My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 4: 【Carbonated drinks】

It really is a memory potion!

Looking at this newly added buff, I don't know if it's a psychological effect. Lu Li felt that his head had indeed become a lot more awake.

And you don't have to drink the whole bottle.

"How long does it take to trigger the buff? It's very convenient."

This way, when I want to read a book, I can take it out and take a sip.

This is more economical.

Although Lu Li still couldn't help but want to complain, how could he actually make a memory potion into a carbonated drink? Absolutely bad fun!

But I have to say, this way, even if I take out this bottle of "memory potion" in public, it won't attract the attention of others.

However, Lu Li was more willing to believe that this was just the bad taste of the system.

Thinking about it, Lu Li put the rest of the drink away, and then opened "High School Geography: Resources".

I wanted to see how much my memory improved after drinking the memory potion.

Lu Li began to read the geography book page by page.

Look carefully.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but I feel like I remember it more clearly.

But this kind of improvement in memory is very abstract, and it is difficult to judge with intuition.

Only after reading the whole book can you know how effective it is.

Thinking about it, Lu Li slowly stopped worrying about the memory problem.

Instead, he focused on the content of the geography book. Everything in this world was very novel to Lu Li. Reading the geography book of this world was like reading the game's setting book. He carefully read page by page, greedily absorbing the geographical knowledge of the world from the book.

The theory of the geography book of this world is similar to that of the previous life.

The only difference is that this world is called Blue Star, and the map board has also changed a lot. Under the influence of the recovery of spiritual energy, there are many strange natural weather phenomena.

The book also mentions "Spiritual Mountain" and "Relics".

These two terms, when Lu Li was reading the history books today, he also saw related records.

The so-called Lingshan refers to some mountains that are affected by the recovery of the spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth is very abundant, and will produce spiritual flowers, spiritual fruits, and spiritual stones.

And most of these spiritual mountains have been occupied by various forces.

For example, in Raoshui Town, there is a mountain called Shibi Mountain.

Shibi Mountain used to be a scenic spot, but now it has been occupied and is not open to the public.

As for the relics, they are some ancient buildings that appeared after the earth expanded a thousand times.

However, whether it is a spiritual mountain or a relic, the records in the book are very few.

There is just such a concept.

Lu Li flipped through the pages quickly, and after 20 minutes, he read the entire geography book.

[Learning point +421]!

[Ascension +3]!

As Lu Li closed the geography book, the system immediately gave a settlement.

This time, he actually gave more than 400 points directly! Immediately proficient!

"Sure enough, the memory has improved."

Lu Li did feel that his memory was much better than in class.

And the settlement points of the system also support this point.

Geography is similar to history, both belong to the existence that needs to be memorized by rote, and memory potion can maximize its effectiveness.

Thinking about it, Lu Li opened the system panel.

See the [Learning Points] column, the number of points has become 722 points!

It has exceeded 500 points!

It's time for a normal draw!

Lu Li also wanted to see what the system could draw by drawing cards.

He couldn't wait to open the [Draw Card] interface.

"What will you give?"

Lu Li couldn't help but feel eager to try.

In the two card draw options that pop up, directly choose to open the normal card draw.

As the 500 learning points were deducted, the icon of the ordinary card draw suddenly shook, turned into light dust, and condensed into a delicate card on the back in front of Lu Li.

The card turned its back to Lu Li, as if to signal Lu Li to turn it over.

Lu Li immediately understood, and said in his heart, "Flip the card."

After receiving the order, the card suddenly vibrated obviously.

A burst of white light suddenly radiated from the card, and in this light, the card slowly turned over.

On the front of the card, a delicate white crystal border is painted around it, and a green potion bottle is painted in the middle!

【Ding! Congratulations on drawing "Consumption Card: EXP Potion (Minor! 】

[Use this card to get "Experience Potion*1". Get the "Experience Increase (Minor) buff" for 12 hours after drinking it! 】

"Experience potion?"

Lu Li was slightly taken aback.

Is this a monster-killing upgrade system? What about experience?

Or, does experience refer to the spiritual power in the body?

Lu Li can sense the spiritual power in his body, especially after he has the 6-point Ascension attribute, the feeling of sensing spiritual power becomes more and more obvious. Spiritual power is like the second kind of blood in your body. If you feel it carefully, you can feel its flow in the body.

It's just that I don't know how to mobilize this spiritual power for the time being.

Thinking about it, the card drawing interface in front of Lu Li disappeared immediately.

But soon, another prompt box popped up: ["Mall" added a purchasable item! 】

Looking at this prompt, Lu Li also opened the mall page.

As you can see on the store page, in addition to [Consumption Card: Memory Potion], a new card has been added:

[Consumption card: EXP potion (minimal amount)]

[800 learning points are required for purchase. 】

"Eight hundred o'clock?"

Lu Li was stunned. Even though the memory potion only cost 100 points, this experience potion actually cost 800!

Does it mean that the rarity of this experience potion is higher than that of memory potion?

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but open the [card pack] and found this card.

【Do you use this card? 】


Lu Li should be directly.

Then, there was a burst of special effects similar to the previous memory potion cards.

The particles of light condensed into a green plastic bottle in Lu Li's hand, and it could be seen that there was a bubbling liquid inside!

"Come again?"

Looking at the green soda bottle in his hand, UU was reading www. Lu Li couldn't help but laugh and cry.

He seemed to understand the bad taste of this system a little bit.

"So, is it Sprite or Seven-Up this time?"

With this question in mind, Lu Li unscrewed the bottle of experience potion.

With a "chi" sound, the smell of lemon essence came out.

Lu Li took a sip.

Sweet and sour, very refreshing.

"This sweetness should be Sprite."

Generally speaking, Sprite is more sour, while 7-Up is sweeter.

As a senior abandoned house in his previous life, Lu Li was quite familiar with carbonated beverages.

"With Sprite and Fanta, will Coke be far behind?"

In his heart, Lu Li was half complaining and half expecting.

At this time, Lu Li sensed a warm feeling in his body condensing in his lower abdomen, and it didn't dissipate for a long time.

A green buff icon pops up in front of you:

[Experience increase (minimal amount): Slowly increase spiritual power and increase the training effect by 20%. The effect lasts 00:44:58]

"Slowly increase spiritual power!"

Seeing this description, Lu Li couldn't help but light up!

Sure enough, it was exactly what I thought! This experience potion really means increasing spiritual power!

However, Lu Li had no way of knowing how much it increased.

Thinking of going to Lingmeng to test his spiritual power index tomorrow, maybe at that time, he will probably know the effect of this experience potion.

Thinking about it, Lu Li drank the whole bottle of experience potion together.

The buff duration suddenly becomes 12 hours.

Seeing that it was still early, Lu Li continued to pick up a Chinese book on the desk.

Continue to look at it.

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