My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 865 Power of Merit

Among the private rooms.

Chen Qingru turned her head and looked at Chen Fan with a strange expression.

Chen Fan smiled Hey.

If the betting hadn't been cut off at this time, Chen Fan believed that Zhou Bailan's odds could be reduced to single digits just by Togo's words.

Zhou Bolan not only has a problem, but the problem is not small... Yuhua Sect is really not easy! Even though Chen Fan knew something inside, he was a little surprised.

Who is Togo's master?

That is the Sacred Emperor of Extreme Ice, the boss of the Immortal rank.

Zhou Bolan concealed his strength, and it was normal to have a hole card.

But to be called by the Holy Emperor of Extreme Ice to remind his disciples of the second level of longevity to pay attention, then there is a big problem!

At the same time, in the crystal wall projection, the two have already started fighting.

A sword of ice was condensed in Togo Leng's hand, but the entire battle scene turned into a vast expanse of white in the blink of an eye.

Then a raging ice storm rushed towards Zhou Bailan.

Zhou Bolan looked so insignificant in the wind and snow, she was submerged in the blink of an eye...

Chen Fan stared straight at the crystal wall with double pressure, his eyes flickering.

He, who had fought against Togo before, also knew the horror of the power of his move. Even if he faced this move head-on, he would not feel good if he did not make any preparations.

And the next moment, amidst the wind and snow, a dazzling golden light rose up.

This is……

Chen Qingru beside her also widened her eyes: Tianziqi?

In the blink of an eye, the dazzling golden light broke through the impact of the ice crystals all over the sky, and rushed towards Togo.


Chen Fan shook his head.

Although it looks like Tianzi Qi, Chen Fan, who has seen Tianzi Qi more than once, can be sure that this kind of power is not Tianzi Qi!

It's just because he just looked at the projection and couldn't experience it himself, and it was impossible for Chen Fan to see what kind of power was contained in it just from the golden light all over the sky.

It should be... the power of merit!

Chen Tianqian said solemnly:

Yuhuamen set up a gold list of merit and virtue, and all disciples under the sect are listed on it. Everyone must do good deeds and establish good deeds. Some of the outstanding disciples will even be given the 'Golden List of Merit and Virtue' component, which can motivate the part of the gold list of merit and virtue. strength.

I've seen disciples of the Ascension Sect activate the power of merit. It is very similar to Zhou Bailan's appearance at this time. It is probably the power of merit.

However, I have never heard that there are people who can exert the power of merit without relying on the 'Golden List of Merit and Virtue'.

Chen Fan frowned slightly, also remembering the time when he was working hard.

Guan Qiujing of the Yuhuamen used to hold the Golden List of Merit and Virtue to defeat the Demon Emperor of the Nayuan Demon Sect.

What he is mobilizing is the power of merit. Thinking about it now, his hand should be a component of the Golden List of Merit and Virtue.

He raised his head, looked at the screen above his head, looked at the indifferent Zhou Bailan, and thought deeply.

This week, Bai Lan can get the inheritance of Yuan Shi, but he can even stimulate the power of merit out of thin air. Why is this person so special?

He licked his lips: Could it be that this son is also a 'son of destiny'?


Senior sister, what's the matter?

Wu Yan looked at the girl next to him in astonishment:

Was Zhou Bolan so powerful before?

Luo Caiwei just smiled wryly: The time I defeated Zhou Bolan, he didn't show his strength...

The former Luo Caiwei, after defeating Zhou Bolan, didn't even regard Zhou Bolan as an opponent anymore. She never thought that Zhou Bolan never used her full strength.

Wu Yan also sighed, with a delicate expression:

Senior sister, you still said that after I break through, I have a chance to defeat him... How is this possible, if a hundred of me are tied together, they will not be this person's opponent!

Luo Caiwei also shook her head and smiled bitterly with a complicated expression.

I thought the Heaven's Gate would not be accepted. It turns out that they have been hiding something...

Luo Caiwei looked at the scene of Bailan fighting in Jingbi Zhou, and sighed faintly, and besides sighing in her heart, there was also a strong fear.

Even though he was defeated by him in public, Zhou Bailan never showed his strength this week.

What kind of mentality has he had over the years?


Chen Qingru stared wide-eyed, watching the fierce battle on it in astonishment:

Unexpectedly, Zhou Bolan can beat Togo like this with a dao fruit. Could it be that he can really win?

Zhou Bolan showed strength beyond the standard, and was even able to compete with Togo head-on.

On the crystal wall, golden light and ice staggered, roaring and shaking, and the two were evenly tied.

Chen Fan frowned and shook his head: Togo hasn't used his real strength yet, so Zhou Bolan should have some reservations... It's really hard to say the outcome...

Although Zhou Bolan's meritorious power is formidable, but his own cultivation is much inferior, and he can fight Togo back and forth, but it takes up the meritorious force.

As Chen Fan's voice fell, Togo on the crystal wall suddenly became imposing, but his whole person was like a god and demon. With the same move, his power was several times greater than before!

Zhou Bolan, you are the first person to see my true strength after breaking through to the third level of longevity!

Togo's cold voice came through the projection wall.

This... Togo is not the second level of longevity, but the third level of longevity?!

Chen Tianqian couldn't help being stunned.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: As expected...

At the time of the preliminaries, Togo's realm had already broken through the third level, but his cultivation level was still a little short. If he won the first place in the preliminaries, he would also receive the rewards set by the Ice Extreme Sect. It's normal.

The breakthrough of the realm is far more important than the breakthrough of the cultivation base, but it does not mean that the breakthrough of the cultivation base is useless. On the contrary, the breakthrough of the cultivation base will bring a comprehensive improvement to Togo, and the power of the moves will naturally be improved to a higher level.

With Togo's strength, with one move of 'Extreme Cold Storm', I am afraid there is no opponent in the third level of longevity.

Because he just watched the projection and couldn't feel the breath, Chen Fan didn't know the specific power of this move.

But he has experienced the strength of Togo's move before, and combined with his cultivation, he can roughly estimate the power of Togo's move at this time.

With my current physical fitness, if I activate the 'Immortal Vajra Body', I should be able to block it relatively easily...

Even if Togo's strength breaks through, there is still a certain gap between Wucheng and Heiyu.

But at this time, Chen Fan was aiming at Yuhu, who was stronger than Wucheng Heiyu, and he was sure that Togo could not be his opponent.

At the same time, he looked at Zhou Bolan curiously.

With the power of merit he showed just now, it is not enough to withstand Togo's offensive. How will he deal with it?

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

But the next moment, the scene of the two fighting caught everyone by surprise.

A golden light surged around Zhou Bolan's body again.

The golden light gradually condensed into a special scroll, floating in front of Zhou Bailan.

Zhou Bolan stretched out his hand to hold the golden scroll in his hand, and saw a layer of faint golden light covering Zhou Bolan's body.

He floated forward indifferently.

The raging ice crystal storm in front of him stirred and intertwined, but after hitting the golden light on his body again, it was as if the rainwater melted into the river, only slightly rippled, and then completely melted away.

How could this be?! Togo looked like a madman, raising the ice sword in his hand.

The sky and the earth turned pale, and more and more dense ice crystal storms rushed towards Zhou Bailan.

It's useless. Zhou Bolan's voice came faintly, giving people a sense of inviolability.

His body was like a phantom light, and he seemed to be walking forward slowly, but his figure came in front of Togo in the blink of an eye.

The gold medal has been achieved, brother, this time, I won.


As soon as Zhou Bolan raised his hand, the golden scroll suddenly floated up and rushed towards Togo's body in an instant.

Togo blinked his eyes, and thick ice barriers suddenly appeared in the air in front of him, but the gold list rushed straight to Togo's body as if nothing had happened.

Then the dazzling golden light bloomed, and Togo's body completely melted away.

Zhou Bolan won.

With the end of the war.

Almost all the competition venues were in an uproar.

I don't know how many people lost their fortunes.

Chen Fan looked at the jade card in his hand. The chips that were originally more than 10 million had turned into more than 500 million in the blink of an eye. His expression was also slightly subtle.

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