My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 88: 【Gorgeous 1 hit! ! 】

The black-robed white-skinned man saw that Lu Li could easily control the throwing of objects, and his pale face showed a rather surprised look.

Judging from the aura of spiritual power that Lu Li revealed, Lu Li may only be a mortal with a spiritual power index of more than 800 points, but it is quite surprising that he can use spiritual skills to manipulate objects.

After all, spiritual skills and spiritual skills are taught because only true spiritual practitioners can learn the secrets of such skills.

Before reaching the black iron level, the development of the brain domain is too low, and it is impossible to understand the profound content of the spiritual skills cheat book.

Besides, Lu Li also controlled more than a dozen objects at one time.

That proficiency must have been practiced for a long time.

The young man in front of him is most likely an expert pretending to be weak.

It was not only the white man who was surprised, but even the driver on the side was so handsome by Lu Li's art of mastering objects!

He is just an ordinary person, and he can only see such scenes on TV and short videos on his mobile phone.

It was the first time to see a battle between spiritual practitioners at the scene!

He saw that the sharp objects controlled by Lu Li flew towards the white man one after another, but the white man just rushed forward while dodging.

One by one, he avoided the sharp objects that Lu Li controlled.

However, what the white-skinned man didn't expect was that the movement trajectories of these sharp objects were much more flexible than he imagined!

After he dodged, these sharp objects immediately turned and chased from behind.

The white man was suddenly stabbed in the abdomen by a piece of glass.

Afterwards, other sharp objects followed one after another, poking at the white-skinned man.

pierced his black cloak.

"It's done!"

The driver in the distance stepped back while watching the play, cheering excitedly by the way.

However, Lu Li's face was still extremely solemn.

The driver's perspective is only visual.

But Lu Li was in control of these sharp objects, and he could clearly feel that these sharp objects were just stabbing the white-skinned man, and he couldn't make an inch at all.

His skin is too hard, too thick!

The defensive power of this white-skinned man is completely different from Wu Shichao who has played against him before!

Although Wu Shichao has great strength, apart from his strength, other aspects are still in the category of mortals.

But the person in front of him, whether it is strength, speed or defense, is probably at a superhuman level.

Lu Li realized that the other party was not on the same level as him at all.

"Black iron!"

This thought flashed across Lu Li's mind instantly.

Lu Li knew that he was not the opponent's opponent, but right now, their car was blown up and they couldn't run at all.

We can only wait for Xia Bing to come to support!

Lu Li's thoughts were spinning, and the white-skinned man also swept away all kinds of sharp objects on his body.

A sneer gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He overestimated the young man in front of him, this young man's strength is only over 800 points! It can be seen from the strength of these sharp objects stabbing on his body!

Thinking about it, the white-skinned man no longer hesitated, his hands flexed into claws.

Along with the white man's strange cry, he saw that the sharp nails on his hands instantly grew a few centimeters!

Sharp as a knife!

Looking at this scene, Lu Li secretly groaned badly.

I have to leave quickly.

But he saw that the white-skinned man sneered and kicked the ground with his feet, his body suddenly like a black cannonball, attacking and killing Lu Li.

Just in seconds.

The figure of the white-skinned man crossed a distance of several tens of meters and rushed to Lu Li.

A strong yin qi came over him.

Lu Li's heart came directly to his throat.

too fast!

Lu Li subconsciously blocked with his finger dagger.

However, the speed of the white-skinned man was too fast, and one claw went around the dagger directly and stabbed Lu Li in the abdomen!

Just when the sharp nails almost touched Lu Li's abdomen.


A powerful golden spiritual energy burst out from Lu Li's trousers pocket!

Under the astonished gaze of the white-skinned man, the golden spiritual power instantly condensed into a gossip phantom on Lu Li's abdomen!

The strange smile on the white man's face froze.

I saw his sharp claws hit the gossip phantom.

The gossip phantom is like an incomparably hard diamond wall, and the sharp claws hit it, unable to advance even an inch!


I heard a nail break!


Next is the sound of finger phalanx breaking!

Dirty black blood oozes out!


The white-skinned man screamed in pain!

Jin Guang also shouted loudly at this time!

The white-skinned man only felt that his skin was scorched by the extremely high temperature flame.

Lu Li could sense that in this golden light, the yin qi on the white-skinned man had become much scarcer!

Lu Li immediately recalled it and knew that the jade pendant given by Jiang Xiaogu played a role!

This jade pendant cannot be activated at ordinary times. It will only show its effect when the wearer encounters the threat of spiritual power or other unnatural forces.

Seeing that the white-skinned man retreated in pain, Lu Li immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue and attacked with a backhand sword!


The short sword with the spiritual power rune slashed straight on the shoulders of the white man!

This time, the skin of the white-skinned man was burnt by the golden light and became slightly fragile.

A **** hole was cut open by Lu Li's sword!


The white-skinned man cried out in pain again, and filthy blood splattered everywhere!

He stepped back suddenly, looking at Lu Li, his eyes were full of resentment.

But he didn't stop there. Instead, he opened a safe distance from Lu Li, gritted his teeth, and looked at Lu Li viciously.

It was not until the golden light on Lu Li's body faded that he bit out five words viciously:

"Defensive spiritual tool!"

He knew that Lu Li was not strong, not even at the black iron level, and all depended on the defensive spiritual tool on his body.

As long as you can find a way to break the defensive spiritual tools on his body, you can easily kill him!

He also had to kill the teenager who "smashed" their plan.

Their plan is absolutely not to be missed!

Moreover, if you let your head know that you let a kid with more than 800 points run away.

He will never let himself go!

Lu Li didn't know what the white man was thinking.

He didn't even know what he "smashed".

Lu Li's eyes were always on the shoulder of the white man, the wound that was dripping with dark red blood.

"Affected by the light of the jade pendant, his defense has been lowered!"

Lu Li thought.

However, Lu Li knew that even if his defense was lowered, other ordinary objects such as glass and iron would not be able to hurt him.

Only this short sword with spiritual power runes can break his defense!

Seeing that the other party still has no intention of retreating.

Lu Li did not hesitate, and immediately threw the short sword in his hand.

Then the right hand turned into a sword finger.

The gravitational technique was activated, and the invisible traction force firmly pulled the dagger.

Then, under the command of Lu Li, the dagger flew towards the white-skinned man at high speed, stabbing him in the throat!

At the same time, Lu Li's other hand also condensed a new formula.

The spiritual power in his body was pulled, and it quickly flowed up to Lu Li's left hand.

"Come again!"

The white-skinned man looked at this flying sword flying towards him, and his eyes were quite apprehensive.

However, in his opinion, the speed of this flying sword is not that fast. He seized the opportunity and slammed a claw with his left hand!

The claws slapped directly on the dagger.

With incomparably tyrannical strength, he immediately slapped the dagger and flew far away!

Once the attack was successful, the white-skinned man immediately possessed himself and picked up the stones on the ground.

He has already thought of a countermeasure.

Since you can't attack Lu Li at close range, you can attack at a distance!

He wanted to see how many times the gossip shadow on Lu Li's body could protect him!

Just when the white-skinned man was thinking like this, he picked up a stone in his left hand and was about to smash it at Lu Li...

He saw that Lu Li's left hand was only condensing a dazzling golden light!

Lu Li's face was also filled with a confident sneer.

This sneer made the white man a little confused.

Lu Li's aura suddenly changed.

Especially the ball of golden light in Lu Li's hand made him feel very dangerous!


Lu Li suddenly shouted a word.

Then his left hand pointed out sharply.

Seeing the golden light in Lu Li's hand, it was as if it had turned into a real body, and it rushed towards the white-skinned man at a terrifying speed!

This move is like a rainbow!

Ten miles of light!

The terrifying momentum overwhelmed the white-skinned man and even lost the courage to escape.

Even the driver who was hiding behind a tree to watch the battle in the distance was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped when he saw this shocking blow!


Ten miles away, on the road.

Xia Bing, who was dressed in the uniform of the leader of the Spirit League warrior, blasted the throttle of the psychic motorcycle to the end, and then she saw the golden light shining in front of her!

In the beautiful eyes of the heroic force, there is a lot of surprise!

The hand wearing the Lingshi glove suddenly clenched the handle of the motorcycle!

Dai's eyebrows furrowed fiercely!


Also ten miles away, in a dilapidated villa.

A few dark shadows also saw the golden light in the distance.

"Something happened! Let's go!"

A voice sounded.

Countless shadows heard the sound and rushed out of their nests.

Go straight to the scene!


on the road.

The white-skinned eccentric watched the golden light grinding towards him, and his eyes were full of shock!

In this terrifying power, he felt powerless.

He knew that if he took this blow, he would definitely die!

But he couldn't dodge this blow, everything came too fast and too fast, he could only watch the golden light drown himself!

Then, he felt a strong repulsive force, pushing him backwards!

He just went backwards like this, one step, two steps, three steps and four steps...

Until the fifth step, the white-skinned man noticed something strange.

This golden light hits him...why is there no pain at all?

From the beginning to the end, there was only a repulsive force, pushing him backwards.

But this repulsion, as long as he wants to stabilize his body, it can't push himself.

Between doubts, the white-skinned man tried to stabilize his and then discovered that this repulsive force was really easily suppressed by himself!

what happened?

He was stunned for a few seconds, and then quickly came to his senses.

Lu Li's move seems to be... only pompous, not lethal at all!

He was extremely surprised, and suddenly sensed that the aura in front of him was only over 800 points, and it was running towards him!

The golden light is gone!

The white-skinned weirdo saw Lu Li raising his left hand and running towards him!

The speed was very fast, and it was a few meters in front of him in an instant!

Just saw Lu Li's left hand holding a jade pendant!

On the jade pendant, the word "Xiao" is engraved!

Approaching close, the jade pendant came into contact with the Yin Qi of the white-skinned man, and immediately radiated a dazzling golden light!


The gossip phantom suddenly appeared!

The burning sensation came suddenly!

The golden light this time is real!

The white-skinned eccentric was burned by the golden light, and he stomped backwards screaming in horror!

But at this moment.

He saw that Lu Li in front of him was slowly raising his right hand.

On Lu Li's right hand, the sword fingers never let go!


The sound of breaking wind!

The white man suddenly seemed to realize something, but it was too late.

He only felt his stamina cooling on his skin, followed by a stinging pain that spread to his throat and pierced his spine until it stabbed his entire throat in the opposite direction!

Lu Li's eyes were cold, and the sword commander moved!

The dagger was pulled and slashed to the side!


Black blood splatters everywhere!

The white-skinned weirdo completely lost his vitality in the golden light of the gossip phantom.

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