My Mech Queen

Chapter 220

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(Thanks to the two students for the monthly tickets of Zhizhi Yan and Black Cat Lin Feng!)

Hearing the words of the female adjutant, the expression of the middle-aged man on the command seat did not change, because from the very beginning he recognized the enemy main ship as the Panther C-Rank battleship of the Star Empire. At this time, he does not worry about whether the other party will escape. In addition to its powerful stealth ability, the ghost S007 warship is also its advantage. The other party wants to escape and pursue it is not an easy thing, and now he is most worried about black The battle strength of the Leopard C-Rank battleship, the enemy can have a strong command and control team.

In addition to the battle strength of the warships of both sides, the command and control of the battle group is also crucial. If an ordinary command and control group can exert 60% of the battleship’s battle strength, then a powerful command and control group may be able to exert 100 points of the battleship’s overall battle strength of 90, or even 100%. If the two sides are using the same type of battleship, the battle strength of 100 points differs by 3% from the value of 40. It is not a small gap. The state of the battle is 2 completely different levels. The command and control team is strong. Of warships can completely crush the weak warships of the team.

The ghost S007 battleship is the latest stealth battleship developed by the alliance. According to the standard of battleships, it is also a medium-sized battleship, which belongs to the same level as the Black Panther C-Rank. Of course, this level is only a volume standard. As for its battle strength level, it is There is a certain gap. The Black Panther C-Rank battleship is regarded as the 5th generation battleship in the Star Empire. Compared with the current 6th generation battleship of the Empire and the Alliance Leader stream, the ghost S007 battleship is the latest 6th generation developed by Galaxy. The new battleship, although it is not a battleship known for its firepower, but compared with the Black Panther C-Rank battleship, both the attack power and the defensive power occupy a lot of advantages.

As the supreme commander of the ghost fleet, the middle-aged man on the command seat naturally knows the merits of the battleships on both sides. At this time, the ghost fleet composed of 3 ghost warships definitely has an overwhelming advantage in terms of warships, but in the command and control group of warships, the enemy main ship has the advantage. Although the enemy’s command and control team is strong, it is only a battleship after all. If it is a one-to-one battle, the enemy may still have some chances to win, so on the whole, his ghost fleet still has an absolute overwhelming advantage. Since the situation on both sides is clear, the middle-aged man will not easily let go of the enemy main ship, and the main purpose of this ghost operation is the new Mecha of the Star Empire, which should be in the enemy main ship.

The middle-aged man looked at the fast-moving Black Panther C-Rank battleship in the light screen in front of him. The right hand clenched his fist slightly, said solemnly: “Warships No. 2 and No. 3 pursue the enemy main ship with all their strength, No. 2 The ship stays and destroys the remaining 1 warships. “

“Yes, sir.”

In the command and control cabin, someone immediately answered the command and passed the middle-aged man’s order to the other two ghost warships.

Soon, the three ghost warships acted in their respective positions. The flagship No. 3 and the ghost ship No. 2 immediately accelerated to the Panther C-Rank battleship, and were just attacked by the Black Panther C-Rank battleship. The minimally invasive No. 3 ghost battleship turned slightly, preparing to launch attacks on the transport ships and frigates still in a sluggish state.

In the command and control cabin of the Black Panther C-Rank battleship, the light screen is still gray, but most of the people in the cabin have an unfathomable mystery look, and they are more or less surprised, because Just now an incredible news came from the artificial watchtower. The warship they were in actually mobilized themselves, and launched a violent attack on the other 3 warships, almost directly destroying one of the enemy warships, while the warship was accelerating Driving, it seems to be fleeing. What makes them unable to understand is that the people in the command and control cabin at this time are basically performing any control operations. The person responsible for the system reset reports that the reset of the command and control system has only completed more than 100 minutes and 20, and it may be a few minutes before the recovery Time, how could the spaceship act on its own, which gave them a feeling of being damned in the daytime.

Gao Zixuan’s face was a little complicated. He didn’t know exactly what happened, but one thing was certain that the situation seemed to have changed slightly. He and the battleship were no longer fish on the chopping board, but had got rid of the constraints of electromagnetic pulse missile He already has the ability to resist and fight back. Although it is not clear why this is, he seems to see a moment of hope in his heart, a hope of survival.

“Major Xu, what the hell is going on?” Gao Zixuan glanced at the warship commander whose face was weird and somewhat at a distance. From the other side’s expression, he didn’t seem to know why, but he asked.

Major Xu shook the head and replied blankly: “Long … sir, I don’t know.”

No one in the command and control cabin knows the answer, and only one person on the ship who knows the answer is sitting in the expression grave in the aircraft warfare simulation cabin, looking at the light screen in front of him. The black panther C-Rank controlled by Nana just now The battleship battled with three gray and black like ghosts. He could be seen in the eyes. Seeing the picture of the enemy 3 ship salvo in his heart, he can be regarded as a sweat for Nana. After all, such a fierce attack by the enemy is not easy to resist, but what makes him slightly relaxed is the spaceship. After successfully evading nearly half of the attacks, he finally resisted the other party’s attacks with the ship’s defensive shield.

After the enemy’s attack came to an end, Fang Shi immediately asked with some concern: “Nana, are you okay?”

Nana in the light screen added a little dignity and said, “Big brother, the attack of 3 villains is a bit powerful. Just one round of attack just consumed nearly 50% of the energy of the defensive shield of the battleship. If meet force with force, We will definitely not win them. “

Fang Shi’s heart was slightly tight, and he could be seen in the eyes of the battle picture just now. The energetic volley of the enemy’s 3 ships is indeed fierce. I am afraid that any one of the battleships has more firepower than the Black Panther C- The Rank battleship is stronger. If it is meet force with force, there is really no chance of winning.

Looking at the enemy 2 warships who are chasing the Black Panther C-Rank battleship in the light screen, Fang Shi light take a deep breath and asked: “Nana, what chances do you have to deal with them?”

Nana thought for a while and replied: “I don’t know.”

Fang Shi didn’t say much, said: “Well, then you can concentrate on fighting.” At this time, Fang Shi still put all his hopes on Nana, and he can only silently pray that Nana can defeat each other or Escape the opponent’s pursuit.

The Black Panther C-Rank warship is sailing fast in the front, while the No. 2 and No. 1 battleships of the Ghost Fleet are chased in the back, simply not meaning to let go.

3 After a few seconds of continuous navigation between the first and second ships, the various attack weapons of the Black Panther C-Rank battleship were ready to be launched again. After seeing that the turrets slightly adjusted the direction, they launched another round of strong attacks against the battleships behind. The powerful attack, the beam of light and all kinds of shells roared away like a storm.

The attack target of the Black Panther C-Rank is exactly the number one battleship among the two chasing ghost ships. The middle-aged man in the command and control cabin seems to have expected that when the Black Panther C-Rank launched an attack, he had ordered the warship to open the energy shield and carried out a quick evasive voyage.

“Bang, bang, bang …”

The dodge flight of Ghost Warship No. 1 seems to have little effect. It only dodges a very small part of sporadic attacks. Most of the attacks still hit it accurately, but it was blocked by the defensive shield around the battleship.

The middle-aged man eyes slightly narrowed on the command seat, the two eyes are locked on the value of 100% of the energy of the ship ’s defensive shield in the light screen in front of him, and there is a trace of shock on his face. In a short instant attack, the original energy value of 100 points and 100 was only 40%.

A round of attack consumes 50% 9 of the ship’s shield energy. The middle-aged man giggled in his heart. He naturally knew what this meant. In the face of such an attack, his ship’s roof could only withstand 2 more attacks. If the ship that attacked him three times might be seriously injured or even destroyed, how could he not be surprised?

Middle-aged man is very clear about the defensive capabilities of ghost warships. It is generally similar to that it can definitely withstand 4 to 5 times, but now it can withstand 2 times. Reminiscent of the previous ghost ship No. 3 attacked by the enemy main ship, He seemed to find the answer immediately, and he could not help but sink slightly, and quickly retrieved the data of the attack on the battleship’s energy cover. With only one glance, he confirmed what he had guessed just now. The other party’s attack was very accurate. Most of the attacks fell on the same small area, and repeated attacks on the same defensive node caused a large amount of energy consumption in the shield. The attack was absolutely perfect in his eyes.

Looking at the Black Panther C-Rank battleship in the light screen, the middle-aged man was surprised while adding a bit of killing intent. I saw the tone with an undisguised chill and said: “Ready to launch an attack , No. 2 and No. 1 attacked at the same time. “

Although the attack of the Black Panther C-Rank warship gave the middle-aged man a lot of shock, but at this time he did not at all mean to retreat, because the battle advantage is still in his hands, he believes that in the 3 ships just now During the volley, the opponent ’s warship should also consume a lot of shield energy. Just launching 2 rounds of attack, he is very likely to smash the opponent ’s defense shield, when the time comes even if No. 3 Ghost Warship does not When they arrived, the two ghost warships they chased were also sure to take the other party down.

Compared with the first round attack, the second round attack of the Black Panther C-Rank battleship is still a little weaker, because the first round attack process uses a lot of one-off missiles, and this second round attack is a lot less The missile’s attack, the formidable power naturally drops a lot, only causing 50% of the energy of the defense shield of the opposing ship 9.

The energy and ammunition of the 2 ghost warships are also quickly ready. Under the order of the middle-aged man, the two attacked the Black Panther C-Rank battleship at the same time. The beam of light and the shells immediately roared out, and then one after another. Whistling towards the enemy ship.

In the Guild Wars simulation cabin, Fang Shi facial expression grave looked at the volley of 2 ships in the small video frame of the light screen, and he was shocked. More than 100 attacks were replaced by a flying arrow towards his body. The battleship blasted.

Facing the fierce attack of the ghost warship, the Black Panther C-Rank warship seems to have been expected. When the other party launched the attack, he saw a sudden sharp turn, and after the sharp turn, he completed 2 small turn flights in succession That is to say, in a faint moment, it actually completed 3 turns, and at the same time the ship ’s light curtain flashed slightly, and a layer of defensive shield appeared again all around the Black Panther C-Rank battleship body. Enveloped in it.

The attack of the ghost ship came in an instant.

“Hey, hey…”

The attack on the defensive shield issued a violent explosion, and the light curtain of the shield flashed continuously.

However, the defensive shield finally successfully resisted the attack of the ghost fleet. In fact, most of the attacks of the ghost fleet were missed. Only one third of the attacks hit the defensive shield, and the remaining attacks were black panther C. -Rank of the Fleet flew almost 3 times.

In the command and control cabin of the Ghost Fleet No. 1, the middle-aged man on the command seat looked at the light screen in front of him in disbelief. His face was full of inexplicable surprises, and his mouth was murmured: ” How is it possible? It completed S flight in such a short time! “

Standing on the middle-aged man side, the female lieutenant Ling surnamed opened her mouth slightly, and her face was also full of surprise. S flight is a relatively common dodge flight for battleships, but that only refers to ordinary circumstances. , And the other party seems to have completed the S flight in less than 2 seconds. This is definitely an incredible thing, that is, the battleship command and control team of the Empire and the Alliance cream of the crop may have difficulty in such a short time. Complete S-Flight within time.

After a brief shock, the middle-aged man seemed to calm down quickly. The right hand clenched his fists and tightened suddenly, with some firmness on his face, and then his voice said sullenly: “Prepare to launch an electromagnetic pulse missile. “

The female lieutenant looked a little stunned. Not long ago, she also learned from the side chief ’s mouth that this ghost operation carried a total of 2 electromagnetic pulse missiles. The original electromagnetic pulse missile was intended to be left for return to respond to emergencies. Unexpectedly, the sir planned to use it now, but she understood some of the reasons at first thought. According to the series of amazing performances of the enemy main ship just now, it is quite difficult to defeat the enemy through regular operations, and even if it can I am afraid that defeating the enemy will have to pay a certain price. At this time, the use of electromagnetic pulse missiles is a good choice.

The middle-aged man on the command seat flashed a murderous cold glow in his eyes. Choosing to use the electromagnetic pulse missile again was his helpless move. If he continued to fight with the other party, what might happen? As a result, the use of electromagnetic pulse missiles can defeat each other faster and more directly. Although he did not know why the enemy main ship could quickly remove the impact of the first electromagnetic pulse missile, he was sure that the first electromagnetic pulse missile did play a role in the other party for at least 30 seconds. The 30-second time is enough for the ghost team. Perhaps they can completely defeat the Black Panther C-Rank battleship in less than ten seconds.

Soon, the electromagnetic pulse missile was ready.

The two ghost S2 battleships have been closely following the Black Panther C-Rank battleship. During the preparation of the electromagnetic pulse missile, the two sides launched another round of attack. The attack target of the Black Panther C-Rank is still the ghost ship No. 007, but unfortunately this time the ghost fleet seems to be prepared. Among them, the ghost ship No. 2 actually actively resisted the damage for the ghost ship No. 2. The volley of the two ghost battleships once again caused some damage to the Black Panther C-Rank battleship. The energy of its defensive shield is only 15%. It is estimated that it can only barely bear another volley of two ships. Although the energy of the defensive shield continues to be replenished, the rate of replenishment is really slow in space, and only 2% of the energy is replenished almost every ten seconds. For the intense battle consumption of both sides, this one minute 1 minutes 100 energy recovery rate is really a bit It was stretched out and could not be recovered at all.

“Sir, the electromagnetic pulse missile is ready.” The personnel responsible for weapon strikes reported in the control cabin of Ghost Warship No. 1.

The middle-aged man complexion turned cold on the command seat, without the slightest hesitation commanded: “launch.” At this time, it was in the black panther C-Rank weapon strike vacuum interval, but it was a good time to launch electromagnetic pulse missiles. Minimize the ability of the other party to intercept, and even if it has an intercepting weapon, it may be difficult to play a role, because the electromagnetic pulse missile is specially processed to prevent the locking of the guided weapon. It is extremely difficult to intercept, and there is only one opponent. The battleship simply cannot form an effective fire blockade net.

The middle-aged man command was just issued, and the person responsible for the electromagnetic pulse missile immediately entered the launch command.

In an instant, a slightly strange-looking missile flew from No. 1 Ghost Warship and flew towards the Black Panther C-Rank battleship ahead.

The speed of the electromagnetic pulse missile is extremely fast, and it reaches the Black Panther C-Rank battleship with a slight flash.

In the aircraft warfare simulation control room, Fang Shi looked at the picture in the small video frame of the light screen, and he was slightly surprised, and immediately reminded softly: “Nana, be careful, it is an electromagnetic pulse missile.”

He had already seen an electromagnetic pulse missile through a video screen provided by Nana before. At this time, after only one glance, he immediately determined that it was an electromagnetic pulse missile, and he was naturally surprised. This electromagnetic pulse missile is extremely expensive to make. It is unexpected that the other party still owns the second electromagnetic pulse missile. It seems that the other party must put them to death in such a bloody way. At the same time, there was a worry in his heart. This electromagnetic pulse missile attacked the network system. I don’t know if it will cause damage to Nana.

Nana was not nervous in the light screen, and the tone was replied in a bland tone: “It’s okay, big brother, this level of electromagnetic pulses can’t do much harm to me.”

Fang Shi hearing this, slightly sighed in relief, so he will naturally feel relieved.

The electromagnetic pulse missile exploded immediately after arriving near the Black Panther C-Rank battleship. A circle of blue current-like material instantly spread like ripples to all around, and soon disappeared, becoming invisible.

In the command and control cabin of Ghost Warship No. 1, the moment middle-aged man saw the electromagnetic pulse missile explode, there was a subtle smile on his lips subconsciously.

However, in the next moment, his smile was instantly frozen.

“How is it possible? Has the electromagnetic pulse missile lost its effect on that imperial warship ?!” Middle-aged man’s face changed suddenly, a shock and gloom that was hard to conceal, his eyes staring deadly at the light screen The fast-paced Black Panther C-Rank battleship can’t understand why the enemy battleship is not affected by the electromagnetic pulse missile at all, even if there is no pause for a second.

“Sir, this …” The middle-aged man side, a female adjutant, was unbelievable. The imperial battleship in the light screen really gave him too much shock. First, it only took thirty-forty seconds. The shackles of the first electromagnetic pulse missile were lifted, and then it showed its extremely powerful battle strength, but now it was completely unaffected by the electromagnetic pulse missile. Too many accidents made her unable to describe this series of Shock.

Of course, the electromagnetic pulse missile does not have no impact on the Black Panther C-Rank battleship. For example, the command and control system that is being reset in its command and control cabin has completed 40% of the prompt values. After the electromagnetic pulse missile exploded, it flashed slightly, even In an instant, it became zero. Several people responsible for resetting the system almost made mouth spurt blood 100% in the light screen, but they did not want to become zero at this moment, which really made them unacceptable.

“Long … sir, heavy … The reset system seems to be malfunctioning, and the 100 minutes and 40 parts just completed were destroyed in an instant.” One of the people responsible for resetting the system wiped the cold sweat of his forehead. , Said stutteringly.

Everyone in the command and control cabin had a gloomy face that instantly seemed like a pig, especially the major commander of the battleship, Major Xu, who almost jumped up from the command seat and then fiercely went to take a few more The personnel who reset the system, of course, this is just a little idea in his heart. As a qualified warship commander, although his heart is very gloomy, he still barely remains calm on the surface, solemnly asked: “What the hell is going on? thing?”

The zhi zhi wu wu staff who was responsible for resetting the system replied: “I … we also don’t know the reason.”


Hearing the answer, Colonel Xu, who was reluctantly calm, wanted to scold a sentence, but just spit out a word, but was interrupted by Gao Zixuan.

Gao Zixuan’s beautiful face was full of somber coldness, saying: “The other party launched another electromagnetic pulse missile, the reset system should be attacked again.”

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