My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 63: 【2 dealers】

Jiang Xu felt a little depressed about Lu Li always hiding something from him.

Although, he also has secrets that he cannot tell.

"Of course it will affect me. I don't have much time to review. See, there are only seventy-three days left before the college entrance examination."

Lu Li said and pointed to the blackboard on the podium.

Hearing this, Jiang Xu rolled his eyes at Lu Li.

He felt that Lu Li was pretending to be a calf.

Although he didn't think that Lu Li was serious about studying and studying, but these days, Lu Li has made rapid progress, and he also sees it.

Lu Li, who used to be difficult to get close to the passing line in mathematics, can now get a stable 80% correct answer rate.

With such progress, even Jiang Xu felt that he was about to be caught up.

This also prompted Jiang Xu to get serious and join the army of reviewers.

Therefore, Lu Li said that there was not much time left for him, and it was purely an act of pretending to be a jerk. Jiang Xu felt deeply despised.

"Go, go, go, go go."

Jiang Xu said goodbye directly.

Chen Siyu felt that it was a pity that Lu Li didn't attend the Lingwu class, but since it was Lu Li's own wish, she didn't say much.

Lu Li also said goodbye to the two of them.

Then he left the classroom alone.

On the way home, I could see many roadside stalls on the road.

People come and go, very lively.

Although the people from the City Guard have not yet said that they can start their business, they can't afford to be idle. Now that everyone has closed the store, they can also make a good profit by pulling a small cart out to sell snacks.

In the beginning, there were only one or two stalls on the side of the road, but now it is no different from the past.

The city guards also turned a blind eye. After all, this place is very far from the Raoshui River, so there is no need to control it too much.

Lu Li walked all the way home, and when he was near his home, he saw a huge crystal building in the distance.

That's the direction of the ruins.

Originally, it was only surrounded by iron walls, but now it has been rebuilt and covered with more sturdy opaque crystals and iron walls.

Lu Li also took a special look at it, and it seems that it has become a new landmark building.

A behemoth standing on the river.

Lu Li became more and more curious, and wanted to go in and see what was going on there.

Thinking about it, Lu Li returned home.

Went straight up to the second floor and locked it.

He threw his schoolbag on the bed, then took out a pair of black sneakers hidden under the bed, took off his school uniform, put on black pants, a black sweater, put on a black mask, a black cap, black sunglasses, and a black shoulder bag. ,

A set of changing clothes was smooth, and all of a sudden it turned into black.

With the hood on, no one can recognize who he is at all.

The reason why it took so much time to change clothes was because Lu Li not only went to the cemetery, but also to another place.

Lu Li opened his shoulder bag and looked at a white porcelain bottle inside.

After confirming that it was correct, he came to the teleportation formation.

Take out the teleport stone.


In an instant, Lu Li was teleported to the cemetery.

It was still daytime, and there were still about two hours before night fell.

Since Lu Li discovered something strange in the cemetery ten days ago, he has been very vigilant, and only dares to come to the cemetery in the early morning and during the day.

However, after so long, Lu Li did not notice anything unusual in this cemetery.

Sometimes I will deliberately practice until it gets completely dark before leaving.

There is no problem.

And in the past ten days, Lu Li's spiritual power group has also completed two transformations, and his current strength has already broken through the 600-point spiritual power index mark!

In addition to reading a lot of data, Lu Li's strength points and spiritual points have both exceeded 550 points.

Strength greatly increased.

Now, if he encounters Wu Shichao again to find fault, Lu Li has absolute confidence, and he will not lose in strength when facing him.

Thinking about it, Lu Li sat cross-legged on the spot, skillfully connected to the jade pendant, and began to enter the state of spiritual vision.

The world in front of him suddenly dimmed, and red mist was flowing in the cemetery.

Looking at the flowing red mist, Lu Li couldn't help but frown slightly: "It's getting less."

The evil spirit in this cemetery, as he has been picking it up for the past ten days, has become much lighter than before.

Lu Li's strength has been improving.

After reaching 600 points of the spiritual power index, the speed of absorbing the evil energy is no longer comparable to the original 400 points.

Now, Lu Li's extraction range has expanded to more than 50 meters.

The amount that can be absorbed in one day is ten times that of 400 points.

Moreover, Lu Li can feel that it is very difficult to increase from 600 points to 700 points.

Requires a very large amount of yin and evil energy.

"At my speed, I am afraid that in ten days and a half months, the evil spirit in the cemetery will be completely absorbed by me."

"It shouldn't be difficult to reach 700 points in ten days, but if you want to reach 800 points, it will be very difficult."

After all, the evil spirit in a place is limited. Sooner or later, I will absorb the evil spirit here.

After that, you have to find another way out.

Although due to the influence of the ruins at the bottom of the river, there is a lot of evil energy on the street that can be absorbed, but that amount is not bad for Lu Li at 400 points.

But for Lu Li, who had 600 points, it was very poor.


You can go to the ruins and absorb that cloud of purple energy.

After his strength increased, Lu Li coveted the purple air at the bottom of the river even more.

That was dozens of times more intense than the evil spirit of the original cemetery.

If you can absorb it all, let alone 800 points, 1,000 points are nothing!


How to get in is the question.

Now that the place has been completely blocked, Lu Li couldn't even pick up the dim purple air mass by the river.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help shaking his head.

Then his eyes couldn't help but turn to the direction of the distant flowerbed.

In fact, these days, he has noticed one thing, and that is the evil spirit in the flowerbed.

Originally, the yin and evil energy was too strong, and Lu Li didn't notice it, but now the yin and evil energy has dimmed. With the improvement of Lu Li's strength, his perception of the yin and evil energy has become more acute.

He could see that inside the flowerbed, evil spirits continued to radiate out.

Previously, Lu Li thought that there was something there that was absorbing the yin and evil energy like himself.

But now Lu Li found out that he was wrong.

It's not that it's absorbing, it's that it's emitting.

There must be something in the ground beneath the flowerbed.

However, even knowing this, Lu Li didn't even bother to dig.

After all, someone may come to this cemetery at any time. Seeing that he is digging soil in the cemetery, he may be wanted as a tomb robber, so that he will not use it in the future.

Besides, there might be something unclean in that underground.

With all these things, Lu Li decided that it would be better not to be so greedy.


Lu Li started to activate the jade pendant to absorb the evil energy around him.

However, this time, Lu Li did not absorb the evil energy into his body, but extracted a large amount of pure spiritual power and put it into a porcelain bottle.

After it was completely filled, Lu Li stood up.

Quickly walked out of the cemetery.

I took the passing bus, took two stops, and soon arrived at the next town.

After getting off the car, I went to the second-hand market in this town.

I saw that in the second-hand market at this time, there were a lot of people, countless vendors set up stalls, and some vendors had their own storefronts.

There are also many people who come to the second-hand market to buy things. Among them, there are many people who are very closed and do not show their faces, just like Lu Li.

These faceless people like Lu Li came from the black market second-hand dealers in the second-hand market.

It's not the first time for Lu Li to come here.

A few days ago, Lu Li had the mentality of giving it a try, and wanted to come to the second-hand market to find a second-hand dealer.

As a result, the process of finding the dealer was much smoother than he thought.

Because there are too many people with the same idea as Lu Li, many of them are hiding their identities, wearing masks, sunglasses, peaked caps, and backpacks.

They would hang out in the second-hand market, asking random prices.

After that, I got some secret codes with a certain dealer, and then followed the dealer to a hidden place and began to bargain and ask the price.

After talking about the right price, he followed the dealer into a small closed room.

When I came out again, the things in my backpack were gone.

Indicates that the transaction was successful.

Lu Li observed for several days and did not participate in any business. He just deliberately wandered in the second-hand market, secretly observing everyone here.

Secretly jot down some of their ciphers, jargon, or jargon or something.

After observing for several days, Lu Li decided to try to sell his spiritual power bottle.

That's why today Lu Li was fully armed and walked into this second-hand market with a bottle of spiritual power.

The second-hand market is full of dazzling array of various commodities.

Today's second-hand market is more lively than usual, because recently in Raoshui Town, many people have moved, and there are a lot of debris.

Therefore, both in Raoshui Town and this town, the second-hand market has been very lively recently.

Lu Li strolled around the second-hand market for a long time, and then his eyes fell on a stall owner who looked younger.

Lu Li has been observing him for a long time these days.

This young trafficker's business is not very good, but he did take things from people who have hidden their identities a few times.

And Lu Li also noticed that this young man is obviously not very proficient in jargon compared to other middle-aged dealers.

At first glance, it seems that he has just entered the industry.

The most important thing is that Lu Li also heard other middle-aged dealers discussing this young man behind his back, saying that he didn't even know when he delivered goods to the black market last time, but he didn't even know that something was stolen on the way. His face turned red.

It can be seen that he is a fairly young second-order dealer who is young in every sense.

With this kind of person, it's no wonder that others don't look for him to do business.

After all, for people who often come to sell things, they hope that the things in their hands will be sold at high prices, and they will find experienced dealers for stability.

For those who come here for the first time to sell things, they will also subconsciously find a reliable and experienced dealer who can make money.

Therefore, for a stunned young man like that young man, his business is definitely not as good as that of other seasoned dealers.

But for Lu Li, that young man was the most suitable for him.

Because, if he was dealing with the too experienced old Jianghu, Lu Li didn't know what to do.

Maybe it will be remembered because of the spiritual power bottle.

But with this kind of stupefied second-hand dealer who just entered the business, although the other party may not be able to give a high price, and may even lose the goods, this is the first time for Lu Li, and he is not very concerned about how much money can be exchanged.

It's just with the mentality of trying.

Thinking about it, Lu Li continued to stroll around the second-hand market.

Finally, he pretended to walk in front of the young man casually.

Squatting down, at his booth, rummaging through the things on his booth, asking the price, intentionally or unintentionally:

"How do you sell this?"


(PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.)

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