My Master Is a God

Chapter 2695: Colorful dragon scales offering


Yuan Chentian roared directly and waved his hand to meet Yang Yiyun with a sword.


In the dullness, Yang Yiyun's sword was resolved.

But Yuan Chentian's killing intent was pervasive, and he didn't even take a step back.

Yang Yiyun was shocked in his heart. Although his sword did not use the blessing of the power of the Taoist tree, it was also the strongest blow of the swordsmanship. He did not expect that it would be resolved by Yuan Chentian with a random wave of his hand.

Secretly said in his heart: "The power of the **** master level is really extraordinary. This is still in the case of his injury, and he is still the junior **** master. If he is in the peak state of Yuanchentian, I am afraid that it will be difficult to be good today."

Suddenly, Yang Yiyun's energy was up to 120,000 points. He knew that he was facing a strong man who had truly reached the pinnacle of strength.

It must not be taken lightly, otherwise it will really suffer.

But he still has the confidence to fight.

He observed a detail that he found that Yuan Chentian's body shuddered slightly after resisting his sword. Although it was only a moment, it also showed that his sword caused trouble to Yuan Chentian and was able to affect Yuan Chentian. Chentian threatened.

"The kid is looking for death~"

Yuan Chentian was furious, and he could see and understand. This kid could break in to make trouble for himself, fearing that he knew about his injury a long time ago, so only a **** emperor cultivation base came to challenge him as the **** master.

It is clearer that since the next battle cannot be delayed, it needs to fight quickly, otherwise, the more delayed, the more disadvantaged it will be for him.

A pair of eyes were round and golden, staring at Yang Yiyun, but in the next moment his gaze swept away from Yang Yiyun, looking at the three bodies of Teng Snake, Tu Jingyuan, and Huang Shulang behind Yang Yiyun.

For Yang Yiyun, Yuan Chentian always feels like a thorn. It may be a little difficult to win according to his current state. If this is the case, then start with a few people around Yang Yiyun and do everything, as long as he can delay it. With time, he can kill these ants one by one by pressing down the bad conditions in his body.

The point is that there is another illusion in Yuan Chentian's heart, where are the ten great emperors of his city lord mansion?

Are they all killed?

Thinking about the impossible, Yang Yiyun still couldn’t kill the top ten **** emperors. Even with that strength, he could only kill a few junior **** emperors with weak cultivation bases. Among them, the strength of the three upper **** emperors was very good. clear.

It is very likely to be caught by something.

It must be so.

Thinking about it this way, Yuan Chentian was even more sure to use the subordinates behind Yang Yiyun to contain Yang Yiyun and buy time for himself, hoping that the **** emperors would come as soon as possible.

The next moment Yuan Chentian narrowed his eyes, and disappeared in place with a swish of his figure.

And Yang Yiyun had been guarding Yuan Chentian, he directly ran the Tao tree behind him out, ready to fight Yuan Chentian head-on.

Who knows suddenly discovered that Yuan Chentian staggered him directly, and the goal went straight to Huang Shulang, the weakest cultivation base.

"Dare you~"

Yang was really taken aback.

Huang Shulang is the weakest one in his cultivation. At this moment, Yuan Chentian is really shameless and shameless when he strikes Huang Shulang.

If Yuan Chentian succeeds, there is no doubt that Huang Shulang will be an ant who can't fight back. The point is that Yang Yiyun does not want to lose Huang Shulang. Among the three men, he actually values ​​Huang Shulang the most, and plans to train Huang Shulang to be by his side. Where's the kotou sergeant.

If it were taken by Yuan Chenhuan, Huang Shulang's life would be over.

In a hurry, Yang Yiyun cursed, but he also knew that it was useless and it was too late to stop.

After all, there is a little distance, and it is impossible for Huang Shulang to avoid such great gods as Yuan Chentian.

Even if Teng Snake and Tu Jingyuan, who are close to Huang Shulang, make a shot, they are afraid it will be useless. Maybe the three will be wiped out by Yuan Chentian. Then Yuan Chentian will threaten him and delay the time. Yang Yiyun knows that the time will come. It's really no way.

Because he is not the kind of cold and ruthless person who can abandon three subordinates.

The situation reversed in an instant.

The main reason is that he didn't expect that Yuan Chentian, a powerful master of the dignified god, would be so shameless that he would attack a little **** king, and he could already say that he would use all means to be shameless.

These people are very insidious, and it's certainly not a good thing.

Originally, he had some worries in his heart before, and Yuan Chentian had no grievances and no grudges to provoke Yuan Chentian to seek the position of the city lord of the Sky God City. He felt a little sad, and found himself a reluctant reason to avenge Huang Shulang's subordinate. , Even so, he was still a little embarrassed in his heart.

But at this moment, he felt that he was still too simple.

In front of these old monsters, there is no need to deal with the rules, it is best to kill directly.

Because Yuan Chentian is a shameless behavior directly, without the demeanor of a strong person, so what is there to be guilty of?

In such a moment, Yang Yiyun saw Yuan Chentian appearing directly at Huang Shulang three meters away, and reached out his hand to grab Huang Shulang directly, and Huang Shulang, the little **** king’s cultivation base, was directly frightened in front of Yuan Chentian at the master level. , I can't move it under pressure.

"Colorful dragon scales~out~"

Yang Yiyun suddenly roared.

A colorful divine light flashed.

At this moment, he directly sacrificed the colorful dragon scales.

If there is anything that can stop Yuan Chentian at this time, Yang Yiyun has two types, the first is the colorful dragon scales, and the second is Hun Yuan Qi.

In contrast, Hunyuan belongs to the general existence of spiritual creatures, not something he refined.

However, the colorful dragon scales should be more casual, after all, he has specially practiced the display of colorful dragon scales in the Universe Pot, and he can drive his mind with big thoughts.

The point is to be fast and able to catch up.


As soon as the colorful dragon scales came out, Yang Yiyun was directly driven by Consummation, and the power of the primordial spirit and the divine power in the body directly exploded to the maximum.

The phantom of the ancestor dragon evolved in an instant, and the dragon roared.

The pressure of Zulong's might spread throughout the hall in an instant.

With a swish of Naomoto Chentian, the colorful dragon scales cut through the space directly, passing lightning.



In the next second, Yuan Chentian screamed.

But it was directly cut off by the colorful dragon scales and grabbed Huang Shulang's left arm.

It was finally stopped.

Yang Yiyun took the opportunity to flash to Huang Shulang's side and sent Huang Shulang out of the hall with a palm.

In a blink of an eye, Yang Yiyun controlled the colorful dragon scales to kill Yuan Chentian again.

A successful blow made him confident.

The mighty power of the colorful dragon scales was beyond his imagination and even better than expected.

But Yuan Chentian was shocked at this moment, too late to break his arm, but he quickly retreated to avoid the second blow of the colorful dragon scales.


A loud roar of lions rose into the sky, and Yuan Chentian's whole body was radiant, instantly turning into a body.

A flaming red lion with a height of five or six meters and a body length of more than ten meters appeared, and the inscriptions flashed on the body, and the energy was chopped out in the roar, and it went straight to the colorful dragon scales.

Collided instantly.


The earth-shaking sound rang.

The dazzling light exploded, and the energy fluctuations distorted the space and spread quickly.

At the same time, the entire cave was violently shaken, big rocks fell and the ground cracked.

It began to collapse in an instant.


Yuan Chentian roared, soaring to the sky.

Yang Yiyun trembled, his colorful dragon scales were bounced back, this blow was resolved by Yuan Chen Tian's hard resistance, but he rushed out of the mountain directly.

"I want to escape~"

Yang Yiyun waved his sword, and the whole mountain was cut in half, and he chased out the mountain.

The life and death fight has begun.

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