My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 375 Qiu Hong

Seeing Wu Guangqi retreat, Zhao Tianhua also warned Chen Fan:

In the future, if you and him are assigned the same task, and I'm not there, you must be extremely careful. With this guy's personality, anything is possible.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and nodded.

But at this moment, the arrival of a figure made all the voices in the hall freeze!

Chen Fan also looked at him in surprise, but saw a man in a black windbreaker with a sword on his back walking into it.

His expression was calm, but Chen Fan frowned.

He felt the killing intent on his body, which was extremely cold.

And this person, Chen Fan also knew, or he knew who it was.

Zhao Tianhua also narrowed his eyes, Sword Master Yu Tianlei, I didn't expect him to come too!

The ten sons not only represent ten top geniuses, but also ten peerless masters, and the weakest one is at the second level of Dao Domain!

And their combat strength is all invincible at the same level, even if they are only at the second level, they may be able to fight at the third level of the Dao Domain!

Zhao Tianhua himself is indeed a top ten expert.

But it's just a level 1 dao domain, not afraid of Wu Guangqi, but there is still a big gap against a master of Master Jian's level!

And that Yu Tianlei entered the hall, his eyes swept over everyone, and everyone clasped their fists politely.

Although his breath was sharp, he could nod his head one by one, and finally his gaze finally stayed on Chen Fan.

Then he walked straight towards Chen Fan!

Zhao Tianhua also frowned.

Yu Tianlei walked in front of Chen Fan calmly, but said politely: I have some things I want to ask Junior Brother Chen Fan, I wonder if you can take a step to speak?

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Zhao Tianhua next to him also stepped forward, and said politely: Mr. Jian, if you have something to say, why don't you just say it here!

The Yu family is a family that favors the thirteen princes, and it is also on the opposite side of the prince.

The relationship with the Zhao family is not good either.

Yu Tianlei narrowed his eyes slightly, then shook his head:

I have some private matters to ask Chen Fan, and I won't do anything to him, so don't worry.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Tianhua looked at Chen Fan without saying a word.

Chen Fan shook his head at him, then turned his head and nodded at Yu Tianlei, and followed him out of the hall.

After the two left, the hall was naturally noisy again.

About a quarter of an hour later, Chen Fan and Yu Tianlei returned to the main hall and separated.

Zhao Tianhua immediately approached Chen Fan: What did he tell you?

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes: Yu Tianlei's younger brother, Yu Tianbao died... I was nearby at the time, and he asked me about the situation!

Chen Fan covered up the secret of the incident at that time, and was not worried about being discovered at all.

Tan Taiyue and Su Xin witnessed with their own eyes that it was the Prison King who killed Yu Tianbao, so naturally it had nothing to do with him!

Chen Fan even suspected that the reason why Yu Tianlei joined the Zhenma Division was to trouble the Tsing Yi League for his younger brother!

No matter what it is, Chen Fan is not worried that the other party will think of him.

Zhao Tianhua also narrowed his eyes.

After that, more and more young masters came to the scene, and Chen Fan looked to one side strangely, with a strange expression.

He could sense that the core disciples of the Star Sect were constantly approaching the Embroidery Building...

When he was fighting Wu Tianjiao before, he had sensed that there was such a person in the auditorium watching the battle, and he was also a person who came to the imperial capital recently.

Then it is very likely that he will also be a part of the Town Magic Division.

After about another stick of incense, Chen Fan really sensed that the man had entered the embroidery building, which also made Chen Fan's expression more subtle.

And soon in the main hall, there were a group of indifferent men and women wearing Taoist uniforms and holding hair buns!

Chen Fan's eyes turned to a man in black.

The imprint of the Star Gate he perceived came from this person!

And I guessed well.

This person is indeed the person I saw on the audience stage on the day of the competition!

Disciple of Star Gate!

He also turned his head and asked Zhao Tianhua: I don't know which family this is from?

Zhao Tianhua also looked serious:

It's people from Yichan Palace. I didn't expect them to come too! The one in black is Qiu Hong, a Yuyue master in the first level of Taoism, and a strong contender for the next palace master of Yichan Palace...

Chen Fan's expression froze when he heard that.

People from Yichan Palace?

He killed Pu Zhongyu, although no one had evidence, but Pu Zhongyu had sent family disciples to target Chen Fan, if not for the crown prince's cover, the owner of Yichan Palace would never give up.

The people in Yichan Palace are all indifferent and do not communicate with outsiders. Chen Fan also noticed the cold gaze cast by someone behind Qiu Hong...

It should be someone who is old with Pu Zhongyu and thinks that Pu Zhongyu's death is related to Chen Fan!

After Qiu Hong saw Chen Fan, he also walked over directly.

Chen Fan's expression is also amazing!

Those who can be sensed by my Star God Seal are all the core people who have made the entry blood oath, which means that this person is not someone who accidentally obtained the inheritance of the Star Gate, but is a core member of the Star Gate!

I don't know if Qiu Hong entered Yichan Palace with his identity hidden, or if he was a traitor from Xingchenmen back then!

Junior Brother Chen Fan, I finally see you. Qiu Hong was curious.

At the beginning, Pu Zhongyu had targeted Chen Fan and sent many warriors from his family to guard Chen Fan, so many people knew about the entanglement between the two.

Although Tianjilou has confirmed that Pu Zhongyu's death has nothing to do with Chen Fan, neither the Lingshen Dao Sect nor the owner of Yichan Palace will easily accept this conclusion.

And this Qiu Hong is Pu Zhongyu's biggest opponent in the competition for the Palace Master. He is stronger than Pu Zhongyu, but he is also much older. Although his cultivation is stronger, he is not as important as Pu Zhongyu in Yichan Palace!

If Pu Zhongyu had stayed in Yichan Palace back then and practiced the Bingxin Divine Art, the future Palace Master would most likely be Pu Zhongyu's.

However, Pu Zhongyu went down the mountain for his younger brother, which made his magic skills hopeless, and he completely withdrew from the competition for the palace master, but this made Qiu Hong lose the biggest competitor.

Relatively speaking, he naturally would not have any malice or speculation towards Chen Fan.

On the contrary, he would also like to thank Chen Fan.

Chen Fan cupped his fists: Brother Qiu.

Qiu Hong smiled:

Junior Brother, the confrontation between you and Wu Tianjiao a few days ago was an eye-opener for me. The eighth level of martial arts has such strength. I am afraid that there are few people in the ninth level who are your opponents!

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit a smiling face.

This Qiu Hong was being polite, Chen Fan naturally wouldn't be so rude to Pu Zhongyu because of Pu Zhongyu's problem.

The two exchanged a few casual greetings, then Qiu Hong turned around and left, as if he really just came to say hello!


After the people from Yichan Palace arrived, not long after, a young girl in white Taoist uniform came in.

Following his arrival, the surrounding people also came forward to greet him politely.

Fairy Ru is here!

It's Fairy Ru!

Chen Fan asked curiously again: Who is this?

Zhao Tianhua said seriously: Tianjilou, the only personal heir of the fortune teller, Ru Yueling, unexpectedly, she also came...

Tianji Building!

Chen Fan also had a serious look on his face.

If it is a large-scale core sequence organization, the strong is strong, but everything can be traced, but Tianjilou is a force that makes people feel unpredictable and awe-inspiring.

Chen Fan's understanding of this organization is very limited.

I only know that there are very few people in the Tianji Building, and they are mainly magic operators of each generation. However, because of their special powers, no matter whether it is the royal family or the major families, there are places where the Tianji Building needs to be used!

This also makes the status of Tianjilou extraordinary.

The people of the Yuan Demon Sect are weird and unpredictable, but it's a good thing to have people from the Tianjilou join the Zhenma Division!

Zhao Tianhua also nodded, then narrowed his eyes:

Ru Yueling is still young, and she is only at the ninth level of martial arts, but given her special nature, her cultivation is not important.

Of course, what he said was small, compared to himself, and compared to Chen Fan, this Ru Yueling could also be called an aunt.

After Ru Yueling arrived, none of the geniuses summoned by Zhenmasi came.

Everyone is here.

A voice sounded, and the whole venue fell silent instantly.

Chen Fan recognized his voice instantly.

It's Chen Wudao!

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