My Mech Queen

Chapter 242

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(Thanks to WilliamLin. For the reward and evaluation ticket!)

Almost all the TV channels of the Xingluo Empire broadcast the speech of the President of the Parliament Huang Runshan in the same time period. Obviously, the seemingly urgent interim speech is still prepared in advance by extremely full arrangements, so that in just one hour Most Xingluo people understood a message-the Galaxy Alliance launched a full-scale war against the Xingluo Empire, and the empire has entered a wartime state.

The originally peaceful Xing Luo Empire seemed to explode in no time, whether it was people living in the rich Central Star District or ordinary people living in remote mines, whether they were aristocratic children of aloof and remote or homeless on the streets. The returning homeless people, whether they are white-haired old men or youngsters … they are almost in disbelief after learning this shocking news.

War, this strange and familiar term lingers in the minds of the imperial people, some become dazed, some become angry, some become worried, some become frightened, and some remain calm …

In just an hour, the Star Empire appeared to have changed in Heaven and Earth turning upside down, the lively neighborhood seemed to be quiet, the crowded entertainment plaza seemed to be a bit deserted, and the pleasant and warm dining table seemed to be shrouded A layer of haze …

In an apartment in Chengdong District of Snowflake City, it seemed quite calm. After watching TV, Fang Shi returned to the kitchen to continue preparing his dinner with Anxu.

Soon, 2 dishes and 1 soup were put on the table, and the simple dinner was meaty and nutritious.

As usual, Fang Shi was eating peacefully.

Anxu was a little worried on his face. After taking a few bites, he put down the tableware and whispered: “big brother, would you say Xiang Yi elder sister will be okay? The past few days I have never contacted her. “

Fang Shi is also a bit worried, neither the past few days nor Tianxiang or the Internet has contacted Ye Xiangyi. However, he knew that Ye Xiangyi should be fine for the time being. Yesterday he had asked Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu to make sure that Battle Princess Mecha Camp was not affected at all. But he still has some worries. According to the information of Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu, Battle Princess Mecha Camp seems to be immediately and immediately joined the front line of the Eastern Region of the Empire. At present, the front line of the Eastern Region of the Empire is extremely dangerous.

After glancing at Anxu, Fang Shi comforted: “It’s okay, the big brother has already inquired, Xiang Yi is fine, most recently there may be an emergency mission that can’t get in touch.”


Anxu hearing this, his face slowly, blinked and blinked.

Fang Shi gently nodded and replied: “Really, when did the big brother lie to you, but the vacation she applied for may be gone.”

Anxu showed some disappointment, looking thoughtful and asked, “Because of the wartime state that the TV just said?”

Fang Shi took a breath and replied: “It’s possible, hurry and eat.”


Although Councillor Huang Runshan announced that the empire had entered wartime, it seemed to have no effect on a nobody not at all like Fang Shi. His life is still the same. In the morning, he will send his younger sister Anxu to school, and then rush to the R & D laboratory No. 2 of the 2nd Research Institute of Snowflake Company.

The phantom Mecha in the center of No. 2 R & D laboratory is still standing, compared with 2 years ago he has undergone no small changes. At present, the second group is conducting research and development on the basis of the Phantom 2 model Mecha, and strives to further improve the combat performance of the Phantom Mecha. This is also the direction of the R & D of the second group for a long time in the future.

Fang Shi’s life is the same as before. He still perseveres in work, study and training, and time passes quickly day by day. The only difference is that he now pays close attention to the situation of the empire through television and the Internet almost every day.

Compared to the calmness of Fang Shi ’s life, the war between the Empire and the Alliance is rising winds, scudding clouds. Almost every day will reveal a lot of information from the Internet and TV reports, some are officially released by the government, and some are small. The Tao came out, no matter whether it is true or not, but the two have this common feature. The war is becoming more and more urgent, and the situation of the empire seems to be deteriorating step by step.

After the head of parliament, Huang Runshan, announced that the empire was in wartime, the government official website began to publish various relevant information about the war situation. Although they are simple and specially processed information, they can be found by reading carefully. The problem is basically the frustrated information of the imperial military in the eastern region, and there is almost no encouraging information. In addition, on the 5th day after the speech of parliament leader Huang Runshan, something happened to the Central Star District that shocked all Xingluo people-the Central Star District was attacked by the Alliance Fleet!

Yes, the Alliance’s fleet actually entered the Central Star District.

It was a mini fleet consisting of 5 warships. After top secretly entering the Central Star District, more than ten large civilian spaceships and transport ships were ambushed in one day, which shocked the entire Central Military District.

The Empire First Army area of ​​the Central Star District immediately dispatched more than 1000 warships to conduct a carpet search before finally finding the 5 alliance warships and successfully destroying them.

Although the warships dispatched by the First Army area eventually wiped out the Alliance ’s micro fleets, the people in the Central Star District were alarmed. They did not know why the Alliance ’s fleet appeared in the Central Star District of the Empire. Is it that the Eastern Region has been completely destroyed So that the alliance fleet can successfully break through layers of defense into the central star zone?

All kinds of bad speculations are brewing in the hearts of the people in the Central Star District. At the same time, there are some rumours on the Internet that are not conducive to stability. The Central Star District seems to have become a bit panic all at once, and many wealthy people secretly plan to escape from the Central Star District to the seemingly safer three regions of West, South and North. At least there has not been war yet spread.

Eventually, it was the imperial government that issued the event-related instructions to stabilize the mood of the people in the Central Star District. It turns out that the five warships that attacked the Central Star Zone are the stealth battleships of the ghost series developed by the Alliance. They have to a certain extent avoided the detection of conventional detection equipment. The mini fleet of 5 alliance warships is only one of the 5 mini fleets sent by the alliance to the central star zone of the empire. The remaining 5 mini warships have been annihilated by the military warships before reaching the Central Region. The battleship is nothing more than an accident a fish that escaped the net. At present, the military has established a new line of defense in the Central Star District and the Eastern Region, which can effectively combat the alliance’s attempt to sneak attack the warships in the Central Star District. In addition, the Alliance’s ghost fleet generally consists of only a few warships. Once the fleet has too many warships, it will be easily detected by reconnaissance equipment, and it will lose the so-called stealth ability. The fleet of trifling battleships against the central star zone The 4 main planets can’t pose any threat at all. A large number of surveillance satellites are placed near the five main planets in the center, and contain a lot of special surveillance equipment. If they attack the planet, they will often be found before they come close. Therefore, the 5 main planets of the Central Star are still absolutely safe, and there is no need to worry about anything.

Fang Shi was also quite shocked by the attack on the Central Star District. The Alliance’s warships even entered the Central Star District. The Central Star Zone is the center and foundation of the Xingluo Empire. If the Galactic Alliance is capable of attacking, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable. When he saw the detailed instructions issued by the government, he sighed slightly in relief. It was originally that the alliance developed a new type of ghost warship. At the same time, it reminded him that the phantom Mecha was attacked by the alliance warship in space test. Those 3 alliance warships are also regarded as The top secret appears in the hinterland of the Eastern Region. It should be this stealth battleship.

The attack on the Central Star District has just calmed down, but a series of bad news came from the Eastern Region. First, the transportation fleet responsible for the transportation of supplies to the Eastern Region ’s front line was successively attacked. The attack is still the stealth of the Alliance ’s ghost series. Battleship. The Alliance ’s stealth fleet is indeed composed of several warships. These micro fleets have penetrated into the hinterland of the Eastern Region. Basically, they do not fight directly with the military fleet, but use their stealth capabilities to carry out hide-and-seek guerrilla warfare. And their target is a warship that is weaker than them or some transport ships that lack escort power. In addition, there seems to be a special command system between these micro fleets, and they occasionally form multiple micro fleets to cooperate in combat. In this way, they can eat bigger targets, and after the battle is completed, they will immediately separate from each other, constantly looking for new targets.

The empire not at all is a good response to the guerrilla alliance ghost fleet. At present, the situation in the eastern defense line is grim, and a large amount of troops must be invested to defend. It is impossible to draw enough power to sweep those alliance miniature ghost fleets. Only a few sporadic fleets have been arranged to strike, but for the East Region, where the star area is vast, a few sporadic fleets have no effect at all. As for the incident of the transport fleet, they had to send more warships to escort. Sometimes some particularly important materials required more than 100 warships to escort in order to ensure absolute safety. The purpose was to prevent those alliance ghost fleets from cooperating in combat.

In the hinterland of the Eastern Region, the purpose of the Alliance Ghost Mini Fleet is to harass and increase the pressure behind the front line of the Eastern Region of the Empire. Although there is no lethal threat, it is this seemingly small incident that brought the Empire This is a huge problem. On the one hand, it has greatly increased transportation costs, and on the other hand, it has also caused certain restrictions on the supply of front lines in the Eastern Region. In addition, the Galaxy Alliance successfully sneak attacked a number of important military supply centers of the Empire in the Eastern Region at the beginning of the war. As the fighting between the two sides became more and more intense, the frontline supplies of the Eastern Region of the Empire were almost frantically consumed, and at the same time, the supplies could not be effectively replenished, so the frontline fighting in the Eastern Region showed a progressive deterioration.

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