My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 242: Turning into a dragon through water, the rules between humans and monsters

Wang Chen, who came to the sky above Bailongyuan, without any hesitation, directly activated the spells he had arranged before to break the original sealing formation.

After doing all this, Wang Chen did not leave immediately, but stayed near Bailongyuan, intending to see what the white python would do.

After all, even if the other party wants to turn into a dragon, it cannot be done immediately.

Even the white python at the peak of the Earth Master had to rely on the power of heaven and earth to barely be able to activate the flood disaster.

Just relying on his own strength, White Python, who is only at the peak of the Earth Master, cannot do it.

It was precisely because of this that Wang Chen did not leave directly.

He planned to see the specific situation of this white python monster.

I used the power of my soul to sense something in the 100-meter abyss.

It won't necessarily be particularly accurate.

Anyway, he was ready for everything. Even if the white python charged directly out of the White Dragon Abyss, he wouldn't be afraid at all.

In this case, he naturally wanted to explore the situation nearby.

Intelligence also has a great impact on combat.

There may be two completely different situations: having accurate information and not having accurate information.

Even though he is very confident in his own strength, Wang Chen still has the caution he should have.

While Wang Chen was hiding near Bailongyuan and continuing to investigate the situation, the white python monster deep in Bailongyuan was also a little confused at this time.

It can be said that it hates this sealing formation that has sealed itself for hundreds of years.

It took many efforts to break this damn seal.

As time goes by, this sealing formation becomes more and more fragile.

This allows its own demonic power to penetrate.

In order to break this already fragile seal as soon as possible, it also confuses several humans, hoping to corrode the sealing formation through human death and corpse aura.

Unfortunately, this plan was ruined by a Taoist priest not long ago.

It originally thought that it could only slowly wear away the final seal through time.

I never expected that this formation would dissipate directly.

This sudden change naturally left the white python monster a little confused.

However, it is still very happy about this situation.

Although in its perception, it can also break the sealing formation through the passage of time.

But it would be a good thing to get out of trouble as soon as possible.

If you can’t figure it out, don’t think about it.

Without thinking about the reason, the white python directly activated its magic power with all its strength and began to prepare for turning into a dragon through water.

Having been sealed in the White Dragon Abyss for hundreds of years, it was naturally impatient.

It began to turn into a dragon, but was blocked by a Taoist priest of the same realm, and was finally sealed in Bailongyuan.

After hundreds of years of waiting, it has had enough.

Hundreds of years! Hundreds of years!

Do you know how I have lived these hundreds of years?

The white python almost went crazy waiting in the depths of Bailongyuan.

learn from mistakes!

The last time it failed to turn into a dragon, the white python also gained a little experience.

The moment the seal was cracked, it did not rush out recklessly.

Instead, they waited deep in Bailongyuan, planning to start the flood first.

At the same time, let yourself adjust your condition.

Although his own strength has almost been completely restored after being sealed for hundreds of years.

But the mentality still needs to relax.

After all, it was sealed in a hundred-meter abyss, and there were no other living creatures around it to communicate with.

This kind of confinement lasted for hundreds of years. If he didn't go crazy directly, it could be considered that the white python's mind was firm.


As the demonic energy of the white python surged out, the sky above Bailongyuan also became covered with dark clouds.

In the blink of an eye, the dark clouds spread rapidly.

After the dazzling white light, there was the sound of rumbling thunder.

Then the rain started pouring down.

Seeing the heavy rain falling crazily from the sky, Wang Chen frowned slightly.

This kind of heavy rain was mainly caused by the white python's demonic power, but also because the other party was at the threshold of overcoming the tribulation.

With the blessing of the weather, such a heavy rain could fall near Bailongyuan.

Otherwise, the white python monster alone would never have such a large scope.

When the sealing formation dissipated and the white python exploded with all its strength, Wang Chen was able to detect a lot of information as he wished.

Although the white python monster did not directly attack, without the isolation of the sealing formation, the clarity of perception has also greatly increased.

After more than ten minutes of perception, Wang Chen also left Bai Longyuan directly.

He quickly headed downstream and came to the first battle location arranged.

Then he directly stationed here, waiting for the white python monster to walk through the water and turn into a dragon.



heavy rain!

The villagers who were hiding high in the mountains near Bailong Town also noticed the changes in Bailongyuan.

After all, this kind of movement is indeed quite big.

Mr. Liu and other squire and wealthy people also stood on a high place and looked at Bailongyuan.

Especially Mr. Liu, his eyes never turned away.

After all, this was about the hatred of his only son.

Whether he can take revenge or not depends entirely on Wang Chen.

At the same time, with this heavy rain, the villagers around Bailong Town are now more stable.

Although the wealthy squires came forward before, they could not calm down all the tens of thousands of people.

After all, suddenly moving from home to a high mountain, this kind of change is naturally very easy to make one's heart unstable.

If it hadn't been for the gentry and wealthy people who owned Bai Longyuan to go all out, there might have been trouble already.

Now seeing heavy rain starting near Bairyongyuan also confirms the previous statement.

Everyone naturally settled down.



Why did that white python suddenly escape from its trap!

The main peak of Maoshan Mountain.

A supreme elder at the level of a heavenly master suddenly had a whim.

After counting with his fingers, he discovered that the white python monster that had been sealed by their ancestors had actually escaped.

This made him a little confused.

After all, according to his calculations, it would take at least ten years for the white python monster to break free from the seal.

Why did the accident suddenly happen now?

There were thousands of thoughts in his mind, and the Supreme Elder of Maoshan did not stop.

He came out directly from the Cave Paradise in Maoshan and left Maoshan quickly.

After all, this was a monster sealed by their ancestors, so he naturally wanted to see what was going on.

In case of an accident, he still needs to notify his disciples to deal with it.


Half a day!

Wang Chen, who was stationed at the first battle site, looked at the sky and murmured.

He has been waiting here for half a day.

During this half-day, the heavy rain near Bailongyuan became heavier and heavier, and it had completely covered the area around Bailong Town.

The river below had already surged by about two meters.

The area around the river has begun to be flooded.

This heavenly blessing is truly terrifying!

In just half a day, the river rose so much.

It's no exaggeration.

You know, this is still just the beginning.

The flood disaster is growing like a snowball, and the aftermath will only become more and more terrifying.

But this is normal.

After all, the white python monster is hundreds of meters tall.

If the river was only a few meters deep, it would be nothing more than a dragon.

While Wang Chen was waiting at the first battle site, the Maoshan Taishang Elder who had been on a whim had already arrived near Bailong Town.

However, he did not show up, but faced off with another Heavenly Master-level master in the air.

Old man Lin, you're not dead yet!

Black Dragon, you did this!

You fart!

The two sides directly had a cordial and friendly exchange in mid-air.

This was done by your own people in Maoshan!

After a brief greeting, Black Dragon also spoke.

The moment the white python monster escaped from its trap, he had already sensed it.

Once the white python monster can move through water and transform into a dragon, it will become a dragon.

For the East China Sea Dragon Clan, this is a considerable enhancement.

After all, those who can successfully turn water into a dragon are basically masters at the level of Heavenly Masters.

In this day and age, even Earth Masters can be considered masters of appearance.

Not to mention those at the Heavenly Master level.

Besides, the Jiaolong clan is already sparsely populated.

Naturally, we pay more attention to the white python monster.

However, the black dragon just stayed around Bailong Town and had no intention of showing up.

After hearing Black Dragon's words, Elder Lin Taishang also noticed the situation below.

He had just arrived here before and saw the black dragon.

It's natural to assume that the other party doesn't follow the rules.

Now that I have explored the situation below, I am naturally a little embarrassed.

However, it did not reveal anything wrong.

After all, masters who can cultivate to the level of heavenly masters are naturally quite firm in character.

This little thing will naturally not make him lose his composure.



At this moment, Wang Chen below also noticed something was wrong.

He actually sensed soul exploration before.

Without any hesitation, Wang Chen went all out to activate his power of perception.

In less than a moment, he sensed the black dragon and Elder Lin Taishang confronting each other in the sky.

Too careless!

After sensing this situation, Wang Chen also sighed inwardly.

Previously, his energy was mainly focused on the white python monster in Bailongyuan.

I didn’t put much thought into exploring other places.

It was precisely because of this that he did not sense the arrival of the black dragon.

Of course, the white python monster's full force to stimulate the heavy rain also has a certain impact.

After all, the heavy rains around Bairyongyuan are not just natural weather.

Among those dark clouds, there was also a touch of evil spirit.

It's also a pretty big distraction.

But when Elder Lin Taishang sensed it, Wang Chen naturally noticed it too.

After detecting the situation in the sky, it was naturally impossible for Wang Chen to stay on the ground.

Without any hesitation, he directly summoned the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword, and flew with the sword to the vicinity of the high-altitude confrontation.

You are a disciple of Maoshan!

When Wang Chen flew up with his sword, Elder Lin Taishang also spoke directly.

Although the words were inquiring, the tone was very certain.

But this is normal.

After all, Wang Chen practiced the Maoshan Mental Technique.

It can be regarded as the purest Kung Fu in Maoshan.

The aura of one's own magic power is really easy to identify.

Disciple Wang Chen, master Lin Jiu.

I don’t know who the senior is?

Wang Chen also responded quickly.

After asking for advice, Wang Chen's eyes fell on the black dragon.

A white python monster that had not yet transformed into a dragon made Wang Chen very excited.

Now that a more powerful dragon appears, Wang Chen naturally has some ideas.

If this can be done, the harvest will definitely not be small.

I am the Supreme Elder of Maoshan - Lin Yun.

After hearing Wang Chen's words, Supreme Elder Lin Yun did not hesitate and answered directly.

Were you responsible for what happened below?

Flying next to him, Lin Yun quietly sent a voice message and asked.


Upon hearing the Supreme Elder's inquiry, Wang Chen did not hide anything and directly told the specific situation.

Of course, there must be a little bit of embellishment.

But in general, there is nothing wrong.


Then take care of that white python and leave the rest to me.

After hearing Wang Chen's explanation, Lin Yun said immediately.

At the same time, he also signaled to Wang Chen that he could go down and prepare to deal with the white python monster.

Supreme Elder, don't you want to deal with this monster?

After hearing the message from the Supreme Elder, Wang Chen asked directly.

Wang Chen is quite confident about his own strength.

If you go all out, you still have a very good chance of killing a Celestial Master-level monster.

What's more, there is a helper at the level of a heavenly master by his side now.

Under this situation, Wang Chen naturally wanted to take action against the black dragon.


Lin Yun was shocked when he heard Wang Chen's thoughts.

He never expected that Wang Chen, a junior, would be so courageous.

He didn't even have the idea of ​​killing the black dragon, but Wang Chen, a junior Earth Master, would actually have such a crazy idea.

This is what happened...

Seeing Wang Chen's somewhat puzzled look, Lin Yun immediately explained.

After all, Wang Chen, a junior, is indeed very outstanding, so he naturally plans to make some pointers.

To avoid unnecessary trouble.

I see.

After hearing the explanation from the Supreme Elder, Wang Chen also understood the specific situation.

There is an agreement between humans and monsters.

As long as there is no intentional offense, then everyone can only fight in the same realm.

Defeat the strong with the weak, OK!

It's not okay to bully the small with the big!

Generally speaking, in the world of cultivation, human cultivators do have the upper hand.

But it can't be completely crushed.

If humans don't follow the rules, then the monsters won't follow the rules either.

If everyone kills each other's descendants, the consequences will be extremely serious.

After all, a normal cultivator is not someone like Wang Chen.

Facing a monster of a higher level, there is basically no resistance.

It is precisely because both parties have concerns that everyone will abide by this rule.

Of course, if they are monsters and humans that cause a lot of killings, they are not protected by this rule.

After hearing this explanation, Wang Chen had no idea of ​​continuing to take action.

His current fighting power is indeed strong, but it is still a little difficult to take down a Celestial Master-level monster in a short period of time.

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