My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 854 Joining forces

the next day.

Longyuan City, the residence of the horned demons.

Rui Chi looked nervously at the letter in front of him.

The man shook his head at Rui Chi and said:

The ethnic group has sent back news, and will not open the time secret realm for the second time for you...

Rui Chi was taken aback for a moment, and said unwillingly:

I'm not far from fifty years old, and I can no longer open the secret realm of time. Does it mean that I can't wait for the next Meihui at all?

Do you want me to enter the church this time as the fifth sequence?

His elder brother nodded indifferently:

Or you can choose not to enter the sanctuary.

As soon as this remark came out, Rui Chi clenched her fists tightly and did not say a word.

Brother Rui Chi shook his head:

The fifth sequence, just the fifth sequence. After entering the 'Holy Church', there is still a chance to continue climbing the sequence. With your talent and strength, it is impossible to stay in the fifth sequence forever!

Rui Chi's eyes were full of unwillingness:

If you want to climb the sequence in the future, it will be much more difficult than this time, not to mention slow step by step. Those who are similar to my strength have received far more training than me. How can I catch up with them? Easy?

His elder brother shook his head: You have no choice.

Rui Chi took a deep breath, turned around angrily and left.

His elder brother raised his eyebrows slightly: Where are you going?

Wherever I like to go is my business! Rui Chi didn't even look back.

His elder brother snorted: Don't forget to come back when the loser group sequence is assigned.

Rui Chi stepped out of the Horned Demon Clan's camp with eyes full of fire.

Bastard bastard bastard!

But he didn't stay for a moment, and went straight to the outside of Longyuan City!

And after leaving Longyuan City.

Turned into a streamer and rushed to the sky.

As a master of the Demon Emperor's second rank, his speed is also astonishingly fast, and he rushed to the sky in the blink of an eye.

The momentum of the whole body is like a rainbow, arousing billowing clouds and smoke, which is extremely attractive.

He was greatly suppressed in Longyuan City, and he was unable to fight among himself, but he was unable to vent his anger at all.

After finally getting out of the city, he no longer suppressed himself and let go.

The power of the turbulent heaven and earth surged in all directions, and the roar continued to explode.

But suddenly, his figure froze, and he turned his head to look at the sky not far away.


A rainbow flashed across the sky, and a white shadow suddenly appeared.

Are you young emperor Rui Chi?

Rui Chi frowned:

Who are you?

This is a handsome young man in white clothes.

With a smile on his face, he said lightly:

Let me introduce myself, my name is Yu Shi, from the Freedom League.

Rui Chi sneered: People from the Zizai League dare to stop me, does your leader know?

But Yu Shi chuckled:

Yu Shi is here, naturally he has something to discuss with you, Young Emperor.

Young Emperor Rui Chi has high hopes from the Horned Demon Clan. I even heard that the Horned Demon Clan opened up a secret realm of time for you, Young Emperor Rui Chi. Only by compressing time can you be eligible to participate in this Meihui...

As a result, Young Emperor Rui Chi was eliminated in advance, and he couldn't enter the first four sequences. The horned demons should be very disappointed, right?

Rui Chi's eyes were red, and his heart became more angry, and he said coldly: What does this have to do with your Zizai League?

Yu Shi's eyes flashed sharply: You might as well tell your Excellency... Chen Fan, who eliminated you, has a blood feud with me, and we have a common enemy.

Rui Chi's eyes flashed, and he snorted coldly:

Although this Chen Fan killed me with a sneak attack, his frontal strength is not weaker than me. There is no problem in rushing into the second sequence. Even my horned demons are afraid of the temple and dare not avenge me... ...

What can you do if you come to find me?

Speaking of this, a thick sarcasm flashed across his face, and then he said bluntly:

Just relying on your Freedom League, do you want to take revenge on Chen Fan?

The leader of Zizai is only the fifth level of longevity, just an ordinary venerable, but Rui Chi's father, the emperor of the Horned Demon Clan, is a peerless master at the sixth level of longevity, only one line away from the Demon God King!

Although it seems that the strength is only one step away, but at this level, every step is very different.

Unless one masters an extremely powerful method, it is difficult to leapfrog the battle.

The horned demons suffered such a huge loss, and Rui Chi was so angry that he didn't dare to say what he would do to Chen Fan and the Sky Splitting Sword Sect behind him, let alone a mere warrior of the Zizai League.

Yu Shi has a sneer on his face:

If this Chen Fan has already joined the holy hall and achieved the second sequence, of course I will not go to him again, but now...isn't Mei Mei not over yet?

As long as Chen Fan is killed before that, who will be willing to stand up for him?

Rui Chi sneered and shook his head: In Longyuan City, do you dare to make a move?

Yu Shi shook his head: What if he leaves Longyuan City?

Rui Chi sneered again: How many days do you think there are left until the end of Meihui... Find a way to lure him out of the city, what can you think of?

At this critical time, with so many masters gathered together, Chen Fan offended the horned demons again, and only after killing them would he leave the city at this time!

Yu Shi raised his eyebrows and said, What if I have the news that Chen Fan is going to leave the city these days?

Rui Chi narrowed her eyes: How do you know?

Yu Shi shook his head: This news came from within the Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect...Young Emperor would not think that Chen Fan has no opponents and enemies in the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, right?

Rui Chi's eyes flashed a touch of subtlety: Is there any problem here? At this point in time, why is Chen Fan leaving the city? Is he crazy?

Rui Chi is not a fool.

At the critical time of the last round of the Meihui, Chen Fan suddenly wanted to leave the city. The timing was too coincidental!

Yu Shi said:

Don't worry, there is a high probability that there is no problem with this news. This matter involves a hidden ancestor of the Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect who has five levels of longevity...

It is said that because of Chen Fan's excellent performance in these two rounds, the ancestor of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect was alarmed. He did not hesitate to pay the price to temporarily 'train' Chen Fan at this critical moment...

Rui Chi frowned: There is such a character in the Sky Splitting Sword Sect?

Yu Shi nodded: I have verified this matter through some of my special information channels. There is indeed such a person in the Sky Splitting Sword Sect. It is said that he was seriously injured and fell asleep in the Sword Sect... It is precisely because of this news that Only then can I be sure about Chen Fan leaving the city!

Rui Chi frowned again and asked, Why didn't the patriarch of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect make a move before, and had to wait until this time?

Yu Shi chuckled:

Before this, the strength Chen Fan showed was not that exaggerated...

The information I have collected here shows that Chen Fan only showed his strength against ordinary Dao fruits in Jianzong, and he didn't show his longevity strength until the second round of Meihui.

And it wasn't until Chen Fan eliminated you, Young Emperor Rui Chi, in the third round that the public knew that Chen Fan was so strong...

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Rui Chi's mouth twitched.

Yu Shi continued:

All the hermit sects and forces believe that even if this son is not the strongest, his talent is by no means weaker than those people, and his future is limitless. You say that at this time, the Sky Splitting Sword Sect can still sit Live? Don’t you have to pay the price to win over this genius disciple?”

Rui Chi's eyes flashed:

With Chen Fan's strength...can you find a powerful opponent to deal with him when the Great Change of Heaven and Earth has not been completely completed?

Yu Shi shook his head and sighed:

You might as well tell you, Young Emperor... the strongest person in my Zizai League who can leave the sect is the third level of longevity, and that person can't obey my orders, and there is no one who is even Chen Fan's opponent...

It's also because I don't have enough power in my hands, so I approached you. I believe that it shouldn't be difficult to deal with Chen Fan with the power of the horned demons, right?

Rui Chi shook her head and sneered:

You overestimated the killing intent of the horned demons towards Chen Fan. Except for me, no one wants to take action for things that have already happened and cannot be changed...

Killing Chen Fan, apart from letting Rui Chi vent his anger, will not do any good to the Horned Demon Race!

But if it is discovered, or if the kill is not completed, for the horned demons, it may provoke a peerless genius.

Naturally, the horned demons would not do such a thankless task!

Rui Chi himself hated Chen Fan extremely, but his personal hatred could not rise to the entire ethnic group after all.

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