Soon, Phantom 001 Mecha under the forefront of 2 rounds of attacks successfully knocked down a War Wolf ZM Mecha, which also not at all hurt the target’s vital parts, but forced the other party to be paralyzed.

Faced with the remaining 2 Mechas, the Mirage 001 model Mecha is significantly more relaxed and the Gauss gun in his hand quickly shoots a small beam of light after one green.

In less than 20 seconds, another War Wolf ZM model Mecha also fell down, leaving only the last one of the MAX shield Mecha.

Fang Shi still knows very well about the MAX shield Mecha of the Shield Max model. It is the 6th generation of the defense-oriented Mecha of the Empire. Its solid defensive power is several times that of the Gray Eagle DI5 model Mecha and the War Wolf ZM model Mecha, but its attack Compared with the other two Mecha, it is slightly inadequate, which is why Fang Shi put it at the end. If it is at first, use it as the first attack target, and also face the attack of 2 other Mechas. The Mirage 3 model Mecha will face more pressure, and this combat time may be much longer. Now he has nothing too much. More time, he must solve the other party as soon as possible.

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