My Master Is a God

Chapter 2694: Buy time to kill him

There are no creatures in the entire hall, only this ice sculpture lion, there is no doubt that it can only be Yuan Chentian.

Yang Yiyun thinks about it now. The twelve lion men in the square outside were half beasts and half humans. Although they were puppet stones, they looked like lions. They thought they were random masterpieces of the stone demon **** emperor. Now, thinking about it is inevitable. It is a puppet trained according to Yuan Chentian's body.

Everything is traceable.

The stone demon **** emperor was Yuan Chentian sitting down to the **** emperor, and it was bound to be affected in any way. It was not surprising that the puppet lion man was created.

There was only one ice sculpture lion in the hall at this time, and nothing else, it was definitely Yuan Chentian.

The body is a lion with some fire attributes.

Yang Yiyun felt that the entire hall of the natural cave and stars, under the three-foot ice layer, were all rocks with huge fire attributes and energy. I wanted to come to Yuan Chentian's choice of a place for cultivating the Tao, or it was used to resist the cold. .

After careful observation, there was a pool frozen under the ice carving persimmon or Yuan Chentian where the ice carving persimmon was. He swept away his consciousness and found that it was a magma pool, the temperature was not small, and there was a strong and incomparable energy fluctuation.

It is a pity that no matter how high the temperature is, it is still frozen by the power of ice.

As for the source of the ice, Yang Yiyun discovered that it was emitted from Yuan Chentian's body.

At this moment, he could finally be sure that Huang Shulang's intelligence and speculation were correct. Yuan Chentian was indeed injured in his body, and the root cause was the cold energy radiating from his body.

The extremely overbearing power of coldness made his heart palpitations in his feelings.

But it was a good thing for him to kill Yuan Chentian.

After all, Yuan Chentian is now being bitten by this cold energy.

Originally thought it would take a lot of effort, but he didn't expect Yuan Chentian to be frozen into an ice sculpture. Under these circumstances, Yang Yiyun seemed to have no pressure to kill Yuan Chentian.

"Master, let's do it directly. It seems that Yuan Chentian is now at the peak of the backlash. If he carries the power of the backlash over, I am afraid that he will have to deal with the trouble he will have~"

The soil essence element who rarely speaks actively speaks.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said, "Well, you guys step back and I will come~"

Although it seems that Yuan Chentian's body has been frozen, and it seems that he does not know everything about the outside world, but it is the Divine Lord, who knows what is going on with Yuan Chentian?

Perhaps only Yuan Chentian knew about it.

The next moment Yang Yiyun raised the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand, facing the ice sculpture lion as a sword.


It was still a simple sword, but his sword was a superb sword skill, and its power was self-explanatory.

This sword is also a temptation, don't capsize in the gutter, he is also standing dozens of meters away.

A sword came out, distorting the space, the power is not small, it is not small.

When the ice sculpture lion was about to arrive in the blink of an eye, the next moment he saw the ice sculpture lion emit a dazzling divine light, with silver white in the fiery red light.


At the same time, a loud roar resounded throughout the hall.

It's the roar of a lion.

Yang Yiyun sighed in his heart, it really wasn't easy.

He didn't expect at all, Yuan Chentian could be trapped by the back of the injury, so that he could catch them, waiting for them to kill them obediently.


There was a sound like broken glass.

I saw the ice sculpture shattered.

The next moment a fiery red light illuminates the entire hall.

Then a burly man who looked like a middle-aged man appeared in front of them.

At the same time, it is accompanied by a strong world pressure.

Yang Yiyun felt the pressure.

Sure enough, the power of God Lord is very different from God Emperor.

Day by day, not talking.

Yang Yiyun thought to himself.

"Junior is so courageous~"

For a moment, the middle-aged man stared at Yang Yiyun, and the overwhelming coercion enveloped Yang Yiyun.

To be honest, Yang Yiyun was really taken a big jump at first, but as the opposing coercion enveloped him, he was not worried anymore.

Because he felt that although the opposing coercion was strong, there was still a trace of chaos.

This is not the breath that a strong person should have at all, and there will be no such thing as chaos.

This can only show that the opponent is indeed injured, this coercion is overwhelming, and it is not bluffing or even delaying time in the first place.

At the same point, Yang Yiyun looked at the middle-aged man and asked with a grin: "You are Yuan Chentian, Lord of the Sky God City, right?"

"What about this seat? You'll be dead if you interrupt the maintenance of this seat."

This sentence is tantamount to acknowledging.

Yang Yiyun confirmed that the ice sculpture lion before was Yuan Chentian, and the body was the lion.

Hehe smiled and said: "I can't talk about interruption. To be precise, we are here to avenge. Of course, the point is that we need to pick you up as the city lord."

Yuan Chentian's body was tumbling at this moment, and he was trying his best to suppress the backlash of the ice power in his body. The real hands-on situation would only be very bad, otherwise he would talk nonsense with Yang Yiyun, wishing to slap Yang Yiyun to death.

But now he needs time to suppress the backlash of the injuries in his body.

The injury more than 100,000 years ago has been plagued him so far. Not only has he not recovered, but it has even worsened in recent years. Now it is really not suitable for hands-on.

He needs to delay time.

Hearing Yang Yiyun's words, he coldly snorted: "Vengeance? You, as a human being, have never dealt with humans."

It is true that he can't remember when he offended a human race. As for the second half of the sentence, he directly ignored the position of the city lord?

What a joke?

Yang Yiyun grinned and said, "Huang Shulang tell him who you are."

The teacher is well-known.

With red eyes, Huang Shulang said in a few words the grudge that his wife and children were trampled to death by Yuan Chentian more than 100,000 years ago, and finally added that Yang Yiyun is my master.

Facing Huang Shulang's words, Yuan Chentian frowned. He couldn't remember this at all. It happened more than 100,000 years ago. He was a master of God back then, so how could he care about two Xiaoru? The life and death of the rat demon of ants?

But then Yuan Chentian glanced at Yang Yiyun and understood. The point is that this human race kid, a high-ranking peak **** emperor is here to provoke him, and the focus is on the position of the city lord of this human race.

It's just to find faults deliberately.

"Hehe, if you want revenge, you have to see if you have the ability." Yuan Chentian is still delaying time, waiting for him to slow down to suppress the backlash in his body, and then he can kill these ants with his backhand.

"Then try~" Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said, suddenly slashing at Yuan Chentian.

How can he not know that Yuan Chentian is delaying time?

As for him, he is similar to Yuan Chentian's mind. He can drag it until now, just to feel the situation in Yuan Chentian's body carefully. During the dialogue, he finally feels the breath of Yuan Chentian, which is indeed very Chaos, and in terms of cultivation base, he is the primary **** master, he grasped it at this moment.

Naturally, he would not give Yuan Chentian time to regulate and suppress the backlash in his body. Instead, he had to buy time to get rid of him while Yuan Chentian was backlashed.

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