My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 22: 【The scene of the death of the society】

"I didn't expect that, classmate Lu Li, you also like this type of book..."

Chen Siyu blushed and handed Lu Li the novel she was reading.

Lu Li also accepted it unceremoniously.

Looking at the cover, it was a very artistic landscape painting, which looked like an ancient romance novel.

Sure enough, girls love watching this.

Lu Li nodded and smiled and said, "Yes, I like to read such ancient novels. Thank you, monitor, I will pay you back after the first get out of class is over."


Chen Siyu blushed and nodded.

Chen Siyu's deskmate saw him, with a smile on his face, he said, "Student Lu Li, keep it a secret."

With these words, Lu Li only thought she was talking about being boring.

After all, the image Lu Li usually gives is that of a silent classmate who loves to play games.

Suddenly found that he is still a young man who likes to read ancient novels, so he will naturally be impressed.

However, her words had a different meaning to the two boys at the back table of Chen Siyu.

When the two saw that Lu Li had borrowed Chen Siyu's often-read novels so easily, their faces could not help but be covered with haze.

Pickup girl, I have met a formidable enemy!

In just a few words, she established the same interest as Chen Siyu, and even borrowed her book!

The two of them also borrowed that novel from Chen Siyu, but Chen Siyu shied away in every possible way, but when it came to Lu Li, he was so straightforward!

Contacting Lu Li is handsome, and the sense of crisis in their hearts is even stronger!

Strong enemy! Absolute formidable enemy!

Lu Li naturally didn't care what they thought.

Now that the novel is in hand, he lifts his legs and leaves.

Go back to your seat.

Jiang Xu had already given a thumbs up and said to Lu Li, "You're so good at my fish! I'm still thinking about why you asked me for extracurricular books? It's for the sake of becoming famous!"

"What kind of teacher is famous? Why are you making a fool of yourself? Go away."

How could Lu Li not know what Jiang Xu meant, that is, he deliberately made excuses to approach Chen Siyu.

After all, Chen Siyu is so beautiful, and it is normal that she would be misunderstood by taking the initiative to borrow books.

Lu Li ignored Jiang Xu.

Put this novel called "Wushan Han" directly on the table.

Just as she was about to open it, out of the corner of her eyes she caught a glimpse of Chen Siyu in the distance. She was looking at him with a blushing face.

Lu Li looked at her, their eyes met, Lu Li smiled and nodded to her.

But she returned with dodging eyes.

"She doesn't think she wants to chase after her, does she?"

Lu Li couldn't help thinking secretly.

It is very possible, after all, little girls are very sensitive to emotional matters, and it is normal to have misunderstandings.

Thinking about it, Lu Li stopped thinking about it.

Open the novel.

After casually glanced at the table of contents, he opened the text directly.

Then comes the first chapter.

Chapter two.

Lu Li slowly realized something was wrong. Why is this book from the male protagonist's perspective?

Could it be that I guessed wrong, Chen Siyu likes to read ancient conspiracy novels from the male protagonist's perspective?

At this moment, the class bell rang.

Lu Li continued to open the third chapter, the fourth chapter...

Looking at it, Lu Li frowned.

what happened? Why is the male protagonist in the book always flirting with another male character...

Lu Li frowned and read a few more chapters, his eyes suddenly widened, and he looked shocked.


This special meow is actually a crispy duck literary novel!

At this moment, he suddenly understood Chen Siyu's twist just now. Suddenly I understood the meaningful smile of Chen Siyu's tablemate, and also understood the meaning of her last sentence "keep it hidden".


Lu Li couldn't help raising his eyes to look in Chen Siyu's direction.

Chen Siyu seemed to sense something, so he turned around, and the two looked at each other again.

The same angle, the same expression, the same four eyes facing each other, but Lu Li's mood at this time has undergone an earth-shaking change.

What a fool! RNM money back!

"Damn! They looked at each other again!"

The two boys at the back table of Chen Siyu noticed that Chen Siyu always looked at Lu Li from time to time during class.

This has already made them very uncomfortable.

Now, the two of them actually disregarded the class and started to flirt in front of other classmates!

The two of them are in a state of collapse!

"It's so annoying!"

"Ah! My squad leader!"

The two cried out in pain in their hearts.

"Ah! My three views!"

Lu Li also complained loudly in his heart.

What a broken book! Dogs don't even look!


Thirty minutes later, Lu Li closed the book "Wushan Cold".

[Learning point +233]!

The moment he closed the book, Lu Li also covered his eyes, trying to forget the plot he just saw.

He felt unclean.

"Siyu, look."

In the distance, the tablemate beside Chen Siyu suddenly bumped her with his elbow.

Chen Siyu quickly followed the gaze of his tablemate to look at Lu Li, and saw that the novel on Lu Li's table had been closed, and Lu Li was covering his eyes, looking very sad.

Could it be that he was moved by the stories of the two male protagonists in the novel?

"Old fish, the squad leader is watching you."

Jiang Xu couldn't help reminding Lu Li.

When Lu Li heard this, his mentality exploded even more.

Thinking of saying "I like this book very much" and "I often read this type of book" in front of Chen Siyu just now, Lu Li couldn't imagine what kind of image he had become in Chen Siyu's heart.

Lu Li had a first-hand experience of what social death is.


Fortunately, everything was as Lu Li thought.

Even if you read literary novels that have little to do with learning, you can still increase your learning points.

Moreover, in this way, the development space of this learning system is very large.

There are thousands of novels in this world, other collections of essays, poems, essays, and various books on finance, sociology, architecture, design, and what to study. Can't finish.

At least I don't have to worry about not being able to find books to read in the future.

Thinking about it, Lu Li immediately picked up other textbooks.

Look at some normal things first, wash your eyes first.

Soon, the school bell rang.

Lu Li took the initiative to return the book to Chen Siyu and said, "Thank you."

Chen Siyu took the book from Lu Li's hand with flushed cheeks. She, who was sunny and cheerful, seemed a little shy now.

She said, "Student Lu Li, if you like it, I still have..."

"No need, no need..."

Lu Li hurriedly waved his hand, but he couldn't lose his temper. He forced a smile and said, "This is too much trouble for you."

Chen Siyu shook his head: "No trouble."

"Trouble! It's very troublesome! I really don't need it! I still have something to do, I'll go first!"

Lu Li hurriedly fled and returned to his seat.

Then she picked up the geography book and continued to look through it.

He could feel Chen Siyu's eyes looking at him, but he didn't want to look up.

He no longer knew how to face Chen Siyu and her roommate.

Taishe is dead!

Fortunately, he and Chen Siyu didn't have much interaction, and they never communicated after graduation in the previous life.

Next, as long as you stay in the class like before, like the air, until the college entrance examination is over, the world will be clean.

Thinking about it, Lu Li continued to read more without distractions.

Until the end of the second get out of class.

The head teacher came to the class and in front of the whole class announced that Lu Li and Jiang Xu had successfully signed up for the Lingwu class.

Hearing this, the whole class was in an uproar.

They all cast envious glances at Lu Li and Jiang Xu.

Originally, it was very rare for an ordinary class like them to have a student who could enter the Lingwu class.

Now there are two.

Although it only takes 180 points to join the Lingwu class, for ordinary students, it is already a very good situation to be able to reach 150 points of spiritual power before the college entrance examination.

For them, between 150 and 180, it is already a gap that cannot be reached before high school graduation.

Everyone is racing against time, but only a few people outperform.

That's why they envied Lu Li and Jiang Xu very much.


"The two of you, after school every afternoon, go to Classroom 502 on the fifth floor to gather."

Before leaving, the head teacher specially warned the two of them. UU Reading

Lu Li and Jiang Xu both nodded yes.

"By the way, squad leader, come here."

At this moment, the head teacher seemed to remember something, and waved to Chen Siyu, the head teacher in the distance.

When Chen Siyu heard the words, she got up from her seat and walked over.

Standing side by side with Lu Li and Jiang Xu.

The head teacher pointed to Lu Li and Jiang Xu, and said to Chen Siyu, "You will take them up after school today. They will sit in the two empty seats next to you, and your classmates will sit together."

"Oh, I see."

Chen Siyu nodded, then turned to Lu Li and Jiang Xu with a friendly smile.

At this moment, Lu Li was embarrassed to find out that Chen Siyu was also a member of the Lingwu class, and he joined the Lingwu class several months earlier than himself and Jiang Xu.

But that's not the point.

The point is, I will have to interact with her every day from now on!

Thinking of that crispy duck literature, Lu Li's face was covered with black lines.


At this time, the class teacher popped up another sentence: "Lu Li's grades in physics and mathematics are not very good. When you are free, the class teacher will help him."

When Chen Siyu heard the words, she also nodded.

Then he turned around and extended his hand to Lu Li, saying, "Then, classmate Lu Li, please give me more advice in the future!"

"A lot, a lot of advice..."

Lu Li felt bitter in his heart, squeezed out a smile, and stretched out his hand to hold hers.


(PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket!)

(Again PS: Recommend a book: "Fill in the wrong choice, I entered the university immortality class", Wu Ming wanted to go to the university to fall in love, but he did not expect to enter the immortal class. If so, then fall in love with the fairy!)

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