My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 140: 【dead】

"Is there anyone~~?"

As the man walked forward cautiously, he called softly.

Lu Li watched the man from a distance.

It can be seen that the opponent's strength is not strong. Judging from the breath, the opponent should have a spiritual power index of more than 500 points.

Lu Li observed him for a while.

After confirming that there was no problem with him, he walked out from behind the bunker and stopped him.

The Lingmeng warriors have been walking in this dilapidated town for a long time, except for fish and shrimps and animals along the way, there is not even a single person in sight.

Now that Lu Li appeared, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "That's great, I thought I was alone here. Are you a student who came to practice outdoors this time?"

When the man saw that Lu Li was young, he couldn't help but ask.

Lu Li nodded.

The man then introduced himself and said, "My name is Zhao Jiu. I'm a member of the 14th Martial Artist Division of the Raoshui Department. Did you come here because of the big explosion?"


Lu Li nodded, feeling embarrassed, because the big explosion might have been caused by himself.

Thinking about it, he tried his best to introduce himself: "My name is Lu Li, a student of Raoshui No. 1 Middle School."

"Lu Li?"

Zhao Jiu was obviously surprised when she heard Lu Li's name: "What a familiar name. Are you the student who beat Wu Shichao as autistic a few days ago?"

"Hit, autistic?"

Lu Li was stunned for a moment, as if it was hard to imagine that Wu Shichao's forced face would have an autistic expression.

"Yes, you are now considered a celebrity in our martial arts team. Fortunately, I met you here. By the way, have you seen anyone else?"

Zhao Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked involuntarily.

Lu Li shook his head and said, "You are the only person I see here."

"Okay. This should be the ruins at the bottom of the river. There should be other people who have been teleported here. Let's find other people to meet."

Zhao Jiu glanced at the gray sky.

Obviously, he also noticed that there was water on it.

It was precisely because of this that he had been so afraid just now.

In this dark and dilapidated environment, the water curtain on the dome is particularly depressing.

Now, with Lu Li here, he feels a lot more at ease.

After all, he had heard of Lu Li's strength.

The strength of 700 points is more than a hundred points higher than his current 564 points.

Of course, Zhao Jiu is a warrior of the Spirit Alliance, and he has received professional fighting training. His actual combat ability is not much worse than his 700-point strength.

Moreover, he didn't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that after getting close to Lu Li, the cold and gloomy aura in the air seemed to be much less.

It's not as cold as before.

Zhao Jiu was thinking like this.


A burst of noise suddenly sounded from the center of the ruined town in the distance.

Both Lu Li and Zhao Jiu looked at it in astonishment. In the distance, there was a clear light shining in the place blocked by the fog.

It seemed that someone was over there.

However, the explosion just now, I don't know if it was because of the battle that broke out over there, or something else.

It only rang once, and then there was no movement.

The light also faded away.

"Come and see?"

Zhao Jiu couldn't help asking.

Although Lu Li was also curious, he was also afraid of the danger over there, so he said, "Let's see what's going on from a distance, and don't let the other side find us."


Hearing this, Zhao Jiu also nodded.

At the same time, he was quite surprised by Lu Li's calmness.

Because the students are generally flowers in the greenhouse, it is good for them to study and cultivate in the school. When they actually go to the battlefield, the flowers in these greenhouses will not be destroyed by the enemy, and they will all collapse when the wind blows.

Few students can keep calm in such a depressing environment like Lu Li.


The two walked towards the source of the explosion together.

In the beginning, Zhao Jiu took the lead, but in the end, after seeing Zhao Jiuyi accidentally stepping on the slate and his feet sunk into the mud, she screamed and screamed.

Lu Li had no choice but to say that Zhao Jiu should walk behind and follow him.

Although I know that Zhao Jiu may want to show his bravery in front of the students and create a reliable image.

But in such a dangerous situation, it's better not to let him be too much.

Under the leadership of Lu Li, the two of them almost never had any situation again.

Every time Lu Li stepped, he did so lightly. Apart from being afraid that the footsteps would be too loud to attract attention, he could also better find the most suitable foothold.

At least there won't be a situation where one foot smashes the slate.

Zhao Jiu followed behind, stepping on Lu Li's footsteps and admiring her inwardly.

The two walked for a long time.

Slowly in the mist, I saw a towering building.

It seems to be a tower. The tower is much higher than the surrounding buildings, and it is at least 200 meters high.

In this dilapidated environment, such a towering tower is a bit unusual.

As Lu Li walked along the way, he had seen many collapsed houses.

It stands to reason that the buildings here have been corroded by the years. If this tower has experienced the same traces of the years, it should have collapsed long ago.

But it didn't.

This shows that this tower is likely to be maintained by some spell.

Thinking about it, the two continued to walk forward.

Walked for a few more minutes.

The two finally saw the figure of a standing man on a small hill.

The man turned his back to Lu Li and stood in the middle of the street.


Zhao Jiu was surprised when she saw someone in front of her.

The most surprising thing is that this person is still wearing the clothes of a Lingmeng martial artist, and it seems that he is a captain-level person!

Zhao Jiu immediately wanted to go up and say hello.

However, Lu Li stopped him and covered his mouth, lest he open his mouth and startle the snake.

"Wait a minute, there is a problem."

Lu Li whispered something in his ear, then pulled him behind a low wall and squatted down.


Because Zhao Jiu was pulled over by Lu Li, one of them could not stand firm, and could not help but sit on the damp ground.

He only felt a chill in his buttocks.

Suddenly, he struggled to get rid of Lu Li's hand covering his mouth, and asked in a low voice, "What's the problem?"

However, he saw that Lu Li was looking at the man standing in the distance with a serious look.

Seriousness quickly turned to doubts, because Lu Li couldn't feel any life breath from this captain-level warrior.

Lu Li murmured uncertainly, "He seems to be dead?"


Hearing this, Zhao Jiu couldn't help but look at the man in surprise and asked, "How did you see it?"

When Zhao Jiu asked this question, the man in the distance with his back to Lu Li and the others suddenly moved his head.

He turned his head aside.

seems to be observing something.

"Not dead."

Zhao Jiu wondered, "Isn't this still moving?"

Lu Li was also puzzled.

He really didn't feel the breath of life in this person.

"Is it because the yin here is too heavy, and it will obscure the breath of life?"

Lu Li murmured in his heart.

There was indeed too much yin here, so that even if Lu Li used the jade pendant to enter the state of spiritual vision, he could only see a thick purple fog, and could not perceive further places.

But this kind of obstacle belongs to Yin Qi, and it is the first time that Lu Li has encountered a situation where the perception of life breath fails.


The man in front also slowly turned his head to look in the direction of Lu Li and the others.

Although the fog was thick, Lu Li could still see the other's face clearly.

Luckily, it wasn't the face of Captain Lu Li that he had seen He looked at it. "

When Zhao Jiu saw the other party looking over, she couldn't help shouting, "Captain."

Then he stood up.

Seeing that Zhao Jiu was so careless, Lu Li couldn't help frowning slightly.

However, since the other party is not the monster captain, there shouldn't be any major problems.

It was because he lacked the breath of life on his body, which made Lu Li always feel a little nervous in his heart.

Thinking about it, Lu Li did not stand up, but continued to look at the man through the crack in the low wall.

Seeing that the other party did not answer after hearing Zhao Jiu's voice.

A slightly pale face was expressionless.

Seeing this, Lu Li felt something was wrong!

There seems to be a blood hole on the opponent's left chest.

The blood stained the Lingmeng captain's uniform on the opponent's chest.

A normal person was pierced through the left chest.

Will you stand upright like a normal person?

Not only Lu Li, but Zhao Jiu, who was beside him, also felt that something was wrong, and his face was full of surprise.

I saw the man raise his legs expressionlessly.

Step by step, he walked towards Zhao Jiu and Lu Li.

Step by step, go faster and faster.

In the end, it was almost like running.

The man opened his mouth slightly, and the cold blood flowed down his open mouth. A weird ho-ho sound came out of his throat.

Thinking that just now, Lu Li said that the other party was "dead".

Coupled with this weird and terrifying scene, Zhao Jiu was so frightened that he was so scared.

Especially noticed that the man was holding a **** Tang Hengdao in his hand.

Zhao Jiu even felt a chill from the soles of her feet hitting the sky, and her right hand trembled quickly to pull out the saber from her waist.

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