My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 183: 【Dragon Roar】

"That beast roar came from the Crystal Palace?"

Hearing this sudden beast roar, Ye Ming only felt the qi and blood in his body surging, as if the blood and spiritual power in his body were severely suppressed!

Even breathing became extremely difficult.

It was not until the roar of the beast stopped that this feeling of oppression dissipated.

The four couldn't help looking at each other.

It's not just Ye Ming who feels this way.

Even Jiang Xiaogu, who has reached the black iron level, also felt a strong coercion in the roar of this beast.

Lu Li was no exception, but what surprised Lu Li even more was that.

When the beast's roar appeared, the Yan Mojian in his other-dimensional space actually trembled in an instant.

This tremor is not because of fear, but because of "excitement"!

It made Lu Li have the urge to take out the Yan Mojian immediately.

This was the first time that Lu Li felt that Yan Mojian had such a reaction, and he couldn't help but feel extremely surprised.

"This, what animal sound is this? I've heard it three times in the ruins, and this is the first time I've heard it at such a close distance."

Chen Xu couldn't help but ask.

"It may be a very large relic creature."

Jiang Xiaogu said, and couldn't help but say a possibility: "Could it be that the blood **** tree has become a spirit?"

"Blood God Tree..."

Thinking of the Book of the Blood God, Ye Ming shuddered and said with lingering fears: "You said, will the Book of the Blood God be irrigated with human flesh? After all, the book says that people will be sent to the Crystal Palace after they die. ........"

These words made Jiang Xiaogu and Chen Xu frown.

They have the same idea.

Anyone who has read this ancient book will inevitably associate the Blood God Tree with the corpses of the dead.

After all, just the three characters of the Blood God Tree have cast an evil color on it.

It is understandable to think that it has become refined.

However, Lu Li shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaogu and Chen Xu Ye Ming both looked at Lu Li in doubt.

Lu Li said: "Since the first batch of elite warriors who entered the ruins can eat the fruit of the Blood God Tree, it means that the Blood God Tree should not be aggressive."


Hearing this, the three of them couldn't help but nodded.

Ye Ming asked again: "Then, what kind of creature made this sound? Is it a monster?"

After all, Yaoyi also has the characteristics of beasts, so it's not surprising that he emits a beast roar.

However, this roar sounds like it was coming from a giant, and the monsters are usually human-sized.

Lu Li guessed: "Maybe, it's not a monster, but a dragon!"


The three were surprised at the same time.

Lu Li nodded and said, "Remember when the people from the Lingmeng League and the City Guard blocked the Raoshui River Bridge for the first time? At that time, I heard that someone saw the shadow of a dragon in the river."

Hearing this, Chen Xu also remembered it and said, "Yes, my dad said it. However, it was said by a child, I don't know if it's true or not."

People always subconsciously don't believe the words of children.

After all, children always have wild ideas, and at that time, no other adults saw the dragon shadow in the river, so there were not many people who were willing to believe that child.

Lu Li was skeptical at first, but since entering this ruin, he discovered that all the information in this ruin is related to dragons.

Moreover, there are various indications that there may really be dragons in this ruin!

This kind of creature that once existed only in mythology and ancient documents.

Innate awe of it.

"Then, shall we go inside and take a look?"

Ye Ming couldn't help asking.

Everyone is a little afraid of unknown creatures.

Even Lu Li pondered for a while before saying, "Let's talk about it when the fog clears up."

Lu Li was also a little jealous, of course, not the dragon itself.

Because, even if there really is a dragon in the Crystal Palace, what is it that has been disturbed by it now? Just yelling there?

Is it Minister Ren Xingfeng and the others? Or spooky?

Or something else?

Also, if Minister Ren Xingfeng and the others really left the ruins through the teleportation array as Chen Xu said, what about the monsters in the Crystal Palace? Did you leave too?

All of this made Lu Li hesitate.


The four of them couldn't make up their minds for a while, so they had to wait and see what happened.

The surroundings were fairly quiet, so the four of them waited for the fog to dissipate.

In this way, the four spent another seven or eight hours in the fog.

During this period, I did not encounter any relic creatures again. The fog in the air gradually dissipated.

After the fog dissipated, the huge palace building in front of him gradually became clear.

The purple crystal continued to emit a strange light, illuminating the outline of the huge palace.

Against the backdrop of the gray water curtain in the sky, it is both magnificent and somewhat eerie.

Moreover, the yin air here is very strong.

The temperature is very cold.

Fortunately, with the big heater Lu Li by his side, Ye Ming and Chen Xu couldn't help leaning towards Lu Li after they noticed that Lu Li was very warm.

As for Lu Li, after confirming that there was no danger nearby, he sat down and closed his eyes.

Continue to digest the spiritual power improvement brought about by this breakthrough.

Just because he had to deal with the danger, Lu Li had not completely digested these spiritual powers.

And as Lu Li entered the state of inward vision again, he found that the spiritual power group in his body had grown a bit at this time!

They are all improvements brought by the experience potion [a small amount].

After the buff of the experience potion disappeared, Lu Li looked at the size of his spiritual power group and guessed that he should have reached the level of 915 points!

This improvement can be said to far exceed Lu Li's expectations.

However, Lu Li also knows that the improvement here is not entirely from experience potions.

After the battle, as the body adapts to its own spiritual power, the control and sensitivity to spiritual power have been greatly improved.

And the stronger the control over the spiritual power, the faster the body absorbs the spiritual power.

Cultivation is like rote memorization when reading, it is very difficult to memorize, but if you master the content of the book, it will be easier to memorize.

"It seems that endless cultivation is not necessarily the best solution for improving strength. Only by practicing while consolidating one's control of spiritual power through practice can one maximize the benefits of cultivation."


The spiritual power in Lu Li's body was also completely digested.

When Lu Li opened his eyes and checked his body, he found that the blue spiritual power in his body now had a hint of white.

"Is this the same breath as Wuji Jianxin?"

Because of this breath, Lu Li felt that his spiritual strength had increased a lot.

Now Lu Li dares to say that even a spiritual practitioner who has reached the black iron level of one star may not necessarily have a high spiritual strength of his own. Of course, it's just that the strength has gone up. In terms of spiritual power and stamina, it is still not as good as the one-star black iron.

"Have you finished practicing?"

At this time, Jiang Xiaogu, who had been standing beside Lu Li, noticed that Lu Li woke up and asked with a smile.

Lu Li also smiled and nodded, and said, "I just finished breaking through just now, but I haven't fully adapted. Now it's stabilized."

"It was like this when I broke through 900 points. 900 points is the last stage of the mortal level, and it is also the final form of the spiritual power group in my body. The spiritual power in my body will be greatly improved. It took me a lot of time to break through 900 points. of."

Jiang Xiaogu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Chen Xu and Ye Ming on the side couldn't help but cast envious glances at Lu Li.

The two of them used to be side by side with Jiang Xiaogu as the Big Three on campus. Naturally, their strength and talent are not a problem. Originally, they were only one step away from 900 points, but I didn't expect that Lu Li was only about 700 points a few days ago. No, it soared to 900!

I really can't envy the speed of this kind of improvement.

Moreover, Lu Li's strength was obvious to all.

The current Lu Li is only 900 points, and his strength is already far beyond the ordinary black iron level. If Lu Li is raised to the black iron level...the strength, I am afraid it will be even more terrifying!

"Is this the advantage of the Awakened?"

"Envy others!"

Chen Xu and Ye Ming were fiercely envious in their hearts.

However, Lu Li did not notice the envious gazes of the two of them, but looked around and found that the surrounding fog had almost dissipated.

"There doesn't seem to be any relic creatures around here?"

Lu Li noticed that there was a huge plain nearby. Although there were many dead trees, there was not much obstruction in the field of vision, except for the fog.

Unlike in rotten towns, where houses are everywhere blocking the view, if there are relic creatures, you can see it at a glance.

However, there doesn't seem to be a single relic creature nearby.

Jiang Xiaogu guessed: "Perhaps, they are just afraid of the dragon in the Crystal Palace, so they dare not approach."

Lu Li nodded: "It's possible, after all, that roar has a powerful deterrent effect."


Ye Ming asked, "Is it safe here?"

Jiang Xiaogu said, "Not necessarily. There may be other dangers nearby. Also, haven't you found it? There isn't even a single fish around here."


Everyone was puzzled, but soon, they understood what Jiang Xiaogu meant.

When they were teleported to the ruins, the fish and shrimp in the river were also teleported together.

When they walked in the rotten town, wherever they went, they could see fish, dead or alive, fluttering or lying flat on the ground.

But here, there are no fish or shrimps.

Explanation, the relic's teleportation point is only in the rotten town.

Thinking of this, Ye Ming couldn't help but have a bad association: "You said, is it possible that those relic creatures actually lived at the bottom of the Raoshui River? It's just that they were also sent over together?"

If so, it's quite frightening to think that they usually live on top of a group of bloodthirsty creatures.

Hearing this, Chen Xu just laughed and complained: "How could it be possible, if there were such things at the bottom of Raoshui River, my dad and the others would have discovered them long ago. And they were drilled out of the ground. When you saw us being teleported over, Has anyone been teleported underground?"

If there is, it's quite scary......

Think about it, under the ground, Tian Tian should not be able to respond, and the ground will not work, and he will suffocate to death.

However, obviously, this is not what Jiang Xiaogu wanted to say.

What Jiang Xiaogu wants to say is that although this place is relatively safe, there is no food like fish here.

Without food to fill their stomachs, it is impossible for them to stay here for a long time.

Now, they have to make a choice, whether to go back to the town to find a large army to reunite, or enter the Crystal Palace to explore and find a way out.


Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but look at Lu Li.

But he saw that Lu Li didn't know when, he was already holding a brand new bottle of Sprite!


The bottle cap was unscrewed, and Lu Li directly drank the bottle of Sprite with his head up.

[Experience increase (a small amount), duration 23:59:59]!

The buff then appeared.

Lu Li drank another bottle of green card experience potion.

Being in such a dangerous area, of course, you can improve your strength a little bit!

"Lu Li? Why do you have Sprite?"

Ye Ming and Chen Xu were stunned.

Why does Lu Li still have Sprite, or in other words, how did Lu Li fight with the ruined creatures while still carrying a bottle of drink in his pocket?

The most important thing is that Lu Li drank up what he didn't leave for them!


Lu Li just answered casually, as if he was too lazy to explain.

He put his hand directly into his pocket and took out a large bag of corn sausages and a large box of mung bean cakes.

Then he put it in front of the three and said, "Eat it."

Speaking, Lu Li seemed to feel that something was missing, and took out three bottles of Nongfu Sanquan brand mineral water from his pocket and gave them to the three of them.

Except for Jiang Xiaogu among the three, Chen Xu and Ye Ming all looked straight.

"So much food and water..."


This is not the point!

"No, how can you hold so many things in that little pocket?"

Ye Ming could no longer hold back his foul language.

He felt that his IQ was being severely rubbed on the ground!

Lu Li's pocket is only about 20*15 cm in size, so much so that a bottle of mineral water will be exposed! How on earth can it be stuffed with so many things without showing any traces?

When they were in the temporary camp before, they felt something was wrong!

Now it seems that there is a problem, a big problem!

Chen Xu couldn't help but ask Lu Li, "Lu Li, do you have a space spirit weapon on you?"

Although the existence of space spirit tools is very rare in the whole country, but this is a relic after all, even if Lu Li got this rare spirit tool, it would not be surprising.

No, no, it's very likely that Lu Li had already obtained the Space Spirit Tool before entering the ruins!

Otherwise, how could he have so much to eat and drink?

Thinking of this, Chen Xu was even more surprised.

It seems that the adventures Lu Li encountered were definitely not as simple as becoming an awakened person!

Lu Li just smiled and said, "Don't worry about these details."

"I'll wipe!"

Ye Ming's cheeks twitched, and he stared at him and said, "You don't need to pay attention to the details of a treasure like a space spirit tool!? Do you know how much that thing is worth?!"

Chen Xu was also excited and said, "Money? No matter how much money you have, you can't buy it, okay? This kind of existence can only be exchanged for a more advanced spiritual weapon!"

Seeing Chen Xu and Ye Ming so excited, Lu Li just smiled helplessly.

As for the rarity of space spirit artifacts, Lu Li had already heard popular science from Jiang Xiaogu.

But Lu Li did not have a space spiritual tool, and the different dimension space was the ability that he was bound to Yan Mojian and acquired the sword heart.

If you insist, Yan Mojian is a space spiritual tool.

However, its function is incomparable to ordinary space spirit tools.

The reason why Lu Li took out the food was because the three of them had enough to eat, so they could work hard.

Thinking about it, Lu Li said, "It's still unknown whether we can get out of this ruin alive. What's the difference between a space spirit tool and a space spirit tool? Let's eat it."

With that said, Lu Li looked at the huge crystal palace in the distance, his eyes gradually became dignified, and said, "After eating, it's time to get down to business."


(PS: Ahem, I went home to get my ID card in the past few days, but I didn’t update it after a lot of travel.

Start restoring updates today!

In the future, try to get more and more every day.

Then, thank you for your monthly tickets, recommended tickets and rewards during this period of time! It's a bit embarrassing to say that, after breaking for so long, there are still people waiting for it. So after the update, I was too embarrassed to ask for votes. Seeing that everyone was still voting silently, I felt ashamed.

All in all, this comeback is just with the intention of finishing this book, and I won't say much else. It will be stable and updated next time!

In addition, I set up a reader Qiuqiu group, group number: 684065677!

At present, there are not many people in the group. In short, welcome to the water group! )

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