My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 175 Returning to a peaceful life and rapidly soaring in strength


Wang Chen yawned loudly and walked out of the room.

A day has passed since the female leader of the horse thieves was eliminated.

He also officially resumed his previous practice life.

After the matter of the female horse thief leader was dealt with last night, all the wealthy squires from Renjia Town rushed over from their homes.

The flowing water banquet was once again opened in Renjia Town to entertain the ordinary young people who contributed.

As for masters like Uncle Jiu and Wang Chen, it is naturally even more impossible to let them go.

He prepared two first-class banquets directly in the town hall and personally entertained Uncle Jiu and several of his apprentices.

Yes, even Qiusheng and Wencai, two cheaters, also enjoyed this kind of treatment.

Of course, Wang Chen himself was not particularly interested in this kind of thing.

He was not a particularly outgoing person in his previous life, and even more so after traveling to this world.

After all, practicing is much more interesting than staying at home.

However, Uncle Jiu, an expert who was in charge of Renjia Town, naturally could not avoid such a banquet.

Uncle Jiu, the master, didn't leave, and Wang Chen, the apprentice, naturally had no choice but to give him face.

It was precisely because of this that they ate and drank in Renjia Town for several hours.

When we returned to the dojo, it was almost dark.

After experiencing many battles in a row, Wang Chen's own mental energy consumption was not small.

Therefore, after returning to the dojo, he did not continue to practice, but chose to rest directly.

It's just that the biological clock that has always kept him awake at the usual time.

After resting so late and still getting up so early, even the powerful Wang Chen couldn't help but yawn greatly.

However, as a powerful practitioner, this sleepiness is nothing at all.

With a few simple adjustments, you can be back to full strength in no time.

After all, Wang Chen is a Guabi time traveler with the blessing of a golden finger.

Yawning is just a matter of habit.

After Wang Chen finished washing, Wencai and Qiu Sheng were still sleeping.

After all, the strength of the two of them is not as good as Wang Chen, and they are still unable to achieve this level.

It was rare to get up early, so Wang Chen went to prepare some breakfast himself.

To be honest, junior brother Wen Cai has been doing these things recently.

It just happened to happen today. As a senior brother, he still obliged to help.


After eating breakfast, Wang Chen went directly back to his room and started practicing.

As for Wencai and his two junior brothers, Wang Chen did not bother them.

After all, it is rare for these two junior brothers to have a good rest one day.


Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Wang Chen took a deep breath and began to adjust his condition.

After the adjustment is completed, formal training begins immediately.

Maoshan Heart Technique Experience Points + 650 points!


After a week of rapid operation, Wang Chen's mental experience has also increased a lot.

However, there is still a certain gap compared to when I had advanced medicinal dietary supplements before.

Fortunately, his own level of strength has broken through a lot, and every time he runs Zhou Tian, ​​the added experience value also increases.

Wang Chen has already experienced this situation before, so naturally he won't feel disappointed.

Before officially practicing, he had already blocked the prompts on the golden finger panel.

He was not affected at all and practiced with all his strength, rapidly improving his strength.

Now he is already a master of the sixth level of human division.

There is no exaggerated gap between him and the earth master level.

If you are a normal cultivator, it may take a lot of time to break through to the realm of Earth Master.

But for Wang Chen, this is completely different.

Because after this breakthrough, the experience bar of the realm did not show an exponential surge like before.

If you practice with all your strength, you will achieve a breakthrough relatively quickly.

According to Wang Chen's own calculation, he should go all out to practice every day and not do other things.

In ten days at most, he would be able to break through the bottleneck of the sixth level of human division and reach the seventh level of human division.

For normal practitioners, this may be an extremely exaggerated fantasy.

But for Wang Chen's comparison, it's just right.

Of course, this is mainly because Wang Chen devoted all his energy to improving his realm.

If he had followed the original cultivation method, the breakthrough time would have been at least three times longer.

Now that Wang Chen has made up his mind, he is naturally focused on improving his level of strength.

Anyway, his various attack methods are enough for the time being.

With those talisman skills, Wang Chen doesn't worry about not being able to display his combat effectiveness.

After all, with those output skills, Wang Chen's combat effectiveness is still quite exaggerated.

These outputs are sufficient for the time being.

It is better to put all your energy into improving the realm of strength first.

After breaking through to the Earth Master realm and learning the art of refining weapons, it would not be too late to distract himself.

At that time, he also had stronger strength to ensure his own safety.


Maoshan Heart Technique Experience Points + 650 points!


Maoshan Heart Technique Experience Points + 650 points!


As time goes by, Wang Chen's own strength is also growing steadily.

Although there is no high-end medicinal diet to assist in training, Wang Chen's speed in improving his strength is still beyond the reach of ordinary practitioners.



Wang Chen, who woke up from his hard training, took a deep breath.

Eight days have passed since the female leader of the horse thieves was eliminated.

Within these eight days, Wang Chen's own strength could be said to have changed day by day.

Now we are only one step away from breaking through the seventh level of human division.

Even Wang Chen felt very excited at this breakthrough speed.

After all, this means that he is one step closer to the threshold of learning the art of weapon refining.

Moreover, the feeling of steadily increasing strength every day is really addictive.

Even Wang Chen is deeply addicted to this kind of comparison.

Of course, Wang Chen didn't mind this situation either.

It is better to spend more time and energy on cultivation than wasting it on unnecessary things.

After all, Wang Chen was very familiar with the two junior brothers Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng.

He didn't want to be like that.

During these days of hard training, Yizhuang did not encounter anything.

There are absolutely no other matters to disturb his practice.

This is also normal.

After all, things like warlocks and horse thieves are completely special circumstances.

Generally untouchable.

If all kinds of monsters and monsters really come one after another, I'm afraid even Uncle Jiu won't be able to handle it.

After all, every time you eliminate various monsters and monsters, you need to consume various resources.

No matter how much resources you reserve, if you don't have time to recover, you will still be left with nothing.

Of course, except Wang Chen.

After all, he produces and sells all kinds of talismans by himself.

And the speed and efficiency of production are very exaggerated.

The various talismans he has stored are enough for him to fight several big battles.

There is no need to worry about running out of your own reserves.

To put it more arrogantly, he really didn't think anyone could let him use up all his reserves in one battle.

Not even Shi Jian.

Although he has practiced Maoshan's unique skill-Lightning Thunder Fist, he has a high resistance to thunder.

But it doesn't mean that he is immune to thunder damage.

No matter how much damage is reduced, under the powerful power of the Xiaowu Lei Talisman, even if it only has 20 to 30% of the power left, it is enough to make people drink a pot.

Even if Shi Jian chooses to rely on lightning and thunder punches to consume the transfer, Wang Chen can easily kill the opponent with the huge number of Xiao Wu Lei Talismans.

This is the arrogance of having a golden finger.

But this is just to deal with the Earth Master.

Wang Chen has never officially faced an expert at the level of a Heavenly Master, so Wang Chen is still a little wary.

It is precisely because of this that he wants to break through the Earth Master level as soon as possible and learn the art of refining weapons.

After all, no one can guarantee that he will not face an enemy at the level of a Heavenly Master.

Now that he has traveled through time, he is not reading stories and novels like before.

Various masters will definitely not take action in the early stage. Those are all plots in stories and novels.

In this real world, existing masters may pass by at any time.

Even if this possibility is extremely low, we still have to be prepared.

After all, this is closely related to your own life.

It is precisely because of these scruples that Wang Chen did not do anything to show his holiness in front of others like other senior time travellers.

Pretending also requires strength.

If you don't have strength, you are a fool.

Although he is now quite powerful, he still has shortcomings.

The power of the Xiaowu Lei Talisman is indeed exaggerated, even more powerful than ordinary high-level Talismans.

But the upper limit of the power of the talisman has been set after all.

When encountering an enemy with particularly exaggerated strength, no matter how many talismans there are, there is no guarantee.

But magic weapons and Taoist tools are different.

The power it unleashes is quite terrifying.

Even as a last resort, magic weapons and Taoist tools can be self-destructed.

Even the masters of Heavenly Masters are at risk of falling.

By then, Wang Chen's safety factor would be greatly enhanced.

If you refine an immortal weapon, you can walk sideways in this world.

As long as you are not hot-headed, it is absolutely safe to go to the lairs of other top sects and have fairy weapons to protect you.

You must know that even the top sect like Maoshan, which has been passed down for a long time, even has some of Maoshan's ancestors in the underworld.

But among the inheritance within Maoshan, there are only two immortal weapons.

Of course, this is only on the surface.

But even if it is hidden, it cannot be more than four pieces.

One can imagine how precious this fairy weapon is.

As for whether you can refine an immortal weapon yourself?

Wang Chen has no doubt at all about this.

With the blessing of the golden finger, as long as you keep working hard, it is inevitable to refine an immortal weapon.

Even more powerful spiritual treasures are not impossible.

Of course, those are still a little far away for Wang Chen.

After all, he hasn't even broken through to the Earth Master realm yet.

However, Wang Chen is still very confident.

It was precisely because of these various problems that Wang Chen chose to stay in Yizhuang and practice hard.

At least he must be as powerful as the Shilipo Sword God before he can show off.


Maoshan Heart Technique Experience Value +650!

Every day, all Wang Chen's energy is spent on practicing hard.

Huangtian paid off, and Wang Chen's strength also grew rapidly.

Maoshan Heart Technique Experience Points + 650 points!


At this moment, Wang Chen's momentum suddenly surged.

Once again he succeeded in breaking through.

Although it is only a small realm, the enhancement for Wang Chen is still quite large.

The moment he broke through the realm of strength, Wang Chen felt his own changes.

As a result, he gradually calmed down and began to stop the operation of Maoshan's mental method.

After a while, Wang Chen succeeded and stopped completely.


After exhaling a breath, Wang Chen began to carefully observe his own changes.

[Name: Wang Chen

Realm: seventh level of human teacher

Magic weapon: Bell of Desolation, Bronze Mirror (Broken Spirit Weapon)

Kung Fu: Maoshan Mental Technique: Level 17 (1369/15 million!)

Special Effect 1: Continuous (The quality of mana increases by 50%.)

Special Effect 2: Endless Life (Mana recovery speed increases by 50%.)

Special effect three: pure (the mana is more powerful and the difficulty of breaking through the bottleneck is reduced!)

Special effect four: Increase (the power of Maoshan's various talisman skills, etc. is increased by 20%!)

Special effect five: Increase lifespan (your lifespan is increased by two hundred years!

It has a great strengthening effect on all aspects of the body.

Enhance the body's all-round abilities. Such as digestion, recovery and more! )]

After observing carefully for a moment, Wang Chen closed the golden finger panel with great satisfaction.

With this breakthrough, his experience bar for the next level only increased by five million.

Wang Chen was naturally extremely satisfied with this result.

After all, this is not like the previous exponential surge, and the difficulty of breaking through has also been reduced a lot.

The most important point is that this breakthrough has once again added a special effect to Maoshan's mental method.

And it’s also an extremely powerful special effect.

Increase lifespan!

This is simply outrageous!

Even the powerful cultivators in Maoshan cannot guarantee their long lifespan.

Although after the strength is improved, the life span will also be increased.

But it doesn't add much.

For example, an ordinary Celestial Master has a normal life span of about two hundred years.

Depending on the method you practice, your lifespan will fluctuate somewhat.

However, the fluctuation will not be too large.

But this time Wang Chen broke through to the seventh level of human division, which directly increased his life span by two hundred years.

How could this not make Wang Chen excited?

This is equivalent to directly increasing the life span of a Celestial Master.

And these two hundred years are just the beginning.

As the skills are practiced more deeply, the life span will increase again.

After all, every time the strength increases, those special effects will be strengthened.

Even if it's not as good as when it first appeared, it's still exaggerated enough.

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