My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 855 Fish Tiger

Yu Shi raised his brows when he heard the words, Then...

Rui Chi's eyes flickered: With Chen Fan's strength, even a master of the third level of longevity would not be able to take him down. At least he must be close to the fourth level of longevity, or even the real fourth level of longevity, to be sure...

Besides, as you said, the Sky Splitting Sword Sect attaches great importance to Chen Fan at this moment. When Chen Fan leaves Longyuan City at this time, Chen Tianqian, the head teacher of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, will probably accompany him. If Chen Tianqian protects himself, he will need another Longevity Quadruple Interception...

That is to say, at least two masters with the strength of the fourth level of longevity are needed to be sure to deal with Chen Fan!

Yu Shi frowned deeply, and said with a wry smile: Don't say that I have not been fully born in the Free League, even if I have already been born, I can't find two longevity fourfold...

Rui Chi raised his head, his eyes flashed sharply: I know a master, he owes me a favor, maybe I can persuade him to make a move, the key issue is the second longevity quadruple...

He turned to look at Yu Shi: You know more about this Chen Fan, does he have other enemies?

Yu Shi narrowed his eyes when he heard this.


Another day passed.

Chen Fan disguised himself and quietly left Longyuan City alone.

After crossing Longyuan Lake, Chen Fan came to the territory of Yuhua Dynasty, in a mountain range.

The stream of light was stirring, and Chen Fan quickly shuttled between the mountains at an extremely fast speed.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

There are so many beautiful scenery in the mountains, why go so fast.

Chen Fan's galloping figure suddenly froze.

He turned his eyes slightly and looked towards the distant sky.

In the mountains, a flying boat was floating in the air. Among the floating clouds, there was a man in a purple-black robe sitting on the flying boat drinking wine.

Chen Fan frowned, Are you talking to me?

The man laughed loudly, flew up, and in the blink of an eye flew to Chen Fan not far away, Of course I'm talking to you.

I don't know you, right? Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, but he looked behind him from the corner of his eye.

A faint light flashed in the man's eyes: You don't know me, but I know you. Let me introduce myself—

My name is Yu Shi, from the Liberty League.

I don't know, when you hear the name Zizai League, what do you think of? Chen Fan?

Chen Fan shook his head, regaining his original face, indifferently:

I don't remember anything, I don't know...can you remind me.

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, and shook his head: Let me think about it, your confidence, one is that you are not weaker than the triple strength of longevity, and the second should be that Chen Tian behind you did it, but you don't think it's strange Well, Chen Tianqian hasn't caught up until now...

This statement fell.

A roar sounded from far behind Chen Fan, and at the same time, a distant roar came from a distance: Chen Fan, be careful, some masters are stopping me...

This is Chen Tianqian's voice.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

The person who can stop Chen Tianqian is not the fourth level of longevity, but also close to the fourth level of longevity.

He shook his head and turned around, looking at Yu Shi indifferently: Just because you are the first level of immortality, you shouldn't dare to stop me. Anyone else, come out.

This Yu Shi didn't hide his cultivation. Although he was powerful, he didn't pay attention to Chen Fan at all.

Unless this Yu Shi is some kind of heaven-defying race, more talented than Wu Cheng and others, otherwise this kind of cultivation cannot threaten Chen Fan.

Following Chen Fan's voice fell.

Ripples flashed in the void, and several figures appeared around the mountain peak.

Chen Fan, I said you would regret it!

The person who spoke was Rui Chi floating in the air, and there were three or four people around him, but Chen Fan didn't recognize any of them.

But these people are all at the level of strength above longevity!

He shook his head, looked away, and then looked at Rui Chi and the others. His eyes swept over the surrounding people, but he frowned.

Among the three people present, there were no fighters from Dagan and Lingshen Daozong, and no fighters from the Blood God Sect.

Maybe there is no master who can stop me, but the Blood God Sect didn't send anyone...

Chen Fan was naturally disappointed.

He shook his head, and looked at Rui Chi: You know my strength, and you dare to stop me. Do you think... you guys can kill me?

Rui Chi's body began to swell, and his manic and domineering aura continued to spread: Chen Tianqian was stopped, and you alone will surely die today!

Chen Fan turned his head slightly, and there was a clicking sound from his neck.

At the same time, he held his empty hand forward, and the Leng Feng sword appeared in his hand.

I'm not in the mood to talk to you. Since you dare to stop me, you should be mentally prepared to die, right?

When Chen Fan's figure fell, his body suddenly turned into blood, and a suffocating tyrannical aura spread from him.

A look of astonishment flashed across Rui Chi's face: This...

In the illusion, he had fought Chen Fan to the death, and he thought he knew Chen Fan's strength the most clearly.

But at this moment, the aura and pressure emanating from Chen Fan's body were completely different from those in the illusion.

Chen Fan is hiding his strength!

When he realized this, his expression changed drastically.

At the same time, the sword light in Chen Fan's hand cut out along with the spreading blood, and the Dao Domain around him flickered like a rainbow.


It changed the color of the world, and the horrifying sword light slashed out.


Rui Chi could only feel an unmatched mighty force spreading out from the sword energy.

He immediately activated the innate magical powers of the horned demons, and the horns turned black to completely cover the body.

It's just that the people around him and Yu Shi on the mountain can only face Chen Fan's sword light one by one.

Quickly mobilize the defensive treasure! Yu Shi screamed, and a thick layer of aura armor rose from his body.

At the same time, those figures in the sky activated their defensive treasures one by one.

However, the streaks of aura on these people's bodies collapsed and vanished into nothingness the moment the sword energy spread out.

Immediately afterwards, the bodies of these people were also torn into pieces by the subsequent terrifying sword energy!


After the unrivaled sword energy devoured the bodies of several people, it still spread outwards, but in the blink of an eye, the entire mountain peak was smashed into pieces.

The sky was full of smoke, dust and air waves surging in all directions.

As the impact force passed, one after another mountain peaks collapsed.

In the blink of an eye, everything stopped abruptly.

The sky was full of smoke and dust.

At this moment, in front of Chen Fan, there was nothing left except a tattered black ball full of cracks.

Chen Fan frowned, and looked at the tattered black ball in front of him.

This time, although Rui Chi's innate supernatural power blocked Chen Fan's sure-killing sword, the black ball protection had already been broken by Chen Fan!

Under the broken black ball, Rui Chi's corpse was a bloody mess, his breath was extremely weak, and his two horns were also broken, it was absolutely impossible to block the next move.

Chen Fan sneered and shook his head: With your strength, how dare you come to trouble me?

The corner of Rui Chi's mouth twitched, but he turned his head to look at the sky:

Yuhu, if you don't make a move, I'm going to die!

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan frowned, and suddenly raised his head to look where his eyes were.

Under the induction of his spiritual sense, it is obvious that no one exists.

next moment.

A faint blue light spot in the sky appeared in the void, blurred in the blink of an eye, and then turned into a black and thin man like a bamboo pole in the blink of an eye.

This person seems to have advanced to the last round of Meihui... Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

The black and thin man stared straight at Chen Fan, and when he lifted his footsteps, his body suddenly appeared in front of Rui Chi.

He reached out and patted Rui Chi lightly.

A faint blue aura bloomed, and Rui Chi's extremely weak breath recovered in the blink of an eye.

After helping Rui Chi to heal for a while, his body suddenly moved forward again like a phantom.

Rui Chi, it's settled, I only have three moves... If this kid doesn't die, then it has nothing to do with me.

The indifferent and cold voice was not loud, but it spread clearly around.

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