My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 184: 【Qimen Dunjia】

After eating, the four of them walked towards the Crystal Palace together.

There is still fog on the ground, but it is not big. There are night pearl lamp beads along the way, so you can still see the road ahead.

Walking forward for a few minutes, you can see that there are more stone pillars on the ground.

And, the closer you get to the Crystal Palace, the newer the stone pillars.

The outer stone pillars were all rotten and covered with black moss, while the inner stone pillars had only some dried up vines.

You can even see dragon-shaped totems carved on stone pillars.

Lifelike, quite majestic.

The stone road here is very hard, and Jiang Xiaogu, who holds a heavy sword, can walk directly on the flat ground without covering his feet with spiritual power.

"Like the eight towers here, there is a certain formation protecting the land and buildings here from being weathered."

While walking, Jiang Xiaogu whispered beside Lu Li while he was vigilant.

Lu Li also nodded slightly and said, "However, the coverage of this formation is much larger than those of those towers."

As you can see, it is still five or six kilometers away from the Crystal Palace.

A formation capable of maintaining such a large area, its formation eyes are definitely much more advanced treasures than black dragon balls.


The four moved forward for another half an hour.

He finally came to the foot of the huge crystal palace wall.

When I got here, I looked up at the Crystal Palace again, only to find that the Crystal Palace was huge and grand, and people seemed incomparably small in front of it.

When the four of them saw it, they were all shocked.

Everything here is as new, as if someone had cleaned it not long ago. There is a wide moat under the wall. The water in the river looks extremely dark, reflecting the light of amethyst and sparkling.

The four circled the moat, looking for the entrance to the Crystal Palace.

At the same time, he became more vigilant. Although there was no sound of movement nearby, the quieter it was, the more dangerous it was.

Along the way, Lu Li saw some trees, not even dead, but with purple leaves.

Extraordinarily weird.

And when Lu Li passed the tree, the purple leaves on the tree suddenly fell.

Ye Ming and Chen Xu were startled.

"What, what's the situation?"

Ye Ming quickly avoided the fallen leaves, followed closely behind Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu, and looked around vigilantly.

Jiang Xiaogu picked up these purple leaves from the ground and found that these leaves were quickly dehydrated, withered, and soon became dry leaves.

Not only that.

The fallen leaves on the ground, the parts closer to Lu Li and the others, all withered away one after another. With Lu Li as the center, they spread out, and the dead leaves and purple leaves formed a circle of rippling gradient colors.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaogu analyzed: "These trees should be a kind of tree that grows in cold regions."

Lu Li also said, "So, was it because of the warm jade on my body that the leaves fell and died?"

Jiang Xiaogu nodded and said, "It seems like this. In this ruin, the sun has not been seen all the year round, and the plants that can survive are affected by yin. Naturally, they can't stand the heat."

Ye Ming asked: "Then, these trees should be harmless, right?"

Jiang Xiaogu smiled and said, "It's hard to say, who knows if these trees will suddenly use their roots as their feet and climb up from the ground?"


Ye Ming heard that, although he knew that Jiang Xiaogu was deliberately scaring himself, he still had lingering fears.

Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu are bold and talented. Although Ye Ming and Chen Xu also have the ability to fight shrimp soldiers and crab generals, the more advanced monsters can only run.

Fortunately, the four of them walked all the way, these trees were just fallen leaves, and there was no other movement.

Ye Ming only relaxed a little in his heart.

The four of them walked for dozens of minutes and came to a huge square. There was nothing else on the square except for the night pearl lamp posts and some dragon totem pillars.

"Look, there's a bridge ahead."

Lu Li saw the end of the square from a distance, and a bridge appeared in the fog.

This bridge spans the Blackwater moat and looks hundreds of meters wide.

Jiang Xiaogu and the others also saw the bridge one after another.

He was about to step forward.

He heard Chen Xu's voice behind him: "Look at the leaves behind!"

Hearing this, Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu hurriedly looked back.

Seeing that what Chen Xu was referring to was a tree-lined path that they walked all the way.

And there, the leaves on the ground were moving strangely, as if being pushed aside by an invisible force, and finally returned to the tree.

Stop moving.

This scene was quite strange, and the four of them couldn't help looking at each other.

Chen Xu said: "I felt something was wrong from just now... Every time we walked a certain road, the fallen leaves behind would return to the tree by themselves..."

"It should be the reason for the formation in the Crystal Palace."

Lu Li analyzed: "We walked all the way, and the road was clean, as if it had been cleaned by someone. Now it seems that this formation can not only prevent the building from being weathered, but also has the function of cleaning."

Thinking about it this way, it's quite high-tech.

However, Chen Xu and Ye Ming were not optimistic. They were not interested in the technology of the ancients. They even thought that they should go back to be with the big army.

It is not a wise move for the four of them to explore blindly in such a strange place!

The two thought so in their hearts, but saw that Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu were already walking forward.

There was nothing they could do. Although they were worried, they could only follow quickly.

Thinking about it, the four of them had already arrived at the bridge.

On the opposite side of the bridge, was a huge and magnificent black gate, which looked quite imposing.

The four of them could see from a distance that a small crack had been opened in the huge black door at some point, and in the crack of the door, mist could be seen escaping from it.

"The door was opened?"

"Well, it should have been opened by those monsters, or, earlier, by the elite members of the City Guard."

At present, it should be that the latter may be larger.

Chen Xu couldn't help but ask, "Then, shall we go in?"

Lu Li nodded and said, "I've come here, don't you just want to watch it outside?"

"But we don't know what's going on inside, in case there's danger..."

Chen Xu was still a little worried, especially the strange scene along the way gave him an ominous premonition.

Ye Ming couldn't help but back down and said: "Lu Li, Xiaogu, why don't we go in? I think we should go back to find the big army and let Captain Xia Bing and the others enter this crystal palace, it will be better. ."

"Yes, I think so too. Xiaogu, what do you think?"

Chen Xu said, he couldn't help looking at Jiang Xiaogu.

When Jiang Xiaogu heard the words, he came to Lu Li with a smile and said, "I listened to Lu Li."

"Uh." Chen Xu and Ye Ming couldn't help looking at Lu Li.

Lu Li naturally knew what the two of them were worried about. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but say, "How about you two watch the wind outside?"

In other words, I still want to go in and have a look.

The two of them wanted to watch the wind outside, but the outside is not necessarily safer than the inside!

Just those weird trees made the two of them have lingering fears.


The two of them could only bite the bullet and say, "Forget it, let's go in together. However, if we encounter any danger, we will evacuate as soon as possible, and don't take risks."

Seeing the reaction of the two, Lu Li couldn't help but wonder whether to laugh or cry, "Actually, it's fine for you to be outside."

Lu Li was also unable to determine the danger inside.

In case there is any danger, Lu Li, relying on his quick shadow steps and his protective jade pendant, should not be a problem if he wants to escape with Jiang Xiaogu.

But if Chen Xu and Ye Ming were brought along, Lu Li was really worried about their comfort.

Chen Xu and Ye Ming originally had the opportunity to run to rendezvous with the main force. They missed the time to reunite with the main force to protect Lu Li. Lu Li was moved by this. Of course I don't want them to have an accident.

Thinking about it, Chen Xu and Ye Ming still said: "Forget it, let's go in together."


Seeing that they were so persistent, Lu Li had no choice but to tell them that if anything happens later, he should hide himself and wait and see.

Having said this, the four no longer hesitate.

Step on the bridge together.

Go to the black door.

At the gate, there are two huge black dragon jade carvings on the left and right.

The carvings are lifelike, like living creatures, and people who see them feel hairy.

The four of them came to the front door. Seeing the faint mist constantly emerging from the door, Lu Li thought that it would be the same as the eight towers, with the existence of a space labyrinth or something.

As a result, when Lu Li came to the gate and looked inside, he found that it was brightly lit inside.

The walls are covered with luminous pearls, which illuminates the interior very brightly.

Obviously, from a distance, you can only see the darkness inside the door, but when you looked closer, it was a different scene.

The splendor inside is in stark contrast to the weirdness outside.

The fog that came out of the door was just a thin layer of fog on the ground.

"Huh? Obviously from a distance, there is no light in it, why did it suddenly become brightly lit?"

Chen Xu also discovered this.

However, it should be just some kind of blindfold. Only when you get close, you can see the difference. Thinking like this, the four of them don't care much.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Li took the lead and walked into the door together.

Lu Li was afraid that the fog on the ground also had the function of a space maze, so he took the initiative to pull Jiang Xiaogu's little hand and whispered, "This fog may have the same teleportation effect as the fog outside. Let's get closer to each other."


Jiang Xiaogu smiled and let Lu Li lead him.

Ye Ming and Chen Xu also saw Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu holding hands.

The two of them didn't look like they were exploring, but it was as if they had come to the ruins for a date.

Seeing that they were already tied, Ye Ming and Chen Xu had to look at each other, Ye Ming asked, "Then let's pull one?"

"Can you stop talking about being so gay?"

Chen Xu rolled his eyes.

Ignoring Ye Ming, he quickly followed in the footsteps of Lu Li and the others.

Ye Ming looked confused: "Why am I so gay?"

Tucao returned to Tucao, he still quickly followed.

I don't know if it was because of the brighter light in the Crystal Palace, Ye Ming and Chen Xu were obviously less afraid and became more calm.

What the four of them didn't notice was that.

As the four of them entered the Crystal Palace, outside, above the huge Crystal Palace, the purple crystal in the center suddenly emitted a faint light.


Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu walked cautiously in the shadows, observing everything on the walls. There were some murals on the walls.

However, it is a little different from the frescoes on the tower.

However, he didn't wait for Lu Li to carefully observe what story was told on the mural.

He suddenly sensed that in his different-dimensional space, Yan Mojian clearly lit up with a faint blue light, but it quickly dimmed again.

"Has the Yan Mo sword lit up?"

Lu Li also slowly felt some rules. Every time Yan Mojian lights up, it is related to some kind of space spell or formation.

The first time it lit up was on the Raoshui River Bridge, the first time I saw the black hole of purple gas at the bottom of the Raoshui River.

Now Lu Li knew that the purple black hole was a space teleportation array.

Later, when he was above the tower, Yan Mojian also lit up.

Now that Yan Mojian is lit up again, does it mean that there is a teleportation formation nearby?

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but look around.

Seeing this, his pupils suddenly contracted.

When Jiang Xiaogu and the others saw Lu Li's expression, they couldn't help but be surprised and asked, "Lu Li, what's wrong?"

"The door is gone."

He saw the door that Lu Li and the others had just entered, but at this moment, they disappeared without a trace.

There is only one wall there.

Ye Ming and Chen Xu saw each other, their hairs stood on end, and their backs were cold: "This, this, what's going on?"

Linked to the fact that Yan Mojian lit up just now, Lu Li said: "It seems that there is a space labyrinth here, just like the tower."

"Space Labyrinth!? Then, what to do? Can we go out?"

Ye Ming and Chen Xu experienced the maze on the high tower, but they did not reach the end of the maze like Lu Li and Liu Yufeng did, but were directly lost in the maze.

It was not until Minister Ren Xingfeng and the others arrived that they destroyed the formation and rescued them.

As for Jiang Xiaogu, he never entered the maze of tall towers at all.

As soon as she was teleported to the ruins, she quickly met Xia Bing and the others, and when she arrived at a high tower, the black dragon ball had already been taken away.

The maze naturally dissipated.

"It should be possible, let's take a look first."

If nothing else, the structure of this labyrinth should be similar to the one on the tower before.

As long as you can find the same medium as the "bookshelf" at that time, you can tell how to go.


Lu Li began to touch everything he could see aside with his hands, and used his spiritual power to penetrate into it to see if he could find the traces of spiritual power flowing in the same way as on a tower.

As a result, Lu Li touched for a long time, but he didn't feel any spiritual power.

This surprised Lu Li.

"Lu Li, look above, it's a starry sky."

Jiang Xiaogu noticed something strange above and couldn't help but say to Lu Li.

When Lu Li and Ye Ming and Chen Xu heard the words, they couldn't help looking up.

Just above his head, there was actually a starry sky.

"Isn't this the bottom of the sea? How can there be a starry sky?"

"Could it be that the top is the exit?"

Ye Ming couldn't help but be overjoyed and looked at Lu Li.

However, he saw that Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu both had solemn expressions.

Jiang Xiaogu said, "It's not a starry sky, it's a star map."

When Lu Li heard the words, he couldn't help but focus on observation, and soon saw that the brightest stars among them, connected together, were like a gossip pattern.


Lu Li had never studied Zhouyi, so he couldn't understand it at all.

Although he has seen books related to Zhouyi in the bookstore, UU Reading, but he has not read them.

Jiang Xiaogu looked at it for a long time, and said solemnly: "This is the Qimen Dunjia, which should guide the exit of the labyrinth."

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but light up: "Xiao Gu, do you understand?"

Jiang Xiaogu nodded and said, "Well, Zhouyi's arithmetic is one of the compulsory courses for our Fengxiao Pavilion."

"Then do you know how to go?"

"Well, however, this star map is a bit complicated. Let me see..."

Having said that, Jiang Xiaogu carefully observed the star map.

Lu Li patiently waited for her to follow, and then found that Chen Xu and Ye Ming were also watching carefully.

Obviously, the two of them also studied Zhouyi mathematics.

In other words, although there are differences between Reiki and metaphysics, many places share the same goal, and many metaphysics theories are based on Zhouyi, so most students will start learning Zhouyi in high school.

After all, Lu Li had only just crossed over there not long ago, so what he could learn was limited.

"It seems that there is still a lot to learn in the future."


Jiang Xiaogu seems to already have the answer: "The Shengmen of Gen Gua, located in the northeast, is ugly in heaven and earth, born in Yin, and there is ugly Yin in the palace, it is Shengmen..."

"So, Shengmen is this way."

Jiang Xiaogu pointed to a position in the star map, and then moved his finger down this direction, slowly pointing to a mural on a wall in the distance.

In the mural, it is a picture of hundreds of villains in black robes sitting and meditating under a tree covered with red leaves.

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