My Mech Queen

Chapter 204

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The airfield at Experimental Test Base No. 6 is a small airfield, built in response to emergencies, and is now in use.

Sha Wentian’s work was very effective. Before the Huang Huangjian’s medical car zone airport, he had already arranged the airport affairs properly. After the medical car arrived, it drove directly to the ready plane.

In addition to 4 medical staff, there are Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu in the medical car. In the car, the 2 people got a closer understanding of the current situation of Teacher Huang Shujian through the explanation of medical staff. The old man ’s condition is indeed quite bad. The lifeform sign is not stable, and there may be a sudden crisis at any time. Although his wounds have been treated, his right arm was hit by a sniper rifle at the shoulder, and the overall right arm has been lost. This time Even if it can survive, I am afraid that I can only use artificial arms in the future, which is very different from normal arms.

Looking at Teacher Huang Shujian’s pale and bloodless cheeks, Fang Shi’s heart was already covered with clouds, heavy and depressed.

Immediately after the medical car stopped, Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu helped the medical staff to lift Teacher Huang Shujian’s bed car out of the car and quickly put it on the side of the plane. At the same time, the two people also got on the plane.

After a while, the plane took off and headed to the 6th Army headquarters closest to the No. 37 experimental test base. There are 3 large military regions on Langya, which are the headquarters of the 3 garrisons stationed in Langya.

The aircraft continued to fly for nearly 3 hours before arriving at the 37th Army Headquarters Military Area, where it landed smoothly at the aviation airport.

As soon as the plane landed, a medical vehicle and a number of cars quickly drove over. Obviously, before coming, the 3rd 7th Army Headquarters was ready to meet you. In fact, after receiving Sha Wentian’s report, he immediately alarmed Mo Kaiqi, the chief commander of the 37th Army, and was shocked to hear that the lieutenant general Huang Shujian was dying. Although the old man is only a civilian lieutenant, general without an army, compared with his lieutenant general who is in real power, but others may not know that he still knows the true identity of the old Huang Shujian, he is Huang Family’s people, even the head of the Huangrun Mountain parliament, who is comparable to the emperor of the Xingluo Empire, will call him uncle. What he absolutely did not expect was that the old man Huang Shujian was in charge of something in the area. When he heard the news, he was really shocked with cold sweat. He even scolded the group of rice buckets in the experiment base, but the wood was a boat. He just scolded all the ancestors of the rice bins to no avail. The most important thing at present is the safety of the old man. The arrangements for the matter are naturally arranged properly.

Soon, the old man Huang Shujian was sent to a medical car and left the airport.

Outside the airport, more than a dozen military vehicles were already ready to continue. As soon as the medical special vehicles drove out of the exit of the aircraft terminal, they quickly moved and opened the road in front of them.

Fang Shi, who was sitting in a small car behind a medical vehicle, looked at the dozen or so military vehicles in front of him and was slightly surprised. It seemed that this military region paid much attention to the safety of Teacher Huang Shujian.

The medical car was unobstructed all the way and maintained a fast driving state. It only took more than ten minutes to reach the hospital in the military area. The hospital of the 37th Army Headquarters Military Region is a large hospital. The whole hospital has multiple buildings, which can be compared with a small residential area.

The medical car finally stopped in front of a 5-Layer building. Several medical staff at the door of the building seemed to have been waiting for a long time. When they saw the arrival of the medical car, they immediately rushed up and quickly pushed the old man Huang Shujian in.

Soon, the old man Huang Shujian was pushed into the operating room again.

Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu sat in the waiting area outside the operating room and waited in a painful way.

Two hours later, the old man Huang Shujian was pushed out of the operating room and sent to a special ward.

From the surgeon’s mouth, Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu received a message that is neither good nor bad. At present, although the elderly Huang Shujian is in a state of severe coma, he has not escaped the danger, but he is already in a stable direction. To develop in a favorable direction, so the 2 people can only silently pray that the Teacher can slowly get better.

In the next few days, the elderly Huang Shujian had been lying in the special ward. Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu almost watched through the glass window. Of course, they can go in if they are in special isolation. But in the past few days, the military area also had 2 people arrange a comfortable living area near the hospital, but only 2 people had little mood to experience it.

On the 3rd day morning, an officer with the rank of lieutenant general visited the hospital. Through the officer’s self-introduction, he knew that the middle-aged man who was nearly 50 years old in front of him turned out to be Mo Tianqi, the chief commander of the 37th Military Region.

After inquiring about the situation of Huang Shujian, Mo Tianqi met with Ye Zhiqiu alone in a special conference hall of the hospital for nearly an hour before leaving.

“Little Junior Brother, the identity of the person who assassinated the Teacher has been established.” Ye Zhiqiu’s face was slightly complicated, but the tone was still calm.

Fang Shi hearing this, my heart shook slightly, to be honest, he was still angry with the assassin, if he stood alive in front of himself, he would definitely hit the head without the slightest hesitation, but At this time, the other party was already dead, his anger was not as strong, but he still wanted to know why the other party assassinated his Teacher, was it instructed or there was a special force behind him?

Ye Zhiqiu took a light breath and continued, “He is indeed Zhou Pengtian, who belongs to Zhou Family, the yellow star.”

“Tuhuangxing Zhou Family?” Fang Shi said lightly, but there was doubt on his face. Could Zhou Pengtian be instructed by Zhouhuangtian? And what kind of existence does Zhou Family, a family star? Is it powerful? However, he was somewhat impressed by this yellow star, and it seemed to be a planet in the Southern Region.

Ye Zhiqiu slightly nodded, said: “It was a medium family of Yellow Star, but the Zhou Family no longer exists, and it was completely wiped out overnight more than a decade ago.”

“Overnight, an imperial middle-class family was completely destroyed?” Fang Shi hearing this was a little shocked in his heart. This sounded a bit sensational, but now he is not the ignorant boy 2 or 3 years ago. It is also understood that an imperial middle family is not a family. It should at least controller a middle city similar to Snow City. How can such a powerful existence be destroyed overnight, and such a family should only have a population of at least 1000, even Counting 1000, it will be destroyed overnight. Will these people be killed overnight?

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the shocking light flashed in Fang Shi’s pupil light. The topic changed slightly and asked, “Little Junior Brother, do you remember the First Senior Brother I mentioned with you?”

“Remember.” Fang Shi nodded, Ye Zhiqiu mentioned it to her once before. He still remembers more clearly. First Senior Brother is called Fang Yuanzheng. He is the first student of Teacher Huang Shujian and the most proud student, the 6th generation. Mecha First Senior Brother Fang Yuan is also involved in the design of Mecha, but unfortunately died early, but why Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu mentioned First Senior Brother Fang Yuanzheng, is it related to Teacher Huang Shujian’s assassination?

Ye Zhiqiu seems to have seen the doubts in Fang Shi’s mind and said, “Are you confused that I suddenly preached First Senior Brother?”

Fang Shi lightly un’ed.

Ye Zhiqiu exhaled a little and said, “In fact, the death of First Senior Brother was related to Zhou Family, which was at the time. First Senior Brother and Teacher were conducting a Mecha test on an experimental planet not far from Yellow Star. Holiday First Senior Brother went to the Yellow Star with several friends to play, but never returned, until Teacher used his family power to find him, but he had become a corpse, and it was found that First Senior Brother offended Zhou Family ’s 2nd ancestor was killed by an instructor. The Teacher angered and took Mecha to drop the yellow star Zhou Family in Zhoushui City. Most of the Zhou Family people were wiped out overnight. Then the family behind Teacher Use the army in the name of Zhou Family’s treason to kill the rest of Zhou Family, which is what was once called the ‘Natural Star Event’. “

“Exhaust!” After listening to Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu’s words, Fang Shi’s heart has already set off a stormy sea. It turns out that the first Senior Brother Fang Yuanzhen’s early death was because of the murder of the 2nd ancestor of Zhou Family. Teacher Huang Shujian, who made him even more unexpected, wiped out an imperial middle-class family overnight. In his eyes, this approach would be too fierce and overbearing. The whole family would be repaid! As for the family behind Teacher Huang Shu, he still knows a few things. It was Huang Family, the head of the Empire Great Great Families, and the former Imperial Family.

Fang Shi took a deep breath, Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu’s words really touched him a bit, but he also got some clues from what the matter said. The person who assassinated Teacher Huang Shujian was called Zhou Pengtian, which is the yellow star Zhou Family people, according to logic, Zhou Pengtian assassinated Teacher Huang Shujian for family revenge, “Zhou Pengtian was a fish that escaped the net of Zhou Family.”

Ye Zhiqiu slowly nodded, saying: “Lieutenant General Mo Tianqi has already shown me the information of Zhou Pengtian just now. He is not actually a blood relative of Zhou Family, but was collected privately by Zhou Family Old Patriarch. The righteous son, and the name Zhou Pengtian was also given by Zhou Family Old Patriarch. In fact, his real name was 10000 Fei Shen. Zhou Family was involved in him after the accident. Later, this person joined the army and entered the army, and became an old man. The special operations personnel of the Imperial Special Forces did not choose to retire until half a year ago. I think he was planning to prepare for revenge on the Teacher for half a year. “

Fang Shi light took a deep breath, and didn’t know what to say for a while. To be honest, from some angles, he still admired Zhou Pengtian, or called 10000 Fei Shen.

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