My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 139: 【remains】

The purple air instantly enveloped everything.

All creatures, as well as objects with spiritual power, disappeared in place the moment they touched the purple energy.

Lu Li also retreated in an instant conditioned reflex, and took out a protective jade pendant in his pocket.

However, when he just took out the protective jade pendant, his vision suddenly turned black.

A sense of weightlessness came.

The next second.

Gravity returns.

When Lu Li's vision regained its brilliance, the scene in front of him had changed.

The sight of the Raoshui River and the black hole in front of him has disappeared, replaced by a dim and dilapidated street scene of an ancient town.

The buildings here are already very old, and everything that should have collapsed has collapsed.

The ones that haven't collapsed have been corroded beyond recognition, extremely damp and covered with a lot of moss.

Only the many night pearls placed on the stone pillars on the side of the road brought a little light to this dark and damp dilapidated town.

"This is, was teleported?"

Lu Li often used teleportation arrays to teleport back and forth, and he was all too familiar with the feeling of this kind of teleportation.

Therefore, he was not killed by the big bang.

Thinking of the big explosion just now, Lu Li was afraid for a while.

He just saw that the black-skinned monster was going to destroy the teleportation array. In order to stop the opponent, he used a self-exploding puppet card.

He also used gravity to send his self-destructing clone to that black-skinned demon and blew himself up.

He never thought that this would indirectly destroy the teleportation array's eyes.

clack clack clack!

Lu Li was thinking.

At his feet, a fish was standing upright on the rotten bluestone slab, its tail slapped the floor, its mouth was open, and a pair of fish eyes seemed to be blinded.

Not just this fish.

Lu Li noticed that there were many underwater creatures such as fish, shrimp and crabs around him.

They were all stomping on the wet ground.

And there are no ponds and streams around.

Obviously, these fish and shrimps, like Lu Li, were affected by the explosion and were directly transported here from the water.

"Even the fish and shrimp were sent over, so the other people who were affected by the explosion should have been sent too."

Lu Li murmured.

The protective jade pendant and long sword in his hand could not help but clench a little.

He naturally guessed what was here.

Ruins at the bottom of the river!

No doubt.

The air here is filled with incomparably rich yin and heaven and earth aura.

The yin qi was almost four times the yin qi that Lu Li sensed on the Raoshui River Bridge before.

Even Lu Li felt a little cold at this time.

I had to take out the blazing sun warm jade.

Dispel coldness.

Then he looked up and saw a gray dome in the sky.

There is light, but it is very dim and sparkling, like the light reflected by the moonlight on the water.

"Is there water on it?"

Lu Li couldn't help thinking of a possibility.

This is the bottom of the Raoshui River!

It's just that some kind of magic is used to isolate the water.

This idea was quickly rejected by Lu Li.

Because the space here is obviously much wider than the Raoshui River.

The ruins of this ancient town alone are as big as the entire town of Raoshui.

Based on this inference, this should not be the bottom of the Raoshui River.

But under some wide body of water.

And the people who are sent in are randomly scattered.

"I don't know where the others are now."

Lu Li observed for a long time, but did not see any other traces.

The only movement is that these fish and shrimp are jumping around.

However, Lu Li was not in a hurry to find other people.

Instead, he stayed where he was and found a bunker.

He squatted down and continued to look around.

Because it is still uncertain whether there is any danger in this ruin.

Moreover, in this ruin, there are not only people from the Spirit Alliance and the City Guard, but also a strange team!

Lu Li saw all those demonic strengths in his eyes.

It is no exaggeration to say that none of them can be dealt with by me now.

If he encounters one at random, even if he pulls out the Yan Mo sword, he will probably die.

Lu Li still remembered the movement caused by the wolf demon's self-destruction.

If he were a little closer at that time, I am afraid that even the protective jade pendant would not be able to protect himself, and he would be directly shocked to death.

In contrast, the explosion range of Lu Li's clone self-detonation.

It looks so small and pitiful!

According to the description on the card, the self-destruction power of his clone is at least equivalent to the self-destruction of a cultivator with a bronze-level one-star strength.

However, the explosion range and power are still more than a hundred times smaller than that of the wolf demon in the sky!

Those demonic strengths are evident.

It's simply a dimensionality reduction attack!

That kind of existence can only be dealt with by Xia Bing, Ren Xingfeng and the others.

Lu Li is now praying that he will not meet them.

At the same time, I also prayed that Ren Xingfeng and the man who stepped on the mechanical flying sword would be involved in this ruin.

It is best to meet these two people in the next second.

Even one is fine.

Thinking like this.

Lu Li continued to watch the changes on the spot.

The ruins are damp and dark, for a modern person who is accustomed to the light and a clean and comfortable life.

Such an environment not only makes people uncomfortable, but also makes people feel fearful.

However, this does not seem to have happened to Lu Li.

Perhaps it was because of the cemetery cultivation during this period, and his frequent dealings with Yin Qi, Lu Li didn't have much fear in this environment.

However, dirty is really dirty.

Lu Li didn't move much, his clothes and trousers were covered with a lot of rotting moss.

However, for Lu Li, it was acceptable.

She even took out her cell phone to check if there was a signal nearby.

The result is of course no.

Even because of the interference of yin qi, the mobile phone often has a stuck screen or a black screen.

Lu Li had to put it back in a different dimension.

In this way, Lu Li waited in place for another two hours.

After finding that nothing out of the ordinary happened, Lu Li started to set off cautiously.

He began to **** among these dilapidated and damp ancient buildings.

Judging from the architecture and streetscape structure here, it should have experienced a very prosperous time, and there are many houses that appear to be shops.

However, these shops are already rotten, and there is nothing normal to see at all.

Only the night pearls that often appeared along the way attracted Lu Li's attention.

Lu Li used gravity to take down a few.

Lu Li maintained a strong curiosity about something he had never seen before.

Spiritual power penetrates into these night pearls, and one can sense a rather complicated spiritual power rune from the night pearl.

Its complexity is similar to the long sword in Lu Li's hand.

However, the style of the runes in the Pearl of the Night was something Lu Li had never seen in a book.

But it is not difficult to guess that it should be the rune used to maintain the light in the night pearl.

Lu Li felt new at first.

After collecting seven or eight pieces, I gradually lost Because there are too many, I almost have one after walking a dozen meters.

On the contrary, when he saw some scattered books in some buildings, Lu Li was more curious.

It's a pity that these books rotted long ago, and when they were picked up, they fell into sticky crumbs. Not to mention the content inside.

This city is too old.

Coupled with the perennial corrosion and weathering, even the walls are rotten with a touch.

The floor is even more slippery, and there are many strange plants.

I have to say, it's kind of disgusting.

In contrast, the scavengers who were tumbling and rolling on the ground were all pleasing to the eye.

Lu Li carefully walked in the rotten town for a long time.

Finally, on a wide street near the center of the town, I heard the sound of human footsteps.

It was the crunching sound of shoes stepping on the wet floor.

Accompanying the footsteps, there was a timid male voice: "Is there anyone~~?"

Is it human?

Lu Li did not answer easily, but found a bunker.

Showing a pair of eyes, she looked towards the support place in front of her.

I saw a man in Lingmeng martial artist costume, holding the unsheathed saber, trembling with the yin qi, and moving forward cautiously.

Of course, his caution was not because he was afraid of being noticed.

Rather, he was afraid of stepping on the rotten floor with one foot.

If you step on it badly, your foot gets stuck in the floor. It may not be hurt, but the psychological fear is enough to make a normal person collapse.

"Is there anyone~~?"

The man continued to shout softly, his expression looked like he was about to cry.


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