My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 21: 【Lending books】

The process of applying to join the Lingwu class was smooth.

The head teacher was also very surprised after seeing Lu Li's spiritual power skyrocketing.

After all, the spiritual power index increased by 40 points in a month. For a senior high school student, it was either a panacea or other adventure.

In contrast, Jiang Xu, who has risen by 19 points, appears to be mediocre.

"I didn't expect that you would also have this kind of opportunity. Since you have the opportunity to be admitted to Lingwu University, then seize it!"

The head teacher paused and said: "But your culture class is a problem. In the first few mock exams, the total correct rate of all subjects was hovering at 60%, and it was still based on the total score of the partial subject language and language. This is very dangerous! Spirituality! The minimum standard of Wushu University is 65% correct rate, you have to review it carefully, don’t meet the spiritual power index by then, and the cultural class does not meet the standard, it will be a shame.”

"I know the teacher, I will definitely study hard."

Being reprimanded by the head teacher, Lu Li had to nod his head repeatedly.

In his previous life, he was indeed very partial to subjects. He could score 120 in the Chinese test with a score of 150, but other subjects were a bit appalling.

The head teacher thought for a while and then said, "Well, from now on, after you have eaten at noon every day, come to my office, and I will teach you physics."

"Uh this... no need for the teacher, I will definitely study hard and make sure to raise the score before the college entrance examination! If there is anything you don't understand, I will definitely come back and ask you for advice. Teacher, you are busy first, we will go back to class first. "

Lu Li quickly refused, and made an excuse to leave with Jiang Xu.

Of course he knew the kindness of the head teacher, but if he came every noon, he would be exempted from it.

Every day for two hours at noon, take it out and read some other books, isn't it delicious?

The head teacher didn't insist, but he still told Jiang Xu, who had good grades in physics, to help Lu Li make up more lessons.

Jiang Xu agreed.

Then the two left the office and went back to work.

Along the way, Jiang Xu laughed schadenfreudely and said, "Old fish, you should study hard, otherwise, as the head teacher said, the spiritual power index is up to the standard, but the cultural class is not up to standard, then it will be embarrassing. "

"Don't worry, I guarantee that the correct rate of the college entrance examination will be above 90%."


Jiang Xu just laughed, obviously he was used to Lu Li bragging about something.

Lu Li didn't say anything more, he remembered the small teleportation formation.

I can't help but start looking at this school.

Although he also knows that putting the teleportation array in the school is a bit overkill, but now that he thinks about the teleportation array, he can't help but look for it.

When he saw the school library, Lu Li couldn't help but light up.

"That's right, the library. If there is a place with the most books, the library and bookstore will definitely bear the brunt."

My own textbooks will be read one day sooner or later.

After reading it, you need to read other books.

Such as novels, reference books, and even comics.

Since the learning system needs to be triggered by reading the whole book, reading extracurricular books should also be considered learning.

After all, strictly speaking, a book like Basic Breathing is considered an extracurricular book.

In order to verify his thoughts, Lu Li followed Jiang Xu quickly back to the class.

I rummaged in my drawer for a long time, but I didn't find any extracurricular books.

He couldn't help but ask Jiang Xu, who was beside him: "Lao Jiang, do you have any books other than textbooks that you can read?"

Jiang Xu wondered: "Extracurricular books? How can I have that stuff? Do you think I'm you?"

Jiang Xu is usually very self-disciplined in other areas besides eating. Although Jiang Xu also plays games, Lu Li has never seen any extracurricular books he brought to school.

Lu Li had to turn his attention to the rest of the class.

In the end, his gaze couldn't help but fall on a pretty girl with fluttering hair in the third row of the third group.

That was the monitor of the second class of the third year, Chen Siyu.

At this time, Chen Siyu had just put a book with a beautiful cover into the drawer, and then the girl at the same table chatted.

Talking and laughing.

Lu Li's gaze couldn't help but focus on the book she just put in the drawer.

Lu Li remembered that in her previous life, she often took out extracurricular books from the drawer when she was out of class and read them, which seemed to be novels.

Judging from the literary and artistic cover, it should be that the novel did not run.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help getting up and walking towards her.

Jiang Xu couldn't help but wonder when he saw Lu Li walking towards Chen Siyu.

"Squad leader."

When Chen Siyu heard Lu Li's voice, she turned around. The smile on her face, who was chatting and laughing with her tablemate just now, didn't fade away, and the smile was truly beautiful.

After seeing Lu Li, she couldn't help but ask, "Student Lu Li, what's the matter, do you need to hand in the medical examination form?"

Chen Siyu often helped to collect the medical examination forms of the students, so that they could hand them over to the head teacher together with the class meeting. He subconsciously thought that Lu Li was here to hand in the medical examination forms.

After all, she and Lu Li didn't usually communicate much.

Lu Li said, "No, that, I want to borrow something from you."

"borrow things?"

Hearing this, not only Chen Siyu was at a loss.

A few boys and girls around couldn't help but look back at Lu Li in confusion.

Especially the two boys sitting at the back table of Chen Siyu, both felt a crisis and cast strange eyes.

Lu Li didn't beat around the bush, and said straight to the point: "Can you lend me the novel you read just now?"


When Chen Siyu heard the words, she couldn't help showing a little surprise on her pretty and unrefined face: "This..."

She does often read novels in her spare time, and it is not a secret in But why is Lu Li interested in the novels she reads?

Interest is second, the key point is that the novels she reads are simply inconvenient to lend to others!

A few classmates on the side were also surprised.

To strike up a conversation?

Are you so skilled?

Starting from other people's interests?

Naturally, Lu Li didn't know what others thought. He was afraid that she would disagree, so he said, "I saw the cover, and it seemed to be a book I saw in the bookstore that I liked very much, so I couldn't help but want to read it. Lend me a look?"

Lu Li's tone was very sincere, making it difficult for people to have a reason to refuse.

"Yes, but...I haven't read it yet..."

Chen Siyu looked very embarrassed, and Lu Li saw her face blushing quickly.

Lu Li said, "I'll just borrow a lesson. You won't be able to read it after class, right? I really like this book, can you lend me a bit?"

"You like this book? Really?"

Chen Siyu's face was full of surprise, she couldn't believe it, and her face turned even redder.

Lu Li didn't feel anything wrong. He nodded and said, "Yes, I often read this type of book. I just read this book a little before and liked it very much, so..."

Lu Li put on an embarrassed and shy look.

However, the appearance of Lu Li caused Chen Siyu's tablemate to show a surprised and meaningful expression.

"Yes, but yes..."

Chen Siyu was very embarrassed and took out the book from the drawer, and handed it to Lu Li with both hands raised.

He blushed and said, "I didn't expect that, classmate Lu Li, you also like this type of book..."

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