My Mech Queen

Chapter 205

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(Thanks for the monthly ticket and evaluation ticket of Red Wine Girl!)

Looking at Fang Shi, who was silent, Ye Zhiqiu knew how much such a long-lost “story” had a feeling of listening to the story. She was just astonished when she got the result from Lieutenant Mo Tianqi.

After more than ten seconds, Ye Zhiqiu took a deep breath and sighed softly: “In fact, Teacher once told me that he was only extremely angry at the time, and he still regretted afterwards. After all, the family of Zhou Family 1000 lives were completely wiped out because of his anger. “

Fang Shi nodded, thinking of the old man who is still lying in a special ward, his heart is still full of infinite admiration, he is a Teacher who can be angry for students, a Teacher who can slaughter all sides for students, and also Stubborn old man …

Until the 7th day, Huang Shujian, a senior patient in the special ward, opened his eyes. Although it was only a few minutes, Fang Shi and Ye Yunshu saw hope. According to the attending doctor, the elderly ’s lifeform sign has basically stabilized, barely out of danger, as long as it continues to be stable, it is possible to recover, but for insurance purposes, the elderly will also stay in the special care unit for a few days Once everything is completely stabilized, you can leave the special care ward and enter the general ward.

In the following days, the eyes of the old man opened longer and longer, half an hour, an hour, 2 hours …

Through the glass window, Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu had a simple eye contact with the old man. Although there was no mutual voice, they could still hear the simple meaning. Seeing the old man’s bloody skin gradually reappearing and the occasional reluctance of his mouth slightly revealing a faint smile, Fang Shi gradually let go of his mind, and his worries decreased.

Five days later, the elderly Huang Shujian was pushed out of the special nursing ward and entered the general ward, so Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu 5 people could take photos of the Old Gu people at close range, but the elderly people who had just left the special ward were still very weak. 2 4 hours were eyes opened, and the rest of the time I slept.

Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu will rotate and accompany each other to wait for the teacher Huang Shujian. At first, the old man couldn’t speak, and he didn’t even have the strength to open his mouth. Every time he wanted to speak, his lips fluttered a few times, and he couldn’t make a sound. The characters spitting out as fine as mosquitoes, gradually, his voice grew louder, enough to pass into the ears of Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu.

Although the voice is very small, Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu are still very happy. This shows that the state of the elderly is slowly recovering at a fairly steady speed, which is also the result they are willing to see.

A few days later, the old man could finally communicate in simple language. Although the speaking rate was very slow, the utterance was still quite clear, and there was no problem with the communication.

The old Huang Shujian didn’t seem to care about the accidental assassination of the experimental base. Since being pushed out of the special nursing ward, he has not asked anything about the assassination, and Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu 2 will not talk about unpleasant things. As for the lost right arm, the old man also seemed to see it very lightly, and he often used rhetoric 2 when chatting, “This Old Thief Heaven seems to want old fogey to retire early” and so on. Seeing Teacher Huang Shujian’s mentality, Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu 2 are naturally relieved, so it can help the elderly to recover.

However, the old man Huang Shujian also has things that he ca n’t let go, and he is particularly concerned about it. It is also his biggest heart disease right now-Phantom Mecha. This is his hard work for many years. The ground test has come to an end but he was forced to do it because of his unexpected accident. Terminated. When thinking of this, the elderly often show some unhappiness, and Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu 2 are the topics that quickly shift the elderly.

Time passed day by day, and Huang Shujian’s body became stronger. He could already get up on his own. Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu everyday all would let the old man push him in a wheelchair, walk outside, breathe the fresh air, bathe Warm daylight, enjoy the natural scenery, listen to joyful laughter …

Just like today, on a sun shone brightly morning, Fang Shi slowly pushed the old man to the middle of a green meadow, and then sat with Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu on the two sides of the Teacher ’s wheelchair, while bathing in the warm sunshine and Gentle wind, while talking casually.

Old Man Huang Shujian enjoys his current relaxing moments. Before, he was a workaholic who was completely downright. Everything was work-oriented, and he rarely took the time to enjoy it so comfortably.

“My body has recovered similarly these days, you two do n’t have to waste time on my old fogey, go back to the experiment base, I do n’t need you anymore, I ’m going to complete the Phantom Mecha test earlier, but this is My last wish is that you do n’t let my old fogey see the shadow of the phantom Mecha before closing your eyes. ”Huang Shujian glanced at the students who sat comfortably on the left and right, and said angrily.

Ye Zhiqiu, who was sitting on the grass on the left side of the wheelchair, stretched out and lay back on the grass. His eyes looked at the blue sky and white clouds. His tone was slightly dissatisfied and said: “Hey, Teacher, you can’t help saying this. It’s a shame, such a good relaxing moment, it will ruin your strange tone. Are we here to be afraid that you are lonely and lonely? It is really kind to be a donkey liver and lungs. Besides, the experimental base lacks manpower, even if I and Little Junior Brother You ca n’t test it when you go back. ”

Fang Shi, who was sitting on the right side of the wheelchair, listened with this smile on his face, and Teacher’s nagging and Senior Sister’s ridicule was a relaxing enjoyment for him at the same time.

Elder Huang Shujian continued to say angrily: “The manpower will be there soon. Both the old 3 and the fourth child agreed to come and help complete the old fogey my last wish. It is estimated that they will be able to reach Langya within ten days.”

“En?” Ye Zhiqiu eyebrows slightly frowned, said: “When did you contact them on your back, you were invited to come without saying a word, Teacher, you have already planned for it.”

Elder Huang Shujian showed a smile of rigorous schemes and deep foresight, and said slightly: “Yes, the preplanning is done, there is one more thing I will inform you two now, I will leave Wolf Star after 2 3 days.”

“After leaving Langya, 2 or 3 days later?” Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu were slightly startled at the same time. The old man’s body was not well-prepared, how could he leave in a hurry.

The old man nodded and said: “Well, just 2 or 3 days. I have contacted the family before, and they will send someone to take me back to S1 Xingluo, ha ha, it’s time to go back and nurture the days.”

Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu not at all opposed, and returning to S1 Xing Luo was the best choice for the Teacher, so that 2 people would not have to worry.

“There will be time for me and Little Junior Brother to see you.” Ye Zhiqiu lightly said.

The old man laughed, took a deep breath, and said with relief: “Phantom, it’s yours.”

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