My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 70: 【80000】

After dinner, Lu's father and Lu's mother left Liu Shiting's parents to play cards.

Lu Li didn't go back to his room to read a book tonight.

Instead, I watch TV with my family in the living room, and I also take a look at what TV shows people in this world are watching.

The four adults were playing cards and chatting, and the cards were thrown on the table with a bang.

Lu Ling took the remote control and clicked on a popular youth campus superpower TV series.

The actors are all handsome and beautiful, and they are very eye-catching.

Lu Li watched it for a long time, and only felt that the fighting scenes in the play were also very fancy and gorgeous, and the special effects were very realistic.

At first, Lu Li was still thinking, the special effects of a TV series are so realistic, the production team must be very strong. But on second thought, it may not really be a special effect!

These actors are very likely to be real spiritual practitioners in reality.

Just as she was thinking, she saw the direction of the bathroom. Liu Shiting had just taken a shower from the bathroom and came out in her pajamas.

When Liu Shiting saw Lu Li sitting in the living room watching TV, she was a little surprised.

Because she lived at Lu Li's house for more than ten days, it was the first time that Lu Li did not review in her room at night.

Seeing that all the seats were taken by adults, there was only one seat next to the sofa where Lu Li was sitting. Liu Shiting hesitated for a moment, then walked over.

Gently sat down beside Lu Li.

Lu Li only felt a gust of fragrant wind hit his shoulders softly.

Realizing that her seat was not enough, Lu Li moved aside, pushing Lu Ling aside to make more room for Liu Shiting.

And she said to Lu Ling who was on the side with disgust, "Shi Ting has finished taking a shower, it's your turn, go take a shower, and I'll take a shower after you're done."

"You wash first, I'll wash it later."

Lu Ling was pushed away by Lu Li, and she was already very upset. In addition, she had just watched the middle part of her TV series and hadn't finished it yet, so where would she be willing to leave.

At the critical moment, Lu Ma, who was still playing cards, urged, "Xiao Ling, go take a shower first. You were splashed with oil today. Wash your clothes early and throw them in the washing machine."

"Ah, I haven't finished the show yet."

Lu Ling was obviously unwilling.

"What kind of drama can't you watch after taking a shower? Go, or don't watch TV."

Under the urging of Lu Ma, Lu Ling had to get up reluctantly.

And he pressed the pause button on the remote control, and said to Lu Li and Liu Shiting, "Wait when I come back and see."


Lu Li snorted, noncommittal.

When Lu Ling entered the bathroom, Lu Li directly picked up the remote control, pressed it, and started playing.

Liu Shiting, who was on the side, saw her, her beautiful eyes widened and she said, "Brother Lu Li, you..."

"Don't care about her, keep watching us."

Lu Li just returned a reassuring smile.

Then continue to watch his TV.

At this moment, Lu Ling, who heard the sound of the TV ringing again, suddenly opened the bathroom door, stuck out his head, and said with a dissatisfied expression: "Lu Li!! Wait until I come out and see!"

Lu Liniao ignored her and ignored her.

"Lu Li!"

Lu Ling was incompetent and furious.

When Lu Ma saw it, she couldn't help but reprimanded: "Hurry up and take your shower, take your time, or go upstairs to sleep."

"Mom, you always favor him~!"

Lu Ling had no choice but to close the bathroom door aggrievedly and take a shower.

Seeing the old girl deflated, Lu Li couldn't help but let out a schadenfreude laughter.

Even Liu Shiting, who was on the side, couldn't help but covered her mouth and laughed.

Although Lu Ling was miserable and Lu Li was a dog, Liu Shiting always felt an inexplicable sense of comfort watching the two quarrel with each other.

Liu Shiting enjoyed this feeling very much.

However, she knew that after tonight, she would not be able to see the brothers and sisters fighting each other.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

He had to take advantage of the last moment to quietly stay by Lu Li's side and watch TV.

until late at night.


The next morning.

Lu Li teleported back to his room from the cemetery. He got up at 5:30 and practiced for more than an hour, but he still couldn't feel the sense of breakthrough.

"It stands to reason that it is time to achieve a breakthrough after absorbing so much pure spiritual power."

Lu Li was also quite distressed.

The barrier outside the spiritual power group in the body seems to be very thin, but it is actually very tough and difficult to break through.

Lu Li tried all kinds of methods, but couldn't break through.

I had to go home first, thinking about going to the cemetery to try after today's exam.

"It really doesn't work, just go to the pharmacy tomorrow and have a look."

"Or, hurry up and save up to 80,000 study points! Buy Kenshin!"

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but glance at his learning point.

[Learning point: 77583]!

"It's only about 2,500 o'clock!"

Looking at this point, Lu Li couldn't help but start eagerly to try.

After two consecutive breakthroughs were blocked, he became more and more aware of the importance of talent and aptitude. If this Jianxin can not only control Yan Mojian, but also improve his physique, that would be great!

But....I have an exam today.

"It's better to finish the exam first."

Thinking about it, Lu Li quickly went downstairs.

Washed, ate, and went straight to school with a schoolbag on his back.

In the classroom, review the subject to be tested today.

In the morning, I took physics and chemistry, and in the afternoon, I took geography and history.

Except for physics, Lu Li was able to memorize other subjects by heart.

After the exam officially started, except for the physics exam, Lu Li spent more time calculating. The remaining three subjects, Lu Li, dealt with it easily and delivered papers at the speed of light.

The speed at which the papers were handed in once again aroused the amazement of the boys and girls in the class.

Yesterday, they were shown off by Lu Li's speed of handing in papers, and as a result, they will be shown again today.

The scalp was numb.

They were all very curious. What did Lu Li actually write when he handed in the papers so quickly?

How many points can you get?

The results of the physical examination will be announced on the bulletin board in the lobby on the first floor of the teaching building.

The results of this test will be announced on the morning of next week after the second Although the test is not as important as the mid-term test, in fact, every test during school , are very important.

Teachers can formulate new educational programs based on students' learning progress and test scores.

And the grade bulletin board has become a place for students to show themselves.

Of course, the students with the highest grades in normal grades are basically students from the top class. The top 50 in the total score of each exam are basically contracted by the students of the first class, and the students of other classes have long been used to it.

In the past, the students in the second class expected their scores to rank first.

But this time, on everyone's expectation list, there is a name named Lu Li.


After taking the exam in the afternoon, Lu Li went straight to the bookstore in the center of the city.

At noon today, he read books in the bookstore for a while.

Now, his total number of learning points has reached 78,926!

"It's 80,000 points, only about 1,000 points away!"

Just by reading three books, you can save up to 80,000 points and buy Kenshin!

Thinking about it, Lu Li came to the bookstore and started reading.

This time, on the bookshelves in the best-selling literature area, he specially selected novels with relatively thin volumes.

There is no obstacle to reading this kind of book, and you can finish it quickly.

Thinking about it, Lu Li opened the book and started to read.

At this moment, Lu Li had just read the first book halfway through...

Buzz buzz!

In the pocket, the phone vibrated suddenly.


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