The sky was billowing with black smoke, intertwined with the biting cold wind, ice and snow.

Boom boom boom!

The constant roar sounded.

Faced with the simultaneous attacks of these eight black shadows, Togo's own strength and state continued to decline, and the more he fought, the more he couldn't beat him.

Togo wanted to attack Nightmare himself and Chen Fan, but he couldn't break through the eight shadows.

It can't go on like this!

A glint of light flashed across his eyes, and his whole body was cold again, urging a large-scale move——

A huge ice crystal phoenix condensed and formed in front of him in the blink of an eye.


The eight black shadows were quickly defeated by the ice crystal phoenix one after another, but at this time Chen Fan, who was in extremely poor condition, charged up again.

Another record of Hongmeng Sword!

When the sword was slashed, he also turned his head to look at Nightmare: In my current state, I can't make another slash!

Nightmare was almost spurting blood from all seven orifices at this time. Although she didn't take the initiative to step forward, the injury from the black shadow's collapse was obviously fed back to her.

Togo is in poor condition, but Chen Fan and Nightmare are also in the same situation.

There was a faint light in her eyes.

Enough! The black smoke billowed in her body, and eight new shadows re-condensed, following the Hongmeng Sword towards Togo.

Just as the sword light of Hongmeng Sword disappeared, a black beam of light shot up into the sky again.

And Togo, who consumed too much strength, failed to block the continuous impact of the eight black shadows after blocking the Hongmeng Sword. Although he forcibly killed more than half of the black shadows, he still couldn't stop him Shadow tore the body apart!

And after all, he is not at the third level of longevity, the true spirit has not been strengthened to a sufficient extent, and there is no such secret method as God's Walk, his body is broken, and the true spirit will soon dissipate.

But after being resurrected, he rushed towards the two of them again without stopping.

But when he was rushing towards the two, he saw Nightmare slap Chen Fan on the head.

Chen Fan didn't resist, and his head exploded immediately. What's strange is that Chen Fan's true spirit didn't collapse directly, but it collapsed after killing Nightmare with his black sword.

What kind of operation is this?

Togo sensed that the two people who had been revived and returned to their peak state under the scope of their spiritual consciousness almost spat out a mouthful of old blood and risked their lives.

After finally dragging the two to their current state, the two returned to their full glory all of a sudden, and they didn't lose any points?

The corner of Togo's mouth twitched, a look of helplessness flashed across his face, and his whole body trembled with anger.

He took a deep breath, and the cold air around his body radiated out, and an ice lotus appeared under his feet, and immediately moved towards the direction where Chen Fan was behind him.

There was a flash of raging anger and sharp coldness in the eyes.

Since you died and separated, I won't let you have another chance to reunite!

Meanwhile, the other side.

Sensing Togo approaching at a gallop, Chen Fan raised his brows, but immediately activated Nixu.

Without the assistance of Nightmare, even if he had the Hongmeng Sword, he couldn't stop Togo, he was stupid to fight him to death.

Ripples flashed in the air, and his body disappeared immediately.

In the blink of an eye, the air waves rolled over, and Togo came crashing down.

He stood in the void, his face was full of astonishment, Where are people?

His whole body was bitterly cold, and ice crystals shot out in all directions.

Boom boom boom!

The surrounding area was completely covered, and the nearby mountain peaks were blasted into pieces, but Chen Fan was nowhere to be seen.

After the continuous bombing, everything returned to calm, and there was still no trace of Chen Fan.

At the same time, Togo suddenly turned his head and saw black smoke rising from the sky.

Condensed into entities.

Nightmare reappeared surrounded by eight black shadows.

Togo... As long as you promise to give me something, I am willing to let you kill twice, so that your points can return to the peak.

The corner of Togo's mouth twitched, but a thick cold light flashed across his face: You are dreaming!

He glared at Nightmare, and the ice lotus under his feet rose again, carrying him into the air, and at the same time, the ice sword condensed in his hand went straight towards Nightmare.

And at the moment when his talent just flew into the sky, a sudden ripple flashed in the air.

As soon as Togo swung the ice sword towards Nightmare, he suddenly felt a piercing cold light coming from behind him.

not good!

Togo's complexion changed suddenly, layers of ice barriers around his body suddenly formed, but turned into powder in an instant.


The ice barriers in the sky disappeared and shattered, and Togo's body was also thrown heavily, hitting the ground.

Even Togo couldn't bear the Hongmeng Sword at such a close range. Although he opened his defense immediately, half of his body was still smashed into pieces.

At the same time, Nightmare was also watching this scene in astonishment, but his eyes lit up, and he rushed forward at a high speed, summoned eight black shadows, stepped forward to fight in groups in turn, and killed them again in the blink of an eye!

After that, the two looked at each other, but they flew away into the distance at the same time.


In the distance, Togo, who had been revived, saw the nameplate in his hand had dropped to only 100 million points, and Nightmare, who was ranked first, had already exceeded one billion points, a strong anger flashed across his face.

It's just that he no longer took the initiative to go towards the two of them, but galloped away in the opposite direction.

The pairing of the two made him lose his temper at all, but he was confronted head-on. Although he was not reconciled, he had no choice but to run for his life as soon as possible.

It's just that the moment he escaped, Nightmare and Chen Fan galloped towards him again.

Damn it!

He took a deep breath, and there were streaks of spiritual light on his body, and he saw his body suddenly divided into two, two into four, and four into eight.


The appearance and breath are all exactly the same, and they rush in all directions in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Chen Fan, who was walking with his sword in the distance, froze: This...

Nightmare raised her eyebrows: Come with me!

The person did not hesitate to chase in one direction.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and followed closely behind.

In a quarter of an hour.

Togo, who stepped on the ice lotus and kept flying at a gallop, suddenly froze, and he turned around, you have to force me?

call out!

A black shadow suddenly appeared in the blink of an eye, and stopped not far behind him.

It was Nightmare who stretched out a big black hand, dragging Chen Fan to chase after him.

Although Chen Fan's speed was fast, he was slightly inferior to Togo and Nightmare, so he had to let Nightmare lead her on the way.

Chen Fan twisted his neck and looked at Togo with a sneer:

So what if I force you?

Nightmare's eyes were also cold: I'll give you one more chance to hand over that thing! I can make you come back!

The cold light flickered around Togo, and he rushed straight up again, also angry:

Don't think about it, it's impossible!

The three immediately had a big battle. Although Togo was strong, he couldn't win at all when Chen Fan and Nightmare joined forces who were becoming more and more proficient. After a quarter of an hour, they once again had their hatred.

And Nightmare's methods really made Chen Fan experience, no matter how Togo hides and escapes, he can't escape Nightmare's pursuit.

After Togo was killed twice more.

The other person gave up and ran away.

After Chen Fan and Nightmare came after him again, he looked at Nightmare and asked, What you said before, as long as I promise to give you that thing, let me kill you back...does it still count?

As he was killed again and again, his inner pride and dignity were nothing compared to the fear brought about by the drop in points.

As the Daoist of the Bingji Sect and the apprentice of the Bingji Sage Emperor, he knows better what this Mei Hui means.

It's fine if he doesn't become the number one in terms of points, but if it drops further, he really can't accept it...

But to be honest, no matter how precious the thing Nightmare is looking for is of little use to him, it is not even as rewarding as the reward from the Ice Sect who has become the first harvester of points...

Nightmare sneered, but glanced at Chen Fan: It was no problem at first... Now, it requires you to pay extra...

The corner of Togo's mouth twitched, and after taking a deep breath, he still nodded:

I...promise you.

After saying this, a look of loneliness, helplessness, and...relief flashed across his face.

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