My Mech Queen

Chapter 221

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Gao Zixuan’s voice was not loud, but it seemed like a terrifying thunder struck everyone in the command and control cabin. The original ugly face seemed to add another layer of frost instantly. What they worry more is not that the command and control system has been reset by 40%, but that the warship they are in and the enemies chasing behind, although they do not know why the battleship will be almost perfect self-operation, but for whatever reason, it is All they hope now is that the enemy uses electromagnetic pulse missiles again, will the warship stop there, and then suffer the enemy 鈥檚 devastating strikes.

Major Xu, who was sitting on the command seat, looked like a black cloud, murmured in his mouth: “They even have an electromagnetic pulse missile …”

Gao Zixuan glanced at everyone, and seemed to see everyone’s concerns, and said slowly: “The battleship seems not at all affected, and continues to sail.” His heart is a little complicated, because there is no bottom, at least to He has not yet figured out why the Bai Fei ship sailed on its own, which is completely beyond his understanding. He is not used to this feeling. In front of him is a completely unknown abyss. I do n鈥檛 know what will happen in one minute. I do n鈥檛 even know what it will be in the next second. There is almost nothing like this in his memory. This is a special situation that leaves him without control.

Everyone in the command and control cabin was hearing this, their ugly face slightly dissipated, but their hearts were still thickly clouded, and now there are 2 powerful warships behind the battleship, who are still chasing after each other. Among them, and they have not yet figured out why this battleship will fight on its own, nor can it predict what will happen to the battleship next moment. Now it is like being in a strong storm, the battleship is a ship out of control, and they are Passengers on the ship, they cannot predict whether the ship will capsize at the next moment.

The three warships sailed fast in space one after the other.

In the command and control cabin of Ghost Warship No. 1, the middle-aged man on the command seat recovered quickly after a brief shock. Although there were still some surprises on his face, his heart was slightly calm. A lot, I saw his binoculars staring closely at the Black Panther C-Rank battleship in the light screen in the front, and the right hand clenched his fist to relax a lot, took a deep breath, at a moderate pace said : “Since this is the case, it can only be a battle.”

Soon, the light beam and the shells were tilted and burst out of the two ghost S2 battleships again, and whistled towards the Black Panther C-Rank battleship in front.

Under the control of Nana, the Black Panther C-Rank battleship once again completed a difficult evasion voyage, successfully avoided most of the attacks, and of course, nearly one third was hit in the battleship defense shield.

“Not good, big brother, the battleship’s defensive shield has only 1% of its energy left. Their next attack is probably not good enough to resist. When the time comes, the battleship may have a lot of trauma.” Black Panther C- In the battle simulation cabin of the Rank battleship, Nana’s slightly worried voice came from the voice system.

Fang Shi’s face didn’t change much. From the beginning of the battle between the two sides, he looked at the situation of the two sides of the battle. To be honest, he was still quite shocked by Nana’s powerful warship control ability. It’s definitely not easy. He still knows the Black Panther C-Rank battleship, an Empire’s fifth-generation battleship, and through the battle just now, he can be regarded as a preliminary judgment. The three gray-black battleships of the other party should belong to the 2th. On behalf of battleships, at least in terms of the attack power of the warships, the opponent is dominant. In addition, the speed of the opponent’s battleship can be compared with that of the Black Panther C-Rank. That is to say, the battleship controlled by Nana is completely at a disadvantage in terms of battleship, and the other two pursuit warships are not simply a plus. One is equal to 2, but one plus one is greater than 5. The two have formed quite effective cooperation during the battle. For example, not long ago one of the warships took the initiative to take the damage for the other warship, like the volley attack by the two. From the perspective of battleship comprehensive battle strength, the two battleships pursued by the enemy should be at least three times the Black Panther C-Rank battleship, and Nana insisted that she should now rely on her powerful battleship control capabilities.

“It’s okay, you can do your best to fight.” Fang Shi’s heart seemed to be extremely calm at this time. In this crisis moment, he did not at any choice, Nana was his greatest hope.

Nana was un’ed lightly and didn’t say much.

After a few seconds, most of the weapons of the Black Panther C-Rank battleship were refilled, and then almost at the same moment burst into the chasing battleship behind, especially the two laser main guns of the battleship, the blue light column flashed slightly, He came to the front of the ghost ship.

The target of this attack was No. 2 Ghost Warship, which had suffered 2 rounds of attack before.

In the command and control cabin of No. 2 Ghost Warship, on the main command seat is a young warship commander of 25 ~ 26 years old. Looking at the attack that was blasted like a gust of wind, the young commander had some worry on his face. Before his battleship had suffered 2 rounds of attack, the energy of the defensive shield of the battleship was less than 100 points, only The final 100 points are 9 and I’m afraid I can’t resist the other party’s attack. Although the situation was slightly critical at this time, the young commander responded quickly, immediately issued an evasion flight order, and quickly opened the ship’s defensive shield.

The attacks of the Black Panther C-Rank battleship are still extremely precise, and most of the attacks fall on the defensive shield of the No. 2 ghost battleship.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

After a series of explosions, the defensive shield of No. 2 Ghost Warship lasted less than a second, and was shattered by strong firepower, and quickly disappeared.

Without the obstruction of the defensive shield, many of the remaining attacks instantly hit the No. 2 ghost battleship, and a series of explosions occurred on the surface of the battleship.

The No. 2 Ghost Warship, which was sailing at high speed, was slightly slowed down, and in front of the powerful impact of the explosion, the warship appeared violently shaking and bumping.

After a few seconds, the ghost ship No. 2 was stabilized.

The young commander in the command and control cabin looked cloudy for a while until he saw that the value of the damage suffered by the battleship stabilized in the light screen in front of him. Within the scope of acceptance.

“Battleship 2, how is it going?” A slightly dull voice came from the voice device.

The young commander heard the news and immediately replied: “Sir, the warship suffered light damage and could barely sustain the battle.”

“Okay, then cooperate with the No. 1 battleship to launch a joint attack, and the enemy ship should have reached its limit.” The dull voice of the voice system started again.

The young commander immediately replied in full voice: “Yes, sir.”

Soon, the No. 2 Ghost Warship was adjusted slightly, and all kinds of intact weapons on the battleship were ready to go.

“Zoo, Zuo …”

The two ghost warships launched a joint attack again, and the beam of light, missiles and other attacks instantly rushed towards the warship in front like a locust.

The Black Panther C-Rank battleship responded immediately and completed a perfect S flight in a short time to avoid. Although the battleship flashed most of its attacks, there were still a lot of hits, and the last defensive shield with a little energy was shattered only for an instant.

“Hey, hey…”

A series of explosions exploded on the Black Panther C-Rank battleship, and a small part of the battleship was instantly wrapped in flames. Along with the violent explosion, the warship in high-speed flight experienced a violent shake.

Sitting in the aircraft warfare simulation cabin, Fang Shi clearly felt the shaking of the seat under him, and his heart sank slightly. Obviously the energy of the battleship’s defensive shield was exhausted at this time, and the hull had been attacked.

Fang Shi took a breath and asked, “Nana, how is the battleship now?”

“The temporary problem is not very big, only a part of the ship’s hull has been damaged, and the battleship as a whole is still not a big problem. It should still be able to maintain the battle, but if it is subjected to a similar attack again, the ship may be hit hard. It was even destroyed. “Nana’s answer came from the voice device.

Fang Shi lightly nodded, not at all say more, at this time it is almost the critical moment of life and death, everything can only be destined, looking at the picture in the video frame in the light screen, his heart appears extremely calm, no Before the gloom, there was nothing to be unwilling, like a calm lake, he did not know why he had such a state of mind at this moment of life and death, maybe the relief before human death?

In the command and control cabin of Ghost Fleet No. 1, the middle-aged man on the command seat looked at the Black Panther C-Rank battleship hit in the light screen in front of him, and the gloom on his face had mostly dissipated. Some vigilance and dignity, but there is a hint of joy in the pupil light, intentionally or unintentionally, and the corner of his mouth is a faintly discernable smile, and said at a moderate pace: “It seems that it is almost the same.”

The female adjutant on the side was slightly nodded. It can be said that the ghost team has already locked the victory at this time. Just launch another round of attack, you should be able to destroy the enemy ship. “Sir, what shall we do next?”

After thinking for a while, the middle-aged man said slowly: “Let the warship first maintain a proper defensive distance, do not get too close, the other party should also have the ability to volley, and we are in a hurry to chase in the current state of our 2 ships. There may be a great risk to go up, and this time we come for the task, then we will hand over to the fighter and Mecha. The fighter is responsible for destroying their external weapons and equipment. Mecha is responsible for the internal invasion of the warship. I will capture it alive and get it. Their new Mecha can also ensure the safety of our warships. “

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