My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 376 The Squad

Chen Fan turned around.

Sure enough, I saw Chen Wudao walking in from the outside with a smile, and beside him, there was also a man wearing a Taoist uniform with his hair tied up in a bun, with an unusually fair complexion!

And next to the two of them were three or four middle-aged men and women, all of whom were extraordinary and extraordinary, and among them was the Lord Shichen!

People who can walk with Chen Wudao will naturally not be ordinary characters.

And Chen Fan cast his eyes on the white-faced youth and narrowed his eyes.

This person is exactly the person Chen Fan met in the Embroidery Building after completing the mission!

Chen Wudao and his men walked to a high platform in the middle of the hall.

Chen Wudao also smiled and stretched out his hand to the young man, indicating that he could speak.

The white-faced young man bowed his hands to Chen Wudao respectfully, but he walked in front of the crowd and said calmly:

In Xiaguanqiujing, from the Yuhuamen of the Central Region, I have met all the geniuses of Daqian!

What the prince said is true, he is indeed the visitor from the Yuhuamen!

Chen Fan also frowned, and looked at him seriously!

The crown prince said that this person is a master of Dao and fruit, and has other means, even Chen Wudao is afraid of him, such a genius, even the top ten princes can't compare!

In fact it is true.

The Ten Young Masters of Daqian are ten geniuses with fighting strength in the third level of the Dao Domain. In the future, they may all set foot in the Dao Fruit, and even be immortals. They can already be called the top masters of Daqian.

And this Guanqiu Jingxiu is a Taoist fruit, the actual combat power is even more comparable to Changsheng, and the Yuhuamen transfer sect sent him here, naturally there are other means!

Guan Qiujing always had a gentle look:

Since you can come here, you should all know the situation that Dagan is in at this time, so I won't talk nonsense...

We have received definite news that the blade behind the demon head of the Disaster Daqian is the disciple of the Seven Saint Demon Emperor of the Yuan Demon Sect, and that devil emperor has not yet arrived at the Daqian due to some reasons...

The people present were also extraordinary.

The weakest ones are all nine levels of combat strength, and they all know that behind the great chaos is the Yuan Demon Sect's tricks!

Guanqiu Jinghao talked about the harm of Yuan Mozong.

Then also said:

At this moment, we have caught a tail of Yuan Mozong...

Chen Fan also knew that the tail he was talking about was the Tsing Yi League!

The relationship between Qingyi League and Yuan Mozong is not simple, it is by no means an ordinary employment relationship, and as an underground organization throughout Daqian, the harm of Qingyi League can be imagined!

People around whispered.

Chen Fan had already heard from Chen Wudao about the mission trend after the establishment of Zhenmagic Division, but it was not surprising.

Afterwards, it was the bosses of Zhenmagic Division who introduced each other, got to know each other, and divided their positions.

Chen Wudao is the head of the Zhenmagic Division, and the few who follow him are also doing the top tasks of the first sequence, and they are all holding posts in the Zhenmagic Division.

Afterwards, the town magician began to confirm the uniform attire, and each distributed the town magic orders.

It is also a communication token that can send messages to each other.

It is a means of instant communication, but it is much more convenient than the communication stone during the completion of the task.

After that, we started grouping and assigning tasks.

The fighters were in a random order, divided into groups of three to five people, and went to various places to wipe out the underground forces of the Tsing Yi League.

Chen Fan didn't get into a group with Zhao Tianhua, but he didn't get into a group with Yi Chan Gong and Wu Guangqi either, but he was still lucky!

Chen Fan joined a team of three, and Yuan Daokong happened to be among them!

Yuan Daokong looks like an ordinary mortal, but his strength is even stronger than Le Shaoyuan's. The flying sword technique is so powerful that even the witch almost died in his hands!

In the overall ranking of the Martial Academy, it is ten places higher than Le Shaoyuan!

And Zhao Tianhua, the real ten-fold, said that Yuan Daokong was not simple, which shows that his strength is really extraordinary.

Although Chen Fan saw him for the first time, he knew him well after fighting him a few times in the Vientiane Pot Void Realm.

Because both of them are Xiuyilou warriors from the martial arts academy, Chen Fan also has a certain affection for them.

I've seen Senior Brother Yuan.

Yuan Daokong was also very polite to Chen Fan, and nodded slightly: Junior Brother Chen.

It's just that although he was polite, his expression was very calm, as if Chen Fan was not a powerful person.

The third person is a genius from the Alien Blood Society, and he is a top ten expert named Teng Jin!

But he was a fat middle-aged man with a soft smile!

He is also the captain of this three-person team.

The three-person team, among all the teams of Zhenmensi, can also be ranked in the middle and upper reaches.

After all, there are very limited number of people coming from each organization, and these people are the pillars of the big team.

After the three of them got to know each other briefly.

Na Teng Jin also restrained his smile, and his expression was extremely serious:

The ugly words are up front. Since I am the captain, I will have the final say on all matters during the execution of the mission. If you have any opinions, you can raise them...

But the final decision is still mine. If there is no reason to disobey the order, don't blame me for being rude!

After all, he is a top ten master, so he has a certain degree of pride.

He may seem gentle, but he is actually a very thoughtful person.

Both Chen Fan and Chen Fan nodded in agreement.

But if special circumstances really arise, it is naturally impossible for Chen Fan to listen to his orders in a foolish way!

And Chen Fan was lucky enough not to be in the same group as Yichan Palace and Wu Guangqi.


Zhenmensi was newly formed, and the various teams dispersed.

Started to encircle and attack the Qingyi League.

However, the Tsing Yi League is an underground organization after all, and it does not have a fixed base or stronghold. It is naturally very difficult to completely wipe it out.

Many people in the Tsing Yi League, especially those in the middle and lower levels, don't even know that the back of the Tsing Yi League is related to Yuan Mozong!

Zhenmasi's first mission did capture many members of the Tsing Yi League, but very few of them really knew the secrets inside.

The arrest work spread over most of Daqian.

The colossal creature that used to be a large underground monster was completely reduced to a street rat under the siege and interception of Dagan!

The Tsingyi League can exist, in the final analysis, Dagan needs its existence.

And when it crosses the bottom line, naturally there is no way out.

Chen Fan traveled here and there with Yuan Daokong and the others, but within a month, they destroyed several strongholds of the Tsing Yi League!

They didn't encounter the obstruction of the top ten experts, and the three-person team didn't encounter any particularly dangerous scenes...

The action is also fairly smooth.

In just one month, the Tsing Yi League has become in disarray, and the remnants have temporarily shrunk their forces and hidden them.

Afterwards, the task of Zhenmagic Division was temporarily calmed down, and he changed hands to start a large-scale elimination of evil spirits emerging from various places in Dagan. At the same time, some people were responsible for strengthening the seals of some demon generals...

With the help of Tianjilou Ru Yueling, she can often have the opportunity to predict the enemy, and she can also detect it before Yuan Mozong's actions.


Quiet afternoon.

Standard airships took off from outside the imperial capital.

In a flying boat.

Chen Fan looked at the flying boats outside through the window, and then turned his head to look at the fat man sitting opposite him. He was also very polite:

Senior Brother Teng, this mission seems unusual. So many teams are dispatched together? What are we going to do?

And beside Chen Fan, Yuan Daokong also looked at Teng Jin!

A full count of seven or eight boats took off.

Each flying boat represents a team of Zhenmasi.

In other words, there were seven or eight teams in this operation.

This is extremely scary.

Those who can join the town of magic, the threshold is also Jiuzhong, even those who have eight levels of cultivation, the combat power will not be weaker than Jiuzhong.

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