My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 84: 【Chen Yan】

Thinking of the paper on the Internet, Lu Li couldn't help but think of the author of the paper on the spiritual power container. It seems that his name is Chen Yan?

He has published more than 4,700 academic papers on Reiki and more than a dozen related books.

However, at that time, Lu Li was shy, and the price of 100 yuan for a page of thesis persuaded Lu Li to repel him.

Now that Lu Li has a little money, he can buy and read all those papers on spiritual power containers, as well as those books.

Thinking about it, Lu Li opened the mobile shopping app.

Searching for the word Chen Yan, I quickly found a bunch of strange products.

[Customized high imitation Tang knife! Lingmeng Senator Chen Yan has the same style! 】

[Chen Yan's two-dimensional version of the body pillow! 】

[Chen Yan's album collection! 】

[Chen Yan has the same color contact lenses! 】


All kinds of messy products come into view.

Sliding all the way down, it's all about Chen Yan's surroundings.

And the sales of these peripherals are not low, and the ones in the front are almost all million-level sales.

Originally, Lu Li thought that Chen Yanhui was a middle-aged person. After all, Chen Yan started publishing academic papers more than 20 years ago, but judging from the photos, he looked like a young man.

A pair of golden pupils, holding a rather retro Tang Hengdao in his hand.

His identity surprised Lu Li even more.

Lingmeng Senator!

That is the existence that represents the highest authority of the Spirit Alliance.

The highest authority of the Lingmeng is composed of 24 members. The 24 members are distributed in various countries in the world. The main purpose is to support all human beings who are gifted to become spiritual practitioners.

As one of the highest powers in the Spirit Alliance, Chen Yan's strength is definitely not bad.

The papers and books he has written are definitely much more professional than the breathing exercises written by the so-called masters.

Thinking about it, Lu Li quickly found an online store specializing in selling books.

Searching for Chen Yan, you can find four books priced at more than 1,000 yuan.

Lu Li did not hesitate to buy them one by one.

As for the other eight books, Lu Li also asked the bookstore's customer service.

The customer service said that those books that belong to Lingwu University can only be read in the library after entering Lingwu University.

In this world, the protection of intellectual property rights is extremely strict.

Except for official institutions, no one can print and sell books without permission.

Of course, no one has the guts to secretly print the book of a Lingmeng Senator. Once it is discovered, not only the book sellers will have an accident, but the book buyers will also be involved.

Lu Li also heard about the laws of this world.

Can only give up temporarily.

Thinking about it, Lu Li put the white jade bottle filled with high-concentration pure spiritual energy into the different-dimensional space.

Then he continued to take out a new white jade bottle and began to absorb the evil energy in the cemetery.

The sky is getting darker, but the red fog in the cemetery is getting thinner and thinner.

When Lu Li absorbed the eighth white jade bottle.

Lu Li discovered that the evil spirit in the entire cemetery had become as thin as the evil spirit on the street.

Although there are still a lot of evil spirits in the ground that haven't come out, Lu Li also knows that the evil spirits here are about to end.

At most, I can only train myself for two more days.

"We must find a new training place."

Lu Li murmured in his heart.

As for the source of the evil spirit in the ground, Lu Li had no intention of attacking the opponent for the time being.


Lu Li's phone suddenly vibrated.

Taking a look at the phone, I found that it was my sister Lu Ling's call.

Lu Li answered the phone.

Lu Ling's excited voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hey, Lu Li! Where are you? Grandpa is awake, come here quickly."

"Grandpa is awake? Well, I'll be there soon!"

When Lu Li heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Busy packing up things and sending them home.


And at this moment.

Inside the iron wall, on the Raoshui River Bridge.

The warriors of the City Guard and the Spirit Alliance have built walls one after another on the bridge, as if to turn this place into a large dojo.

In the middle of the bridge.

The white-gloved minister had his hands on his back and stood tall alongside another bearded man in a city guard costume.

Both looked down on the river below the bridge.

Countless purple auras filled the entire river surface, and it was dense and lingering.

However, the eyes of the two of them were placed in the center of the river, which is the center of all the purple auras.

Different from the previous days, there is a large amount of heaven and earth aura gushing out from the purple air mass at this time.

And it is quite rich in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The concentration of aura is several times more intense than the aura produced with a spirit stone device.

And it is inexhaustible.

"Minister Ren, as you see it, how long will it take to completely build the teleportation path?"

At this moment, the bearded man standing beside the White Glove Minister suddenly spoke up.

"78 days."

The Minister of White Gloves looked at the purple air mass at the bottom of the river and made a judgment.

"More than two months?"

Hearing this, the bearded man looked surprised: "How is it possible? We just tore the hole open again yesterday, how could it take more than two months?"

"You are too aggressive."

The white-gloved minister said seriously: "Originally, when you sent people in a few months ago, you have already destroyed a lot of the rune structure of the teleportation path. Yesterday's fluctuation, although the opening was widened, it also caused more runes to be broken. The structure of the text is destroyed. Although the transmission path of this relic has the ability to repair itself, it will take about a month."

"It's been so long for a month? Isn't there any other way?"

When the bearded man heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

However, he had no doubts about the words of the Minister of White Gloves.

The ruins were first discovered by the city A few months ago, the city guards also organized an elite team to enter the ruins.

As a result, something went wrong, not only destroyed the teleportation path, but also the people inside couldn't get out.

They are still alive and dead.

This time, they are so aggressive, not only wanting to get the things in the ruins, but also wanting to save the people inside.

Although they are likely to have a bad luck.

When the Minister of White Gloves heard the words, he shook his head and said, "Unless you find someone who has a deep understanding of space runes, the repair process can be accelerated."

Hearing this, the bearded man couldn't help but be dumbfounded and smiled bitterly: "Minister Ren, you are joking, there are probably no more than 100 people on the entire Blue Star who meet the conditions you said? Moreover, such a level of relics can be Can't get into their eyes."

The Minister of White Gloves disagreed, saying: "The rune structure of this ruin is very special. I think some of them should be interested, such as the one from Yangcheng... It depends on whether you are willing to disclose it."

Hearing this, the bearded man was at a loss for words again.

He laughed dryly and said, "There's no need to bother that person. It's just over two months. We can afford it."

How could Minister White Glove not know what the bearded man was thinking, but he didn't care, even he was curious about what was in the ruins and wanted a piece of the pie, not to mention others.

However, he also didn't want things that could have been solved in a low-key manner to cause trouble all over the city.

He said: "In any case, I hope Captain Chen will not make any more assertions in the future. Otherwise, our cooperation will end here."

When Captain Chen heard the words, he became honest and said, "That's natural. I promise that the same thing will never happen again."

"That's good."

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