Oh? Master thinks so?

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

Master, I forgot what you reminded me at the beginning, the name of Yuhuamen Tianzhimen is here...

Zhou Bolan, as the representative of the geniuses dispatched by the Gate of Heaven, doesn't he really have any special means?

Chen Tianqian shook his head:

Zhou Bolan must be extraordinary, I can be sure of this.

Even if the person is extraordinary, it depends on who you compare with. If it were another person, even if he was also at the second level of longevity, I think Zhou Bolan would definitely win.

But the Ice Extreme Sect is one of the Four Great Sacred Sects after all, and this Togo is a direct disciple of the Immortal, even if he is a disciple who doesn't pay much attention...the probability of surpassing Zhou Bailan will be even greater!

It's not that Zhou Bailan is weak, but that Togo is too strong!

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded.

If Zhou Bolan hadn't found him and revealed his source pearl, Chen Fan might have valued Zhou Bolan enough, but not too much.

No matter how strong the Yuhua Sect is, can it still compare to the Four Great Sacred Sects among the Hidden World Sect?

In fact, even now, Chen Fan, who knows that Zhou Bolan has hidden cards, feels that the probability of Zhou Bolan winning is not high...

He has seen Togo's strength.

His realm has reached the third level of longevity.

In the past few months, with so many points in the pre-selection, he must have received a special reward from the Ice Sect. Maybe he has truly stepped into the third level of longevity.

How terrifying is the strength of a peerless genius who has cultivated at the third level of longevity.

Chen Fan would be very afraid.

Even if Zhou Bolan obtained more Origin inheritance than Chen Fan's.

But it's just that the real essence is stronger and the recovery power is stronger. In the illusion, the source beads cannot be used, and the blessing of strength is also very limited.

Unless Zhou Bolan has a lot of hidden cultivation, it will be very difficult for him to win!

Xiaoxi looked at the comparison of two people's cultivation bases on the projection wall, one with the second level of longevity and one with Dao fruit: Uncle, you help me bet, I want to go all-in on Togo!

The little girl was able to control the betting rights when Chen Fan was not there in the last game. Now that Chen Fan is back, the jade token is naturally in Chen Fan's hands again.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and smiled: Don't regret it.

When Xiaoxi heard Chen Fan's words, she also hesitated for a while. She watched the odds of the two on the jade card change and gradually increased, and looked at Chen Fan again, but she couldn't make up her mind.

She turned to look at Chen Fan:

Uncle, how do you bet? I'm as good as you.

Chen Fan laughed loudly, but said: I have more than nine million yuan in crystals, of which seven million I bet on Togo, and the rest I bet on Zhou Bailan!

Chen Xi couldn't help being stunned: This...

As soon as this statement came out.

Ye Yunxin remained silent.

Chen Tianqian continued to drink tea as if he didn't hear it.

On the contrary, Chen Qingru's expression was a little weird, and she couldn't help saying:

Junior brother, what kind of game are you playing? Since you bet seven million on Togo, it means that you think Togo has a higher probability of winning, so why do you want to bet on Zhou Bailan's one million?

If Togo wins, even if you bet seven million on him, based on the current odds, you will lose money in the end!

Not to mention that Togo's odds are still falling... If Togo wins, you may actually lose more.

Chen Fan shook his head:

If Togo wins, although I will lose money, I won't lose too much. I can still afford to lose.

But if I vote for Togo and Zhou Bolan wins, wouldn't I lose everything?

To put it simply, Chen Fan believes that Togo has a high probability of winning, but Zhou Bolan also has a certain probability of winning.

This is a betting method that spreads risk.

High probability of losing small money, small probability of winning big money!

The question is how big is the high probability and how small is the small probability.

Chen Qingru shook her head and smiled wryly: I don't understand you, junior brother...

She didn't know what was special about Zhou Bolan, so she naturally didn't think the probability of Zhou Bolan winning was high.

Chen Fan smiled and said nothing more.

Xiao Xi gritted her teeth and said, I also want to have the same betting ratio as Uncle you! Whatever you bet, you can vote for me.

Chen Xi has a mysterious confidence towards Chen Fan.

It would be better to say that Chen Fan has come all the way to the present, which is mysterious enough in itself.

Chen Fan nodded with a smile, and distributed all the 10 million in his hand.

Although the odds of the two are not as exaggerated as in some games, the difference is still quite a bit...

This gap is still widening.

Just when the introduction between the two parties was about to end, Zhou Bolan's odds, which had been rising continuously to 50 or 60, suddenly froze, and then plummeted to only 20 or 30!

In fact, even the odds of 20 to 30 are enough to show that 99% of the bettors believe that Togo will win.

It's just that the suddenly reduced odds made Chen Fan thoughtful.

This can only show that someone or some people overwhelmed Zhou Bailan a lot at once to win.

Although this wealth is still only a drop in the bucket, it is definitely much more than the one million yuan crystals I have given out!

It was precisely this drop in the bucket that suddenly lowered Zhou Bolan's odds a lot.

And with the sudden change in the odds, some other people seemed to realize something. Zhou Bolan's odds dropped again, but only temporarily, and soon his odds began to gradually rise again.


Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

If he knew that Zhou Bolan had obtained the Origin inheritance, even if he saw the abnormal change in the odds, he would not deliberately change his bet because of this.

But the problem is that he knows that Zhou Bolan has obtained the inheritance of Yuanshi and has a strong hole card.

Then the instantaneous change of the odds is worth pondering.

Everyone knows that Togo is the second level of longevity, the disciple of the Holy Emperor of Ice Extreme, and Togo's strength is almost a clear card here... But there are still people who put out a lot of money to bet on Zhou Bailan. This can only show that , this person knows Zhou Bolan's specialness, and thinks that Zhou Bolan can win even against Togo with this strength!

Chen Fan laughed Hey, but picked up the jade tablet again.

Instead, he changed his betting and turned all the more than 8 million chips that he had bet on Togo to bet on Zhou Bailan.

Zhou Bolan's odds froze for a moment, and even jumped down again, but soon began to rise again.

If Togo wins, I will only lose the tens of millions of Yuanjing, but if Zhou Bailan can win...

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

As far as he is concerned, although losing tens of millions of yuan crystals will feel painful, he can accept it after all.

But if he can win, he can make a lot of money, even for him at this time, it will be quite a fortune. He has inside information, but he can take a gamble.

Little Daddy, what are you doing?! Chen Xi couldn't care less about calling Uncle when he saw Chen Fan's operation, and looked quite shocked.

Chen Fan smiled and waved his hands: Play with the heartbeat!

As Chen Fan's voice fell, the scene on the jade disc also changed, and the figures of the two appeared on the empty white battlefield.

The odds on the jade card also stopped at this moment.

Zhou Bailan's odds stabilized at over 50.

Compared to the poor strength of the two, the odds are big but not big enough.

With a mournful face, Chen Xi hummed: It's all your own money, don't feel bad about it!

Chen Fan smiled and raised his head.

In the projection on the jade bi, the two did not start fighting immediately

Togo looked indifferently at Zhou Bolan in the distance: I know you, Zhou Bolan, your name is among the people my master once reminded me to be careful...

You should not be an ordinary dao fruit, let me take a look and see what kind of means you are hiding.

As the man spoke, a cold air filled his body, and a long sword condensed and appeared in his hand.

This round of competition is different from previous ones.

All projection crystal walls are a unified scene, and there is no restriction on sound.

Togo's loud voice continued to echo in various venues.

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Fan in the private room could hear bursts of uproar and commotion from outside.

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