My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 241 Move to avoid danger and break the formation

If you are not proactive, if the white python monster breaks out of the seal midway, it will definitely be very dangerous for ordinary people around you.

Wang Chen's own strength is strong enough that he can escape even if a flood breaks out.

But ordinary people don't have this ability.

Even if Wang Chen's own strength is very strong, he cannot directly fight against natural disasters.

He can save dozens and hundreds of people, but he cannot save thousands of people at once.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Chen specially urged the squires in Bailong Town to do things as soon as possible.

In this way, Wang Chen can reduce his burden faster and deal with the powerful white python monster.


Upon hearing Wang Chen's request, all the wealthy squires in Bailong Town agreed and had no intention of refusing.

Of course, the main reason why this happened was because they all saw Wang Chen rubbing Thunder with his hands.

After seeing such a scene, they naturally would not refuse.

After all, this has something to do with themselves.

If you don't agree to Wang Chen's request, what if Wang Chen simply gives up and leaves?

After all, they didn't know Wang Chen's temper, so naturally they didn't dare to mess around.

Now that an expert from Maoshan like Wang Chen is helping, they are naturally happy to see the results.

It is precisely because of this that they are so active in helping.

Seeing that the squire and wealthy people in Bailong Town were starting to prepare, Wang Chen was naturally not idle either.

He left Liu Mansion directly and began to investigate the situation.

To deal with the white python, Wang Chen naturally needed to choose a suitable position.

After all, the other party will have the blessing of good location. If Wang Chen doesn't choose carefully, his own disadvantage will be a bit big.

Of course, with Wang Chen's own strength, he won't be afraid of the other party.

But there is no guarantee that the white python will be killed.

If the other party is frightened, just go back to the depths of Bailong Abyss and lurk.

Then even Wang Chen would have a headache.

After all, he sneaked into the depths of Bailongyuan a hundred meters to deal with a powerful white python monster.

No one with a sound mind would do such a thing.

We can only wait for the opponent to come out of Bailongyuan and find a suitable place to fight.

When the time comes, Wang Chen will directly strike hard and kill the opponent and take him away.

Even if you cannot kill the opponent instantly, you must cut off the opponent's retreat.

Yes, Wang Chen plans to set up a sealing formation outside Bailongyuan.

Once the white python escapes from the trap and rushes out, Wang Chen will not give the other party a chance to run back again.

Only in this way can Wang Chen be sure to kill the opponent one hundred percent.

The sealing formation is not a problem for Wang Chen.

After all, he had also studied formations with his master, Uncle Jiu.

Even if it cannot be compared with a master like Uncle Jiu who specializes in this field.

But there is no problem in temporarily blocking a white python monster at the peak of Earth Master.

Wang Chen still has this bit of confidence.

Not to mention that his own weapon refining skills are quite advanced and he has refined many high-level formation bases.

Even if one's own formation skills are somewhat inferior, the power of the formation can be enhanced through advanced formation bases.

A mere white python monster at the pinnacle of Earth Master's level would definitely not be able to break through in a short period of time.

If Wang Chen hadn't wanted to solve the trouble once and for all, he could have added more formations to Bai Longyuan's sealing formations.

Needless to say, there is absolutely no problem in trapping the white python monster for more than ten years.

But this is not Wang Chen's style of doing things.

After all, he understands the truth that only a thousand days to be a thief, not a thousand days to guard against thieves.

Not to mention a white python monster at the peak of the Earth Master, which means a lot of materials and moral virtue.

This can represent both immediate and long-term benefits.

Why are there so many Maoshan elders serving in the underworld?

It would be better to occupy a position in the underworld just because you have accumulated enough virtue.

This is also the main reason why Maoshan disciples are keen on conquering demons.

It is true that when Maoshan was first established, those Maoshan disciples worked tirelessly for ordinary people because of their faith and enthusiasm.

But without a concrete benefit, it is absolutely impossible to continue to have this kind of faith and enthusiasm after two or three generations, or even four or five generations.

Even if there are, they are definitely in the minority.

But when there is such a specific benefit, coupled with the blessing of faith.

Maoshan disciples are naturally willing to slay demons and work hard for ordinary people.


After leaving Bailong Town, Wang Chen started walking along the river.

This was the route that the white python took after it escaped from trouble. Naturally, Wang Chen could only choose this way.

There was no interference from outsiders, and Wang Chen didn't need a cruise ship. He just used a small paper boat to start swimming upstream.

Under Wang Chen's control, the speed of the paper boat was not too slow.

While swimming upstream, Wang Chen also quickly looked around to see where a suitable fighting position was.

Wang Chen's requirements are not high, as long as he can arrange a formation.

Although he is quite powerful, he is qualified to fight head-on with his opponent just by relying on his physical strength.

But if there are external forces that can be used, it would be foolish not to use them.

The main reason why humans can become the overlord of this planet is because of their brains.

Being able to use tools, Wang Chen will naturally not waste them.

With his powerful soul perception ability, Wang Chen's detection speed is quite fast.

In less than half an hour, they went directly upstream and arrived near Bailongyuan.

It's even faster than I was traveling before.

But this is normal.

After all, this time Wang Chen didn't have anyone else holding him back, so his speed was naturally quite fast.

After half an hour of careful exploration, Wang Chen also found two barely suitable formation positions.

Although it is not particularly good, it is enough for use.

There is no way, after all, the river outside Bailong Town is not big.

There are only some small bridges on it, and it is absolutely impossible to withstand the flood of white pythons that turn into dragons.

Therefore, Wang Chen could only choose the peaks around the river.

Unfortunately, even the top of the mountain near Bailongyuan is only about 100 meters, and the peaks near the lower reaches are naturally not too high.

But it is more than enough to set up a simple formation.


While Wang Chen was carefully exploring the river, the wealthy squires in Bailong Town also began to take action.

All the ordinary villagers around Bailong Town were notified to prepare to move for safety.

The ordinary villagers who were notified were very shocked, but they also began to prepare.

There is no way. In this era, the bottom is basically governed by country gentry.

In a place like this, the words of the squire may be more effective than the emperor.

All the wealthy squires in Bailong Town came out to stand, and the ordinary villagers naturally had no other ideas about this.

What's more, this is about your own life, so no one will mess around.

Of course, Wang Chen himself also played a role in it.

Using a few ordinary talismans and a few ordinary magic weapons, the wealthy country squires contributed some money to subsidize the ordinary villagers who moved to avoid danger.

Although I don’t have much money, there is absolutely no problem in eating and drinking during this period of migration.

Under such circumstances, ordinary villagers were naturally willing to obey the squire's arrangements.

Under the command of the rich squires, the migration was orderly and there was no stampede.

Of course, even with the command of the rich squires, it will take some time for all the villagers in Bailong Town to relocate and avoid danger.

For ordinary villagers, it is impossible to give up their family business.

After all, they already knew that a flood was coming, so they naturally couldn't abandon valuable things at home.

As a result, migration and hedging will naturally take more time.

Fortunately, Wang Chen was not too anxious.

After all, he also knew the situation of ordinary villagers, so naturally he would not rush them too much.

Anyway, no matter how much you collect, one or two days will be enough.

As long as there are no accidents along the way, the ordinary villagers near Bailong Town will definitely be able to leave before the white python escapes.

As long as this can be achieved, Wang Chen has no objection.


Time passes slowly.

Three days have passed since Wang Chen discussed the situation with the wealthy squire of Bailong Town.

In these three days, the ordinary villagers in Bailong Town finally packed up their belongings.

Under the command and arrangement of the wealthy squires in Bailong Town, the low-lying areas of Bailong Town were evacuated in an orderly manner.

Go to the high slopes of those mountains and settle temporarily.

Because of the arrangement and command of the rich squires, there were no troubles during the migration and avoidance process.

And Wang Chen had already completed his preparations in these three days.

Not only was a seal blocking formation arranged near Bailongyuan.

At the same time, two formations were arranged around the river outside Bailong Town to enhance their combat power.

Yes, Wang Chen directly arranged the two suitable positions in the formation.

This is mainly for the sake of safety.

Even though the white python monster was very powerful, Wang Chen was well prepared to deal with it.

After everything was prepared, Wang Chen lived directly in Bailong Town.

After all, he is now fully prepared, but the surrounding ordinary villagers have not yet completely evacuated.

Naturally, Wang Chen would not tease Bai Longyuan's monster at this time.

If something unexpected happens, ordinary villagers will suffer.

Although Wang Chen really wanted to get the materials as soon as possible, he would not joke with the lives of ordinary villagers.

Anyway, Wang Chen can afford to wait a few more days.

In the past few days, Wang Chen would go to Bailongyuan every day to ensure that there would be no problems with the sealing formation there.

After all, now is the time for ordinary villagers to move for safety. If a flood breaks out now, the impact will be considerable.


Bailong Town, Liu Mansion.

Daozhang Wang, we have to go to the surrounding areas to guard against unnecessary accidents.

If you need anything, you can give me instructions at any time.

Master Liu opened his mouth and said to Wang Chen.

At this time, there are several other wealthy squires from Bailong Town here.

In order to avenge his son, Mr. Liu can be said to be quite cooperative with Wang Chen.

He didn't even go ahead with his son's funeral. Instead, he directly followed Wang Chen's arrangements and directed the surrounding villagers to relocate for safety.

Now that everyone has begun to move to avoid danger, naturally they, the country gentry and rich people, cannot continue to stay in Bailong Town.

After all, when everyone leaves their homes, it is inevitable that they will feel a certain amount of fear.

They, the respectable country gentry and wealthy people, need to come forward at this time to calm everyone down.

It is precisely because of this that Mr. Liu and the others came to say goodbye to Wang Chen.

no problem.

You go and do your own thing.

The sooner you settle down, the sooner I can deal with that monster with confidence.

After hearing Master Liu's words, Wang Chen also said directly.

In the past few days, he has been living in Master Liu's house.

The main reason is that the hospitality is hard to refuse.

After all, Wang Chen helped the other party recover his son's body without charging any money.

Naturally, the other party felt a little sorry.

Therefore, Wang Chen was invited to live in Liu Mansion.

After thinking briefly, Wang Chen did not refuse.

After all, he was originally going to stay in Bailong Town, and living there was not a residence.

Of course there is no need to reject the other party.

After a brief farewell, the rich and gentlemen left directly.

After all, Bailong Town and the surrounding villages have tens of thousands of residents.

If there is no one to take charge, it is very easy for chaos to occur.

Fortunately, the gentry and wealthy people from Bailong Town came forward, otherwise the migration would never have been so simple.

Even if Wang Chen took action himself, it would be impossible to achieve this step.

There is no way, this is the way it is in this day and age.

Without the help of the squires at the bottom, ordinary people really have no way to command the villagers.


Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, another five days passed.

In these five days, all the villagers around Bailong Town were finally relocated.

Bailong Town has also arranged personnel to notify those places downstream.

At this time, everything in Bailong Town was empty.

Wang Chen walked in Bailong Town and felt it carefully again.

After making sure that no one was staying, Wang Chen also headed towards the place where the villagers had temporarily taken refuge.


Master Wang.

Master Liu...

After meeting up with Mr. Liu and other squires, Wang Chen also exchanged a few simple greetings.

Then the topic came up.

Mr. Liu, are you sure all the surrounding villagers have completely moved here?


We specially arranged for personnel to be counted, and indeed they have all been temporarily relocated nearby.


After the exchange, Wang Chen did not waste any time and headed directly towards Bai Longyuan.

He originally wanted to get the materials early, if not to allow these ordinary villagers to move to a safe place.

Maybe Wang Chen has already taken action.

Now that all worries have disappeared, there is no need for Wang Chen to waste time.

Using the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword to fly with his sword, Wang Chen was already in the sky above Bailongyuan in a matter of moments.


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