My Mech Queen

Chapter 270

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Time in space seems to pass a little bit faster, and in a flash, the minesweeper fleet has been away from Mu En Xing for 7 days. On the 5th day, the fleet had entered the main sweeping area arranged by the Imperial Ministry. The fleet was busy. Many people were very nervous. Entering the sweeping area meant the area of ​​frequent fighting, although the east The sweeping mission in the hinterland of the region is much safer than going to the frontline defense zone, but there will still be some essential casualties.

On the 2nd day of entering the scheduled sweeping area, the minesweeper fleet accidentally encountered a miniature ghost fleet consisting of 2 medium-sized battleships and 3 small battleships.

One can imagine the battle between more than 100 warships and 5 warships.

After meeting the minesweeper fleet, the ghost fleet of 5 warships immediately chose to escape without the slightest hesitation, and the minesweeper fleet quickly pursued with all their strength, and immediately dispatched a large number of Mecha and warships to intercept.

The inevitable ghost fleet was finally forced to fight in World War I. It sent more than 100 fighters and dozens of Mecha in the fleet. At the same time, 5 warships also carried out suicide attacks, but the result of the battle was all turned into space. The fireworks finally turned into countless fragments in space.

The battle came quickly and quickly, and within a dozen minutes before and after, the minesweeper fleet successfully crushed the ghost fleet with absolute advantage and successfully destroyed all of them, but the minesweeper fleet also paid a small price for this, of which 2 A small warship suffered light damage, a dozen fighters lost, Mecha lost a company of seven, and more than 7 fighters and dozens of Mecha suffered different degrees of trauma.

For the fleet’s Mecha repair team, a small battle has little effect, and the repair work of more than a dozen Mecha can’t be said to have any pressure.

On the 2nd day when the fleet left Mu En Sing, Fang Shi summoned all members of the tenth and third mechanics team, held a small meeting on the team, marked his team leader ’s attitude and position, and announced the basics of the team members. Principles of conduct. In addition, he appointed Chen Shuya as the Vice Group Leader of the 3th group. After all, he is still the chief of the entire machine repair group. Impossible concentrated all his energy on the 3th group. One more Vice Group Leader can naturally share it for him. Less stress.

The reason why Chen Shuya was chosen as the Vice Group Leader of the tenth and third groups is that on the one hand, she is an intermediate mechanic, and she can give the team members a certain role in mechanics; on the other hand, she is not at all It is biased towards either the Academy faction or the troop faction. Although he was also from the Academy, he entered the Warhawk Mecha company directly after graduation and now treats the team members almost equally.

For Chen Shuya’s appointment as Vice Group Leader, the members of the tenth and third groups have no opinions. After all, they are appointed by the head of the mechanics, Fang Shi. However, he has the absolute power of appointment and removal of the mechanics group. Put it in the heart, and with Chen Shuya’s qualifications can fully qualify for the position of Vice Group Leader.

As for Liu Yang, another intermediate mechanic in the tenth and third groups, he was secretly dissatisfied, not against Chen Shuya, but against Fang Shi. Obviously, he thought that Fang Shi was suppressing him, and other groups even had primary mechanics. All the divisions serve as Vice Group Leaders, and an intermediate mechanic is just an ordinary group member like a junior mechanic. When he hadn’t joined the minesweeper fleet before, he was expecting a position as a team leader, but now he hasn’t even mixed up a Vice Group Leader, which is too different from his expectations.

For Liu Yang, Fang Shi had thought about it. The tenth and third groups had more staff than other groups. It is entirely possible to set up a group of Vice Group Leaders, but if I thought about it, I still dismissed this idea. In his impression In Liuyang, this person’s character is not very good. I like to secretly pull the gang to form factions, simply not conducive to the unity within the group.

On the 2nd day when Fang Shi announced his appointment, a major named Liu Ming found Fang Shi. This man is Liu Yang ’s cousin. He served as the commander of a medium-sized warship in the minesweeper fleet. He was still polite to Fang Shi, and sincerely confessed some mistakes for Liu Yang when he met, let Fang Shi Don’t lower oneself to somebody’s level with him, and the ultimate goal is to ask Fang Shi if he can transfer his cousin Liu Yang to the second machine repair team.

“He wants to go to the 2nd mechanic repair team?”

Fang Shi was slightly surprised by Liu Ming ’s sudden appearance. It was unexpected that Liu Yang asked his cousin to help so quickly. It seemed that he was still unwilling to be an ordinary team member.

Liu Ming also concealed something, nodded and said: “He really wanted to go to the second machine repair team, and hoped that Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi would consider it.”

Fang Shi was silent for a few moments, but simply replied: “Well, I will consider it. But I will let Liu Yang raise it with me personally.”

Liu Ming saw Fang Shi not at all refused, slightly ecstatic, did not think that this Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi is so good to talk, really surprised in his heart, “Okay, thank you Lieutenant Colonel Fang Shi, this is my little meaning, I hope to accept it. “

While speaking, Liu Ming took out a gold card from his pocket and carefully passed it to Fang Shi.

Fang Shi froze for a moment, and secretly shook the head. The reason why he agreed to consider it was not because of Liu Ming’s face, in fact, he had his own consideration in his mind. In the tenth and third groups, Liu Yang is considered to be the leader of the Academy, and any conflicts that arise are more or less related to him. If he is eliminated as a leader, the internal conflicts of the tenth and third groups should be resolved. He took the opportunity to integrate again, but it can make the tenth group 3 form a solid whole. In addition, this second group is a representative of the Academy faction. Liu Yang should be able to play some role when he arrives there, which is also beneficial to the entire machine repair team.

“Gold card, you should take it back.”

Fang Shi not at all received the gold card, but responded coldly.

Liu Ming shook his head slightly. From Fang Shi’s tone, he clearly felt a bit of coldness. With a slight sigh in his heart, he immediately withdrew the gold card, and then said a little awkwardly.

On the same day, Liu Yang found Fang Shi with some excitement, and explained his wish to be transferred to the second maintenance team.

Fang Shi agreed happily, but he attached a condition to let Liu Yang make a special statement in front of all the people in the 3th group.

Liu Yang understood that Fang Shi did this to maximize the relationship between him and Wang Long and the others. After thinking for a while, he agreed without the slightest hesitation. After all, Wang Long and the others did n’t really think anything, and According to his cousin, the relationship between the second group has been cleared. As long as he is transferred to the second group, he can be directly promoted to the Vice Group Leader of the group. It can also be said that he is a regular member of the tenth group 2. Much stronger.

Soon, Liu Yang left the 3th group and transferred to the 2nd group, and he also made a special explanation in front of the entire group of the 3th group according to the meaning of Fang Shi.

The most distressing thing about Liu Yang ’s departure was Wang Long and the others, who could have relied on Liu Yang and could barely die, but now Liu Yang played solo alone through his cousin ’s relationship. All abandoned, more or less resentful in my heart.

Fang Shi hit the iron while it was hot, and talked to Wang Long and the others in person. Facing Fang Shi, who is already the chief of machine repair, Wang Long and the others were still upset by 10000 points, but when they heard Fang Shi specially reminded them of the past, they were greatly sighed in relief, and they were slightly grateful. .

Of course, in addition to the necessary reminders, Fang Shi also gave a serious warning to two points: one point is not allowed to engage in small groups within the group, and must have a good relationship with all group members; the other point is that everything must be The interests of the group are the most important, and the interests of the entire machine repair group are the most important.

In addition, Fang Shi also took the initiative to communicate with the mechanics in the background of Zhou Rong and other troops. The purpose was naturally to promote the unity of the 3th group.

While dealing with the Liuyang incident, Fang Shi, after figuring out the relevant situation of the machine repair team, summoned 2 other team leaders for detailed and detailed discussions, and implemented the specific arrangements of each machine repair team. The original twelve groups basically continued the previous arrangement, but only made some local adjustments to try to make the tasks of each machine repair group more balanced. In addition, he deliberately arranged the work of the tenth and third teams, whose main responsibility was Mecha of Warships 2 and 3. Battleship 2 is a large battleship, loaded with 22 Mechas, battleship 2 is a medium-sized battleship, loaded with thirty two Mechas, and 109 warships with a total of 22 2 Mechas. .

After Fang Shi arranged the mechanics roughly, the minesweeper fleet ushered in the first battle after he joined, and successfully destroyed the 5 ghost warships of the Galaxy Alliance, and the tenth group 3 led by Fang Shi Ushered in the first maintenance task.

Most of the 30 2 Mecha carried by the No. 22 and No. 100 ships under the responsibility of Team 41 participated in this operation. One of the Mecha was unfortunately destroyed by the opposing ship’s artillery, and the other two Mecha suffered various degrees of trauma.

After the battle ended, Fang Shi immediately asked Chen Shuya to take one of the team members to deal with one of the less traumatized Mecha, and he took the remaining team members to battleship 22 to deal with another more traumatized Mecha.

The maintenance of the 2 Mechas has basically no pressure on the 3-1 team. It is estimated that a few members can handle it. The reason why Fang Shi dispatched all the mechanical repair members is that he wants each member to participate in as many practices as possible. Opportunities, and communicate with each other about the mechanical repair problems that arise, so that you can learn more experience to increase everyone’s experience and strength in mechanical repair.

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