My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 397 Returning to the Team

Chen Fan's voice was extremely loud, and it spread all over the surroundings in an instant.

After hearing this, many people began to whisper.

After saying this sentence, Chen Fan closed his eyes, and his consciousness waved, sweeping everyone's expressions and demeanors!

After a few breaths, he opened his eyes again.

found it!

With his strong spiritual sense, it is not difficult to scan the expressions and expressions of thousands of people.

And then he realized.

In a certain chariot, a dark-skinned, honest-looking middle-aged man suddenly froze, then rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground fluffy!

Chen Fan used the God-shocking technique.

When Forging God Art broke through the triple realm, the use of this God-shaking technique was extremely limited, and Chen Fan basically never used it. However, after Chen Fan broke through to his spiritual consciousness, this God-shaking technique has a great effect.

Chen Fan floated down, but he quickly came to the chariot, pulled him out, and cut him off with a sword!

After Chen Fan broke through his spiritual consciousness, his strength has also been comprehensively improved, and he has more means.

He turned his head and looked at the people around him who were daring to speak, and said calmly, Go ahead!

The killer of Wujianmen is easy to kill, but the meaning of the appearance of the master of Wujianmen made Chen Fan think deeply.

Because the Infernal Gate master appeared here, naturally it cannot be a coincidence.

These people are likely to fish in troubled waters, and they may even be connected with Yuan Mozong to act together!

After all, they all have a common purpose.

It seems that Wujianmen is half dead now, but after all, it relies on Dachang behind it, and the twenty-four sect masters are not dead yet!

In the past, I was only in a corner of the Daqian, and I had a small reputation, but now, the entire Dagan probably knows who I am. I don't know if I am on the assassination list of Wujianmen?

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

But there is no fear.

After all, Wujianmen is just an espionage organization, and only the top twelve sect masters are ten-fold masters.

Even the person who ranks first may not be able to achieve Dao fruit in strength.

As for those below the Dao Fruit Realm, Chen Fan currently has a way to deal with it, so he is naturally not afraid.


After bringing these warriors to Changdu County, two hundred military achievements were obtained.

This military merit is already quite high.

Even for killing some of the weaker Jiuzhong, the military achievements gained are nothing more than that.

For warriors with low strength, two hundred military merits may not even earn their lives!

After that, Chen Fan left and headed towards Lin'an City alone.

Although the entire Changdu County belongs to the less dangerous area, it is also in chaos.

After all, in a county, there will be at most dozens of masters in the local area. In the face of Yuan Mozong's surprise attack, it is far from enough to rely on local warriors!

Many cities, counties and towns in Changdu County were all harmed by Yuan Mozong.

Chen Fan even saw a small town, a terrifying scene where tens of thousands of people were wiped out.

Demon sects like the Yuan Demon Sect practice their own skills with the lives of ordinary creatures, but they deserve to die!

Chen Fan's murderous intent was unprecedentedly strong.

Even stronger than when Qinghe County was in chaos.

It's okay that monsters and humans are not of the same race, but the Yuan Demon Sect is really a race of humans!

It is indignant to slaughter the creatures of the same family like this.

He holds a wartime map in his hand, and has a certain understanding of the division of the powerful warriors of the surrounding Yuan Demon Sect, so he also purposefully cleared and killed the Yuan Demon Sect's demon army along the way.

He has killed countless demons, monsters, disciples of the Yuan Demon Sect, including the demon army of the Yuan Demon Sect.

The corpses of some of the more valuable masters who could be exchanged for military merit were collected in the Sumeru Ring, and the others were burned on the spot.

He also encountered a lot of powerful troops on the road.

Even the Five Great Army of the Imperial Capital, as well as various elite legions of Dagan, many have come to the battlefield.

The Five Davids of the Imperial Capital, although the number of masters is far less than that of Xiuyilou and Yichan Palace, they are also very useful in team battles and on the battlefield.


On top of a mountain.

Chen Fan floated in the air, looked at a city in the distance, and narrowed his eyes.

Finally here, Lin'an City!

Lin'an City is located on the northernmost side of Changdu County, and it is also the place where the most serious evil in Changdu County.

Looking at it from a distance, Chen Fan could see the fires burning everywhere in Lin'an City, billowing thick smoke.

From time to time, there will be turbulent vitality of heaven and earth rippling around.

Chen Fan flipped his hand and took out a token, which was the order of the town magician.

He activated the token and sent the message to Teng Jin.

at the same time.

Within Lin'an City.

In a courtyard, Teng Jin, with a knife behind his back, beheaded the bony walking corpse with red eyes in front of him.

The reason why Yuan Mozong's offensive is so terrifying is precisely because of their weird methods.

For high-level warriors, walking corpses are nothing, but for low-level warriors, even civilians, it is a devastating blow.

Scarier than any plague.

Teng Jin solved the walking corpse in front of him, but raised his eyebrows slightly.

He flipped his hand and took out a cyan token.

But his expression was slightly trembling, and then he licked his lips, but put away the token, and picked up another communication spirit stone:

Chen Fan left the customs and came to Ancheng.

Wu Guangqi's phantom on the other side laughed loudly:

He really doesn't know that you cheated him last time, and you're actually returning to the team at this time...

In such an environment, you can just find an opportunity to kill him, and you don't have to hide it like before.

Teng Jin narrowed his eyes, but did not answer.

But at this time, a flash of spiritual light came from a distance, and Teng Jin's expression flickered: Someone from my side has arrived, let's talk about it later.

But he turned off the spirit stone and looked at the figure who was speeding towards him.

Brother Yuan, how is the situation?

Its person is Yuan Daokong.

Yuan Daokong nodded indifferently: The evil spirits and monsters have been killed, but there is a disciple of the Nine Layers Demon Sect urging the 'Ten Thousand Miles No Trace Talisman' to escape, and I did not stop it.

Teng Jin waved his hand:

A mere Ninth Layer can't cause any trouble... I have good news to tell you that Junior Brother Chen Fan has left the customs and has rushed to Lin'an City. I plan to pick him up now...

Yuan Daokong heard the words, but said:

Senior brother, you are Shizhong. We still need you to sit in Lin'an City, so Hong and I will pick up Chen Fan.

Teng Jin showed a smile on his face, but he was subtle in his heart, but he didn't insist anymore.

But Yuan Daokong nodded, turned around, and left.

Looking at his back, Teng Jin's smile faded, and his eyes became colder and colder.

But in my heart I was a little irritable.

If he went to pick up Chen Fan, in such a complicated environment, it would be normal for Chen Fan to encounter an accident.

But when Yuan Daokong proposed to pick up Chen Fan, he couldn't insist on anything.

After all, it seems a little abnormal for me to insist on picking up Chen Fan. If something is really discovered, it will be a big problem.

It's a trivial matter to solve Chen Fan. In this environment, I have plenty of opportunities...

Teng Jin turned around coldly.


Outside Lin'an City.

Chen Fan looked at the token in his hand with a frown, shook his head and put it away.

Yuan Daokong just sent him a message and made an appointment with Chen Fan to meet Chen Fan.

I didn't expect Teng Jin to come here...

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

If Teng Jin came, he would use all his strength to kill him directly, which would naturally save countless troubles.

There will be opportunities in the future...

I can already activate the scroll of painting and control the masters of the second level of Daoyu. I just need to find a time when Yuan Daokong and the others are not present, activate the scroll of painting, and then make a move.

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