My Mech Queen

Chapter 271

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(Thank you for the monthly ticket of Tianshen Cheng, and the reward of William Lin.

Two damaged Mechas, the tenth and third teams took a few hours to get it done. In fact, the damage of the two Mechas is not serious, and it is not troublesome to repair. It is only for the whole team to get involved during the repair process. It took some time.

After finishing the repair of the damaged Mecha, Fang Shi asked the members of the 3-2 team to check all the Mechas that participated in the battle in groups of 10000 to ensure that everything was normal. During the battle of Mecha, it is easy for some battle damage to occur. Some minor problems may not be paid attention to by the pilot. The next or next time may affect the machine control, so in order to ensure that 1 is not lost, Mecha must be Checking for further studies, although this work is a bit repetitive and cumbersome, and most of the time, no problems can be checked, but this is a basic job for mechanics. This is also something that Fang Shi clearly stipulates that it must be carefully implemented .

After completing all the inspections of the Mecha, the tenth and third teams stopped working. This is also the first time they have officially started their work today. They have been busy for nearly ten hours. They are a little bit not busy for these days. adapt.

Relative to other team members, Fang Shi is relatively busier. While completing the maintenance and inspection work of the tenth and third teams, he also has to consider the matter of the entire machine repair team. On the same day, he received various items after the battle. The machine repair report submitted by the machine repair team. In order to ensure that each machine repair group can be accurately grasped, the relevant regulations have been clearly made in the previous meeting with 3 other team leaders. After each battle, each relevant machine repair group must submit relevant detailed machine repair reports to him.

The content of the mechanical repair report, Fang Shi also has clear regulations, the content is very detailed, for example, who is responsible for repairing a Mecha, who is responsible for inspection and maintenance, must be marked after one after another. The reason for submitting such detailed mechanical repair reports is that on the one hand, he wants to understand the situation of the mechanical repair team and the shipboard Mecha as much as possible. On the other hand, these mechanical repair reports are likely to become an important basis for his future evaluation of various mechanics. .

After clearing the first ghost fleet in the scheduled sweeping area, the minesweeper fleet seemed to be in a silence. In the next few days, it did not encounter the ghost fleet of the Galaxy Alliance. The minesweeper fleet consisting of more than 100 warships was a bit lonely. Wandering in space.

The calmness of the fleet is to make the mechanics of the entire mechanics group very relaxed. The intact Mecha mechanics only need to check and maintain it once in a while, and this work is extremely easy, so before After a short busy day, there is hardly anything to do.

Fang Shi is also very leisurely. He can spend hours every day in the aircraft warfare simulation room. When he was in Snowflake Company, he already broke through the challenge of 2S, reaching the level of 7 star pilot. In the past few months, he has mainly tried the challenge of 3S, but it is still a bit of an eye. If he continues to train for a period of time, he believes that he is still very likely to break through the challenge of 3S. Of course, Fang Shi ’s advanced by leaps and bounds for 2 years of mechanical repairing strength is largely due to Nana ’s help. Without Nana, his strength in machine control is simply impossible to reach the current level.

Compared with the idleness of the machine repair team, the top level of the minesweeper fleet is a bit busy. In the past 2 days, there have been frequent meetings. Except for a battle 7 days ago in the sweeping area, they have not encountered any Galaxy Alliance fleet since. For them, this is definitely not an abnormal thing. In the first round of sweeping battles, minesweeper battles occurred almost every 2 days, sometimes even several times a day, but now there is no shadow of multiple enemy ghost battleships for 7 days. According to the relevant information provided by the Ministry of Military Affairs, various types of U.S. fleet attack incidents in the area swept by the minesweeper fleet are still extremely frequent, and there is an increasing trend, which shows that the Ghost Fleet in the swept area is already extremely active, so they After 7 days without encountering the shadow of the ghost fleet, it is extremely abnormal.

“Sir, I suspect that there might be a Galactic Alliance ghost in our fleet.” Staff Officer Rosen said facial expression grave.

At this time, Rosen was in a room similar to an office. Qi Yanyan, who was wearing a colonel ’s military uniform at a large desk not far away, was frowning in contemplation. These two days were struggling to find the ghost fleet. upset.

Along with Rosen, there is also a 30-year-old lieutenant colonel with a delicate and pretty face. Two of them are people whom Qi Yanyan highly trusts.

Hearing Rosen’s words, Qi Yanyan’s brows were instantly thicker.

Staff Officer Rosen continued: “My friends who heard from the Ministry of Military Affairs said that there were many Galaxy Alliance spies in the Imperial Army, and some of them have already entered the rank of officer. Among them, there are many middle- and high-level officers. A batch, but it seems not at all to achieve the desired goal, and a considerable number of spies are still mixed in the army of the empire. “

The 30-year-old lieutenant colonel who was with Rosen was hearing this. A surprised look appeared on his face. He had heard some clues before and thought it was just a rumor, but now he heard from the staff officer Rosen. He knew that this matter should not be a rumor, most likely true.

Qi Yanyan, who was sitting at his desk, did n’t show any look of shock. He seemed extremely calm. In fact, he heard about the military ’s cleanup of the Galaxy Alliance spies 2 years ago, and he was confirmed later, so this staff officer She did n’t feel surprised when Rosen said the spy. He even had similar conjectures before, but it ’s not good to say it in front of everyone. After all, the military ’s cleanup of spy is classified.

Qi Yanyan glanced at Rosen and said slowly: “If the fleet really infiltrated the inner demons of the Galaxy Alliance, what do you think we should do next?”

Rosen thought for a few seconds, and after a few seconds, looked thoughtfully replied: “Sir, if it is really a spy that the fleet has infiltrated into the Galaxy Alliance, combined with the fact that we have not had the shadow of the enemy fleet of the fleet for 7 consecutive days, it is likely that the spy has got Our mine sweeping fleet swept the specific route this time and communicated it to the commander of the local ghost fleet, thus avoiding the route of our fleet, so we should consider whether to reproduce a new route. “

“Develop a new sailing route?”

Qi Yanyan expression grave said a little bit, and finally lightly nodded, said: “This is a good choice, but at present we are not sure whether there is an inner ghost, and our current sailing route is formulated by the military. If it is Temporarily changing the sailing route of the military without authorization is still a bit troublesome. “

Rosen is nodded. At present, he is only at the stage of suspicion. Not at all reliable evidence for argumentation. It is indeed not good to change the sailing route formulated by the military department based on suspicion alone. “Sir, what shall we do if we are down?”

Qi Yanyan was silent for a few moments, slightly revealing a state of thought, and finally preached slowly: “Continue to sail for 3 days according to the sailing route established by the military department. If you still have not met any ghost fleet, this is quite It is possible that the sailing route of our mine-clearing fleet has been leaked out, and when the time comes we are changing the sailing route, so there are more good reasons to explain to the military. “

Rosen and the 30-year-old officer hearing this did not raise any objections, so it would naturally be more secure.

Qi Yanyan was slightly paused and continued: “Ruen, these two days have stepped up to produce the fleet’s first sailing route map. I want 2 new route routes.”

Speaking of 2, Qi Yanyan slightly increased his tone.


Rosen and Ron froze for a moment, and with some doubts on their faces, they couldn’t help but guess the intention of the Commander-in-Chief.

The officer in his 30s was Ron. Although he had some doubts on his face, he immediately replied in a straight voice: “Yes, sir.”

Qi Yanyan glanced at the two people who were puzzled, and lightly said: “Since there is a possibility that there is a spy inside, and we can’t determine who the spy is now, and changing the route, we still have to explain to the senior officers of the fleet. It may spread again. “

Rosen was a spiritual meeting and said, “Sir, you mean that the sailing route to the high policy of the fleet is also a guise, and the real sailing route is another.”

Qi Yanyan did not deny it, nodded and said: “en. Ruen, it should be ok for you to create 2 new sailing routes in 2 days?”

Ron immediately replied: “Sir, rest assured, enough time.”

“Okay.” Qi Yanyan took a deep breath and reminded: “By the way, you have to complete the sailing route alone, and you must not let the second person know. And today only three of us know, do you understand?”

Rosen and Ruen immediately nodded and said yes.


Fang Shi not at all realized the abnormal situation encountered by the fleet and continued to live a relaxed and leisurely ship life.

Before joining the minesweeper fleet, he thought that the battle of the fleet’s sweeping process was extremely intense and intense, but through the observation that this half a month of space journey will change, he completely changed his mind. It turned out that the days of sweeping were so easy. Almost every day did not matter. Except for the brief confrontation before and a busy day, the other days were almost spent in leisure, and the fleet was in this state. He doubts whether this mechanics group needs to continue to integrate, just like the current independent state can fully meet the needs of the fleet.

Of course, Fang Shi also had doubts, but a slight thought, it seems that this is not a problem he should care about. He is just a small mechanic chief, and he only needs to be responsible for the maintenance of the fleet. The battle should be the fleet. Issues considered by senior management.

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