My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 820: The First Time

Listen to the words of nightmare.

Chen Fan couldn't help being stunned, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

But he gritted his teeth against the nightmare and said:

If you agree... I will give you all the treasures and resources obtained from the rest of the Seven Saints Alliance!

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan's eyes lit up.

Anyway, in the Dream Realm he wouldn't die, but with Nixu there, no matter how strong Togo was, he still didn't believe that Togo could kill him to the point where he licked his lips and nodded decisively.

In the distance, Togo frowned slightly, with a playful smile still on his face: Even if this kid's swordsmanship can block my moves, how many swords can he make?


Togo's eyes were cold: Just the two of you, even if you can block my moves, you can't be my opponent.

Accompanied by his voice, ice crystals floated around his body, and the bitter cold wind howled again.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and he turned to look at Nightmare.

do not worry!

A dim light flashed across Nightmare's eyes, and then thick black smoke rose from behind him.

It is full of exhausted and shattered terror, extremely rich.

Chen Fan couldn't help stepping back slightly, this breath was suffocating and uncomfortable just by feeling it.


Amidst Chen Fan's stunned expression, the black smoke in front of Nightmare slowly condensed into figures one after another.

A total of eight!

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched...

He once fought against the black shadows released by Nightmare, and each black shadow is not inferior to a master of the second level of longevity, and this special ability to weaken others, but now, there are eight of them...

His expression was unavoidable: You have this strength, you still need me, Dorodo, and Zhu Shan to help you?

I have never used the Hongmeng Sword before, and in Nightmare's eyes, it is at most just an ordinary second-tier combat power...

A look of helplessness flashed across Nightmare's face: This move is too special. If it is used, it will cause some permanent 'damage' to me. If it is not absolutely necessary, I will not use it lightly...

Chen Fan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The dream world is very special, even if the soul is damaged, it can be recovered after rebirth.

Could it be special damage like emotion and memory?

Chen Fan thoughtfully, nodded, and turned around again.

And when Togo saw the eight black figures emerging, the indifference on his face no longer existed, and turned into a dignified look.

Nightmare opened her hands.


The eight black shadows gathered different weapons in their hands, and then rushed forward together.

Togo's eyes flashed, and he was also waving the ice sword in his hand at this moment.

Wow, the cold air around him gathered, and the ice crystals condensed, but in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a huge ice crystal phoenix, which flew out loudly.

Where the ice crystal phoenix passes, everything around it turns into ice shards!

Scatter in all directions!

The eight black shadows also collapsed one after the other under the ice crystal phoenix and disintegrated into thick black smoke.

But after destroying the eight shadows, the ice crystal phoenix continued to move forward, heading straight for Chen Fan and Nightmare.


As the eight black shadows collapsed one after another, a large mouthful of blood spurted out from Nightmare's mouth.

Chen Fan! Nightmare wiped away the blood from his mouth, but slapped Chen Fan on the back.

Chen Fan only felt a strong force coming from his back, pushing him out!

His expression is subtle.

With the light of the sword in his hand moving forward, another sword Hongmeng Sword slashed out, heading straight for the terrifying ice crystal phoenix.


After the sword light that darkened the world, the huge ice crystal phoenix completely disappeared!

The remaining momentum of the magnificent sword energy went straight towards Togo.

Togo's complexion changed drastically, and he had no choice but to summon a heavy ice shield to protect himself again, and his body retreated rapidly.

At the same time, a black air burst out from Nightmare's eyes, Go!

She waved her hand.

The black smoke that covered the sky and the sun rushed out violently, following behind the Primordial Sword Qi.


After the primordial sword qi shattered layers of ice barriers, the power stopped abruptly.

As the power of the Primordial Sword Qi disappeared, the spreading black light condensed into eight figures again!

Streams of black air lingered from the eight people, faintly condensing together.

not good!

Togo managed to block Chen Fan's Hongmeng Sword, and saw that the eight black shadows had come in front of him, and his face changed drastically.


Suddenly, a black beam of light soaring into the sky was formed, and a corrupt and annihilated fearful aura was scattered in all directions.


The ice sword in Togo's hand suddenly shattered.

At the same time, black energy spread all over his body, but he exuded a strong dilapidated atmosphere, and the momentum of his whole body fell like a cliff.

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, the eight black shadows were also holding their own weapons, and they shot out loudly, but Togo's condition declined seriously, and he had almost no ability to resist, and was hammered by the eight black shadows!


In the blink of an eye, Togo sprayed blood and half-kneeled on the ground. A strong anger flashed across his face, and he turned his head to stare at Nightmare: You will regret it.

Nightmare waved violently.


The eight black shadows shot together, blasting Togo to pieces.

Nightmare took a deep breath:


Those eight black shadows reintegrated into Nightmare's body in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, his consciousness was agitated, and then he suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Under the induction of spiritual consciousness, Togo, who had just been resurrected, rushed over on his own initiative.

He raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Nightmare.

This guy has lost a lot of points. I'm afraid he won't be reconciled to this failure. He wants to fight back... Wait for him to come over!

Nightmare also nodded at him.

Chen Fan immediately took out a lot of pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

At the same time, Togo was accompanied by a storm all over his body in the distance, and his figure roared towards him with cold eyes.

If it weren't for that kid's swordsmanship, Nightmare's eight 'black shadows' wouldn't even try to get close to me...and in that kid's state, his swordsmanship shouldn't be used a few times...

As long as I kill any of them once and let them separate temporarily, I have a way to make them never reunite...

His eyes flickered coldly.

While his thoughts were turning, he also came to the head of Nightmare and Chen Fan not far away again.

He waved his palm forward.


Suddenly, a strong wind descended from the sky, and a blizzard carrying terrifying power crashed down.

Chen Fan and Nightmare below both opened their eyes.

Nightmare felt the violent power contained in Blizzard, the corners of his mouth twitched, I can't stop it...

He turned his head and rushed behind Chen Fan, Please!

Chen Fan took a deep breath, raised his sword forward, and swung it out violently.

Another Hongmeng sword slashed out.


There was no light on the sky and the earth, and the blizzard stopped abruptly.

When the sword was slashed, Chen Fan also coughed heavily, but his vitality was pulled away a lot.

Cutting out three Hongmeng Sword in a row was also a great drain on him.


Togo's body rushed down suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched and stood in the void, his eyes were filled with fire:

I want to see, how many swords can you use?!

His whole body was cold, and he shouted again: Extreme cold storm!


The ice crystal exploded violently again!

The entire mountain where Chen Fan and Nightmare were located was continuously collapsing amidst the roar, and the rubble was rolling.

Chen Fan took a breath, mobilized the almost exhausted strength in his body, and slashed forward again.


The world is dark again.

The ice storm was broken again.

But this time, Chen Fan's condition also declined even more.

Every strike of Hongmeng Sword consumes a lot on him.

Especially in the fantasy world, when his cultivation is suppressed, he has to withdraw his life force...

If it weren't for the blessing of Nightmare's black lotus in advance, it would be impossible for him to cut the Hongmeng Sword for the fourth time.

Togo in the sky quickly backed away, but he couldn't help panting. Chen Fan's Hongmeng Sword consumed a lot of energy, but his move Extreme Cold Storm was equally powerful.

Even if he used the same ultimate move twice in a row, he still consumed a lot.

Cannot be activated continuously.

However, his realm is much higher than Chen Fan's, and his recovery speed and endurance are far stronger than Chen Fan's. He still has enough confidence in himself.

At the same time, Nightmare's eyes flickered, and she glanced at Chen Fan, and after a year of movement, the eight shadows behind her also emerged, rushing towards Togo in the blink of an eye!

I made a low-level mistake, and I apologize again to everyone

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