My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 416: Accident

Although he had only heard the name Luo Yufeng a few times, he had already firmly remembered it in his heart.

The loneliness of the master Dong Guzhi at Baiyun Peak was related to this Luo Yufeng.

It seems that the relationship between Luo Yufeng Lord and Baiyun Peak Lord was not good, and Baiyun Peak Lord fell unexpectedly, Bai Yunfeng was suppressed by Luo Yufeng in various ways, and the master also left at that time!

Even when the master took him back to the Lingshen Dao Sect, the master was afraid of this Luo Yufeng, so he failed to join the Dao Sect.

Although Chen Fan didn't have much regret or unwillingness for not joining the Lingshen Dao Sect, it would be a lie to say that he had no complaints about those who blocked him at the beginning.

This Yan Taihe should also know that the master is from Baiyunfeng. He came to support Daqian this time. On the one hand, he may be for the holy medicine of the master Yichan. On the other hand... maybe he didn't want to treat me The meaning of cutting grass and roots...

Chen Fan licked his lips, his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

The other party covets him, so Chen Fan will naturally not be polite.

Where is he now?

Feng Yiye hurriedly said: I have already agreed to meet this Yantaihe, which is in a small town not far from us, only a hundred miles away.

let's go!

Chen Fan said directly to Feng Yiye.

When he and Feng Yiye arrived at the agreed place with him, he directly violently killed him.

It is impossible for a master of the first level Dao domain to stop the current self.

The two set off immediately.

The place where Feng Yiye and Yan Taihe agreed to meet was in Xinluo County, and it was also very close to them.

Chen Fan and Chen Fan arrived at the agreed place in less than half an hour.

This is where a small town in Xinluo County is located.

The small town is a small stronghold of the Dagan Party.

There are many warriors.

But it is not convenient to do it.

Arrived outside the city.

Feng Yiye also said: Why don't you enter it for the time being, Master, and wait until I find a way to lure that Yantai River out, Master, then you can take action...

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes: That's it.

Although Chen Fan has a scroll of paintings, it is not safe enough to do it in the city.

He doesn't know if there are more powerful fighters sitting in the city, and he doesn't know if Yan Taihe is accompanied by powerful figures from the Lingshen Dao Sect. If he breaks through the painting by force, he will be in trouble...

Chen Fan and Feng Yiye agreed on the location.

Chen Fan waited in a remote place outside the city.

After half an hour.

Chen Fan frowned slightly, and his expression became a little subtle.

He looked towards the direction of the city.

Streamers pierced the sky.

Two figures approach from a distance!

One of them is Feng Yiye, while the other is a middle-aged man wearing a feather robe and a Taoist hat.

Under the induction of Chen Fan's spiritual sense, his aura is not much different from that of Feng Yiye, so he should be the peak master of Luoyu Peak.

It's just that Chen Fan glanced over the two of them, but looked behind them...


The streamer passed by.

Feng Yiye and Yan Taihe arrived in the blink of an eye.

Yan Taihe's eyes flashed when he saw the figure on the ground.

Chen Fan!

Then the Dao Domain was opened in an instant, and an invisible force enveloped Chen Fan.

Facing him, Chen Fan didn't immediately activate the painting scroll, but activated the Dragon Soul Jade to use the Tianzi Sword.

The resplendent golden light condensed into a golden dragon and headed towards Yantai River, tearing apart his human realm in an instant, and the majestic force impacted on him.

Sword of the Son of Heaven?! A look of panic appeared on Yan Taihe's face, but his body retreated sharply. At the same time, the spiritual light in his hand flickered, and talismans and seals were activated one after another.


After the roar.

The earth was sunken, smoke and dust billowed, and the Yantai River estuary spurted blood, his face was pale, it was obvious that he was seriously injured by the sword of the Son of Heaven.

On the opposite side, Chen Fan coldly waved the golden sword in his hand again.

Yan Taihe turned his head and shouted at Feng Yiye: Come and help!

Feng Yiye narrowed his eyes, raised his plain hand lightly, and the Dao Domain also opened, but the pressure from the Dao Domain rushed to Yan Taihe's body!

Yan Taihe's face was full of disbelief and astonishment: Feng Yiye, what do you mean?

Before Feng Yiye's response came, he waited for Chen Fan's Tianzi sword to be swung down again.

It's over!

Looking at the magnificent dragon approaching in front of him.

Yan Taihe's face was pale, but he turned his head to look behind him in an instant: Senior Brother Wu, hurry up and make a move, I'm going to die!

Before his voice fell, the golden dragon rushed towards him.

But when Jinlong was about to rush towards Yantai River, he saw a flash of spiritual light cut through the sky suddenly, and it was an arc-shaped frisbee approaching in an instant.

The Frisbee appeared in front of Yan Taihe in an instant and crashed into Jinlong.

The aura surged, and the impact scattered.

Yan Taihe sprayed a big mouthful of blood, and his body was thrown into the air, but a look of joy flashed across his face.

The Frisbee blocked the Golden Dragon, and the person was only impacted by the collision between the Golden Dragon and the Frisbee.

It's just that he suffered some trauma, which is nothing at all.

And after colliding with the golden dragon, the frisbee was also a high-flying roundabout, and flew backwards into a person's hand.

Chen Fan raised his head and looked at the black figure approaching from the sky, It's finally here!

Long before, he had sensed that Feng Yiye and Yan Taihe were followed by other people under his spiritual consciousness.

And this person's aura is stronger than Feng Yiye's.

The reason why he didn't activate the painting scroll immediately, but used the Son of Heaven Sword, was to lure this person into action.

Feng Yiye also raised his head in astonishment, looking at the person behind him, his expression also changed awe-inspiringly.

Chen Fan, you won't be able to jump today. The man in black in the sky looked coldly at Chen Fan on the ground.

The Dao Domain around the body expanded, and the range unexpectedly affected everything within a range of nearly fifty feet.

This distance is already extremely terrifying.

The corner of Feng Yiye's mouth twitched, but he couldn't help looking at Chen Fan, the panic in his eyes was hard to hide.

Feeling his breath and the unfolding Dao Domain, Chen Fan suddenly raised his hand.


The scroll of painting rises suddenly, suspended in the sky.

Then the next barrier opened instantly.

All the people present were shrouded in the barrier.

Seeing this picture scroll, the man's face was cold and extremely ugly:

The scroll of painting! The treasures of my Eclipse Peak are actually in your hands, and the deaths of Pu Zhongyu and Gu Tian are indeed related to you...

Chen Fan also had a subtle expression when he heard the words, and turned his head to look at Feng Yiye: Could this person be the master of Eclipse Peak?

Feng Yiye shook his head: Eclipse Sun Peak is one of the largest peaks in the Lingshen Dao Sect, and the owner of the peak is a master at the peak of Dao Fruit. This person is called Wu Shen, and he is a direct disciple of Eclipse Peak Master, but he has the dual strength of Dao and Fruit.

There are a lot of top ten masters of Lingshen Dao Sect.

Not every ten-level master is alone.

And the gap between different peaks is also huge.

For example, both Yan Taihe and Feng Yiye are the peak masters of the Lingshen Dao Sect, but they are only the first level of the Dao Domain, the weakest tenth level.

And although this Wu Shen is not the peak master, he is more powerful than most peak masters of the Lingshen Dao Sect.

Wu Shen also looked at Feng Yiye with a cold face: Feng Yiye, I didn't expect you to be so stupid that you dared to betray Daozong...

In fact, with the size of Lingshen Dao Sect, people who are old with Yichan Palace Master will target Chen Fan.

The vast majority of people, like Fuchi, didn't pay attention or care who Chen Fan was.

Therefore, Feng Yiye's behavior can't be called a betrayal of Ling Shen Dao Sect.

Feng Yi snorted coldly, his face was ugly, and he didn't respond.

Chen Fan sneered and raised his hand.

The Tianzi Sword suddenly disappeared, and the Taihe Sword appeared in his hand.

The positions are different, and nonsense doesn't make any sense.

If reasoning is useful, Chen Fan doesn't have to kill Pu Zhongyu and Gu Tian.

Thank you Yang Xiaoxiong and Wugui Youth for their rewards. I have made some low-level mistakes recently, and the order of chapters is wrong again. I am a colored pencil, so please forgive me. (._.)

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