My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 85: [Brother makes up for the knife, the most deadly]

When Lu Li arrived at the hospital, the ward was already surrounded by relatives.

They are all here to visit the old man.

After Lu Li greeted his relatives one by one, he saw his mentally weak grandfather in the ward.

"How is Grandpa now? What did the doctor say?"

Lu Li stepped forward, took his grandfather's old hand from Lu Ling's hand, and asked Lu Ling.

When Grandpa heard this, he just shook his head, indicating that Lu Li should not worry.

Lu Ling replied: "The doctor said that grandpa's body recovers faster than the average old man. He originally predicted that he would wake up in about three days. Dad and aunt have already gone to the doctor to discuss the follow-up treatment plan."

"That's good."

Listening to Lu Ling's description, it seems that the bottle of spiritual power or the potion of life played a role.

Lu Li was also a little relieved.

Lu Ling couldn't help but ask, "What about you? How was the result of your medical examination at Lingmeng?"

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled and said, "The medical examination is over, and the reward is received."

"How much did you get?"


Lu Li handed the medical examination form to Lu Ling.

When Lu Ling saw it, her eyes widened involuntarily.

702 points of spiritual power index!

Her little head quickly figured out how much money she could get for 700 points.

He couldn't help but look at Lu Li in surprise: "Really?"

Lu Li was very satisfied with this old girl's surprised look, and said with a smile: "It's fake, go and test it for me? I'll pay you to test it."

Hearing this, Lu Ling actually ignored Lu Li's chatter.

Instead, I was a little envious.

In the past, I hoped that this old man would be a little bit more promising, but now this old man has become a little too promising!

In contrast, her grades were much better than her elder brother, but she looked extremely ordinary.

This made Lu Ling feel a little lost.

But she didn't lose for a long time. Soon Dad Lu and Auntie finished communicating with the doctor and returned to the ward.

Dad Lu and aunt did not talk about medical expenses in front of grandfather, they just let the old man take care of his body with peace of mind, and everything was arranged properly.

And praised Lu Li in front of grandpa.

It is said that Lu Li is promising now, and he can go to Lingmeng to collect money. If he does nothing for a month, he earns more than Lu's father and Lu's mother's salary for a month's work.

Grandpa knew that his grandson was already promising, and smiled weakly, obviously very happy.

A cheerful mood is also the key to healing the pain.

After dinner time.

Lu Li's two cousins ​​stayed in the hospital to watch the old man, while the little aunt and the little uncle's grandmother went to Lu Li's house for dinner together.

During the meal, Dad Lu's cell phone kept ringing.

It was relatives who all sent transfer information to contribute to medical expenses.

Dad Lu didn't refuse, and spent the entire dinner time communicating with relatives.

At the dinner table, the family also talked about medical expenses.

My aunt said: "The doctor said that all medical expenses will add up to about 3.2 million. The City Guard has subsidies for those injured in this spiritual power fluctuation. I have already asked, and the City Guard can provide subsidies. Make up two million. In other words, we are also responsible for the one and two million. "

The little uncle also said at this time, "Haiyan and I discussed it with my parents last night. We will take out 300,000 yuan as father's medical expenses. If it is not enough, we will find a way."

My uncle's family is not a wealthy family either. Their house is in the north of the city, and there is no so-called demolition subsidy.

To be able to come up with 300,000 yuan is already years of savings.

They also have two sons in their family. The eldest son will also go to high school next year, so he has difficulties.

Hearing that their family took out so much, Lu's father and Lu's mother were a little surprised.

When grandma heard this, she was also quite relieved.

When I was about to say something.

But he heard Lu Li take the lead and said, "There is no need for my aunt and uncle, the medical expenses are enough. I went to Lingmeng to do a spiritual power test today, and I've already received a subsidy from Lingmeng."

Said that Lu Li took out the medical examination form and the exclusive bank card of Lingmeng.

Show it to adults.

When the little aunt and the little uncle met, they were a little surprised.

Because of this, Lu's father and Lu's mother haven't had time to tell them.

Didn't Lu Li just mention the 198-point spiritual power index last month? How much reward can I get this month?

When they saw the numbers on the medical checklist, they couldn't help but be surprised.

Not to mention that the little aunt and the uncle didn't know about it, even Lu's father and Lu's mother were surprised.

Didn't you say six hundred o'clock?

Why did it become seven hundred again?

Although Lu Li said last night that he could reach 700 o'clock, they all thought that Lu Li was just talking and didn't take it seriously.

Who would have thought that seven hundred would be seven hundred.

And it's more than 2 o'clock!

In more than 20 days, from 198 to 702, is it such an easy thing to achieve?

Lu Li couldn't help but explain to the parents.

The adults also slowly understood.

He also praised Lu Li a lot.

Dad Lu also said for the first time that Lu Li had really become sensible, and he took the initiative to replace Lu Li last night with taking care of the elderly.

It attracted everyone's praise.

Lu Li couldn't help blushing.

Only Lu Ling was by the side, she was always dull and didn't say much.

After eating.

The adults went to the hospital together.

Only Lu Li and Lu Ling were left to watch TV with grandma at home.

In the past, Lu Ling used the remote control to watch TV. This time, when Lu Li used the remote control to select TV series for a long time, she didn't respond.

Just staring straight at the TV screen.

In a daze.

At this moment, Lu Li suddenly let out a "Hey".

Handing something to Lu Ling, Lu Ling thought that Lu Li gave him the remote control, and looked down, only to see that Lu Li handed over a small box with the logo of Lingmeng.

Unexpectedly, he asked, "What is this?"

"open to take a look."

Lu Ling took the small box suspiciously, opened it, and saw five new bottles of spiritual nutrient solution!

Lu Ling saw this thing on TV commercials every day, how could she not know what it was.

With a look of surprise, he asked, "Did you take it?"

Lu Li nodded, then continued to use the remote control to select programs to watch, and said, "I'll give it to you."

"Give me?"

When Lu Ling heard this, she couldn't help but be surprised.

After being surprised, she was a little moved.

But she didn't accept it, and returned it to Lu Li, saying, "You can take it yourself, and quickly become more powerful. From now on, our family will depend on you."

"Really not?"

How could Lu Li not see her little arrogance, he couldn't help laughing: "Do you think that with my current strength, if I drink these five bottles, will it still work?"

"Of course it works, 50,000 yuan a bottle! How could it not work?"

Lu Ling said, and couldn't help pouting.

Lu Li just smiled when he saw it, and said, "Okay, don't be arrogant. Take it, and treat it as a little compensation from me."


Lu Ling wondered, "What compensation?"

"Compensation for your lack of snacks for the next Lu Li said, grinning wickedly.

"No snacks?"

Lu Ling didn't react for a while, and then she seemed to remember some unpleasant memory, her face pulled down.

"Didn't you say that if I get more than 72% of the correct scores in the final exam, you won't eat snacks for a month? The results will be released on Monday. Guess what my correct rate is?"

My brother's replacement is the most deadly!

When Lu Ling heard the words, she had a bitter look on her face, who had already guessed the result.

Anyone who thinks about it with his **** will know that Lu Li already has 700 points in his spiritual power index, and his comprehension ability is no longer comparable to his original 198 points. At this level, it is possible that Lu Li's review speed is more than ten times faster than that of ordinary people with less than 200 points.

Therefore, after studying for so long, it is entirely possible for Lu Li to get a correct rate of over 72%!

Even the final total score will be higher!

She originally wanted to beg for mercy, but when she saw Lu Li's smirk, she felt that this brother was indebted.

The begging words that almost jumped to his lips suddenly turned into: "If you don't eat, don't eat!"

"Okay, bold enough, as expected of you."

Lu Li had a mocking tone.

Lu Ling was so angry that she raised her small fist to hammer the sofa.

He said directly: "Don't be too happy too early, the score will be too low, let's see who is embarrassed. Humph!"

"It's definitely not me anyway."

"Let's see!"

As Lu Ling said that, she turned her head arrogantly.

Grandma watched her grandchildren bicker.

The original gloomy mood also turned to the sun, and he laughed happily.

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