My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 71: 【fluctuation】

Lu Li picked up the phone and glanced at it, and found that it was his mother's call.

Can't help but wonder, walked to a corner with few people and connected.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hey, little carp, when are you coming back? Are you free to help Mom go to the vegetable market? Grandpa and grandma are coming over for dinner today. When you come back, you will buy eel at the vegetable market. Your grandfather loves to eat eel."

It turned out to be a phone call to ask him to buy groceries.

Speaking of grandparents, after Lu Li came to this world, he has never seen grandparents in this world.

The last time I saw my grandparents in my previous life, the second old man was all gray.

Thinking about it, Lu Li said, "Okay, just eels? Do you have anything else to buy?"

"And buy some braised pork head and pig ears. You can also buy chicken feet, Xiaoling likes to eat them. Do you have any other dishes you want to eat? Buy them back together, and I'll transfer the money to you later. ."

Hearing his mother said that he would give him the money, Lu Li subconsciously wanted to say no.

But thinking about it carefully, the money on my own is not easy to explain for the time being.

I'd better wait until tomorrow to find a free time, go to Lingmeng to have a medical examination, and then come back after receiving the student subsidy from Lingmeng.

It just so happened that the money Lu Li got from Zhang Daquan could be used as a cover for the subsidies from the Lingmeng.

Thinking about it, Lu Li said, "Okay, then I'll watch and buy another vegetable then."

"Well, then you can go home early today, and you can eat it when grandparents arrive."


Before hanging up the phone, Mother Lu seemed to remember something, and reminded: "By the way, don't forget to tell the stall owner that the eel should be chopped into a circle, so don't break it."

"Well, I know."

hang up the phone.

Lu Li glanced at the book in his hand. He originally wanted to read these books in the bookstore as soon as possible, so that he could save up to 80,000 points.

Now it seems that I can only watch it in my room at night.

However, that's fine. After all, even if you've read it here and have 80,000 points, it's not good to use the Kenshin card here.

Who knows that there will be another vision that will attract the attention of others.

Instead, be safe in your own room.

Thinking about it, Lu Li quickly walked to the best-selling literature bookshelf, picked five best-selling books of interest, and then went to the cashier downstairs to pay.

Put the book in the bag, and then prepare to leave.

However, just when Lu Li had just zipped up his schoolbag.

Lu Li's gaze couldn't help but sharpen!

He felt that a powerful spiritual force suddenly appeared in the direction of the south.

Even the Yan Mojian in the different dimension space trembled wildly at this moment.

Lu Li didn't have time to be surprised when he felt that this spiritual power suddenly swept away, and the spiritual power wave swept across the entire block.

Under the influence of this spiritual power, the entire Raoshui Town trembled.

Although it only trembled for a few seconds, it also caused many glass doors and glass walls to shatter.


What followed was the sound of the giant collapsing.

and a series of distant explosions.

The sound of a light bulb bursting.


The lightbulb in the bookstore was shaken by the spiritual power wave and burst open, and many students and readers were ejected by fragments.

It led to bursts of screams one after another.

Lu Li was also almost splashed by these glass shards, but fortunately, he used the gravity technique in time to remove the splashed glass shards.

All this happened in a matter of seconds.

Lu Li was also shocked.

Absolutely don't know what happened.

"Could it be that there was an attack around here?"

After all, there are ruins in the town, which is likely to attract competition from other forces.

Just as Lu Li was thinking like this, he heard many screams outside the business circle.

Lu Li quickly walked to the door to check the situation.

Just outside the business district at this time, pedestrians were running in all directions, running towards the north of the city.

All of them were extremely panicked, and some even had injuries on their bodies.

From the south, there will be explosions from time to time!

At this time, a woman wearing a bookstore uniform hurried over and shouted to a middle-aged woman next to Lu Li: "Manager, there is an accident in the south of the city. Many buildings have collapsed, and there are still people. Trapped in the house and can't get out!"

"Ah? How could this be."

"I heard that there is another spiritual fluctuation in the ruins. This time the fluctuation is bigger than the previous two! Manager, what should we do, let's go too......"

The woman looked frightened.

The store manager's face was also a little ugly, and he quickly began to organize staff to evacuate the customers in the store.

No one expected that the fluctuation of spiritual power was so strong.

After all, the two previous spiritual power fluctuations were very minor, but they only affected the south of the city and destroyed some buildings, but the scope was not large.

But this time, something really happened, and the range involved was at least more than 500 meters.

Even the streets in the center of the town were implicated and damaged in various sizes.

Lu Li walked to the street and couldn't help but look south of the city.

You can see that there is a lot of smoke billowing up over there, and people screaming and running from the south side of the city.

Every now and then there is the sound of an explosion.

It should be the fluctuation of spiritual power that detonated the gas tank or something.

Just as Lu Li was about to leave, he noticed that there was a girl in a school uniform in the south of the city. While running with the pedestrians, she accidentally fell to the ground.

When she wanted to stand up, she was bumped by someone running behind her and fell down again.

Immediately he cried on the ground.

People were all in a hurry to run, and they didn't look at their feet too much. Some people avoided it, and some people accidentally stepped on the **** the ground, causing the girl to scream in pain.

Seeing that no one was going to help her up, Lu Li ran up quickly after thinking about it.

Pushed away the passers-by and helped her up.

"woo woo woo woo......"

The girl was in pain, UU was reading www.uukanshu. com Her hands and feet had been stepped on and it was so painful to move.

In such a crowded and urgent situation, stampede incidents are prone to occur.

The news of trampling people to death abounds.

Lu Li supported her and said, "It's alright, can you still run?"

"My feet hurt..."

the girl cried.

Lu Li had to carry her on his back and give her his schoolbag: "Hold it for me."


The girl was grateful for the big brother who suddenly appeared, and clenched the shoulder straps of her schoolbag tightly.

Lu Li carried the **** his back and ran quickly along with the crowd.

After running for a distance, Lu Li noticed that there was a person in the uniform of a Spirit Alliance warrior in front of him, running towards this side in a retrograde manner.

As they went retrograde, they comforted the crowd.

"Don't panic, everyone, it's all right."

"Don't panic! Be careful to step on!"

"Everyone, spread out! Don't be too concentrated!"

"There is a road over there, please go over there!"

The Lingmeng warriors were doing the work of the city guard, comforting the crowd.

However, right now!


The voices of the Lingmeng warriors' comforting voices just fell, and a loud explosion came from above!

Above the high-rise building, a gas tank exploded, and fragments such as rubble and glass suddenly fell from above.

And below are the pedestrians who are crowding forward!

When the Lingmeng warriors saw this situation, they panicked. They didn't expect this situation.

Seeing that the gravel is about to hit people.

When everyone screamed in horror.

At this moment, these rubble and messy pieces suddenly stopped falling and stopped strangely in mid-air!

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