My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 398 Opportunity

In front of Lin'an City, Chen Fan saw Yuan Daokong again.

Junior Brother Chen Fan!

Yuan Daokong still had the same indifferent look before, as if nothing in the world could arouse his interest.

At this time, Yuan Daokong was followed by a thin man with a bun on his head and a whisk in his hand, but he was dressed as a Taoist priest.

The person politely clasped his fists at Chen Fan: Junior Brother Chen Fan.

Yuan Daokong said: This is Junior Brother Hong Haonan, a talented martial artist from Yichan Palace.

Chen Fan couldn't help but shudder from time to time.

For Chen Fan, the three words Yichan Palace are not names he would like to hear.

But Hong Haonan hastily said:

Some people in my Yichan Palace misunderstood you, Junior Brother Chen Fan, but I didn't have a sword against you, Junior Brother. You must not misunderstand, Junior Brother!

His people are polite.

In fact, even if there is definite evidence that Chen Fan killed Pu Zhongyu, most people in Yichan Palace may not have any ill will towards Chen Fan because of this!

Only those who are close to Pu Zhongyu may care.

Chen Fan also nodded politely.

Following the two of them into Lin'an City, they entered a courtyard not long after.

Teng Jin has been waiting in the middle for a long time.

Junior Brother Chen Fan, welcome back to the team!

Teng Jin smiled:

Great, Junior Brother Chen Fan was able to survive such a dangerous situation last time, it's God's blessing!

Chen Fan nodded with a delicate expression: Yes...

If it wasn't for the unexpected effect of his Hongmeng Sword, directly beheading the demon general, he would have been completely cold!

He looked at Teng Jin with a smile, but he didn't mention what happened before.

A few simple greetings.

Chen Fan also said immediately: I don't know if there is any task assigned to me right now?

Teng Jin also laughed loudly: Junior Brother Chen Fan, you just came here, don't be in a hurry to start after a little rest, Lin'an City is still safe for the time being...

As he said that, Teng Jin looked at Yuan Daokong: Junior Brother Yuan, I would like to trouble you to introduce the current situation to Chen Fan, and get familiar with the surrounding environment by the way...

Teng Jin left.

The smile on Chen Fan's face also subsided, and then he turned to look at Yuan Daokong: I'm sorry for your inconvenience, Senior Brother Yuan...


In Lin'an City at this time, the ordinary residents had already withdrawn to the rear.

In Lin'an City, there are only supporting warriors left!

Because of Teng Jin, Yuan Daokong and others sitting in the town, the demons that once plagued Lin'an City have been eliminated, but there are still Yuan Demon Sect demon troops stationed around.

There is even a top ten master who is eyeing Lin'an City.

The next few days.

Occasionally, there will be cases where demon disciples bring monsters and ghosts to attack the city.

But the top ten master of the Yuan Demon Sect did not attack.

Chen Fan also didn't find a suitable opportunity to attack Teng Jin.

In a courtyard in Lin'an City.

Chen Fan opened the painting scroll, covering his room, sitting cross-legged on the bed, but holding a special stone in his hand.

It is the phantom stone!

Having practiced the divine sense for so long, it's time to refine this phantom stone!

After Chen Fan learned about the effects of the water from the Yellow Spring, he also used the water from the Yellow Spring to wash away the brand marks in it, so this time he directly started refining.

According to the information I consulted at the beginning, the blood was dripped first, and then the spiritual consciousness was used to leave a mark on it!


After leaving the mark, the phantom stone is only a foundation.

After that, it needs to infuse enough energy support!

Chen Fan held the Illusory Body Stone in his hand and poured his true essence into it.

This stone seems to be like a bottomless pit, absorbing Chen Fan's true energy crazily!

Chen Fan mobilized the vitality of the heavens and the earth, continuously transformed it into his own true essence, and crossed into the stone!

After pouring the real essence for half an hour, the stone finally reached saturation!

It's done!

Chen Fan's expression was pleasantly surprised, and he immediately activated his true energy, activating the phantom stone.

Soon a phantom like Chen Fan appeared in front of him.

This phantom has dull eyes and does not possess high intelligence. It can only follow orders to complete some simple tasks.

Afterwards, Chen Fan also immediately tested the strength of this phantom body, but the result disappointed him.

This phantom body did inherit Chen Fan's cultivation and sword domain, but its strength was extremely limited.

After all, there are gaps in physique, equipment, and even sword domain.

And this phantom body can also use the Four Sacred Swords, but it cannot use the Hongmeng Sword!

Obviously, the Hongmeng Sword has special restrictions.

Relying on the sword domain, this phantom body is probably at the level of Le Shaoyuan, the limit of the ninth level. When encountering a real master of the mortal state of the first level, he probably has the power to protect himself, but it is difficult to defeat.

My cultivation is still too bad...

After refining the stone, Chen Fan was also very disappointed.

This stone is not of much use to him.

Immediately, he quickly laughed at himself:

If the phantom stone can really create an illusion that is as powerful as mine, then Yu Tianlei will not give this thing to Yu Tianbao as a means of saving his life!

This object can only be used by those who are strong enough for self-defense by those who are not strong enough, and it is not enough to increase Chen Fan's own strength.

However, Yu Tianlei's phantom can still display the strength of the double dao domain. His own strength may be higher than imagined... This is worth noting.

Chen Fan shook his head and put away the phantom stone.

But he intends to leave this stone to Xiao Xi or Yun Xin in the future.


On this day, Chen Fan followed Yuan Daokong on a daily patrol.

But suddenly received a message from Teng Jin.

The top ten masters of the Yuan Demon Sect led the demon army to attack the city in an all-round way!

Yuan Daokong has a dignified expression:

Senior brother Teng has now stopped the top ten masters of the demon sect, and there are many remaining masters...Your strength is not much weaker than mine, junior brother, and I need your help this time.

The battlefield environment is the most complicated. It is uncertain when the local enemy will attack. It is impossible for Yuan Daokong to come because of Chen Fan and let him do nothing!

The strength shown by Chen Fan is also very strong.

Chen Fan also nodded with a serious face.

But the heart is murderous.

The opportunity came!


Monster beasts roared and poured into Lin'an City.

Behind the monsters, there are figures in heavy armor!

These people are the warrior army of Yuan Mozong.

The Yuan Demon Sect sent seven demon armies, each of which was extremely powerful.

A large-scale army like the Green Python Army can't compare with one in ten!

But there are also extremely powerful corps participating in the battle!

At this time, the refugees and ordinary people in Lin'an City, those who did not die, had all retreated to the rear.

In front of Lin'an City, armored guards riding black panthers each held long-handled weapons and charged at the monsters!

These people are the Black Panther Guards who came from the imperial capital!

And after the Black Panther Guards, there is a dense mass of ordinary warriors.

Those with strong strength move freely, while those with weak strength form a battle formation.

Although Yuan Mozong was aggressive, he couldn't break through the warrior team in Lin'an City for a while.

Sorry guys, it's a little late today

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