My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 5: 【Basic breathing method】

Lu Li flipped through the language book for a while.

The language books in this world are very different from those in the previous life. After all, the texts and editors are different, but the core of education is the same.

Lu Li read it very quickly, and finished it in twenty minutes.

[Learning point +402]!

[Ascension +3]!

This time, the number of learning points increased by 402 points, nearly breaking 80% of the learning progress.

And the total number of points has reached 624!

You can draw a card again.

Lu Li was naturally unambiguous, and directly chose to draw cards.

This time, the card was turned over, and it was still a white crystal frame, which was also a potion.

[Congratulations on drawing "Consumption Card: Life Potion (trace! 】

[Use this card to get "Life Potion (Minor)*1". Get the "Life Recovery (Minor) buff" within 10 minutes after drinking it! 】

["Mall" adds a purchasable item! 】

This life potion card, like the experience potion, requires 800 learning points to purchase.

Lu Li secretly thought that this kind of potion card should all have the same price.

"The function of this mall should be to spend 300 learning points to buy a guarantee?"

Thinking about it, Lu Li found this card and then used it.

This time, what fell into Lu Li's hands was a bottle of Coke!

Coke with red cap!

"Coca Cola?"

"Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola, my dear, all three of the Happy Fat House have come out! I'm afraid this system has not charged the Coca-Cola company?"

"Can I double the endorsement fee from Pepsi?"

Lu Li couldn't help but complain.

However, out of the spirit of experimentation, he still took a sip of this life potion.

ton ton ton.

Sweet and sour, relatively sweet, not too astringent, definitely Coca-Cola is gone!

Soon, the potion took effect, and Lu Li felt a scorching heat rise in his body, and he was almost smoking.

However, in this dry heat, his whole body seemed to be full of energy.

Some of the bags that were bitten by mosquitoes had disappeared at this moment, leaving no trace.

At the same time, Lu Li also felt that his strength seemed to have grown a lot.

This feeling of instant increase in strength made Lu Li feel quite novel.

Then, the buff icon also appeared in front of me:

[Life recovery (minimal amount): Slowly restores vitality, increases physical energy by 20%, and the effect lasts for 57 seconds. 】

"It turns out that this life potion can not only restore blood, but also enhance physical fitness!"

Although it can only last for ten minutes at most, but if a master makes a move, a burst of ten minutes can often determine the victory.

Moreover, this potion can be purchased for only 800 study points.

It is equivalent to buying a bottle just by reading two books, but it is not particularly expensive.

The 57 seconds quickly ended, and the heat in the body dissipated.

Lu Li came to the desk again.

There is a small mirror on the desk. In the mirror, his handsome face, which was originally well-defined, has now become clean and refreshing.

This surprised Lu Li.

There's no problem with a handsome face, he's still as handsome as before.

To Lu Li's surprise, the pimples and pimple marks on his face had disappeared!

Although Lu Li didn't have many pimples on his face at first, Lu Li was sure that before he drank the "Potion of Life", he did have a pimple and pimple marks on his face.

But at this moment, those raised and sunken flaws on his face had disappeared without a trace.

"So this life potion can also clear acne?"

In addition to being surprised, Lu Li couldn't help but think that this seems to be a big business opportunity!

A woman who loves beauty exists in all eras.

In order to become beautiful, most women even dare to try plastic surgery at sky-high prices. If they have such an anti-acne cola, and there are no side effects, wouldn't it make a lot of money to sell it to them?

However, Lu Li didn't know whether the potion given by this system only worked on himself or could also work on others.

In the future, I can try it with others.

Thinking about it, Lu Li put the matter behind him first.

His attention was quickly drawn to a book on the desk.

"Basic Breathing Technique"!

Below the title of the book, four small characters "High School Student Edition" are warmly marked.

Lu Li had heard the name of this breathing method in history books and on the Internet for a long time.

He quickly picked up the book, sat down and read it carefully.

The content of this basic breathing method is very short. The actual breathing method is only about ten pages, and there are eight pages of some human meridian diagrams.

The dozens of pages that follow are an expanded version of these two pages of text. The concepts of breathing and spiritual power are broken apart, smashed, and written in the follow-up.

Even if there is no teacher's guidance, you can find your own understanding based on the dozens of pages that follow.

and practiced smoothly.

However, in general, students only read the first ten pages, and the follow-up content is listening to the lecture. Even if the teacher instructs the students to read it before going back, the students may not read it.

Lu Li only read the contents of the first ten pages, and already has a general understanding, but in order to trigger the illustrated book, he can get learning points.

He still carefully read the dozens of pages of notes that followed.

during reading.

It's time for dinner.

"Lu Li, it's time to eat!"

The one who knocked on the door was Lu Li's younger sister, Lu Ling.

Although they are biological sisters, Lu Ling and Lu Li don't usually refer to each other as brothers and sisters, they call them by their first names.

After being called for more than ten years, Lu Li has long been used to it. If one day she really calls her brother, she will get goosebumps all over her body and be at a loss as to what to do.

"I'm coming."

Lu Li had to close the book and go downstairs to eat first.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Lu Ling looking at him strangely.

"Why do you close the door in the daytime? Do you do something wrong?"

"You think I'm you. UU reading"

Lu Li rolled his eyes involuntarily, but Lu Ling still liked to talk to him just like in the previous life.

"Then why are you closing the door?"

"Study quietly."

"Study? You? I don't believe it."

Lu Ling looked incredulous. She knew her brother's academic performance and life style. They went to the same elementary school, junior high school, and high school.

When I asked casually at school, I knew what kind of person my brother was at school.

Lu Li used to like to go to Internet cafes after class. How could he be so serious?

She even doubted whether her brother would be able to get an undergraduate degree in the future.

When Lu Li saw it, he just curled his lips and said, "If you don't believe me, forget it. You'll know when your brother and I are admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University."

"Tsinghua University and Peking University? What is that?"

Lu Ling was puzzled.

Seeing this, Lu Li was stunned, thinking that in this world, the best university in China isn't Qingbei Second School?

Lu Li couldn't help but picked up his mobile phone and searched on the spot, and found that the two best universities are in Chang'an and Luoyang.

Lu Li changed his words and said, "You will know when I get admitted to Lingwu University in Chang'an and Luoyang."

Hearing this, Lu Ling seemed to have heard some crazy talk.

She couldn't help but reached out and touched Lu Li's forehead.

He touched his forehead again.

Then he shook his head regretfully and said, "It's over, I didn't expect that the pressure of the college entrance examination would be so great that it could make a person who was not smart in the first place even more stupid."

"Cut, let's see."

Seeing her shaking her head, Lu Li didn't bother to talk to her.

The world has changed, but the indecent nature of my younger sister has not changed.

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