My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 89: 【The power of one punch】

After the white-skinned monster died, the yin and evil energy in his body lingered for a long time.

Lu Li used a jade pendant to look at him for a long time, and used a dagger to make a knife on his chest. After confirming that the other party was dead, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, thanks to the jade pendant that Jiang Xiaogu gave, I was able to kill the opponent.

Otherwise, Lu Li even prepared for the worst.

That is to forcibly pull out the Yan Mo sword.

The extreme cold of Yan Mo Dao, even Lu Li, a person with a sword heart, can't stand it, let alone this white-skinned eccentric.

Although this way, the innocent driver may also be affected, but if it really comes to such a juncture, Lu Li can't care much.

Thinking about it, Lu Li looked at the corpse of the white-skinned monster.

Then I felt a little strange.

"Why hasn't the yin qi in this person dissipated?"

Lu Li could sense that there was still yin emanating from his body.

It stands to reason that when someone else dies, the yin qi in him should dissipate.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but take out the jade pendant from the different dimension.

After entering the state of spiritual vision, he could clearly see the yin divisions on this white-skinned monster.

Most of the yin qi gathers in its abdomen.

It was a dense dark red.

It is better than any kind of red yin concentration that Lu Li has ever seen.

However, in the face of this cloud of yin, the jade pendant that Jiang Xiaogu sent did not respond.

To be on the safe side, Lu Li still raised his dagger and stabbed the corpse's abdomen where the yin qi gathered.


This sword hit a hard substance!

Black blood poured out.

In the distance, the driver Pidianpidian came over.

He just saw that Lu Li killed the white-skinned monster. Although he didn't know the grudge between Lu Li and the white-skinned monster, he was relieved that his life was no longer in danger.

He came over and was about to ask Lu Li what was going on.

However, he saw that Lu Li's sword was directly on the belly of the white-skinned monster, and he cut it open!

The driver was startled.

She quickly took two steps back.

He looked at Lu Li with a strange look.

Lu Li cut open the belly of the white-skinned monster, and found a dark red crystal the size of a thumb.

Above this crystal, the evil spirit is extremely strong.

After the white-skinned monster died, the yin qi emanated from this red crystal.

"what is this?"

Lu Li didn't dare to take it out hastily, but tried to absorb the evil spirit emanating from the crystal with the jade pendant.

To Lu Li's surprise, the evil energy on this red crystal can really be absorbed!

He can even take the initiative to draw out the Yin Qi contained in the crystal for himself to absorb.

Lu Li's eyes lit up!

This is like a crystal formed by condensing the yin and evil energy to the extreme.

Moreover, growing in this position should be the dantian of the human body.

"Is this crystal the spiritual aspect of this person?"

Lu Li was slightly surprised.

Because, he knows that when the spiritual phase turns into a crystal shape, it means that he has reached bronze-level strength!

"Is the bronze level so weak?"

Lu Li shook his head and denied this statement.

The opponent's fighting style is not like the bronze level.

Lu Li had known in advance that after reaching the black iron level, his control over his spiritual power was stronger than that of a mortal body, and his physical energy and spiritual power reserves were greatly enhanced.

But the overall fighting style is still similar to the mortal level.

But if they reach the Bronze rank, their battles will no longer be mere hand-to-hand combat, but will use the attack method of releasing spiritual power.

Therefore, this person should not be at the bronze level.

If he was at the bronze level, Lu Li believed that even if he had the jade pendant given by Jiang Xiaogu, it would be very difficult for him to protect himself from his full attack, let alone kill him.


How can I miss this kind of good thing that the energy source constantly produces evil spirits?

Thinking about it, Lu Li prepared to use gravity to take out the red crystal.

However, it was when Lu Li took the crystal.

Lu Li suddenly sensed that in the direction of the town in front of him, there was an extremely powerful yin energy that was rushing towards this side at a high speed!

This speed, almost at the moment Lu Li sensed it, Lu Li saw that in the sky, a figure hidden in a cloak was flying towards this side!

This breath was the strongest breath that Lu Li sensed at that time!

The black shadow floating in the air saw the white-skinned weirdo who fell to the ground and was being gutted by Lu Li.

The sly eyes under the cloak suddenly turned fierce.

Seeing him facing Lu Li, he stretched out a palm covered with white fur.


A word full of murderous intent was pronounced.

He saw a terrifying red glow on his palm.

A dark red palm slammed out of his palm, approaching Lu Li!

The whole process was completed almost instantly. When Lu Li saw his movements, he quickly took out the jade pendant from his pocket.

The gossip phantom Jin Mang suddenly flourished.

One red and one gold slammed together in an instant!

There was a huge explosion!

The smoke is everywhere!

The driver in the distance was affected by the aftermath of the explosion, and the whole person was shocked by the repulsion force and stepped back several steps before he stabilized his body.

And even though Lu Li was protected by a jade pendant, he still felt numb from being bombarded.

I couldn't help but take a step back.

This sudden blow is like the strength that a bronze rank should have!

"It turned out to be a defensive spiritual tool, no wonder."

The shadow in the sky sneered.

He felt that the golden light bursting out from the phantom of the gossip had a lot of suppression on the yin qi in his body, so he did not rush forward, but continued to wave several palms in a row.

Each palm brought a burst of dark red terror.

Boom boom boom boom!

After five consecutive bombardments, the gossip phantom in front of Lu Li couldn't help but tremble!

With the impact of each bombardment, Lu Li quickly retreated.

Lu Li only felt that his entire hand was almost broken by the shock.

If it goes on like this, even if he is protected by a jade pendant, he may not be able to hold on anymore!

Seeing that several consecutive bombardments failed to move the gossip phantom, the black shadow in the sky couldn't help but look extremely surprised.

He quickly switched tactics.

He began to condense stronger red spiritual power in his hands.

The five groups of dark red energy gradually solidified.

Lu Li also quickly noticed the movement in the air.

His pupils shrank suddenly!

He seemed to have guessed what the other party was going to do.

He couldn't break the defense of the gossip phantom, so he planned to attack him from all directions!

Lu Li himself was not sure whether the gossip phantom could block the offensive from all directions, and quickly used the power of space to instantly put the dagger in his hand into the different-dimensional Yan Mojian also appeared in an instant. own hands.

At the same time, Lu Li suddenly heard a harsh roar of motorcycles coming from behind him!

When the roaring sound appeared, five groups of red palm prints were seen in the sky, and they suddenly blasted out with the loud shouts of the people under the cloak!

The five groups of palm strength were divided into five directions, and they rushed towards Lu Li!

Speaking of complexity, in fact everything only happens in a few seconds.

Lu Li didn't care too much, so he quickly drew his sword.

"Squat down!"

Before Lu Li drew his sword, he heard a cold female voice from behind!

This sound is usually inaccessible to people.

But at this time, it gives people a sense of trust!

Lu Li stopped the movements in his hand, and then without hesitation, he squatted down suddenly!

Seeing a slender and graceful figure, in an instant, it rushed to Lu Li's side, rolling up countless smoke and dust.

In the smoke and dust, Lu Li could not see the figure of the man, and could only see the blue light emitting from the man's hands.

Then, a woman's voice burst out.

A punch wearing a Lingshi glove slammed into the sky!

Bring on a mighty strong wind!

All the smoke and dust were blown away in an instant, and the five red palms in the air rushed straight away!

Boom! !

A loud explosion!

The red and blue winds collided together, and a terrifying aftermath exploded!

The street trees on the roadside were almost bent by the terrifying strong wind!

The cement road crumbles in Yuwei!

The smoke was completely blown away.

He also showed a figure protecting Lu Li in front of him.

It is the captain of the Lingmeng martial arts team, Xia Bing!

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