My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 174 The threat is eliminated and the horse thief incident is over


Uncle Jiu shouted and activated several purification talismans.

At the same time, his own mana also surges out to control the spread of corrosive energy.

Seeing what his master was doing, Wang Chen didn't hesitate and immediately took action.

He opened his backpack and took out a stack of purification talismans.

Because all his subsequent energy on the talismans was put on the Xiaowu Lei Talisman and the Liuding Liujia Amulet.

There are not many other ordinary talismans.

And the placement is at the bottom of the backpack.

After all, under normal circumstances, these ordinary talismans are not used at all.

If this happened to happen to him this time, he would naturally not be stingy.

He took out all the purification talismans directly from the bottom of the backpack.

Then without any hesitation, he immediately began to activate the purification talisman to remove the corrosive energy.

Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi!

Wang Chen is not as precise in control as Uncle Jiu.

After all, with the blessing of Golden Finger, he is so arrogant.

A large number of purification talismans were activated, quickly purifying the corrosive energy.

Sometimes even after the purification talisman purifies the corrosive energy, there is still a lot of energy left.

For a master like Uncle Jiu, it was a complete waste.

But Wang Chen didn't care. Anyway, to him, these ordinary low-level talismans were nothing.

He could always make more if he wanted.

On the side, Lightning Dharma King Shi Jian frowned when he saw the actions of Jiu Shu and Wang Chen, but then he also followed suit.

Although his relationship with Uncle Jiu was not particularly harmonious, he would still choose to help when this kind of thing happened.

After all, he is also a disciple of Maoshan, and he is relatively protective of the external environment.

Moreover, as Maoshan's eldest brother, Shi Jian, who holds the title of Thunder King, is quite proud.

Even if Uncle Jiu had an idea about the position of the leader of Maoshan, he would not plot against Uncle Jiu on such a matter.

He is quite confident about himself.

If you win, you must win with dignity.

But this is normal.

If Shi Jian didn't have this kind of temperament, he wouldn't be able to become the outer eldest brother of Maoshan.

After all, Maoshan, a top sect with a long tradition, attaches great importance to the character of its disciples.

Although the female leader of the horse thieves successfully self-destructed, she did not have much energy in her body.

Moreover, with the attacks of Wang Chen and Uncle Jiu blocking them, the pollution and corrosive energy did not spread much.

With Shi Jiande joining in, Uncle Jiu and the others were able to handle the situation even more quickly.

After about two minutes, the pollution and corrosion energy in this area was also dealt with.

The reason why it was so fast was mainly because of Wang Chen, a wealthy man.

After all, a large number of purification talismans were activated, and the corrosive energy was naturally cleaned up quickly.

Even though these purification talismans are relatively low-level, as the old saying goes, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes!

The huge purification talismans are stacked together, and the purification ability is still very exaggerated.

Under the condition that Wang Chen didn't care about consumption, the purification was of course very fast.

Big Brother.

After all the corrosive energy was purified, Uncle Jiu also greeted Shi Jian.

Even though Uncle Jiu had some thoughts on the position of the leader of Maoshan, he still respected Shi Jian as a person.


Shi Jian also nodded, which was a response to Uncle Jiu.

Senior Brother is passing by here, why don't you inform Junior Brother.

I might as well do my part as a landlord.

Uncle Jiu said politely again.

Xiao Chen, this is your uncle Shi Jian.

Uncle Jiu introduced Wang Chen.

Hearing Uncle Jiu's introduction, Wang Chen nodded, and then greeted Shi Jian.


After bowing, Wang Chen looked at Shi Jian and started thinking.

Wang Chen was still a little curious about Shi Jian, the great uncle.

After all, in the movie plot of the previous life, this person suppressed Uncle Jiu and beat him.

If it weren't for the plot killing, Uncle Jiu might not have been able to win.

But now this is a real world, which is still somewhat different from the movie plot.

Elder brother, this is my eldest disciple Wang Chen.

When Wang Chen saluted and said hello, Uncle Jiu also introduced him.

Yes, Not Bad.

Shi Jian, who didn't have a good look on Uncle Jiu, looked at Wang Chen and gave him a rare good look, and praised him directly.

But this is normal.

He and Uncle Jiu didn't deal with each other very much, just because there was a slight conflict of interests.

Shi Jian still admires a talented junior like Wang Chen very much.

After all, the more talented young people there are, the more prosperous Maoshan will be.

As a descendant of Maoshan who yearns for the position of being the head of Maoshan, he naturally hopes that Maoshan will become stronger and more prosperous.

It was precisely because of this that he directly praised Wang Chen.

After all, after joining forces to fight against the enemy before, he still very much agreed with Wang Chen's strength and combat effectiveness.

If it weren't for practicing Maoshan's unique skill - Lightning Thunder Fist, he himself might have felt a bit threatened.

As a direct descendant of Maoshan, Shi Jian's strength and knowledge are very good.

Naturally, it can be seen that the attack method Wang Chen used before was the Xiaowu Lei Talisman.

However, because he has practiced the Lightning Thunder Fist, his resistance to thunder is much stronger than that of normal practitioners of the same realm.

That's why he opened his mouth to praise Wang Chen.

If he couldn't form a superior pressure on Wang Chen, he would be embarrassed to say this.

After all, this is a world where you can practice.

Although they attach great importance to the orderly inheritance of various elders and younger ones, the most important thing is strength.

If your strength is not as good as others, even elders will generally not be embarrassed to lecture you.

Especially a proud person like Shi Jian pays more attention to this point.

Wang Chen, who was not particularly familiar with Shi Jian, naturally didn't know much about this.

But he didn't pay too much attention.

Elder brother, why don't you go to my little brother's dojo to take a rest?

After a brief introduction and pleasantries, Uncle Jiu invited Shi Jian.

No matter how you say it, we are all brothers.

As the landlord of Renjia Town, he still needs to fulfill his duties as a landlord.

After all, everyone just has an idea about the position of the leader of Maoshan, and there are some differences on this.

But he didn’t break his skin, and what should be done still needs to be done.

never mind.

“My main purpose this time is to hunt down this group of warlocks and horse thieves.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to linger.

Shi Jian refused Uncle Jiu's invitation without even thinking about it.

Even though we didn't break each other's skin, we were all still brothers.

When encountering big problems, they will still help each other.

But when he didn't encounter something big, he still didn't want to go to Uncle Jiu's dojo.

After all, this situation would make him feel very uncomfortable.

Besides, he had been chasing this group of warlocks and horse thieves for so long, so it was time to return to his dojo.

Although he has many more friends and younger brothers than Uncle Ninth, even if he leaves the dojo where he is stationed, there are other masters to help take care of him.

But after all, this is to trouble others.

He still doesn't like doing it unless he has to.

If the warlock horse thief hadn't killed one of his younger brothers this time, Shi Jian wouldn't have pursued him so angrily.

You are good, practice well.

Before leaving, Shi Jian also praised and warned Wang Chen.

It can be seen that he admires Wang Chen very much.

But this is normal.

Genius peers, you may have certain ideas.

Because it is very easy to conflict with one's own interests, but talented juniors do not have this risk.

It is precisely because of this that Shi Jian treats Wang Chen like this.

If it was just Uncle Jiu, he would never say so much and leave directly.

Seeing that the elder brother had chosen to leave so decisively, Uncle Jiu even tried to persuade him to stay.

But it was a pity that after a while, Lightning Dharma King Shi Jian disappeared from their sight.

Of course, the main reason why Shi Jian left so decisively was because he learned from Wang Chen that all the warlocks and horse thieves had been killed.

Otherwise, he would just choose to continue the pursuit.

Senior Brother Shi Jian left. Uncle Jiu shook his head and said nothing more.

After all, just like his senior brother Shi Jian, Uncle Jiu is also aware of the contradictions between them.

But there's no way around it.

As a direct descendant of Maoshan who was born and raised in Maoshan, he must have very big thoughts about the position of leader of Maoshan.

It doesn't matter if you don't have the talent for strength. If you have the talent for strength, no one can suppress this idea.

It is precisely because of this that Uncle Jiu did not choose to follow his senior brother Shi Jian, but instead formed his own faction.

Xiaochen, let's go.

Shaking his head, Uncle Jiu threw away all those thoughts and spoke to Wang Chen.

Senior brother Shi Jian left, but he also had other things to do.

Now that the female warlock and horse thief leader has been killed, it is natural to inform the young men in Renjia Town.

After all, there was no need for their ordinary young men to do some useless work in the middle of the night.

Okay, Master.

Hearing Uncle Jiu's greeting, Wang Chen immediately nodded in response.

The female leader of the horse thieves was killed, and Wang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Now I can finally continue to practice well.

Wang Chen is quite yearning for the realm of Earth Master.

After all, then, he can start studying the art of refining weapons.

Although this skill is very difficult to learn, the more difficult it is, the greater Wang Chen's interest becomes.

With the blessing of golden fingers, he doesn't care about these difficulties at all.

Anyway, as long as he works hard, he will definitely gain something.

Wang Chen felt very excited when he thought that the magic weapon could be used as a talisman in the future.

As a time traveler, Wang Chen doesn't have the idea of ​​appearing holy in front of others.

But if he could act cool naturally, he would still be very interested.

After carefully checking the place and making sure that there was no problem at all, Uncle Jiu and Wang Chen left together.

With their strength, they soon arrived near the young men they had left before.

The female leader of the horse thieves has been dealt with. We will immediately notify the others and they can return to Renjia Town to rest.

Uncle Jiu quickly spoke to these ordinary young men.

Yes, Uncle Nine.

Qingzhuang, who had just come back to his senses, immediately responded loudly.

Although they had quickly moved away from the center of the battle, the noise of the battle between Wang Chen and the female leader of the horse thieves was indeed too loud.

Even Uncle Jiu who was farther away could detect it, let alone these ordinary young men who were closer.

If it weren't for the fact that those who went out to help with the search were all young and strong, there might have been non-combat casualties due to the fluctuations in Wang Chen's battle.

After the arrangements were completed, Uncle Jiu took the remaining young men and headed towards Renjia Town.

Now that the female leader of the horse thieves has been killed, there is no need to keep the two human master level warlock horse thieves who were captured alive before.

After all, those guys are like hair and blood, killing people like hemp.

If it hadn't been for the unexpected escape of the female leader of the horse thieves, Uncle Jiu would not have been left alive before.

Since it is no longer useful, it naturally requires physical salvation.

Besides, these two guys are pretty good. If they continue to stay, something unexpected might happen.

It would be better to deal with this source of trouble as soon as possible.

Uncle Jiu still remembers very clearly what happened to Old Master Ren.

If it can be cremated in advance, there will be no trouble later.

Although with the help of Wang Chen, a time traveler, there was no big trouble in the end.

It can even be said that there is a lot of gain.

But trouble is trouble.

Uncle Jiu, who had experienced it once, didn't want to experience it a second time.


Bring out those two prisoners!

After returning to the town hall of Renjia Town, Uncle Jiu gave instructions to Qing Zhuang beside him.

In order to search for the female leader of the horse thieves, Uncle Jiu did not leave any manpower in the town office.

The main reason is that they are worried that the female leader of the horse thieves took advantage of the opportunity and successfully broke into the town office, causing unnecessary casualties.

But when I came back before, those ordinary young men also returned together.

Although it was just the group that followed Wang Chen out at the beginning, there were still three-digit people.

This little thing is still very simple.


After hearing Uncle Jiu's instructions, the young men took action very quickly.

Originally, they had great respect for an expert like Uncle Jiu.

After the previous battle, they respected him even more.

After all, the battle between Wang Chen and the others and the female leader of the horse thieves was quite loud.

It was thunderous and explosive. For these ordinary people, it was simply a magical method.

Even in the world before Wang Chen traveled through, some people became superstitious due to certain methods, let alone this era.

Besides, cultivation can be done in this world.

It's a strange phenomenon if you don't believe Uncle Jiu.


When the two sealed warlock horse thieves were brought over, Uncle Jiu didn't hesitate at all and immediately started to physically save them.

Then the young men carried the unused lychee branches and disposed of the bodies of the two warlocks and horse thieves.

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