My Mech Queen

Chapter 241

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In the office, the atmosphere is slightly heavy.

After obtaining the exact information from Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu, Fang Shi took a deep breath, and 3 military sites were attacked and suffered heavy losses. In addition, the Galaxy Alliance army fully pressed the empire ’s eastern defense line. I am afraid it means that the alliance has planned to launch a full invasion war against the empire.

The war between the Xingluo Empire and the Galaxy Alliance has lasted for nearly 1000 years, basically staying on small-scale local friction, and the real large-scale war has only occurred twice in history. The most recent large-scale war took place before hundred or so years. The entire Eastern Region of the Star Empire was occupied by the Galactic Alliance for nearly half a year. It lasted for more than ten years. It was regarded as the largest crisis in the empire in nearly 2 years. Tide “. Later, due to the fierce faction struggle within the Galaxy Alliance, the Empire was given an opportunity to successfully recover the lost territory in the Eastern Region and expel the Alliance from the Empire.

Fang Shi is still aware of some of the history of the empire and the alliance, and the unexpected situation now appears to clearly indicate that a new round of large-scale war is about to begin, or has already begun.

Fang Shi barely calmed down the ups and downs, mood grave said: “Senior Sister, your news?” This is not doubt, but want to be confirmed again. From a personal psychological point of view, Fang Shi does not want large-scale wars to occur. Wars often bring violent turbulence, but it is the ordinary people who ultimately pay a huge price.

Ye Zhiqiu replied affirmatively: “The news came from the front of the Eastern Region. At present, it is basically only known to the upper echelons of the empire. The government should publish relevant information in the past few days. After all, I am afraid that the Galaxy Alliance will fully invade. All imperial people must be mobilized. “

Fang Shi slightly nodded, with some worry on his face, said slowly: “Senior Sister, to see this situation, the Empire and the Alliance are about to have a large-scale war similar to that of a hundred or so years ago.”

Ye Zhiqiu not at all objected, saying: “Well, it’s very possible. I told you these things in advance that I want you to make some early preparations, but even if there is a large-scale war, it is not something we can control. We do n’t need to worry too much about what we do, we can do our own work. ”

Fang Shi immediately complied, “Yes, Senior Sister.”


Ye Zhiqiu chatted with Fang Shi for another moment before leaving Fang Shi’s office.

Fang Shi was sitting in his seat for a while, but he was a little worried in his heart, not for himself, but also for his friends in the Eastern Region. Once the large-scale war between the Empire and the Alliance started, they might be Immediately involved in the quagmire of war, he learned from the mouth of younger sister An Xu in the morning that Ye Xiangyi had a leave to return to S3. I do n’t know if the sudden occurance of this eastern region would affect her.

After a moment, Fang Shi sorted out the thoughts in his mind, put aside some selfish things, and put all his energy into his work. He always maintains a serious and cautious attitude towards work. If he is absent, he is likely to make mistakes. This is not what he wants to see. Although the imperial storm is about to come, but how much is his relationship, in the subconscious, he is just an unremarkable a nobody among countless people, there is no ability to influence or change the great character with decision-making power With thoughts and actions, all he can do is do what he can in the storm, and protect the people around him silently.

Of course, after work, Fang Shi still spent a lot of energy to pay attention to the upcoming storm. According to the daily information of various information channels such as TV and the Internet, the current empire seems to be still in silence, and it seems that it does not yet know the empire. The crisis situation in the Eastern Region.

It was not until 3rd day that some sporadic news came out on the Internet, and it was all unofficial information. However, the sporadic news spread quickly attracted the attention of the Empire 1000 1000 absolutely people. The news does not seem to be groundless, and some are equipped with pictures and videos. In addition, the government not at all immediately stood up to refute the rumor, but it seems to have adopted a default attitude.

Over time, information about the attacks on the Eastern Region and the pressure of the coalition forces has increasingly flowed into the public ’s field of vision. There has been a wave of related discussions on the Internet. Some people think that the information is forged and others think it is true. Yes, some people remain neutral …

More and more people are paying attention to spreading all kinds of information about the East Region on the Internet, starting intense exchanges and discussions, and at the same time looking at the imperial government with all their eyes, they need to get definite answers.

Soon, the people of the empire got answers from the government.

It was a supper moment, and countless imperial citizens returned home after a long day of work, gathered at the dining table with their families, and enjoyed the warm and beautiful dinner while enjoying the programs on the TV screen.

Suddenly, the program in front of them stopped, the TV screen flashed slightly, and the screen turned into a man in his 50s. The man in formal attire, with a solemn expression and eyes as pillars, revealed a dignified majesty.

Seeing the man in the TV screen, countless people who were watching the TV program were stunned. They were more or less surprised. They knew the man in the light screen in front of him. His name was Huang Runshan, the highest leader of the empire— —Mr. President.

Huang Runshan stared straight ahead, with a solemn expression in his solemn expression, preaching at a moderate pace: “Dear Xingluo Empire people, I am Huang Runshan, the parliament chief, and took the liberty to interrupt your program time, but I have to interrupt because I have an extremely important and urgent message to announce to you below. “

Huang Runshan was slightly paused and continued: “This is not good news, but bad news, very bad news-our empire has once again been invaded by the Galactic Alliance. At present, there are 3 military majors in the Eastern Region of the Empire It suffered heavy losses from the Alliance Fleet ’s sneak attack, and the Eastern Region ’s frontline defense area was also faced with the rapid attack of the Alliance ’s more than 2 warships and three group armies, which has become precarious … ”

Hearing the news of Parliamentary President Huang Runshan, most of the people of the Empire sitting in front of the TV screen showed shock on their faces. This is undoubtedly a bombshell. In the past, most of the information spread on the Internet was still in a state of skepticism, or simply did not take it seriously, but at this time, the speech of the Council President Huang Runshan made him understand that the original information spread on the Internet The information is not a child’s play, but the truth. The Galactic Alliance once again launched a large-scale war against the Xingluo Empire, and the entire empire is about to fall into a situation of full-scale war.

In an ordinary apartment in Chengdong District of Snowflake City, Fang Shi, who was preparing dinner carefully, quickly walked out of the kitchen under the younger sister An Xu cry out in surprise, and then his eyes were completely placed on the TV screen in the living room. In the picture, it is Huang Runshan, the solemn and solemn parliament leader.

Fang Shi sat down and listened carefully to Huang Runshan’s speech, but his face was calm, because he had already received the news, and he was prepared in his heart. Hearing Huang Runshan’s speech, his heart seemed to fluctuate slightly. Not at all, only calm like water.

Huang Runshan’s speech was very smooth, and every word was clearly stated, “Empire and the alliance have been opponents since they met. The war between the two sides has never ceased, but there have only been two real large-scale wars. Xing Luo In 2 years, the Galaxy Alliance launched the first war of aggression against the empire. It took ten years for us to win, and successfully drove those barbarian alliance people out of Star Domain, out of our planet, out of With our land, it was a great victory, a victory for all the Xingluo people. “

“In 1385, the Galactic Alliance launched the second aggression war against the empire, which lasted for sixteen years. We successfully defeated them again, won the war again, and drove them out. This is also a great The victory of all belongs to the victory of all the people of Xingluo. Now, the picture of history seems to reappear in the eyes of our generation Xingluo. The Galactic Alliance once again launched a shameful war against us. Where will we go from here? “

“Fighting is our choice. The blood of Xing Luo Xianxian flows through our bodies, inheriting their tenacious unyielding will. In the face of the aggression of the Barbarians, we must stand up, we must be brave to fight, we must say to them ‘ No, you must clenched your fists and hit them with their abominable faces … The devil’s claws have been extended, we don’t have to wait, just grab the sharpest weapon and cut off their claws. “


“In view of the current crisis situation of the empire, I hereby declare that from now on, the Star Empire will enter a wartime state. Our goal is only one, and we will do everything in our power to expel the Barbarians of the Alliance from our Star Domain.”

“Xingluo will win!”

Huang Runshan spoke for more than two and a half minutes before stopping. Although his words were steady, he still lost his blood and passion.

After Huang Runshan disappeared from the TV screen, a middle-aged man with glasses appeared on the screen. He mainly read out the wartime regulations of the Empire entering the wartime state. The wartime article was unanimously voted by the upper and lower chambers, and it was the program document for the Star Empire to deal with the invasion of the Galactic Alliance.

The content of the wartime regulations is more, and the middle-aged man read it one by one, which took more than half an hour, and he only read out the main content, including the contents of the supplementary provisions and annotations. The public can read it in detail through the government website. . As for the purpose of wartime, it is actually very clear-everything serves war.

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