My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 62: 【Spiritual fluctuations】

For the next ten days, Lu Li spent his time studying hard and going to the cemetery to cultivate.

During this period, Lu Li thought that Lingmeng would do something in order to win over him.

In the end, he thought too much.

The opponent did not take any action at all.

On the other hand, Liu Yufeng, the girl who was talking to the Minister of White Gloves with him, joined the Spirit Alliance early the next day.

Lu Li and Liu Yufeng would occasionally chat on Qiuqiu.

However, since Lu Li needed a lot of time to review and practice, the two didn't chat much.

During these ten days, Lu Li read all the textbooks.

And spent a lot of time reviewing it several times to consolidate knowledge.

And successfully learned all books such as history, language, geography, etc. to more than 95% of the learning progress.

As for mathematics, physics, chemistry and other books, Lu Li also reviewed Lu Li himself, and with the help of Chen Siyu and Jiang Xiaogu, his learning progress also reached more than 82%.

Successfully reached the mastery level.

During the period, he took several test papers, and Lu Li got more than 80% correct rate in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

This also gave him a bit of confidence in the next thorough examination.

In addition, Lu Li also discovered some rules for reading books to obtain attribute points.

For example, in the three subjects of language, history and geography, whether it is a textbook or a workbook, after learning to master it, the attributes given are spiritual points.

As for books related to mathematics, physics and chemistry, after mastering it, the attributes given are all spiritual points.

Only thought, art subjects and books will give spirit points.

Only those with agility points are special, and textbooks cannot increase this attribute.

Points can only be increased by reading analysis books related to breathing techniques.

However, those analysis books related to breathing methods are all books with little nutrition, and are only suitable for beginners of breathing methods.

After reading the notes written by Wu Shichao's brother, Lu Li completely lost interest in these analysis books, and he was almost drowsy when he read these books.

I lost interest after reading a few books.

It's better to do a few more math problems.

However, speaking of notes.

One thing that surprised Lu Li was that Wu Shichao didn't seem to notice that he had lost his notes at all, and never asked him for it.

Or maybe he didn't even know that the note was on Lu Li.

Lu Li didn't know what happened to Wu Shichao, but since the other party didn't come to ask for it, he didn't bother to take it back to him, so it would be nice not to throw him in the trash can.


There are 73 days until the college entrance examination.

In the afternoon, class two in three years.

As school is approaching, the teacher has stopped lecturing, and only allows the students to study freely.

After telling the students not to make noise, he went to the teacher's office.

Chen Siyu and her tablemate moved the stool to Lu Li's side, and brought the exercises to review mathematics with Lu Li.

From time to time, I would discuss with Lu Li about the solution to the problem.

At this time, Lu Li's mathematics level was already very high, and when he discussed it with Chen Siyu, the answer was fluent.

And this scene is not the first time it has happened in the class.

For the past ten days, this scene has been played out almost every day.

From the occasional booing at the beginning, the other classmates have become accustomed to it later.

And the boys in the class who had a crush on Chen Siyu, the monitor, watched Chen Siyu spend all day with Lu Li, and they all hated their teeth.

And helpless.

The most terrifying thing is not that flowers are inserted in cow dung.

But under the guidance of flowers, the cow dung really started to be angry, and he learned well and grew obviously.

This is the most annoying!

"Something happened, something happened!"

At this moment, a boy in the class suddenly couldn't help shouting loudly.

"What happened?"

"What's wrong again?"

Hearing that, all the students in the class looked at the boy.

The boy looked at his phone, as if he was giving the students a big meal, and said, "There is another wave of spiritual power over the Raoshui River ruins, and the houses on the bank collapsed!"

"Spiritual power fluctuations?"

"No wonder I felt the whole classroom shake when I was in class just now."

"I feel it too."

"It's scary. Fortunately, the place has been evacuated."

"I'm really afraid that the next spiritual power fluctuation will affect my family as well."

"Didn't the city guards give your family a subsidy? That money is enough for you to buy a new house and decorate it?"

Students, every word you say to me, all of you pick up your mobile phone and look at it.

Jiang Xu also picked up the phone and glanced at it at this time, and said, "This time the spread is wider. I feel that if this continues, my house will be moved out."

Chen Siyu nodded and said, "I heard that the entire school at No. 5 Middle School has been blocked, and the students have switched to online classes."

Chen Siyu's deskmate heard the words and said, "It's great, I also want to study at home, how comfortable it is at home."

Chen Siyu saw through the thoughts of his deskmate and said, "I think you want to take the opportunity to sleep in, right? Online classes are not good at all? The atmosphere will be very lazy, and your grades will drop."

Jiang Xu also smiled and said, "Our school is far away from the ruins, how can it not spread to our side?"

"I just said it."

The girl couldn't help but pouted.

Listening to the conversation between the three, Lu Li, who was beside him, couldn't help but cast his eyes out of the window.

Now the students basically know that the bottom of the river is a ruin.

It was just speculation before, but just a few days ago, news of ruins broke out in many places in Chaofeng County.

The ruins of Raoshui Town are just one of them.

Only then did people really confirm that the bottom of the river was indeed a relic.

Moreover, this ruin has already been controlled by the Spirit Alliance and the City Guard.

During this time, many spiritual practitioners came to the town, but none of them had the chance to enter.

After that, the first spiritual power fluctuation occurred.

The spiritual power fluctuations affected many houses on the shore, and many houses collapsed in an instant.

Fortunately, the residents moved out long ago, but no civilians were injured.

No one knows what causes the fluctuation of spiritual power. The city guard did not give an explanation, but said that it was caused by a work error.

Today, this time, it is already the second time the spiritual power fluctuates.

Judging from the pictures of the scene given by Jiang Xu, this time the impact was wider, and compared to the last time the spiritual power the scope of the impact expanded to more than 200 meters away.

However, it is still far from Jiang Xu's home, Jiang Xu's words are just an exaggeration.

However, the old house of Lu Li's family received a request to move out.

Although Lu Li's family has long ceased to live in the old house, they still received a large amount of compensation.


Ding Ling Ling Ling!

The get out of class bell rang.

The students in the class who were still discussing the Raoshui River relics intensely suddenly became restless, picked up their schoolbags and rushed out of the classroom.

Lu Li also began to pack his things and prepare to go home.

"I'm going home first."

Lu Li put on his schoolbag and said goodbye to Jiang Xu, Chen Siyu and others.

When Jiang Xu saw it, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Going home again? You haven't been to Class 502 for several days."

Lu Li said: "Tomorrow, we will start the thorough examination."

"It's this sentence again, the thorough examination does not affect the results of the college entrance examination."

Jiang Xu rolled his eyes involuntarily.

These days, Lu Li has been using this reason not to go to Lingwu class. Jiang Xu was moved by Lu Li's determination at first.

But as time passed, he discovered that Lu Li might be hiding some secrets.

And this secret, the instructor is very likely to know too.

Because the instructor acquiesced to Lu Li's truancy.

Although the instructor didn't care much about whether the students came to class or not, he was just a part-time worker, collecting money to help teach the students, and the students loved to learn or not.

If he didn't learn, he directly removed the student from the Lingwu class.

But for Lu Li, the instructor did not remove Lu Li. Rather supportive.

Obviously, there are secrets that only the two of them know.

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