My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 415 Deduction and Bite


The sky was filled with lightning.

In the middle, a figure rushed towards the fleeing demon like lightning.

The person is naturally Chen Fan.

The Taihe sword in his hand cut forward horizontally.

In the roar.

A thunderbolt sounded in the clear sky, and thunder pillars slammed down, hitting the body of the demon.

This is just an incarnation of Heavenly Demon, and it doesn't have all the abilities and means of Heavenly Demon at all. Its strength is very weak, but it can't stop Chen Fan's Eightfold Thunder Saber at this time.

After a sword.

The demon let out a fierce roar, and the black shadows all over his body collapsed a lot, and his body became more illusory.

But Chen Fan struck the iron while it was hot, stepped forward and slashed out a few swords, cutting the black shadow of the demon's body more and more dim, but he didn't completely kill it!

Instead, taking advantage of his weakness, he turned his hand and took out a talisman.

Inspired instantly, the talisman turned into a series of black chains, which spread forward suddenly, covering and trapping the demon's body!

No matter how much the Heavenly Demon struggles, it cannot escape the shackles of the black chains!

And Chen Fan approached Tianmo, put his hand on Tianmo's body, and shook his head.

This heavenly demon is not the incarnation with the eukaryotic nucleus.

But there was no disappointment on his face.

Turn around.

At this time, the members of the team of warriors of the Green Python Army have already disbanded the battle formation, and the first few master warriors also stepped forward one after another.

Thank you senior for your timely support!

But he was very polite and respectful.

And Chen Fan waved his hand, and looked at one of these people subtly.

Senior Air India, we meet again!

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone was startled.

The leader of the Yae Commander also turned his head in astonishment, looking at Air India following him.

When Air India heard this, its body was shocked, and with a wry smile, it clasped its fists and said:

I felt familiar just now, and I thought I misread the wrong person... Unexpectedly, it was really you, Chen Fan, with your current strength...

At the beginning, Yinhang was the Qingmang Army, and the leader who was sent to guard Yandu City was also someone Chen Fan rarely knew in the Qingmang Army.

It's just that I haven't seen it for many years, and Air India dare not recognize it.

Chen Fan?!

Hearing this, several people around Air India also had subtle expressions.

These people have all been stationed in Qinghe County, so they naturally know this peerless genius who came out of Qinghe County.

The commander of the eighth level had a complicated complexion, but he was also very polite: It turns out that Chen Fan is the genius who met you personally, and Yang Zhenhai, who is under the Qing Python Army, met you!

Chen Fan also greeted these people politely.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Chen Fan also asked about the recent movements of the Green Python Army.

Only then did I know that the nineteenth prince escorted Fan Lin into Beijing, but not long after the late emperor passed away, Fan Lin, as a relative of the Zhao family, was soon released, and then the Qing Mang Army was dispatched to the Northeast to suppress the rebellion .

In the past few years, he has never been idle at all.

Chen Fan's heart moved when he heard the words.

He also took the opportunity to ask: I don't know if my brother Fan Zhong has ever returned?

It stands to reason that Fan Lin is fine.

Fan Zhong and other members of the Fan family who fled should be able to come back.

But Yang Zhenhai shook his head and said:

Fan Zhong and the rest of the Fan family have not returned...I have also asked General Fan Lin about this, but the general said that it is a good thing that the rest of the Fan family is not working hard...I didn't ask in detail either. Fan Zhong should have already contacted the general.

Big brother didn't come back!

Chen Fan was startled when he heard the words, and then shook his head subtly.

At this time, his strength has improved, and there is no shortage of resources and elixirs, which are enough to protect the master and return to Daqian to reopen the gymnasium, but he still can't contact the master, which is helpless.

Every time I think that I have free time, I go to find a master, but every time I encounter more things!

He frowned, and then looked at Yang Zhenhai: General Yang, please send me a greeting when I meet General Fan Lin in the future...

Instead, he could ask Fan Lin about the senior brother's movements, and he would not be completely without goals when he went to Daqing.

Chen Fan did not stay for long.

Then he left with the incarnation of the demon...

After that, wait until no man's land.

Chen Fan also found a cave, and activated the scroll of painting to hide the surrounding aura.

Then he looked at the demon incarnation in front of him with burning eyes.

This incarnation of the Heavenly Demon is not the real body of the Heavenly Demon. Chen Fan has already confirmed and expected it!

After all, from the hands of Zhao Wuguang, there are more than a dozen incarnations of the demon who escaped, but only one has a true nucleus.

Chen Fan thought about it differently, if he was the incarnation of the demon with the eukaryotic core, he was extremely weak, and he was destined to be sieged to the extreme, what would he do.

One thing can be confirmed, the true body of the Heavenly Demon is absolutely impossible to take risks and move around, and it is very likely to hide in a hidden place!

It is even better to go to a certain stronghold of Yuan Mozong.

Waiting for oneself to recover enough strength, will reappear.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally extremely difficult to catch the avatar of the Heavenly Demon!

But for Chen Fan, there is another way.

He looked at the bound demon incarnation in front of him, and directly took out a mirror.


If there were no clues, it would be impossible for Chen Fan to deduce the hiding place of the Heavenly Demon directly from the sun-shading mirror!

But when Chen Fan found a demon incarnation and captured it alive, he could use the incarnation of the demon to reversely deduce to the true core of the demon!

After Chen Fan went to the battlefield, he also solved and killed many masters, and gathered a lot of sacrifices and materials on his body.

But I don't feel bad about starting to deduce the secrets with the help of the solar occultation mirror.

In a quarter of an hour.

Chen Fan looked at the sun-covering mirror in front of him, and his face was also full of joy.

The deduction is here!

It's just that after roughly confirming the specific location of the demon, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

The Heavenly Demon's hiding place is still within the scope of Xinluo County, but it is in the wild, and there is also a stronghold of the Yuan Demon Sect nearby!

According to Zhenmensi's map, the strongest person is a second-level master of the Dao domain at the location of his stronghold!

This is also the strongest stronghold of the Yuan Demon Sect in the surrounding area.

Although Chen Fan was not afraid, he had to say that the Heavenly Demon hid here, causing him a lot of trouble.

The Heavenly Demon won't recover in a short time. I'd better check the information now to confirm the general strength of the stronghold, and then take action.


Not long after Chen Fan left the cave, he received a letter from Feng Yiye.

Tell Chen Fan that Daozong has come to a master who covets Chen Fan.

The two announced their location.

Chen Fan also immediately headed towards his location and joined Feng Yiye.

This is a small town on the edge of Xinluo County.


When Chen Fan entered a certain courtyard, Feng Yiye had already been waiting here.

Master, the top ten masters of You Dao Sect have arrived nearby and are contacting me...

Chen Fan also nodded, Tell me in detail... who is here, and what strength is it?

Feng Yiye said: This person is the peak master of Luoyu Peak of the Dao Sect, named Yan Taihe, who was promoted to the tenth level fifty years ago, a master of the first level Dao domain...

Falling Jade Peak?

When Chen Fan heard Feng Yiye's words, his expression became a little subtle.

No matter how powerful a master of the first level Dao domain is, Chen Fan will not be afraid unless he is the child or direct disciple of a certain longevity boss.

But when Chen Fan heard the words Luoyufeng, Chen Fan was touched!

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